def get_progress(self, set=False): """ Return progress (between 0 and 1 - 0 is full blue control, 1 is full green control) and optionally set the current progress. """ # TODO: wtf is this thing, and why are we setting values in # a getter. Should this be refactored into two functions # called `update_progress` and `get_progress` instead? rate = self.rate_value if rate == 0.0 or self.start is None: return self.progress dt = reactor.seconds() - self.start progress = max(0, min(1, self.progress + rate * dt)) if set: self.progress = progress return progress
def set_shoot(self, value): if value == self.shoot: return current_time = reactor.seconds() if value: self.start = current_time if self.current_ammo <= 0: return elif self.reloading and not self.slow_reload: return self.shoot_time = max(current_time, self.next_shot) if self.reloading: self.reloading = False self.reload_call.cancel() else: ammo = self.current_ammo self.current_ammo = self.get_ammo(True) self.next_shot = self.shoot_time + self.delay * ( ammo - self.current_ammo) self.shoot = value
def hit(self, value, by=None, kill_type=WEAPON_KILL): if self.hp is None: return if by is not None and self.team is by.team: friendly_fire = self.protocol.friendly_fire if friendly_fire == 'on_grief': if (kill_type == MELEE_KILL and not self.protocol.spade_teamkills_on_grief): return hit_time = self.protocol.friendly_fire_time if (self.last_block_destroy is None or reactor.seconds() - self.last_block_destroy >= hit_time): return elif not friendly_fire: return self.set_hp(self.hp - value, by, kill_type=kill_type)
def apply_script(protocol, connection, config): spawn_protect_time = config.get('spawn_protect_time', 3.0) class SpawnProtectConnection(connection): spawn_timestamp = None def on_spawn(self, pos): self.spawn_timestamp = reactor.seconds() return connection.on_spawn(self, pos) def on_hit(self, hit_amount, hit_player, type, grenade): cur_timestamp = reactor.seconds() - spawn_protect_time if cur_timestamp < hit_player.spawn_timestamp: timespan = -(cur_timestamp - hit_player.spawn_timestamp) self.send_chat( "%s is spawn-protected for %s." % (hit_player.name, prettify_timespan( timespan, True))) return False return connection.on_hit( self, hit_amount, hit_player, type, grenade) return protocol, SpawnProtectConnection
def start(cls, instigator, victim, reason=None): protocol = instigator.protocol last_votekick = instigator.last_votekick reason = reason.strip() if reason else None if protocol.votekick: raise VotekickFailure(S_IN_PROGRESS) elif instigator is victim: raise VotekickFailure(S_SELF_VOTEKICK) elif protocol.get_required_votes() <= 0: raise VotekickFailure(S_NOT_ENOUGH_PLAYERS) elif victim.admin or victim.rights.cancel or victim.local: raise VotekickFailure(S_VOTEKICK_IMMUNE) elif not instigator.admin and (last_votekick is not None and seconds() - last_votekick < cls.interval): raise VotekickFailure(S_NOT_YET) elif REQUIRE_REASON and not reason: raise VotekickFailure(S_NEED_REASON) result = protocol.on_votekick_start(instigator, victim, reason) if result is not None: raise VotekickFailure(result) reason = reason or S_DEFAULT_REASON return cls(instigator, victim, reason)
def get_overview(self): current_time = reactor.seconds() if (self.last_overview is None or self.last_map_name != self.protocol.map_info.name or current_time - self.last_overview > OVERVIEW_UPDATE_INTERVAL): overview = self.protocol.map.get_overview(rgba=True) image = Image.frombytes('RGBA', (512, 512), overview) data = BytesIO() image.save(data, 'png') self.overview = data.getvalue() self.last_overview = current_time self.last_map_name = self.protocol.map_info.name return self.overview
def add_ban(self, ip, reason, duration, name=None): """ Ban an ip with an optional reason and duration in minutes. If duration is None, ban is permanent. """ network = ip_network(text_type(ip), strict=False) for connection in list(self.connections.values()): if ip_address(connection.address[0]) in network: name = connection.name connection.kick(silent=True) if duration: duration = reactor.seconds() + duration * 60 else: duration = None self.bans[ip] = (name or '(unknown)', reason, duration) self.save_bans()
def update_world(self): last_time = self.last_time current_time = reactor.seconds() if last_time is not None: dt = current_time - last_time if dt > 1.0: print('(warning: high CPU usage detected - %s)' % dt) self.last_time = current_time ServerProtocol.update_world(self) time_taken = reactor.seconds() - current_time if time_taken > 1.0: print( 'World update iteration took %s, objects: %s' % (time_taken, self.world.objects)) # events
