Python twisted.web.static 模块,Data() 实例源码


项目:marathon-acme    作者:praekeltfoundation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_responder_resource_child(self):
        When a GET request is made to the ACME challenge path, and the
        responder resource has a child resource at the correct path, the value
        of the resource should be returned.
        self.responder_resource.putChild(b'foo', Data(b'bar', 'text/plain'))

        response = self.client.get(
        assert_that(response, succeeded(MatchesAll(
                headers=HasHeader('Content-Type', ['text/plain'])),
            After(methodcaller('content'), succeeded(Equals(b'bar')))

        # Sanity check that a request to a different subpath does not succeed
        response = self.client.get(
        assert_that(response, succeeded(MatchesStructure(code=Equals(404))))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testDistrib(self):
        # site1 is the publisher
        r1 = resource.Resource()
        r1.putChild("there", static.Data("root", "text/plain"))
        site1 = server.Site(r1)
        self.f1 = PBServerFactory(distrib.ResourcePublisher(site1))
        self.port1 = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.f1)
        self.sub = distrib.ResourceSubscription("",
        r2 = resource.Resource()
        r2.putChild("here", self.sub)
        f2 = MySite(r2)
        self.port2 = reactor.listenTCP(0, f2)
        d = client.getPage("" % \
        d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, 'root')
        return d
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        plainRoot = static.Data('not me', 'text/plain')
        tlsRoot = static.Data('me neither', 'text/plain')

        plainSite = server.Site(plainRoot, timeout=None)
        tlsSite = server.Site(tlsRoot, timeout=None)

        from twisted import test
        self.tlsPort = reactor.listenSSL(0, tlsSite,
            sibpath(test.__file__, 'server.pem'),
            sibpath(test.__file__, 'server.pem'),
        self.plainPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, plainSite, interface="")

        self.plainPortno = self.plainPort.getHost().port
        self.tlsPortno = self.tlsPort.getHost().port

        plainRoot.putChild('one', util.Redirect(self.getHTTPS('two')))
        tlsRoot.putChild('two', util.Redirect(self.getHTTP('three')))
        plainRoot.putChild('three', util.Redirect(self.getHTTPS('four')))
        tlsRoot.putChild('four', static.Data('FOUND IT!', 'text/plain'))
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testDistrib(self):
        # site1 is the publisher
        r1 = resource.Resource()
        r1.putChild("there", static.Data("root", "text/plain"))
        site1 = server.Site(r1)
        self.f1 = PBServerFactory(distrib.ResourcePublisher(site1))
        self.port1 = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.f1)
        self.sub = distrib.ResourceSubscription("",
        r2 = resource.Resource()
        r2.putChild("here", self.sub)
        f2 = MySite(r2)
        self.port2 = reactor.listenTCP(0, f2)
        d = client.getPage("" % \
        d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, 'root')
        return d
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        plainRoot = static.Data('not me', 'text/plain')
        tlsRoot = static.Data('me neither', 'text/plain')

        plainSite = server.Site(plainRoot, timeout=None)
        tlsSite = server.Site(tlsRoot, timeout=None)

        from twisted import test
        self.tlsPort = reactor.listenSSL(0, tlsSite,
            sibpath(test.__file__, 'server.pem'),
            sibpath(test.__file__, 'server.pem'),
        self.plainPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, plainSite, interface="")

        self.plainPortno = self.plainPort.getHost().port
        self.tlsPortno = self.tlsPort.getHost().port

        plainRoot.putChild('one', util.Redirect(self.getHTTPS('two')))
        tlsRoot.putChild('two', util.Redirect(self.getHTTP('three')))
        plainRoot.putChild('three', util.Redirect(self.getHTTPS('four')))
        tlsRoot.putChild('four', static.Data('FOUND IT!', 'text/plain'))
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_renderWithHost(self):
        L{NameVirtualHost.render} returns the result of rendering the resource
        which is the value in the instance's C{host} dictionary corresponding
        to the key indicated by the value of the I{Host} header in the request.
        virtualHostResource = NameVirtualHost()
        virtualHostResource.addHost(b'', Data(b"winner", ""))

        request = DummyRequest([b''])
        request.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b'host', b'')
        d = _render(virtualHostResource, request)
        def cbRendered(ignored, request):
            self.assertEqual(b''.join(request.written), b"winner")
        d.addCallback(cbRendered, request)

