def _doReadOrWrite(self, selectable, fd, event, POLLIN, POLLOUT, log, faildict={ error.ConnectionDone: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionDone()), error.ConnectionLost: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionLost()) }): why = None inRead = False if event & POLL_DISCONNECTED and not (event & POLLIN): why = main.CONNECTION_LOST else: try: if event & POLLIN: why = selectable.doRead() inRead = True if not why and event & POLLOUT: why = selectable.doWrite() inRead = False if not selectable.fileno() == fd: why = error.ConnectionFdescWentAway('Filedescriptor went away') inRead = False except: log.deferr() why = sys.exc_info()[1] if why: self._disconnectSelectable(selectable, why, inRead)
def testControlBackslash(self): self._testwrite("cancelled line") partialLine = self.recvlineClient.expect("cancelled line") def gotPartialLine(ign): self._assertBuffer( [">>> cancelled line"]) self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_BACKSLASH) d = self.recvlineClient.onDisconnection return self.assertFailure(d, error.ConnectionDone) def gotClearedLine(ign): self._assertBuffer( [""]) return partialLine.addCallback(gotPartialLine).addCallback(gotClearedLine)
def testControlD(self): self._testwrite("1 + 1") helloWorld = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect(r"\+ 1")) yield helloWorld helloWorld.getResult() self._assertBuffer([">>> 1 + 1"]) self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_D + " + 1") cleared = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect(r"\+ 1")) yield cleared cleared.getResult() self._assertBuffer([">>> 1 + 1 + 1"]) self._testwrite("\n") printed = self.wfd(self.recvlineClient.expect("3\n>>> ")) yield printed printed.getResult() self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_D) d = self.recvlineClient.onDisconnection disconnected = self.wfd(self.assertFailure(d, error.ConnectionDone)) yield disconnected disconnected.getResult()
def _disconnectSelectable(self, selectable, why, isRead, faildict={ error.ConnectionDone: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionDone()), error.ConnectionLost: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionLost()) }): """Utility function for disconnecting a selectable. Supports half-close notification, isRead should be boolean indicating whether error resulted from doRead(). """ self.removeReader(selectable) f = faildict.get(why.__class__) if f: if (isRead and why.__class__ == error.ConnectionDone and IHalfCloseableDescriptor.providedBy(selectable)): selectable.readConnectionLost(f) else: self.removeWriter(selectable) selectable.connectionLost(f) else: self.removeWriter(selectable) selectable.connectionLost(failure.Failure(why))
def test_helloFatalErrorHandling(self): """ Verify that if a known, fatal error type is raised and handled, it will be properly relayed to the other end of the connection and translated into an exception, no error will be logged, and the connection will be terminated. """ L=[] c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) HELLO = 'die' c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() L.pop().trap(DeathThreat) c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() L.pop().trap(error.ConnectionDone)
def test_helloNoErrorHandling(self): """ Verify that if an unknown error type is raised, it will be relayed to the other end of the connection and translated into an exception, it will be logged, and then the connection will be dropped. """ L=[] c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) HELLO = THING_I_DONT_UNDERSTAND c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() ure = L.pop() ure.trap(amp.UnknownRemoteError) c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) cl = L.pop() cl.trap(error.ConnectionDone) # The exception should have been logged. self.failUnless(self.flushLoggedErrors(ThingIDontUnderstandError))
def test_lateAnswer(self): """ Verify that a command that does not get answered until after the connection terminates will not cause any errors. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] HELLO = 'world' c.callRemote(WaitForever).addErrback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L, []) s.transport.loseConnection() p.flush() L.pop().trap(error.ConnectionDone) # Just make sure that it doesn't error... s.waiting.callback({}) return s.waiting
def test_quitBoxQuits(self): """ Verify that commands with a responseType of QuitBox will in fact terminate the connection. """ c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient( ServerClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol, ClientClass=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol) L = [] HELLO = 'world' GOODBYE = 'everyone' c.sendHello(HELLO).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L.pop()['hello'], HELLO) c.callRemote(Goodbye).addCallback(L.append) p.flush() self.assertEquals(L.pop()['goodbye'], GOODBYE) c.sendHello(HELLO).addErrback(L.append) L.pop().trap(error.ConnectionDone)
def testPathelogicalScatteringOfLiterals(self): self.server.checker.addUser('testuser', 'password-test') transport = StringTransport() self.server.makeConnection(transport) transport.clear() self.server.dataReceived("01 LOGIN {8}\r\n") self.assertEquals(transport.value(), "+ Ready for 8 octets of text\r\n") transport.clear() self.server.dataReceived("testuser {13}\r\n") self.assertEquals(transport.value(), "+ Ready for 13 octets of text\r\n") transport.clear() self.server.dataReceived("password-test\r\n") self.assertEquals(transport.value(), "01 OK LOGIN succeeded\r\n") self.assertEquals(self.server.state, 'auth') self.server.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone("Connection done."))