def add_to_cache(self, dn, marker): """ Add the entry to the app cache. It will be automatically removed after ``timeout`` seconds. If an entry for ``dn`` (with any marker) already exists, it will be overwritten. Keep in mind that removal will then provoke a "Removal from app cache failed: ... mapped to ... " log message! If an entry for ``dn`` with the same marker exists, the eviction timeout will *not* be extended if it is added again. This function respects the ``case_insensitive`` option. :param dn: DN :param marker: App marker (a string) """ if dn in self._entries: log.info('Entry {dn!r} already cached {marker!r}, overwriting ...', dn=dn, marker=self._entries[dn]) current_time = reactor.seconds() log.info('Adding to app cache: dn={dn!r}, marker={marker!r}, time={time!r}', dn=dn, time=current_time, marker=marker) self._entries[dn] = (marker, current_time) self.callLater(self.timeout, self.remove_from_cache, dn, marker)
def get_cached_marker(self, dn): """ Retrieve the cached marker for the distinguished name ``dn``. This actually checks that the stored entry is still valid. If ``dn`` is not found in the cache, ``None`` is returned and a message is written to the log. This function respects the ``case_insensitive`` option. :param dn: DN :return: string or None """ if dn in self._entries: marker, timestamp = self._entries[dn] current_time = reactor.seconds() if current_time - timestamp < self.timeout: return marker else: log.warn('Inconsistent app cache: dn={dn!r}, inserted={inserted!r}, current={current!r}', dn=dn, inserted=timestamp, current=current_time ) else: log.info('No entry in app cache for dn={dn!r}', dn=dn) return None
def add_to_cache(self, dn, app_marker, password): """ Add the credentials to the bind cache. They are automatically removed from the cache after ``self.timeout`` seconds using the ``reactor.callLater`` mechanism. If the credentials are already found in the bind cache, the time until their removal is **not** extended! :param dn: user distinguished name :param app_marker: app marker :param password: user password """ item = (dn, app_marker, password) if item not in self._cache: current_time = reactor.seconds() log.info('Adding to bind cache: dn={dn!r}, marker={marker!r}, time={time!r}', dn=dn, marker=app_marker, time=current_time) self._cache[item] = current_time self.callLater(self.timeout, self.remove_from_cache, dn, app_marker, password) else: log.info('Already in the bind cache: dn={dn!r}, marker={marker!r}', dn=dn, marker=app_marker)
def is_cached(self, dn, app_marker, password): """ Determines whether the given credentials are found in the bind cache. :param dn: user distinguished name :param app_marker: app marker as string :param password: user password :return: a boolean """ item = (dn, app_marker, password) if item in self._cache: current_time = reactor.seconds() inserted_time = self._cache[item] # Even though credentials **should** be removed automatically by ``callLater``, check # the stored timestamp. if current_time - inserted_time < self.timeout: return True else: log.info('Inconsistent bind cache: dn={dn!r}, marker={marker!r},' 'inserted={inserted!r}, current={current!r}', dn=dn, marker=app_marker, inserted=inserted_time, current=current_time, ) return False
def advanceCompletely(self, amount): """ Move time on this clock forward by the given amount and run whatever pending calls should be run. Always complete the deferred calls before returning. @type amount: C{float} @param amount: The number of seconds which to advance this clock's time. """ self.rightNow += amount self._sortCalls() while self.calls and self.calls[0].getTime() <= self.seconds(): call = self.calls.pop(0) call.called = 1 yield call.func(*call.args, **call.kw) self._sortCalls()
def test_startCheckingExpiration(self): """ L{server.Session.startCheckingExpiration} causes the session to expire after L{server.Session.sessionTimeout} seconds without activity. """ self.session.startCheckingExpiration() # Advance to almost the timeout - nothing should happen. self.clock.advance(self.session.sessionTimeout - 1) self.assertIn(self.uid, self.site.sessions) # Advance to the timeout, the session should expire. self.clock.advance(1) self.assertNotIn(self.uid, self.site.sessions) # There should be no calls left over, either. self.assertFalse(self.clock.calls)
