def can_fetch(self, useragent, url): """using the parsed robots.txt decide if useragent can fetch url""" if self.disallow_all: return False if self.allow_all: return True # search for given user agent matches # the first match counts parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(urllib.unquote(url)) url = urlparse.urlunparse(('', '', parsed_url.path, parsed_url.params, parsed_url.query, parsed_url.fragment)) url = urllib.quote(url) if not url: url = "/" for entry in self.entries: if entry.applies_to(useragent): return entry.allowance(url) # try the default entry last if self.default_entry: return self.default_entry.allowance(url) # agent not found ==> access granted return True
def webpage(): url = request.args.get('url') if not url: # redirect with url query param so that user can navigate back later next_rec = service.get_next_unlabelled() if next_rec: return redirect("/?url=%s" % (urllib.quote(next_rec['url']))) else: featured_content = "No Unlabelled Record Found." else: featured_content = get_next(url) data = { 'featured_content': featured_content, 'status': service.overall_status() } return render_template('index.html', **data)
def get_speech(self, phrase): getinfo_url = 'http://www.peiyinge.com/make/getSynthSign' voice_baseurl = 'http://proxy.peiyinge.com:17063/synth?ts=' data = { 'content': phrase.encode('utf8') } result_info = requests.post(getinfo_url, data=data).json() content = urllib.quote(phrase.encode('utf8')) ts = result_info['ts'] sign = result_info['sign'] voice_url = voice_baseurl + ts + '&sign=' + sign + \ '&vid=' + self.vid + '&volume=&speed=0&content=' + content r = requests.get(voice_url) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp3', delete=False) as f: f.write(r.content) tmpfile = f.name return tmpfile
def urlparts(self): """ The :attr:`url` string as an :class:`urlparse.SplitResult` tuple. The tuple contains (scheme, host, path, query_string and fragment), but the fragment is always empty because it is not visible to the server. """ env = self.environ http = env.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') \ or env.get('wsgi.url_scheme', 'http') host = env.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST') or env.get('HTTP_HOST') if not host: # HTTP 1.1 requires a Host-header. This is for HTTP/1.0 clients. host = env.get('SERVER_NAME', '') port = env.get('SERVER_PORT') if port and port != ('80' if http == 'http' else '443'): host += ':' + port path = urlquote(self.fullpath) return UrlSplitResult(http, host, path, env.get('QUERY_STRING'), '')
def application_uri(environ): """Return the application's base URI (no PATH_INFO or QUERY_STRING)""" url = environ['wsgi.url_scheme']+'://' from urllib import quote if environ.get('HTTP_HOST'): url += environ['HTTP_HOST'] else: url += environ['SERVER_NAME'] if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https': if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443': url += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT'] else: if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80': url += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT'] url += quote(environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') or '/') return url
def getEntries(person): """ Fetch a Advogato member's diary and return a dictionary in the form { date : entry, ... } """ parser = DiaryParser() f = urllib.urlopen("http://www.advogato.org/person/%s/diary.xml" % urllib.quote(person)) s = f.read(8192) while s: parser.feed(s) s = f.read(8192) parser.close() result = {} for d, e in map(None, parser.dates, parser.entries): result[d] = e return result
def open_file(self, url): path = urllib.url2pathname(urllib.unquote(url)) if os.path.isdir(path): if path[-1] != os.sep: url = url + '/' indexpath = os.path.join(path, "index.html") if os.path.exists(indexpath): return self.open_file(url + "index.html") try: names = os.listdir(path) except os.error, msg: raise IOError, msg, sys.exc_traceback names.sort() s = MyStringIO("file:"+url, {'content-type': 'text/html'}) s.write('<BASE HREF="file:%s">\n' % urllib.quote(os.path.join(path, ""))) for name in names: q = urllib.quote(name) s.write('<A HREF="%s">%s</A>\n' % (q, q)) s.seek(0) return s return urllib.FancyURLopener.open_file(self, url)
def fbUserSearch(self, query): """ facebook user search. :type query: str :param query: :rtype: object :return: query data """ query = urllib.quote(query) query = \ self.http.request("fbsearch/topsearch/?context=blended&query=" + query + "&rank_token=" + self.rank_token)[ 1] if query['status'] != 'ok': raise InstagramException(query['message'] + "\n") return query