def test_retry_without_retry_on_reconnect(self): """ If C{retryOnReconnect} is C{False}, the L{RemoteObject} object won't retry to perform requests which failed because the connection was lost, however requests made after a reconnection will still succeed. """ self.client.factor = 0.01 # Try reconnecting very quickly connector = reactor.connectUNIX(self.socket, self.client) remote = yield self.client.getRemoteObject() # Disconnect deferred = Deferred() self.client.notifyOnConnect(deferred.callback) connector.disconnect() yield self.assertFailure(remote.modt(), ConnectionDone) # Wait for reconnection and peform another call yield deferred result = yield remote.method("john") self.assertEqual(result, "John") self.client.stopTrying() connector.disconnect()
def _doReadOrWrite(self, selectable, fd, event, POLLIN, POLLOUT, log, faildict=None): if not faildict: faildict = { error.ConnectionDone: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionDone()), error.ConnectionLost: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionLost()) } why = None inRead = False if event & POLL_DISCONNECTED and not (event & POLLIN): why = main.CONNECTION_LOST else: try: if event & POLLIN: why = selectable.doRead() inRead = True if not why and event & POLLOUT: why = selectable.doWrite() inRead = False if not selectable.fileno() == fd: why = error.ConnectionFdescWentAway('Filedescriptor went away') inRead = False except: log.deferr() why = sys.exc_info()[1] if why: self._disconnectSelectable(selectable, why, inRead)
def test_stopTryingWhenConnected(self): """ test_stopTryingWhenConnected If a L{KafkaBrokerClient} has C{stopTrying} called while it is connected, it does not subsequently attempt to reconnect if the connection is later lost. """ class NoConnectConnector(object): def stopConnecting(self): raise ClientError("Shouldn't be called, " "we're connected.") # pragma: no cover def connect(self): raise ClientError( "Shouldn't be reconnecting.") # pragma: no cover c = KafkaBrokerClient('broker') c.protocol = Protocol # Let's pretend we've connected: c.buildProtocol(None) # Now we stop trying, then disconnect: c.stopTrying() c.clientConnectionLost(NoConnectConnector(), Failure(ConnectionDone())) self.assertFalse(c.continueTrying)
def test_close(self): reactor = MemoryReactorClock() c = KafkaBrokerClient('test_close', reactor=reactor) c._connect() # Force a connection attempt c.connector.factory = c # MemoryReactor doesn't make this connection. c.connector.state = 'connected' # set the connector to connected state dd = c.close() self.assertIsInstance(dd, Deferred) self.assertNoResult(dd) f = Failure(ConnectionDone('test_close')) c.clientConnectionLost(c.connector, f) self.assertNoResult(dd) # Advance the clock so the notify() call fires reactor.advance(0.1) r = self.successResultOf(dd) self.assertIs(r, None)
def test_ControlBackslash(self): """ Evaluate cancelling with CTRL-\. """ self._testwrite(b"cancelled line") partialLine = self.recvlineClient.expect(b"cancelled line") def gotPartialLine(ign): self._assertBuffer( [b">>> cancelled line"]) self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_BACKSLASH) d = self.recvlineClient.onDisconnection return self.assertFailure(d, error.ConnectionDone) def gotClearedLine(ign): self._assertBuffer( [b""]) return partialLine.addCallback(gotPartialLine).addCallback( gotClearedLine)
def test_controlD(self): """ A CTRL+D in the middle of a line doesn't close a connection, but at the beginning of a line it does. """ self._testwrite(b"1 + 1") yield self.recvlineClient.expect(br"\+ 1") self._assertBuffer([b">>> 1 + 1"]) self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_D + b" + 1") yield self.recvlineClient.expect(br"\+ 1") self._assertBuffer([b">>> 1 + 1 + 1"]) self._testwrite(b"\n") yield self.recvlineClient.expect(b"3\n>>> ") self._testwrite(manhole.CTRL_D) d = self.recvlineClient.onDisconnection yield self.assertFailure(d, error.ConnectionDone)