def test_nonASCII(self): """ Bytes in fields of the request which are not part of ASCII are escaped in the result. """ reactor = Clock() reactor.advance(1234567890) timestamp = http.datetimeToLogString(reactor.seconds()) request = DummyRequestForLogTest(http.HTTPFactory(reactor=reactor)) request.client = IPv4Address("TCP", b"evil x-forwarded-for \x80", 12345) request.method = b"POS\x81" request.protocol = b"HTTP/1.\x82" request.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b"referer", b"evil \x83") request.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b"user-agent", b"evil \x84") line = http.combinedLogFormatter(timestamp, request) self.assertEqual( u'"evil x-forwarded-for \\x80" - - [13/Feb/2009:23:31:30 +0000] ' u'"POS\\x81 /dummy HTTP/1.0" 123 - "evil \\x83" "evil \\x84"', line)
def _xforwardedforTest(self, header): """ Assert that a request with the given value in its I{X-Forwarded-For} header is logged by L{proxiedLogFormatter} the same way it would have been logged by L{combinedLogFormatter} but with as the client address instead of the normal value. @param header: An I{X-Forwarded-For} header with left-most address of """ reactor = Clock() reactor.advance(1234567890) timestamp = http.datetimeToLogString(reactor.seconds()) request = DummyRequestForLogTest(http.HTTPFactory(reactor=reactor)) expected = http.combinedLogFormatter(timestamp, request).replace( u"", u"") request.requestHeaders.setRawHeaders(b"x-forwarded-for", [header]) line = http.proxiedLogFormatter(timestamp, request) self.assertEqual(expected, line)
def test_seconds(self): """ L{twisted.internet.reactor.seconds} should return something like a number. 1. This test specifically does not assert any relation to the "system time" as returned by L{time.time} or L{twisted.python.runtime.seconds}, because at some point we may find a better option for scheduling calls than wallclock-time. 2. This test *also* does not assert anything about the type of the result, because operations may not return ints or floats: For example, datetime-datetime == timedelta(0). """ now = reactor.seconds() self.assertEqual(now-now+now, now)
def do_ping(self): start = reactor.seconds() yield self.get_shares(hashes=[0], parents=0, stops=[]) end = reactor.seconds() defer.returnValue(end - start)
def update_rate(self): rate = 0 for player in self.players: if player.team.id: rate += 1 else: rate -= 1 progress = self.progress if ((progress == 1.0 and (rate > 0 or rate == 0)) or (progress == 0.0 and (rate < 0 or rate == 0))): return self.rate = rate self.rate_value = rate * TC_CAPTURE_RATE if self.finish_call is not None: self.finish_call.cancel() self.finish_call = None if rate != 0: self.start = reactor.seconds() rate_value = self.rate_value if rate_value < 0: self.capturing_team = self.protocol.blue_team end_time = progress / -rate_value else: self.capturing_team = self.protocol.green_team end_time = (1.0 - progress) / rate_value if self.capturing_team is not self.team: self.finish_call = reactor.callLater(end_time, self.finish) self.send_progress()
def get_ammo(self, no_max=False): if self.shoot: dt = reactor.seconds() - self.shoot_time ammo = self.current_ammo - max(0, int( math.ceil(dt / self.delay))) else: ammo = self.current_ammo if no_max: return ammo return max(0, ammo)
def get_respawn_time(self): if not self.respawn_time: return 0 if self.protocol.respawn_waves: offset = reactor.seconds() % self.respawn_time else: offset = 0 return self.respawn_time - offset
def hackinfo_player(player): info = "%s #%s (%s) has an accuracy of: " % ( player.name, player.player_id, player.address[0]) info += accuracy_player(player, False) ratio = player.ratio_kills / float(max(1, player.ratio_deaths)) info += " Kill-death ratio of %.2f (%s kills, %s deaths)." % ( ratio, player.ratio_kills, player.ratio_deaths) info += " %i kills in the last %i seconds." % ( player.get_kill_count(), KILL_TIME) info += " %i headshot snaps in the last %i seconds." % ( player.get_headshot_snap_count(), HEADSHOT_SNAP_TIME) return info
def verify(self): instigator = self.instigator if instigator is None: return True last = instigator.last_votemap if (last is not None and reactor.seconds() - last < self.vote_interval): return "You can't start a vote now." return True