def searchFBLocation(self, query): """ Get locations. :type query: str :param query: search query :rtype: object :return: Location location data """ query = urllib.quote(query) endpoint = "fbsearch/places/?rank_token=" + self.rank_token + "&query=" + query locationFeed = self.http.request(endpoint)[1] if locationFeed['status'] != 'ok': raise InstagramException(locationFeed['message'] + "\n") return locationFeed
def head_object(self, Bucket, Key, **kwargs): """?????? :param Bucket(string): ?????. :param Key(string): COS??. :param kwargs(dict): ????headers. :return(dict): ???metadata??. """ headers = mapped(kwargs) url = self._conf.uri(bucket=Bucket, path=quote(Key, '/-_.~')) logger.info("head object, url=:{url} ,headers=:{headers}".format( url=url, headers=headers)) rt = self.send_request( method='HEAD', url=url, auth=CosS3Auth(self._conf._secret_id, self._conf._secret_key, Key), headers=headers) return rt.headers
def abort_multipart_upload(self, Bucket, Key, UploadId, **kwargs): """???????????????????????????. :param Bucket(string): ?????. :param Key(string): COS??. :param UploadId(string): ???????UploadId. :param kwargs(dict): ????headers. :return: None. """ headers = mapped(kwargs) url = self._conf.uri(bucket=Bucket, path=quote(Key, '/-_.~')+"?uploadId={UploadId}".format(UploadId=UploadId)) logger.info("abort multipart upload, url=:{url} ,headers=:{headers}".format( url=url, headers=headers)) rt = self.send_request( method='DELETE', url=url, auth=CosS3Auth(self._conf._secret_id, self._conf._secret_key, Key), headers=headers) return None
def package(): sent_package = {} sent_package['get_requests'] = get_requests def has_requests(project, branch): return len(get_requests(project, branch)) > 0 sent_package['has_requests'] = has_requests sent_package['get_log_diff'] = get_log_diff sent_package['last_modified'] = last_modified sent_package['get_branch_by_name'] = get_branch_by_name sent_package['hash'] = lambda x: hashlib.sha256(x).hexdigest() sent_package['_'] = _ sent_package['url_encode'] = lambda x: urllib.quote(x, safe='') sent_package['current_user'] = current_user sent_package['floor'] = math.floor sent_package['len'] = len sent_package['getattr'] = getattr sent_package['commit_diff'] = commit_diff return sent_package
def _tostring_path(varname, value, explode, operator, safe=""): joiner = operator if type(value) == type([]): if explode == "+": return joiner.join([varname + "." + urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value]) elif explode == "*": return joiner.join([urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value]) else: return ",".join([urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value]) elif type(value) == type({}): keys = value.keys() keys.sort() if explode == "+": return joiner.join([varname + "." + urllib.quote(key, safe) + joiner + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys]) elif explode == "*": return joiner.join([urllib.quote(key, safe) + joiner + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys]) else: return ",".join([urllib.quote(key, safe) + "," + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys]) else: if value: return urllib.quote(value, safe) else: return ""
def __get__(self, inst, cls): from trytond.model import Model from trytond.wizard import Wizard from trytond.report import Report url_part = {} if issubclass(cls, Model): url_part['type'] = 'model' elif issubclass(cls, Wizard): url_part['type'] = 'wizard' elif issubclass(cls, Report): url_part['type'] = 'report' else: raise NotImplementedError url_part['name'] = cls.__name__ url_part['database'] = Transaction().cursor.database_name local_part = urllib.quote('%(database)s/%(type)s/%(name)s' % url_part) if isinstance(inst, Model) and inst.id: local_part += '/%d' % inst.id return 'tryton://%s/%s' % (HOSTNAME, local_part)
def execute(self, cmd): cmd = quote(cmd) url = "{}:{}/userRpm/DebugResultRpm.htm?cmd={}&usr=osteam&passwd=5up".format(self.target, self.port, cmd) response = http_request(method="GET", url=url, auth=(self.username, self.password)) if response is None: return "" if response.status_code == 200: regexp = 'var cmdResult = new Array\(\n"(.*?)",\n0,0 \);' res = re.findall(regexp, response.text) if len(res): # hard to extract response return "\n".join(res[0].replace("\\r\\n", "\r\n").split("\n")[1:]) return ""