        # The port portion of the Host header should not be considered.
        requestWithPort = DummyRequest([b''])
        requestWithPort.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b'host', b'')
        dWithPort = _render(virtualHostResource, requestWithPort)
        def cbRendered(ignored, requestWithPort):
            self.assertEqual(b''.join(requestWithPort.written), b"winner")
        dWithPort.addCallback(cbRendered, requestWithPort)

        return gatherResults([d, dWithPort])
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        Create a realm, portal, and L{HTTPAuthSessionWrapper} to use in the tests.
        self.username = b'foo bar'
        self.password = b'bar baz'
        self.avatarContent = b"contents of the avatar resource itself"
        self.childName = b"foo-child"
        self.childContent = b"contents of the foo child of the avatar"
        self.checker = InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
        self.checker.addUser(self.username, self.password)
        self.avatar = Data(self.avatarContent, 'text/plain')
            self.childName, Data(self.childContent, 'text/plain'))
        self.avatars = {self.username: self.avatar}
        self.realm = Realm(self.avatars.get)
        self.portal = portal.Portal(self.realm, [self.checker])
        self.credentialFactories = []
        self.wrapper = HTTPAuthSessionWrapper(
            self.portal, self.credentialFactories)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testDistrib(self):
        # site1 is the publisher
        r1 = resource.Resource()
        r1.putChild("there", static.Data("root", "text/plain"))
        site1 = server.Site(r1)
        self.f1 = PBServerFactory(distrib.ResourcePublisher(site1))
        self.port1 = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.f1)
        self.sub = distrib.ResourceSubscription("",
        r2 = resource.Resource()
        r2.putChild("here", self.sub)
        f2 = MySite(r2)
        self.port2 = reactor.listenTCP(0, f2)
        agent = client.Agent(reactor)
        d = agent.request(b"GET", "" % \
        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, 'root')
        return d
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        plainRoot = Data(b'not me', 'text/plain')
        tlsRoot = Data(b'me neither', 'text/plain')

        plainSite = server.Site(plainRoot, timeout=None)
        tlsSite = server.Site(tlsRoot, timeout=None)

        self.tlsPort = reactor.listenSSL(
            0, tlsSite,
                serverPEMPath, serverPEMPath),
        self.plainPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, plainSite, interface="")

        self.plainPortno = self.plainPort.getHost().port
        self.tlsPortno = self.tlsPort.getHost().port

        plainRoot.putChild(b'one', Redirect(self.getHTTPS('two')))
        tlsRoot.putChild(b'two', Redirect(self.getHTTP('three')))
        plainRoot.putChild(b'three', Redirect(self.getHTTPS('four')))
        tlsRoot.putChild(b'four', Data(b'FOUND IT!', 'text/plain'))
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getPageDeprecated(self):
        L{client.getPage} is deprecated.
        port = reactor.listenTCP(
            0, server.Site(Data(b'', 'text/plain')), interface="")
        portno = port.getHost().port
        url = networkString("" % (portno,))

        d = client.getPage(url)
        warningInfo = self.flushWarnings([self.test_getPageDeprecated])
        self.assertEqual(len(warningInfo), 1)
        self.assertEqual(warningInfo[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
            "twisted.web.client.getPage was deprecated in "
            "Twisted 16.7.0; please use or twisted.web.client.Agent instead")

        return d.addErrback(lambda _: None)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testStaticPaths(self):
        import os
        dp = os.path.join(self.mktemp(),"hello")
        ddp = os.path.join(dp, "goodbye")
        tp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dp,"world.txt"))
        tpy = os.path.join(dp,"wyrld.rpy")
        f = open(tp,"wb")
        f.write("hello world")
        f = open(tpy, "wb")
from twisted.web.static import Data
resource = Data('dynamic world','text/plain')
        f = static.File(dp)
        f.processors = {
            '.rpy': script.ResourceScript,

        f.indexNames = f.indexNames + ['world.txt']
        self.assertEquals(f.getChild('', DummyRequest([''])).path,
        self.assertEquals(f.getChild('wyrld.rpy', DummyRequest(['wyrld.rpy'])
        f = static.File(dp)
        wtextr = DummyRequest(['world.txt'])
        wtext = f.getChild('world.txt', wtextr)
        self.assertEquals(wtext.path, tp)
                          str(len('hello world')))
        self.assertNotEquals(f.getChild('', DummyRequest([''])).__class__,
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        root = static.Data('El toro!', 'text/plain')
        root.putChild("cookiemirror", CookieMirrorResource())
        root.putChild("rawcookiemirror", RawCookieMirrorResource())
        site = server.Site(root, timeout=None)
        self.port = self._listen(site)
        self.portno = self.port.getHost().port
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testSessionInit(self):
        sessWrapped = static.Data("you should never see this", "text/plain")
        swChild = static.Data("NO", "text/plain")
        swrap = guard.SessionWrapper(sessWrapped)
        da = static.Data("b","text/plain")
        da.putChild("xxx", swrap)
        st = FakeSite(da)
        chan = FakeHTTPChannel() = st

