def rmtree(path): """Remove the given recursively. :note: we use shutil rmtree but adjust its behaviour to see whether files that couldn't be deleted are read-only. Windows will not remove them in that case""" def onerror(func, path, exc_info): # Is the error an access error ? os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR) try: func(path) # Will scream if still not possible to delete. except Exception as ex: if HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS: raise SkipTest("FIXME: fails with: PermissionError\n %s", ex) else: raise return shutil.rmtree(path, False, onerror)
def addOnException(self, exception_handler): @wraps(exception_handler) def wrapped_handler(exc_info): if issubclass(exc_info[0], SkipTest): return return exception_handler(exc_info) super(BaseTestCase, self).addOnException(wrapped_handler)
def options(self, parser, env): """ Add my options to command line. """ env_opt = 'NOSE_WITHOUT_SKIP' parser.add_option('--no-skip', action='store_true', dest='noSkip', default=env.get(env_opt, False), help="Disable special handling of SkipTest " "exceptions.")
def test_upgrade(self): raise SkipTest("upgrade memcached") # add tests for touch, cas, gets etc
def test_unserializable_span_with_finish(): try: import numpy as np except ImportError: raise SkipTest("numpy not installed") # a weird case where manually calling finish with an unserializable # span was causing an loop of serialization. writer = DummyWriter() tracer = Tracer() tracer.writer = writer with tracer.trace("parent") as span: span.metrics['as'] = np.int64(1) # circumvent the data checks span.finish()
def test_set_numpy_metric(): try: import numpy as np except ImportError: raise SkipTest("numpy not installed") s = Span(tracer=None, name="test.span") s.set_metric("a", np.int64(1)) eq_(s.get_metric("a"), 1) eq_(type(s.get_metric("a")), float)
def start_fixture(self): if os.environ.get('GABBI_SKIP_NETWORK', 'False').lower() == 'true': raise case.SkipTest('live tests skipped')
def start_fixture(self): raise case.SkipTest('entire suite skipped')
def is_extension_enabled(extension_name, service): """A function that will check the list of enabled extensions from config """ config_dict = { 'compute': CONF.compute_feature_enabled.api_extensions, 'compute_v3': CONF.compute_feature_enabled.api_v3_extensions, 'volume': CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_extensions, 'network': CONF.network_feature_enabled.api_extensions, 'object': CONF.object_storage_feature_enabled.discoverable_apis, } if config_dict[service][0] == 'all': return True if extension_name in config_dict[service]: return True return False # there is a mis-match between nose and testtools for older pythons. # testtools will set skipException to be either # unittest.case.SkipTest, unittest2.case.SkipTest or an internal skip # exception, depending on what it can find. Python <2.7 doesn't have # unittest.case.SkipTest; so if unittest2 is not installed it falls # back to the internal class. # # The current nose skip plugin will decide to raise either # unittest.case.SkipTest or its own internal exception; it does not # look for unittest2 or the internal unittest exception. Thus we must # monkey-patch testtools.TestCase.skipException to be the exception # the nose skip plugin expects. # # However, with the switch to testr nose may not be available, so we # require you to opt-in to this fix with an environment variable. # # This is temporary until upstream nose starts looking for unittest2 # as testtools does; we can then remove this and ensure unittest2 is # available for older pythons; then nose and testtools will agree # unittest2.case.SkipTest is the one-true skip test exception. # # https://review.openstack.org/#/c/33056 # https://github.com/nose-devs/nose/pull/699
def assertSetup(): try: Client.guess_config() except RuntimeError: raise SkipTest("no default config is detected")
def start_fixture(self): """Set up config.""" global LOAD_APP_KWARGS self.conf = None # Determine the database connection. db_url = os.environ.get('PIFPAF_URL', "sqlite://").replace( "mysql://", "mysql+pymysql://") if not db_url: raise case.SkipTest('No database connection configured') conf = self.conf = service.prepare_service([], []) opts.set_defaults(self.conf) content = ('{"default": ""}') if six.PY3: content = content.encode('utf-8') self.tempfile = fileutils.write_to_tempfile(content=content, prefix='policy', suffix='.json') conf.set_override("policy_file", self.tempfile, group='oslo_policy') conf.set_override( 'api_paste_config', os.path.abspath('etc/panko/api_paste.ini') ) parsed_url = list(urlparse.urlparse(db_url)) parsed_url[2] += '-%s' % uuidutils.generate_uuid(dashed=False) db_url = urlparse.urlunparse(parsed_url) conf.set_override('connection', db_url, group='database') if (parsed_url[0].startswith("mysql") or parsed_url[0].startswith("postgresql")): sqlalchemy_utils.create_database(conf.database.connection) self.conn = storage.get_connection_from_config(self.conf) self.conn.upgrade() LOAD_APP_KWARGS = { 'conf': conf, 'appname': 'panko+noauth', }