def test_connectionClosedBeforeSecure(self): """ If the connection closes at any point before the SSH transport layer has finished key exchange (ie, gotten to the point where we may attempt to authenticate), the L{Deferred} returned by L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect} fires with a L{Failure} wrapping the reason for the lost connection. """ endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection( self.reactor, b"/bin/ls -l", b"dummy user", self.hostname, self.port, knownHosts=self.knownHosts, ui=FixedResponseUI(False)) factory = Factory() factory.protocol = Protocol d = endpoint.connect(factory) transport = StringTransport() factory = self.reactor.tcpClients[0][2] client = factory.buildProtocol(None) client.makeConnection(transport) client.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionDone())) self.failureResultOf(d).trap(ConnectionDone)
def test_wrapProtocol(self): """ L{wrapProtocol}, when passed a L{Protocol} should return something that has write(), writeSequence(), loseConnection() methods which call the Protocol's dataReceived() and connectionLost() methods, respectively. """ protocol = MockProtocol() protocol.transport = StubTransport() protocol.connectionMade() wrapped = session.wrapProtocol(protocol) wrapped.dataReceived(b'dataReceived') self.assertEqual(protocol.transport.buf, b'dataReceived') wrapped.write(b'data') wrapped.writeSequence([b'1', b'2']) wrapped.loseConnection() self.assertEqual(protocol.data, b'data12') protocol.reason.trap(error.ConnectionDone)
def test_unknownContentLength(self): """ If a response does not include a I{Transfer-Encoding} or a I{Content-Length}, the end of response body is indicated by the connection being closed. """ finished = [] protocol = HTTPClientParser( Request(b'GET', b'/', _boringHeaders, None), finished.append) transport = StringTransport() protocol.makeConnection(transport) protocol.dataReceived(b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n') body = [] protocol.response._bodyDataReceived = body.append protocol.dataReceived(b'\r\n') protocol.dataReceived(b'foo') protocol.dataReceived(b'bar') self.assertEqual(body, [b'foo', b'bar']) protocol.connectionLost(ConnectionDone(u"simulated end of connection")) self.assertEqual(finished, [b''])
def test_failedWriteTo(self): """ If the L{Deferred} returned by L{Request.writeTo} fires with a L{Failure}, L{HTTP11ClientProtocol.request} disconnects its transport and returns a L{Deferred} which fires with a L{Failure} of L{RequestGenerationFailed} wrapping the underlying failure. """ class BrokenRequest: persistent = False def writeTo(self, transport): return fail(ArbitraryException()) d = self.protocol.request(BrokenRequest()) def cbFailed(ignored): self.assertTrue(self.transport.disconnecting) # Simulate what would happen if the protocol had a real transport # and make sure no exception is raised. self.protocol.connectionLost( Failure(ConnectionDone(u"you asked for it"))) d = assertRequestGenerationFailed(self, d, [ArbitraryException]) d.addCallback(cbFailed) return d
def test_parserDataReceivedException(self): """ If the parser L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} delivers bytes to in C{dataReceived} raises an exception, the exception is wrapped in a L{Failure} and passed to the parser's C{connectionLost} and then the L{HTTP11ClientProtocol}'s transport is disconnected. """ requestDeferred = self.protocol.request(Request(b'GET', b'/', _boringHeaders, None)) self.protocol.dataReceived(b'unparseable garbage goes here\r\n') d = assertResponseFailed(self, requestDeferred, [ParseError]) def cbFailed(exc): self.assertTrue(self.transport.disconnecting) self.assertEqual( exc.reasons[0].value.data, b'unparseable garbage goes here') # Now do what StringTransport doesn't do but a real transport would # have, call connectionLost on the HTTP11ClientProtocol. Nothing # is asserted about this, but it's important for it to not raise an # exception. self.protocol.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionDone(u"it is done"))) d.addCallback(cbFailed) return d