        # first we're going to make sure that the session doesn't get set by
        # accident when browsing without first explicitly initializing the
        # session
        req = FakeHTTPRequest(chan, queued=0)
        req.requestReceived("GET", "/xxx/yyy", "1.0")
        assert len(req._cookieCache.values()) == 0, req._cookieCache.values()

        # now we're going to make sure that the redirect and cookie are properly set
        req = FakeHTTPRequest(chan, queued=0)
        req.requestReceived("GET", "/xxx/"+guard.INIT_SESSION, "1.0")
        ccv = req._cookieCache.values()
        cookie = ccv[0]
        # redirect set?
        # redirect matches cookie?
        self.assertEquals(req.headers['location'].split('/')[-1], guard.SESSION_KEY+cookie)
        # URL is correct?
        oldreq = req

        # now let's try with a request for the session-cookie URL that has a cookie set
        url = "/"+(oldreq.headers['location'].split('',1))[1]
        req = chan.makeFakeRequest(url)
        for sz in swrap.sessions.values():
项目:python-api    作者:quedexnet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
    market_factory = WebSocketServerFactory('ws://localhost:8080/market_stream')
    user_factory = WebSocketServerFactory('ws://localhost:8080/user_stream')
    market_factory.protocol = MarketStreamServerProtocol
    user_factory.protocol = UserStreamServerProtocol
    root = Data('', 'text/plain')
    root.putChild(b'market_stream', WebSocketResource(market_factory))
    root.putChild(b'user_stream', WebSocketResource(user_factory))
    site = Site(root)
    reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)
    def run_server():
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testStaticPaths(self):
        import os
        dp = os.path.join(self.mktemp(),"hello")
        ddp = os.path.join(dp, "goodbye")
        tp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dp,"world.txt"))
        tpy = os.path.join(dp,"wyrld.rpy")
        f = open(tp,"wb")
        f.write("hello world")
        f = open(tpy, "wb")
from twisted.web.static import Data
resource = Data('dynamic world','text/plain')
        f = static.File(dp)
        f.processors = {
            '.rpy': script.ResourceScript,

        f.indexNames = f.indexNames + ['world.txt']
        self.assertEquals(f.getChild('', DummyRequest([''])).path,
        self.assertEquals(f.getChild('wyrld.rpy', DummyRequest(['wyrld.rpy'])
        f = static.File(dp)
        wtextr = DummyRequest(['world.txt'])
        wtext = f.getChild('world.txt', wtextr)
        self.assertEquals(wtext.path, tp)
                          str(len('hello world')))
        self.assertNotEquals(f.getChild('', DummyRequest([''])).__class__,
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        root = static.Data('El toro!', 'text/plain')
        root.putChild("cookiemirror", CookieMirrorResource())
        root.putChild("rawcookiemirror", RawCookieMirrorResource())
        site = server.Site(root, timeout=None)
        self.port = self._listen(site)
        self.portno = self.port.getHost().port
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testSessionInit(self):
        sessWrapped = static.Data("you should never see this", "text/plain")
        swChild = static.Data("NO", "text/plain")
        swrap = guard.SessionWrapper(sessWrapped)
        da = static.Data("b","text/plain")
        da.putChild("xxx", swrap)
        st = FakeSite(da)
        chan = FakeHTTPChannel() = st

        # first we're going to make sure that the session doesn't get set by
        # accident when browsing without first explicitly initializing the
        # session
        req = FakeHTTPRequest(chan, queued=0)
        req.requestReceived("GET", "/xxx/yyy", "1.0")
        assert len(req._cookieCache.values()) == 0, req._cookieCache.values()

        # now we're going to make sure that the redirect and cookie are properly set
        req = FakeHTTPRequest(chan, queued=0)
        req.requestReceived("GET", "/xxx/"+guard.INIT_SESSION, "1.0")
        ccv = req._cookieCache.values()
        cookie = ccv[0]
        # redirect set?
        # redirect matches cookie?
        self.assertEquals(req.headers['location'].split('/')[-1], guard.SESSION_KEY+cookie)
        # URL is correct?
        oldreq = req

