def manual_get_pfam_annotations(seq, outpath, searchtype='phmmer', force_rerun=False): """Retrieve and download PFAM results from the HMMER search tool. Args: seq: outpath: searchtype: force_rerun: Returns: Todo: * Document and test! """ if op.exists(outpath): with open(outpath, 'r') as f: json_results = json.loads(json.load(f)) else: fseq = '>Seq\n' + seq if searchtype == 'phmmer': parameters = {'seqdb': 'pdb', 'seq': fseq} if searchtype == 'hmmscan': parameters = {'hmmdb': 'pfam', 'seq': fseq} enc_params = urllib.urlencode(parameters).encode('utf-8') request = urllib2.Request('http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/hmmer/search/{}'.format(searchtype), enc_params) url = (urllib2.urlopen(request).geturl() + '?output=json') request = str(url) request_read = urlopen(request).read().decode("utf-8") with open(outpath, 'w') as f: json.dump(request_read, f) json_results = json.loads(request_read) return json_results['results']['hits']
def superSecureRequest(self, host, path, url_params=None): """Prepares OAuth authentication and sends the request to the API. Args: host (str): The domain host of the API. path (str): The path of the API after the domain. url_params (dict): An optional set of query parameters in the request. Returns: dict: The JSON response from the request. Raises: urllib2.HTTPError: An error occurs from the HTTP request. """ url_params = url_params or {} url = 'https://{0}{1}?'.format(host, urllib.quote(path.encode('utf8'))) consumer = oauth2.Consumer(self.oath_consumer_key, self.oath_consumer_secret) oauth_request = oauth2.Request( method="GET", url=url, parameters=url_params) oauth_request.update( { 'oauth_nonce': oauth2.generate_nonce(), 'oauth_timestamp': oauth2.generate_timestamp(), 'oauth_token': self.oath_token, 'oauth_consumer_key': self.oath_consumer_key } ) token = oauth2.Token(self.oath_token, self.oath_token_secret) oauth_request.sign_request( oauth2.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(), consumer, token) signed_url = oauth_request.to_url() conn = urllib2.urlopen(signed_url, None) try: response = json.loads(conn.read().decode()) finally: conn.close() return response