def test_abortClosesConnection(self): """ L{HTTP11ClientProtocol.abort} will tell the transport to close its connection when it is invoked, and returns a C{Deferred} that fires when the connection is lost. """ transport = StringTransport() protocol = HTTP11ClientProtocol() protocol.makeConnection(transport) r1 = [] r2 = [] protocol.abort().addCallback(r1.append) protocol.abort().addCallback(r2.append) self.assertEqual((r1, r2), ([], [])) self.assertTrue(transport.disconnecting) # Disconnect protocol, the Deferreds will fire: protocol.connectionLost(Failure(ConnectionDone())) self.assertEqual(r1, [None]) self.assertEqual(r2, [None])
def _disconnectSelectable(self, selectable, why, isRead, faildict={ error.ConnectionDone: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionDone()), error.ConnectionLost: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionLost()) }): """ Utility function for disconnecting a selectable. Supports half-close notification, isRead should be boolean indicating whether error resulted from doRead(). """ self.removeReader(selectable) f = faildict.get(why.__class__) if f: if (isRead and why.__class__ == error.ConnectionDone and IHalfCloseableDescriptor.providedBy(selectable)): selectable.readConnectionLost(f) else: self.removeWriter(selectable) selectable.connectionLost(f) else: self.removeWriter(selectable) selectable.connectionLost(failure.Failure(why))
def test_closePortInProtocolFactory(self): """ A port created with L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP} can be connected to with L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}. """ f = ClosingFactory() port = reactor.listenTCP(0, f, interface="") f.port = port self.addCleanup(f.cleanUp) portNumber = port.getHost().port clientF = MyClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP("", portNumber, clientF) def check(x): self.assertTrue(clientF.protocol.made) self.assertTrue(port.disconnected) clientF.lostReason.trap(error.ConnectionDone) return clientF.deferred.addCallback(check)
def test_timeOut(self): """ Test the timeout on outgoing requests: when timeout is detected, all current commands fail with a L{TimeoutError}, and the connection is closed. """ d1 = self.proto.get(b"foo") d2 = self.proto.get(b"bar") d3 = Deferred() self.proto.connectionLost = d3.callback self.clock.advance(self.proto.persistentTimeOut) self.assertFailure(d1, TimeoutError) self.assertFailure(d2, TimeoutError) def checkMessage(error): self.assertEqual(str(error), "Connection timeout") d1.addCallback(checkMessage) self.assertFailure(d3, ConnectionDone) return gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])
def test_connectionLost(self): """ When disconnection occurs while commands are still outstanding, the commands fail. """ d1 = self.proto.get(b"foo") d2 = self.proto.get(b"bar") self.transport.loseConnection() done = DeferredList([d1, d2], consumeErrors=True) def checkFailures(results): for success, result in results: self.assertFalse(success) result.trap(ConnectionDone) return done.addCallback(checkFailures)
def test_processEnded(self): """ L{LocalWorker.processEnded} calls C{connectionLost} on itself and on the L{AMP} protocol. """ class FakeStream(object): callNumber = 0 def close(self): self.callNumber += 1 transport = FakeTransport() protocol = FakeAMProtocol() localWorker = LocalWorker(protocol, '.', 'test.log') localWorker.makeConnection(transport) localWorker._outLog = FakeStream() localWorker.processEnded(Failure(CONNECTION_DONE)) self.assertEqual(localWorker._outLog.callNumber, 1) self.assertIdentical(None, protocol.transport) return self.assertFailure(localWorker.endDeferred, ConnectionDone)