        # now let's try with a request for the session-cookie URL that has a cookie set
        url = "/"+(oldreq.headers['location'].split('',1))[1]
        req = chan.makeFakeRequest(url)
        for sz in swrap.sessions.values():
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getChild(self):
        L{_HostResource.getChild} returns the proper I{Resource} for the vhost
        embedded in the URL.  Verify that returning the proper I{Resource}
        required changing the I{Host} in the header.
        bazroot = Data(b'root data', "")
        bazuri  = Data(b'uri data', "")
        baztest = Data(b'test data', "")
        bazuri.putChild(b'test', baztest)
        bazroot.putChild(b'uri', bazuri)
        hr = _HostResource()

        root = NameVirtualHost()
        root.default = Data(b'default data', "")
        root.addHost(b'', bazroot)

        request = DummyRequest([b'uri', b'test'])
        request.prepath = [b'bar', b'http', b''] = Site(root)
        request.isSecure = lambda: False = b''

        step = hr.getChild(b'', request) # Consumes rest of path
        self.assertIsInstance(step, Data)

        request = DummyRequest([b'uri', b'test'])
        step = root.getChild(b'uri', request)
        self.assertIsInstance(step, NoResource)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_renderWithoutHost(self):
        L{NameVirtualHost.render} returns the result of rendering the
        instance's C{default} if it is not L{None} and there is no I{Host}
        header in the request.
        virtualHostResource = NameVirtualHost()
        virtualHostResource.default = Data(b"correct result", "")
        request = DummyRequest([''])
            virtualHostResource.render(request), b"correct result")
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_renderWithUnknownHost(self):
        L{NameVirtualHost.render} returns the result of rendering the
        instance's C{default} if it is not L{None} and there is no host
        matching the value of the I{Host} header in the request.
        virtualHostResource = NameVirtualHost()
        virtualHostResource.default = Data(b"correct data", "")
        request = DummyRequest([b''])
        request.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b'host', b'')
        d = _render(virtualHostResource, request)
        def cbRendered(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(b''.join(request.written), b"correct data")
        return d
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getChild(self):
        L{NameVirtualHost.getChild} returns correct I{Resource} based off
        the header and modifies I{Request} to ensure proper prepath and
        postpath are set.
        virtualHostResource = NameVirtualHost()
        leafResource = Data(b"leaf data", "")
        leafResource.isLeaf = True
        normResource = Data(b"norm data", "")
        virtualHostResource.addHost(b'', leafResource)
        virtualHostResource.addHost(b'', normResource)

        request = DummyRequest([])
        request.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b'host', b'')
        request.prepath = [b'']

        self.assertIsInstance(virtualHostResource.getChild(b'', request),
        self.assertEqual(request.prepath, [b''])
        self.assertEqual(request.postpath, [])

        request = DummyRequest([])
        request.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b'host', b'')
        request.prepath = [b'']

        self.assertIsInstance(virtualHostResource.getChild(b'', request),
        self.assertEqual(request.prepath,  [])
        self.assertEqual(request.postpath, [b''])
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invalidMethod(self):
        L{Data.render} raises L{UnsupportedMethod} in response to a non-I{GET},
        non-I{HEAD} request.
        data = static.Data(b"foo", b"bar")
        request = DummyRequest([b''])
        request.method = b'POST'
        self.assertRaises(UnsupportedMethod, data.render, request)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_processors(self):
        If a request is made which encounters a L{File} before a final segment
        which names a file with an extension which is in the L{File}'s
        C{processors} mapping, the processor associated with that extension is
        used to serve the response to the request.
        base = FilePath(self.mktemp())
            b"from twisted.web.static import Data\n"
            b"resource = Data(b'dynamic world', 'text/plain')\n")

        file = static.File(base.path)
        file.processors = {b'.bar': script.ResourceScript}
        request = DummyRequest([b""])
        child = resource.getChildForRequest(file, request)

        d = self._render(child, request)
        def cbRendered(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(b''.join(request.written), b'dynamic world')
        return d
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self): = DummyChannel()
        staticResource = Data(b"Some data", "text/plain")
        wrapped = resource.EncodingResourceWrapper(
            staticResource, [server.GzipEncoderFactory()])"foo", wrapped)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.resource = static.Data(
            b"This text is not a valid XML-RPC response.",
        self.resource.isLeaf = True

