def processEnded(self, reason): if not reason.check(error.ProcessTerminated): self.deferred.callback("wrong termination: %s" % reason) return v = reason.value if v.exitCode is not None: self.deferred.callback("SIG%s: exitCode is %s, not None" % (self.signal, v.exitCode)) return if v.signal != getattr(signal,'SIG'+self.signal): self.deferred.callback("SIG%s: .signal was %s, wanted %s" % (self.signal, v.signal, getattr(signal,'SIG'+self.signal))) return if os.WTERMSIG(v.status) != getattr(signal,'SIG'+self.signal): self.deferred.callback('SIG%s: %s' % (self.signal, os.WTERMSIG(v.status))) return self.deferred.callback(None)
def testProcess(self): exe = sys.executable scriptPath = util.sibpath(__file__, "process_tester.py") d = defer.Deferred() p = TestProcessProtocol() p.deferred = d reactor.spawnProcess(p, exe, [exe, "-u", scriptPath], env=None) def check(ignored): self.assertEquals(p.stages, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) f = p.reason f.trap(error.ProcessTerminated) self.assertEquals(f.value.exitCode, 23) # would .signal be available on non-posix? # self.assertEquals(f.value.signal, None) try: import process_tester, glob for f in glob.glob(process_tester.test_file_match): os.remove(f) except: pass d.addCallback(check) return d
def testManyProcesses(self): def _check(results, protocols): for p in protocols: self.assertEquals(p.stages, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "[%d] stages = %s" % (id(p.transport), str(p.stages))) # test status code f = p.reason f.trap(error.ProcessTerminated) self.assertEquals(f.value.exitCode, 23) exe = sys.executable scriptPath = util.sibpath(__file__, "process_tester.py") args = [exe, "-u", scriptPath] protocols = [] deferreds = [] for i in xrange(50): p = TestManyProcessProtocol() protocols.append(p) reactor.spawnProcess(p, exe, args, env=None) deferreds.append(p.deferred) deferredList = defer.DeferredList(deferreds, consumeErrors=True) deferredList.addCallback(_check, protocols) return deferredList
def processExited(self, failure): err = failure.trap( internet_error.ProcessDone, internet_error.ProcessTerminated) if err == internet_error.ProcessDone: pass elif err == internet_error.ProcessTerminated: self.failed = True self.errmsg = failure.value.exitCode if self.errmsg: self.log.debug('Process Exited, status %d' % (self.errmsg,)) else: self.log.warn('%r' % failure.value) if IS_MAC: # TODO: need to exit properly! self.errmsg = None self.proto = None self._turn_state_off()
def test_restart_fails(self): """ If an error occurs before the error checking timeout the activity will be failed. Data printed by the process prior to the failure is included in the activity's result text. """ message = {"type": "shutdown", "reboot": False, "operation-id": 100} self.plugin.perform_shutdown(message) def restart_failed(message_id): self.assertTrue(self.broker_service.exchanger.is_urgent()) self.assertEqual( self.broker_service.message_store.get_pending_messages(), [{"type": "operation-result", "api": b"3.2", "operation-id": 100, "timestamp": 0, "status": FAILED, "result-text": u"Failure text is reported."}]) [arguments] = self.process_factory.spawns protocol = arguments[0] protocol.result.addCallback(restart_failed) protocol.childDataReceived(0, "Failure text is reported.") protocol.processEnded(Failure(ProcessTerminated(exitCode=1))) return protocol.result
def test_process_ends_after_timeout(self): """ If the process ends after the error checking timeout has passed C{result} will not be re-fired. """ message = {"type": "shutdown", "reboot": False, "operation-id": 100} self.plugin.perform_shutdown(message) stash = [] def restart_performed(ignore): self.assertEqual(stash, []) stash.append(True) [arguments] = self.process_factory.spawns protocol = arguments[0] protocol.result.addCallback(restart_performed) self.manager.reactor.advance(10) protocol.processEnded(Failure(ProcessTerminated(exitCode=1))) return protocol.result
def test_wrapProcessProtocol_Protocol(self): """ L{wrapPRocessProtocol}, when passed a L{Protocol} should return something that follows the L{IProcessProtocol} interface, with connectionMade() mapping to connectionMade(), outReceived() mapping to dataReceived() and processEnded() mapping to connectionLost(). """ protocol = MockProtocol() protocol.transport = StubTransport() process_protocol = session.wrapProcessProtocol(protocol) process_protocol.connectionMade() process_protocol.outReceived(b'data') self.assertEqual(protocol.transport.buf, b'data~') process_protocol.processEnded(failure.Failure( error.ProcessTerminated(0, None, None))) protocol.reason.trap(error.ProcessTerminated)