def set_cooldown(self): if self.instigator is not None and not self.instigator.admin: self.instigator.last_votemap = reactor.seconds()
def afk(connection, player): player = get_player(connection.protocol, player) elapsed = prettify_timespan(reactor.seconds() - player.last_activity, True) return S_AFK_CHECK.format(player=player.name, time=elapsed)
def kick_afk(connection, minutes, amount=None): protocol = connection.protocol minutes = int(minutes) if minutes < 1: raise ValueError() to_kick = [] seconds = minutes * 60.0 minutes_s = prettify_timespan(seconds) lower_bound = reactor.seconds() - seconds for conn in protocol.connections.values(): if not conn.admin and conn.last_activity < lower_bound: to_kick.append(conn) if not to_kick: return S_NO_PLAYERS_INACTIVE.format(time=minutes_s) to_kick.sort(key=attrgetter('last_activity')) to_kick.sort(key=lambda conn: conn.name is None) amount = amount or len(to_kick) kicks = 0 for conn in to_kick[:amount]: if conn.name: conn.afk_kick() kicks += 1 else: conn.disconnect() message = S_AFK_KICKED.format( num_players=kicks, num_connections=amount - kicks, time=minutes_s) protocol.irc_say('* ' + message) if connection in protocol.players: return message
def __init__(self, secs, f, *args, **kw): self.seconds = secs self.f = f self.args = args self.kw = kw
def start_or_reset(self): if self.call and self.call.active(): self.call.reset(ZOOMV_TIME) else: self.call = reactor.callLater( self.seconds, self.f, *self.args, **self.kw)
def __init__(self, protocol, team, x, y): self.protocol = protocol self.team = team self.x = x self.y = y if self.random_colors: self.color = choice(self.random_colors) elif self.team_color: self.color = make_color(*team.color) self.blocks = set() base_lines, base_points = self.lines, self.points self.lines, self.points = [], [] for line in base_lines: self.make_line(*line) for point in base_points: self.make_block(*point) # find markers we're colliding with has_timer = self.duration is not None collisions = [] current_time = seconds() worst_time = current_time + self.duration if has_timer else None for marker in protocol.markers: intersect = marker.blocks & self.blocks if intersect: self.blocks -= intersect collisions.append(marker) if has_timer and marker.expire_call: worst_time = min(worst_time, marker.expire_call.getTime()) # forward expiration time so that colliding markers vanish all at once if has_timer: delay = worst_time - current_time self.expire_call = callLater(delay, self.expire) self.build() team.marker_count[self.__class__] += 1 protocol.markers.append(self) if self.background_class: self.background = self.background_class(protocol, team, x, y)
def render_GET(self, request): protocol = self.protocol request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") players = [] for player in protocol.players.values(): player_data = {} player_data['name'] = player.name player_data['latency'] = player.latency player_data['kills'] = player.kills player_data['team'] = player.team.name players.append(player_data) dictionary = { "serverIdentifier": protocol.identifier, "serverName": protocol.name, "serverVersion": protocol.version, "serverUptime": reactor.seconds() - protocol.start_time, "gameMode": protocol.game_mode_name, "map": { "name": protocol.map_info.name, "version": protocol.map_info.version, "author": protocol.map_info.author }, "scripts": protocol.config.get("scripts", []), "players": players, "maxPlayers": protocol.max_players, "scores": { "currentBlueScore": protocol.blue_team.score, "currentGreenScore": protocol.green_team.score, "maxScore": protocol.max_score} } return json.dumps(dictionary).encode()
def get_time_limit(connection): advance_call = connection.protocol.advance_call if advance_call is None: return 'No time limit set' left = int( math.ceil((advance_call.getTime() - reactor.seconds()) / 60.0)) return 'There are %s minutes left' % left
def set_time_limit(self, time_limit=None, additive=False): advance_call = self.advance_call add_time = 0.0 if advance_call is not None: add_time = ((advance_call.getTime() - reactor.seconds()) / 60.0) advance_call.cancel() self.advance_call = None time_limit = time_limit or self.default_time_limit if not time_limit: for call in self.end_calls[:]: call.set(None) return if additive: time_limit = min(time_limit + add_time, self.default_time_limit) seconds = time_limit * 60.0 self.advance_call = reactor.callLater(seconds, self._time_up) for call in self.end_calls[:]: call.set(seconds) if self.time_announce_schedule is not None: self.time_announce_schedule.reset() self.time_announce_schedule = Scheduler(self) for seconds in self.time_announcements: self.time_announce_schedule.call_end(seconds, self._next_time_announce) return time_limit