        self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, server.Site(self.resource),
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.agent = None # for twisted.web.client.Agent test
        self.cleanupServerConnections = 0
        r = resource.Resource()
        r.putChild(b"file", Data(b"0123456789", "text/html"))
        r.putChild(b"redirect", Redirect(b"/file"))
        self.infiniteRedirectResource = CountingRedirect(b"/infiniteRedirect")
        r.putChild(b"infiniteRedirect", self.infiniteRedirectResource)
        r.putChild(b"wait", ForeverTakingResource())
        r.putChild(b"write-then-wait", ForeverTakingResource(write=True))
        r.putChild(b"never-read", ForeverTakingNoReadingResource())
        r.putChild(b"error", ErrorResource())
        r.putChild(b"nolength", NoLengthResource())
        r.putChild(b"host", HostHeaderResource())
        r.putChild(b"payload", PayloadResource())
        r.putChild(b"broken", BrokenDownloadResource())
        r.putChild(b"cookiemirror", CookieMirrorResource())
        r.putChild(b'delay1', DelayResource(1))
        r.putChild(b'delay2', DelayResource(2))

        self.afterFoundGetCounter = CountingResource()
        r.putChild(b"afterFoundGetCounter", self.afterFoundGetCounter)
        r.putChild(b"afterFoundGetRedirect", Redirect(b"/afterFoundGetCounter"))

        miscasedHead = Data(b"miscased-head GET response content", "major/minor")
        miscasedHead.render_Head = lambda request: b"miscased-head content"
        r.putChild(b"miscased-head", miscasedHead)

        self.extendedRedirect = ExtendedRedirect(b'/extendedRedirect')
        r.putChild(b"extendedRedirect", self.extendedRedirect) = server.Site(r, timeout=None)
        self.wrapper = WrappingFactory(
        self.port = self._listen(self.wrapper)
        self.portno = self.port.getHost().port
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        root = Data(b'El toro!', 'text/plain')
        root.putChild(b"cookiemirror", CookieMirrorResource())
        root.putChild(b"rawcookiemirror", RawCookieMirrorResource())
        site = server.Site(root, timeout=None)
        self.port = self._listen(site)
        self.portno = self.port.getHost().port
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rpyProcessor(self):
        The I{--path} option creates a root resource which serves the
        C{resource} global defined by the Python source in any child with
        the C{".rpy"} extension.
        path, root = self._pathOption()
            b"from twisted.web.static import Data\n"
            b"resource = Data('content', 'major/minor')\n")
        child = root.getChild("foo.rpy", None)
        self.assertIsInstance(child, Data)
        self.assertEqual(, 'content')
        self.assertEqual(child.type, 'major/minor')
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_makePersonalServerFactory(self):
        L{makePersonalServerFactory} returns a PB server factory which has
        as its root object a L{ResourcePublisher}.
        # The fact that this pile of objects can actually be used somehow is
        # verified by twisted.web.test.test_distrib.
        site = Site(Data(b"foo bar", "text/plain"))
        serverFactory = makePersonalServerFactory(site)
        self.assertIsInstance(serverFactory, PBServerFactory)
        self.assertIsInstance(serverFactory.root, ResourcePublisher)
        self.assertIdentical(, site)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
            <head><title>Twisted Web Demo</title><head>
            Hello! This is a Twisted Web test page.
项目:duct    作者:ducted    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def start_fake_riak_server(self, stats):
        def cb(listener):
            return listener

        data = static.Data(json.dumps(stats).encode(), 'application/json')

        data.isLeaf = True
        site = server.Site(data)
        endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 0)
        return endpoint.listen(site).addCallback(cb)
项目:txkube    作者:LeastAuthority    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_tls_config(self, ca_key, ca_cert, get_kubernetes):
        Verify that a TLS server configured with the given key and certificate and
        the Kubernetes client returned by ``get_kubernetes`` can negotiate a
        TLS connection.
        # Set up an HTTPS server that requires the certificate chain from the
        # configuration file.  This, because there's no way to pry inside a
        # Context and inspect its state nor any easy way to make Agent talk
        # over an in-memory transport.
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        endpoint = SSL4ServerEndpoint(
        root = Resource()
        root.putChild(b"", Data(b"success", b"text/plain"))

        # Construct the Kubernetes client objects with a Redirectable reactor.
        # This is necessary because the URL we pass to the Agent we get needs
        # to agree with the configuration file that was already written (or it
        # won't select the right client certificate).  Just one of the many
        # reasons it would be better if we didn't have to do real networking
        # here.
        redirectable = Redirectable(reactor)
        client = get_kubernetes(redirectable).client()
        agent = client.agent

        d = endpoint.listen(Site(root))
        def listening(port):
            redirectable.set_redirect(port.getHost().host, port.getHost().port)
            url = b""
            return agent.request(b"GET", url)
        return d