def test_processEndedWithExitSignalCoreDump(self): """ When processEnded is called, if there is an exit signal in the reason it should be sent in an exit-signal message. The connection should be closed. """ self.pp.processEnded( Failure(ProcessTerminated(1, signal.SIGTERM, 1 << 7))) # 7th bit means core dumped self.assertRequestsEqual( [(b'exit-signal', common.NS(b'TERM') # signal name + b'\x01' # core dumped is true + common.NS(b'') # error message + common.NS(b''), # language tag False)]) self.assertSessionClosed()
def test_abnormalTermination(self): """ When a process terminates with a system exit code set to 1, C{processEnded} is called with a L{error.ProcessTerminated} error, the C{exitCode} attribute reflecting the system exit code. """ d = defer.Deferred() p = TrivialProcessProtocol(d) reactor.spawnProcess(p, pyExe, [pyExe, b'-c', b'import sys; sys.exit(1)'], env=None, usePTY=self.usePTY) def check(ignored): p.reason.trap(error.ProcessTerminated) self.assertEqual(p.reason.value.exitCode, 1) self.assertIsNone(p.reason.value.signal) d.addCallback(check) return d
def test_processAliasTimeout(self): """ If the alias child process does not exit within a particular period of time, the L{Deferred} returned by L{MessageWrapper.eomReceived} should fail with L{ProcessAliasTimeout} and send the I{KILL} signal to the child process.. """ reactor = task.Clock() transport = StubProcess() proto = mail.alias.ProcessAliasProtocol() proto.makeConnection(transport) receiver = mail.alias.MessageWrapper(proto, None, reactor) d = receiver.eomReceived() reactor.advance(receiver.completionTimeout) def timedOut(ignored): self.assertEqual(transport.signals, ['KILL']) # Now that it has been killed, disconnect the protocol associated # with it. proto.processEnded( ProcessTerminated(self.signalStatus(signal.SIGKILL))) self.assertFailure(d, mail.alias.ProcessAliasTimeout) d.addCallback(timedOut) return d
def tearDown(self): # Kill the child process. We're done with it. try: self.clientTransport.signalProcess("KILL") except OSError: pass def trap(failure): failure.trap(error.ProcessTerminated) self.assertEquals(failure.value.exitCode, None) self.assertEquals(failure.value.status, 9) return self.testTerminal.onDisconnection.addErrback(trap)
def __init__(self, p): p.makeConnection(self) p.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(255, None, None)))
def loseConnection(self): if self.closed: return self.closed = 1 self.proto.inConnectionLost() self.proto.outConnectionLost() self.proto.errConnectionLost() self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(0, None, None)))
def checkWork(self): if win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.proc.hProcess, 0) != win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0: return 0 exitCode = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(self.proc.hProcess) if exitCode == 0: err = error.ProcessDone(exitCode) else: err = error.ProcessTerminated(exitCode) self.deactivate() self.proc.protocol.processEnded(failure.Failure(err)) return 0
def testCallBeforeStartupUnexecuted(self): progname = self.mktemp() progfile = file(progname, 'w') progfile.write(_callBeforeStartupProgram % {'reactor': reactor.__module__}) progfile.close() def programFinished((out, err, reason)): if reason.check(error.ProcessTerminated): self.fail("Process did not exit cleanly (out: %s err: %s)" % (out, err)) if err: log.msg("Unexpected output on standard error: %s" % (err,)) self.failIf(out, "Expected no output, instead received:\n%s" % (out,))
def _endProcess(self, reason, p): self.failIf(reason.check(error.ProcessDone), 'Child should fail due to EPIPE.') reason.trap(error.ProcessTerminated) # child must not get past that write without raising self.failIfEqual(reason.value.exitCode, 42, 'process reason was %r' % reason) self.failUnlessEqual(p.output, '') return p.errput