def _processConnectionError(self, connector, err): self.currentProtocol = None if (self.retries < 0) and (not self.sendFinished): log.msg("SMTP Client retrying server. Retry: %s" % -self.retries) # Rewind the file in case part of it was read while attempting to # send the message. self.file.seek(0, 0) connector.connect() self.retries += 1 elif not self.sendFinished: # If we were unable to communicate with the SMTP server a ConnectionDone will be # returned. We want a more clear error message for debugging if err.check(error.ConnectionDone): err.value = SMTPConnectError(-1, "Unable to connect to server.") self.result.errback(err.value)
def testPathelogicalScatteringOfLiterals(self): self.server.checker.addUser(b'testuser', b'password-test') transport = StringTransport() self.server.makeConnection(transport) transport.clear() self.server.dataReceived(b"01 LOGIN {8}\r\n") self.assertEqual(transport.value(), b"+ Ready for 8 octets of text\r\n") transport.clear() self.server.dataReceived(b"testuser {13}\r\n") self.assertEqual(transport.value(), b"+ Ready for 13 octets of text\r\n") transport.clear() self.server.dataReceived(b"password-test\r\n") self.assertEqual(transport.value(), b"01 OK LOGIN succeeded\r\n") self.assertEqual(self.server.state, 'auth') self.server.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone("Connection done."))
def test_fetchWithPartialValidArgument(self): """ If by any chance, extra bytes got appended at the end of a valid FETCH arguments, the client should get a BAD - arguments invalid response. See U{RFC 3501<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3501#section-6.4.5>}, section 6.4.5, """ # We need to clear out the welcome message. self.transport.clear() # Let's send out the faulty command. self.server.dataReceived(b"0001 FETCH 1 FULLL\r\n") expected = b"0001 BAD Illegal syntax: Invalid Argument\r\n" self.assertEqual(self.transport.value(), expected) self.transport.clear() self.server.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone("Connection closed"))
def test_connectionLost_clientClose(self): '''If connectionLost is called because the client closed the connection, then this connection has disappeared suddenly. Consequently, the protocol's terminationDeferred errbacks with the provided reason, the timeout clock is stopped, and the session machine learns about the lost connection. ''' erroredDeferred = self.protocol.terminationDeferred def trapConnectionDone(failure): failure.trap(error.ConnectionDone) erroredDeferred.addErrback(trapConnectionDone) self.protocol.connectionLost(connectionDone) self.assertEqual(self.timeoutClockRecorder.stopCalls, 1) self.assertEqual(self.sessionMachineRecorder.connectionsLostReasons, [connectionDone]) self.assertIsNone(self.protocol.sessionMachine) return erroredDeferred
def closed(self): self._protocolInstance.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone())
def testNotifyFinishConnectionLost(self): d = DummyChannel() d.transport = DummyChannel.TCP() request = server.Request(d, 1) finished = request.notifyFinish() request.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone("Connection done")) return self.assertFailure(finished, error.ConnectionDone)
def _doReadOrWrite(self, source, condition, faildict={ error.ConnectionDone: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionDone()), error.ConnectionLost: failure.Failure(error.ConnectionLost()), }): why = None didRead = None if condition & POLL_DISCONNECTED and \ not (condition & gobject.IO_IN): why = main.CONNECTION_LOST else: try: if condition & gobject.IO_IN: why = source.doRead() didRead = source.doRead if not why and condition & gobject.IO_OUT: # if doRead caused connectionLost, don't call doWrite # if doRead is doWrite, don't call it again. if not source.disconnected and source.doWrite != didRead: why = source.doWrite() didRead = source.doWrite # if failed it was in write except: why = sys.exc_info()[1] log.msg('Error In %s' % source) log.deferr() if why: self._disconnectSelectable(source, why, didRead == source.doRead)