def _next_time_announce(self): remaining = self.advance_call.getTime() - reactor.seconds() if remaining < 60.001: if remaining < 10.001: self.send_chat('%s...' % int(round(remaining))) else: self.send_chat('%s seconds remaining.' % int(round(remaining))) else: self.send_chat('%s minutes remaining.' % int(round(remaining / 60)))
def master_disconnected(self, client=None): ServerProtocol.master_disconnected(self, client) if self.master and self.master_reconnect_call is None: if client: message = 'Master connection could not be established' else: message = 'Master connection lost' print('%s, reconnecting in 60 seconds...' % message) self.master_reconnect_call = reactor.callLater( 60, self.reconnect_master)
def get_advance_time(self): if not self.advance_call: return None return self.advance_call.getTime() - self.advance_call.seconds()
def on_connect(self): protocol = self.protocol client_ip = self.address[0] if client_ip in self.protocol.bans: name, reason, timestamp = self.protocol.bans[client_ip] if timestamp is not None and reactor.seconds() >= timestamp: protocol.remove_ban(client_ip) protocol.save_bans() else: print('banned user %s (%s) attempted to join' % (name, client_ip)) self.disconnect(ERROR_BANNED) return manager = self.protocol.ban_manager if manager is not None: reason = manager.get_ban(client_ip) if reason is not None: print(('federated banned user (%s) attempted to join, ' 'banned for %r') % (client_ip, reason)) self.disconnect(ERROR_BANNED) return ServerConnection.on_connect(self)
def on_team_join(self, team): if self.team is not None: if self.protocol.teamswitch_interval: teamswitch_interval = self.protocol.teamswitch_interval if teamswitch_interval == 'never': self.send_chat('Switching teams is not allowed') return False if (self.last_switch is not None and reactor.seconds() - self.last_switch < teamswitch_interval * 60): self.send_chat( 'You must wait before switching teams again') return False if team.locked: self.send_chat('Team is locked') if not team.spectator and not team.other.locked: return team.other return False balanced_teams = self.protocol.balanced_teams if balanced_teams and not team.spectator: other_team = team.other if other_team.count() < team.count() + 1 - balanced_teams: if other_team.locked: return False self.send_chat('Team is full, moved to %s' % other_team.name) return other_team self.last_switch = reactor.seconds()
def __init__(self, timeout=5): """ :param timeout: Number of seconds after which the entry is removed from the bind cache """ self.timeout = timeout #: Map of tuples (dn, app_marker, password) to insertion timestamps (determined using ``reactor.seconds``) self._cache = {}
def _periodicLostWorkCheck(self): """ Periodically, every node controller has to check to make sure that work hasn't been dropped on the floor by someone. In order to do that it queries each work-item table. """ @inlineCallbacks def workCheck(txn): if self.thisProcess: nodes = [(node.hostname, node.port) for node in (yield self.activeNodes(txn))] nodes.sort() self._lastSeenTotalNodes = len(nodes) self._lastSeenNodeIndex = nodes.index( (self.thisProcess.hostname, self.thisProcess.port) ) for itemType in self.allWorkItemTypes(): tooLate = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( self.reactor.seconds() - self.queueProcessTimeout ) overdueItems = (yield itemType.query( txn, (itemType.notBefore < tooLate)) ) for overdueItem in overdueItems: peer = self.choosePerformer() yield peer.performWork(overdueItem.table, overdueItem.workID) if not self.running: return succeed(None) return inTransaction(self.transactionFactory, workCheck)
def _lostWorkCheckLoop(self): """ While the service is running, keep checking for any overdue / lost work items and re-submit them to the cluster for processing. Space out those checks in time based on the size of the cluster. """ self._lostWorkCheckCall = None if not self.running: return @passthru( self._periodicLostWorkCheck().addErrback(log.err).addCallback ) def scheduleNext(result): self._currentWorkDeferred = None if not self.running: return index = self.nodeIndex() now = self.reactor.seconds() interval = self.queueDelayedProcessInterval count = self.totalNumberOfNodes() when = (now - (now % interval)) + (interval * (count + index)) delay = when - now self._lostWorkCheckCall = self.reactor.callLater( delay, self._lostWorkCheckLoop ) self._currentWorkDeferred = scheduleNext
