def deliver_messages(self, timeout=.1): """ Allow peers to communicate. The strategy is as follows: 1. Measure the amount of working threads in the threadpool 2. After 10 milliseconds, check if we are down to 0 twice in a row 3. If not, go back to handling calls (step 2) or return, if the timeout has been reached :param timeout: the maximum time to wait for messages to be delivered """ rtime = 0 probable_exit = False while (rtime < timeout): yield self.sleep(.01) rtime += .01 if len(reactor.getThreadPool().working) == 0: if probable_exit: break probable_exit = True else: probable_exit = False
def boot_frontend(config, debug=False): """ Boot a Pyramid WSGI application as Twisted component """ http_port = int(config.get('config-web', 'http_port')) websocket_uri = unicode(config.get('wamp', 'listen')) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13122519/serving-pyramid-application-using-twistd/13138610#13138610 config = resource_filename('kotori.frontend', 'development.ini') application = get_app(config, 'main') # https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/13.1.0/web/howto/web-in-60/wsgi.html resource = WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), application) reactor.listenTCP(http_port, Site(resource))
def test_configures_thread_pool(self): # Patch and restore where it's visible because patching a running # reactor is potentially fairly harmful. patcher = monkey.MonkeyPatcher() patcher.add_patch(reactor, "threadpool", None) patcher.add_patch(reactor, "threadpoolForDatabase", None) patcher.patch() try: service_maker = RegionServiceMaker("Harry", "Hill") # Disable _ensureConnection() its not allowed in the reactor. self.patch_autospec(service_maker, "_ensureConnection") service_maker.makeService(Options()) threadpool = reactor.getThreadPool() self.assertThat(threadpool, IsInstance(ThreadPool)) finally: patcher.restore()
def start(self): """Start the Web Server """ self.site = Site(WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), self.app)) self.port = reactor.listenTCP(self.server.config.webport, self.site)
def makeService(self, options): config=valid_config() s=MultiService() from crondeamon.slave import service as subrpc serverfactory = server.Site(subrpc.MainRpc()) slave_service=TCPServer(int(config["slaveport"]),serverfactory,interface=config["host"]) slave_service.setServiceParent(s) os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "cap.settings") from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler application = WSGIHandler() resource = WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), application) ui_service=TCPServer(int(config["uiport"]),server.Site(resource),interface=config["host"]) ui_service.setServiceParent(s) return s
def deferToThread(f, *args, **kwargs): """ Run a function in a thread and return the result as a Deferred. @param f: The function to call. @param *args: positional arguments to pass to f. @param **kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to f. @return: A Deferred which fires a callback with the result of f, or an errback with a L{twisted.python.failure.Failure} if f throws an exception. """ from twisted.internet import reactor return deferToThreadPool(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), f, *args, **kwargs)