def connectionLost(self, reason): reason.trap(error.ConnectionDone)
def testClosePortInProtocolFactory(self): f = ClosingFactory() port = reactor.listenTCP(0, f, interface="") self.n = port.getHost().port self.ports.append(port) f.port = port clientF = MyClientFactory() reactor.connectTCP("", self.n, clientF) def check(x): self.assert_(clientF.protocol.made) self.assert_(port.disconnected) clientF.lostReason.trap(error.ConnectionDone) return clientF.deferred.addCallback(check)
def _trapCnxDone(self, obj): getattr(obj, 'trap', lambda x: None)(error.ConnectionDone)
def testPASV(self): # Login yield defer.waitForDeferred(self._anonymousLogin()) # Issue a PASV command, and extract the host and port from the response pasvCmd = defer.waitForDeferred(self.client.queueStringCommand('PASV')) yield pasvCmd responseLines = pasvCmd.getResult() host, port = ftp.decodeHostPort(responseLines[-1][4:]) # Make sure the server is listening on the port it claims to be self.assertEqual(port, self.serverProtocol.dtpPort.getHost().port) # Semi-reasonable way to force cleanup self.serverProtocol.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone())
def test_passiveRETR(self): """ Test the RETR command in passive mode: get a file and verify its content. L{ftp.FTPClient.retrieveFile} should return a Deferred which fires with the protocol instance passed to it after the download has completed. (XXX - This API should be based on producers and consumers) """ def cbRetr(res, proto): self.assertEquals(proto.buffer, 'x' * 1000) def cbConnect(host, port, factory): self.assertEquals(host, '') self.assertEquals(port, 12345) proto = factory.buildProtocol((host, port)) proto.makeConnection(proto_helpers.StringTransport()) self.client.lineReceived( '150 File status okay; about to open data connection.') proto.dataReceived("x" * 1000) proto.connectionLost(failure.Failure(error.ConnectionDone(""))) self.client.connectFactory = cbConnect self._testLogin() proto = _BufferingProtocol() d = self.client.retrieveFile("spam", proto) d.addCallback(cbRetr, proto) self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), 'PASV\r\n') self.transport.clear() self.client.lineReceived('227 Entering Passive Mode (%s).' % (ftp.encodeHostPort('', 12345),)) self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), 'RETR spam\r\n') self.transport.clear() self.client.lineReceived('226 Transfer Complete.') return d
def test_RETR(self): """ Test the RETR command in non-passive mode. Like L{test_passiveRETR} but in the configuration where the server establishes the data connection to the client, rather than the other way around. """ self.client.passive = False def generatePort(portCmd): portCmd.text = 'PORT %s' % (ftp.encodeHostPort('', 9876),) portCmd.protocol.makeConnection(proto_helpers.StringTransport()) portCmd.protocol.dataReceived("x" * 1000) portCmd.protocol.connectionLost( failure.Failure(error.ConnectionDone(""))) def cbRetr(res, proto): self.assertEquals(proto.buffer, 'x' * 1000) self.client.generatePortCommand = generatePort self._testLogin() proto = _BufferingProtocol() d = self.client.retrieveFile("spam", proto) d.addCallback(cbRetr, proto) self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), 'PORT %s\r\n' % (ftp.encodeHostPort('', 9876),)) self.transport.clear() self.client.lineReceived('200 PORT OK') self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), 'RETR spam\r\n') self.transport.clear() self.client.lineReceived('226 Transfer Complete.') return d