def test_change_packages_with_failed_reboot(self): """ When a C{reboot-if-necessary} flag is passed in the C{change-packages}, A C{ShutdownProtocol} is created and the package result change is returned, even if the reboot fails. """ self.store.add_task("changer", {"type": "change-packages", "install": [2], "binaries": [(HASH2, 2, PKGDEB2)], "operation-id": 123, "reboot-if-necessary": True}) def return_good_result(self): return "Yeah, I did whatever you've asked for!" self.replace_perform_changes(return_good_result) result = self.changer.handle_tasks() def got_result(result): self.assertMessages(self.get_pending_messages(), [{"operation-id": 123, "result-code": 1, "result-text": "Yeah, I did whatever you've " "asked for!", "type": "change-packages-result"}]) self.log_helper.ignore_errors(ShutdownFailedError) self.landscape_reactor.advance(5) [arguments] = self.process_factory.spawns protocol = arguments[0] protocol.processEnded(Failure(ProcessTerminated(exitCode=1))) self.landscape_reactor.advance(10) return result.addCallback(got_result)
def request_exit_status(self, data): """ When the server sends the command's exit status, record it for later delivery to the protocol. @param data: The network-order four byte representation of the exit status of the command. @type data: L{bytes} """ (status,) = unpack('>L', data) if status != 0: self._reason = ProcessTerminated(status, None, None)
def request_exit_signal(self, data): """ When the server sends the command's exit status, record it for later delivery to the protocol. @param data: The network-order four byte representation of the exit signal of the command. @type data: L{bytes} """ (signal,) = unpack('>L', data) self._reason = ProcessTerminated(None, signal, None)
def tearDown(self): # Kill the child process. We're done with it. try: self.clientTransport.signalProcess("KILL") except (error.ProcessExitedAlready, OSError): pass def trap(failure): failure.trap(error.ProcessTerminated) self.assertIsNone(failure.value.exitCode) self.assertEqual(failure.value.status, 9) return self.testTerminal.onDisconnection.addErrback(trap)
def test_nonZeroExitStatus(self): """ When the command exits with a non-zero status, the protocol's C{connectionLost} method is called with a L{Failure} wrapping an exception which encapsulates that status. """ exitCode = 123 signal = None exc = self._exitStatusTest(b'exit-status', pack('>L', exitCode)) exc.trap(ProcessTerminated) self.assertEqual(exitCode, exc.value.exitCode) self.assertEqual(signal, exc.value.signal)
def test_nonZeroExitSignal(self): """ When the command exits with a non-zero signal, the protocol's C{connectionLost} method is called with a L{Failure} wrapping an exception which encapsulates that status. """ exitCode = None signal = 123 exc = self._exitStatusTest(b'exit-signal', pack('>L', signal)) exc.trap(ProcessTerminated) self.assertEqual(exitCode, exc.value.exitCode) self.assertEqual(signal, exc.value.signal)
def test_processEndedWithExitSignalNoCoreDump(self): """ When processEnded is called, if there is an exit signal in the reason it should be sent in an exit-signal message. If no core was dumped, don't set the core-dump bit. """ self.pp.processEnded( Failure(ProcessTerminated(1, signal.SIGTERM, 0))) # see comments in test_processEndedWithExitSignalCoreDump for the # meaning of the parts in the request self.assertRequestsEqual( [(b'exit-signal', common.NS(b'TERM') + b'\x00' + common.NS(b'') + common.NS(b''), False)]) self.assertSessionClosed()
def loseConnection(self): """ Disconnect the protocol associated with this transport. """ if self.closed: return self.closed = 1 self.proto.inConnectionLost() self.proto.outConnectionLost() self.proto.errConnectionLost() self.proto.processEnded(failure.Failure(ProcessTerminated(255, None, None)))
def test_prematureEndOfHeaders(self): """ If the process communicating with L{CGIProcessProtocol} ends before finishing writing out headers, the response has I{INTERNAL SERVER ERROR} as its status code. """ request = DummyRequest(['']) protocol = twcgi.CGIProcessProtocol(request) protocol.processEnded(failure.Failure(error.ProcessTerminated())) self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
def test_processEnded(self): """ Exceptions other than L{error.ProcessDone} with status=0 are turned into L{error.ConnectionLost}. """ d = self.ep.connect(self.factory) self.successResultOf(d) wpp = self.reactor.processProtocol wpp.processEnded(Failure(error.ProcessTerminated())) self.assertEqual(wpp.protocol.reason.check(error.ConnectionLost), error.ConnectionLost)
def _getReason(self, status): if status == 0: return error.ProcessDone(status) return error.ProcessTerminated(status)