def test_notBeforeWhenCheckingForWork(self): """ L{ControllerQueue._workCheck} should execute any outstanding work items, but only those that are expired. """ dbpool, _ignore_qpool, clock, _ignore_performerChosen = self._setupPools() fakeNow = datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12) # Let's create a couple of work items directly, not via the enqueue # method, so that they exist but nobody will try to immediately execute # them. @transactionally(dbpool.pool.connection) @inlineCallbacks def setup(txn): # First, one that's right now. yield DummyWorkItem.makeJob(txn, a=1, b=2, notBefore=fakeNow) # Next, create one that's actually far enough into the past to run. yield DummyWorkItem.makeJob( txn, a=3, b=4, notBefore=( # Schedule it in the past so that it should have already # run. fakeNow - datetime.timedelta(seconds=20) ) ) # Finally, one that's actually scheduled for the future. yield DummyWorkItem.makeJob( txn, a=10, b=20, notBefore=fakeNow + datetime.timedelta(1000) ) yield setup # Wait for job while len(DummyWorkItem.results) != 2: clock.advance(1) # Work item complete self.assertTrue(DummyWorkItem.results == {1: 3, 2: 7})
def test_temporaryFailure(self): """ When a work item temporarily fails it should appear as unassigned in the JOB table and have the failure count bumped, and a notBefore set to the temporary delay. """ dbpool, _ignore_qpool, clock, _ignore_performerChosen = self._setupPools() fakeNow = datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12) # Let's create a couple of work items directly, not via the enqueue # method, so that they exist but nobody will try to immediately execute # them. @transactionally(dbpool.pool.connection) @inlineCallbacks def setup(txn): # Next, create failing work that's actually far enough into the past to run. yield DummyWorkItem.makeJob( txn, a=-2, b=1, notBefore=fakeNow - datetime.timedelta(20 * 60) ) yield setup clock.advance(20 - 12) @transactionally(dbpool.pool.connection) def check(txn): return JobItem.all(txn) jobs = yield check self.assertTrue(len(jobs) == 1) self.assertTrue(jobs[0].assigned is None) self.assertEqual(jobs[0].isAssigned, 0) self.assertTrue(jobs[0].failed == 1) self.assertTrue(jobs[0].notBefore > datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=90))
def test_callLaterUsesReactorSecondsInDelayedCall(self): """ L{reactor.callLater<twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.callLater>} should use the reactor's seconds factory to produce the time at which the DelayedCall will be called. """ oseconds = reactor.seconds reactor.seconds = lambda: 100 try: call = reactor.callLater(5, lambda: None) self.assertEqual(call.getTime(), 105) finally: reactor.seconds = oseconds call.cancel()
def testDelayedCallSecondsOverride(self): """ Test that the C{seconds} argument to DelayedCall gets used instead of the default timing function, if it is not None. """ def seconds(): return 10 dc = base.DelayedCall(5, lambda: None, (), {}, lambda dc: None, lambda dc: None, seconds) self.assertEqual(dc.getTime(), 5) dc.reset(3) self.assertEqual(dc.getTime(), 13)
def test_tx_limit(self): class MyNode(p2p.Node): def __init__(self, df): p2p.Node.__init__(self, lambda: None, 29333, networks.nets['bitcoin'], {}, set([('', 9333)]), 0, 0, 0, 0) self.df = df self.sent_time = 0 @defer.inlineCallbacks def got_conn(self, conn): p2p.Node.got_conn(self, conn) yield deferral.sleep(.5) new_mining_txs = dict(self.mining_txs_var.value) for i in xrange(3): huge_tx = dict( version=0, tx_ins=[], tx_outs=[dict( value=0, script='x'*900000, )], lock_time=i, ) new_mining_txs[bitcoin_data.hash256(bitcoin_data.tx_type.pack(huge_tx))] = huge_tx self.mining_txs_var.set(new_mining_txs) self.sent_time = reactor.seconds() def lost_conn(self, conn, reason): self.df.callback(None) try: p2p.Protocol.max_remembered_txs_size *= 10 df = defer.Deferred() n = MyNode(df) n.start() yield df if not (n.sent_time <= reactor.seconds() <= n.sent_time + 1): raise ValueError('node did not disconnect within 1 seconds of receiving too much tx data') yield n.stop() finally: p2p.Protocol.max_remembered_txs_size //= 10