def _getReason(self, status): exitCode = sig = None if os.WIFEXITED(status): exitCode = os.WEXITSTATUS(status) else: sig = os.WTERMSIG(status) if exitCode or sig: return error.ProcessTerminated(exitCode, sig, status) return error.ProcessDone(status)
def processEnded(self, reason): """ Callback C{self.deferred} with L{None} if C{reason} is a L{error.ProcessTerminated} failure with C{exitCode} set to L{None}, C{signal} set to C{self.signal}, and C{status} holding the status code of the exited process. Otherwise, errback with a C{ValueError} describing the problem. """ msg("Child exited: %r" % (reason.getTraceback(),)) if not reason.check(error.ProcessTerminated): return self.deferred.errback( ValueError("wrong termination: %s" % (reason,))) v = reason.value if isinstance(self.signal, str): signalValue = getattr(signal, 'SIG' + self.signal) else: signalValue = self.signal if v.exitCode is not None: return self.deferred.errback( ValueError("SIG%s: exitCode is %s, not None" % (self.signal, v.exitCode))) if v.signal != signalValue: return self.deferred.errback( ValueError("SIG%s: .signal was %s, wanted %s" % (self.signal, v.signal, signalValue))) if os.WTERMSIG(v.status) != signalValue: return self.deferred.errback( ValueError('SIG%s: %s' % (self.signal, os.WTERMSIG(v.status)))) self.deferred.callback(None)
def test_process(self): """ Test running a process: check its output, it exitCode, some property of signalProcess. """ scriptPath = b"twisted.test.process_tester" d = defer.Deferred() p = TestProcessProtocol() p.deferred = d reactor.spawnProcess(p, pyExe, [pyExe, b"-u", b"-m", scriptPath], env=properEnv) def check(ignored): self.assertEqual(p.stages, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) f = p.reason f.trap(error.ProcessTerminated) self.assertEqual(f.value.exitCode, 23) # would .signal be available on non-posix? # self.assertIsNone(f.value.signal) self.assertRaises( error.ProcessExitedAlready, p.transport.signalProcess, 'INT') try: import process_tester, glob for f in glob.glob(process_tester.test_file_match): os.remove(f) except: pass d.addCallback(check) return d
def test_manyProcesses(self): def _check(results, protocols): for p in protocols: self.assertEqual(p.stages, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "[%d] stages = %s" % (id(p.transport), str(p.stages))) # test status code f = p.reason f.trap(error.ProcessTerminated) self.assertEqual(f.value.exitCode, 23) scriptPath = b"twisted.test.process_tester" args = [pyExe, b'-u', b"-m", scriptPath] protocols = [] deferreds = [] for i in xrange(CONCURRENT_PROCESS_TEST_COUNT): p = TestManyProcessProtocol() protocols.append(p) reactor.spawnProcess(p, pyExe, args, env=properEnv) deferreds.append(p.deferred) deferredList = defer.DeferredList(deferreds, consumeErrors=True) deferredList.addCallback(_check, protocols) return deferredList
def test_signalHUP(self): """ Sending the SIGHUP signal to a running process interrupts it, and C{processEnded} is called with a L{error.ProcessTerminated} instance with the C{exitCode} set to L{None} and the C{signal} attribute set to C{signal.SIGHUP}. C{os.WTERMSIG} can also be used on the C{status} attribute to extract the signal value. """ return self._testSignal('HUP')
def test_signalKILL(self): """ Sending the SIGKILL signal to a running process interrupts it, and C{processEnded} is called with a L{error.ProcessTerminated} instance with the C{exitCode} set to L{None} and the C{signal} attribute set to C{signal.SIGKILL}. C{os.WTERMSIG} can also be used on the C{status} attribute to extract the signal value. """ return self._testSignal('KILL')
def test_signalTERM(self): """ Sending the SIGTERM signal to a running process interrupts it, and C{processEnded} is called with a L{error.ProcessTerminated} instance with the C{exitCode} set to L{None} and the C{signal} attribute set to C{signal.SIGTERM}. C{os.WTERMSIG} can also be used on the C{status} attribute to extract the signal value. """ return self._testSignal('TERM')
def processEnded(self, reason): """ Callback C{self.deferred} with L{None} if C{reason} is a L{error.ProcessTerminated} failure with C{exitCode} set to 1. Otherwise, errback with a C{ValueError} describing the problem. """ if not reason.check(error.ProcessTerminated): return self.deferred.errback( ValueError("wrong termination: %s" % (reason,))) v = reason.value if v.exitCode != 1: return self.deferred.errback( ValueError("Wrong exit code: %s" % (v.exitCode,))) self.deferred.callback(None)