def renameListGroup(self, groupID, newName): """ Used to rename an existing list group. A default callback is added to the returned Deferred which updates the contacts attribute of the factory. @param groupID: the ID of the desired group to rename. @param newName: the desired new name for the group. @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called when the server clarifies the renaming. The callback argument will be a tuple of 3 elements, the new list version (int), the group id (int) and the new group name (str). """ id, d = self._createIDMapping() self.sendLine("REG %s %s %s 0" % (id, groupID, quote(newName))) def _cb(r): self.factory.contacts.version = r[0] self.factory.contacts.setGroup(r[1], r[2]) return r return d.addCallback(_cb)
def changeScreenName(self, newName): """ Used to change your current screen name. A default callback is added to the returned Deferred which updates the screenName attribute of the factory and also updates the contact list version. @param newName: the new screen name @return: A Deferred, the callback for which will be called when the server sends an adequate reply. The callback argument will be a tuple of 2 elements: the new list version and the new screen name. """ id, d = self._createIDMapping() self.sendLine("REA %s %s %s" % (id, self.factory.userHandle, quote(newName))) def _cb(r): self.factory.contacts.version = r[0] self.factory.screenName = r[1] return r return d.addCallback(_cb)
def wmfactory_listing(self, request): if self.dirs is None: directory = os.listdir(self.path) directory.sort() else: directory = self.dirs files = []; dirs = [] for path in directory: url = urllib.quote(path, "/") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path, path)): url = url + '/' dirs.append({'link':{"text": path + "/", "href":url}, 'type': '[Directory]', 'encoding': ''}) else: mimetype, encoding = getTypeAndEncoding(path, self.contentTypes, self.contentEncodings, self.defaultType) files.append({ 'link': {"text": path, "href": url}, 'type': '[%s]' % mimetype, 'encoding': (encoding and '[%s]' % encoding or '')}) return files + dirs
def makeInternalLink(title, label): colon = title.find(':') if colon > 0 and title[:colon] not in acceptedNamespaces: return '' if colon == 0: # drop also :File: colon2 = title.find(':', colon + 1) if colon2 > 1 and title[colon + 1:colon2] not in acceptedNamespaces: return '' if Extractor.keepLinks: return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (quote(title.encode('utf-8')), label) else: return label # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # External links # from: https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/DefaultSettings_8php_source.html
def _encode_params(**kw): ''' do url-encode parameters >>> _encode_params(a=1, b='R&D') 'a=1&b=R%26D' >>> _encode_params(a=u'\u4e2d\u6587', b=['A', 'B', 123]) 'a=%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87&b=A&b=B&b=123' ''' args = [] for k, v in kw.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, basestring): qv = v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, unicode) else v args.append('%s=%s' % (k, urllib.quote(qv))) elif isinstance(v, collections.Iterable): for i in v: qv = i.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(i, unicode) else str(i) args.append('%s=%s' % (k, urllib.quote(qv))) else: qv = str(v) args.append('%s=%s' % (k, urllib.quote(qv))) return '&'.join(args)
def code(self, var=None, **params): # pylint: disable=unused-argument code = quote(cherrypy.request.params['code']) callback = cherrypy.url() payload = { "client_id": config['alexa']['Client_ID'], "client_secret": config['alexa']['Client_Secret'], "code": code, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "redirect_uri": callback } url = "https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token" response = requests.post(url, data=payload) resp = response.json() alexapi.config.set_variable(['alexa', 'refresh_token'], resp['refresh_token']) return "<h2>Success!</h2>" \ "<p>The refresh token has been added to your config file.</p>" \ "<p>Now:</p>" \ "<ul>" \ "<li>close your this browser window,</li>" \ "<li>exit the setup script as indicated,</li>" \ "<li>and follow the Post-installation steps.</li>" \ "</ul>"
def _string_expansion(self, name, value, explode, prefix): if value is None: return None tuples, items = is_list_of_tuples(value) if list_test(value) and not tuples: return ','.join(quote(v, self.safe) for v in value) if dict_test(value) or tuples: items = items or sorted(value.items()) format_str = '%s=%s' if explode else '%s,%s' return ','.join( format_str % ( quote(k, self.safe), quote(v, self.safe) ) for k, v in items ) value = value[:prefix] if prefix else value return quote(value, self.safe)
def Weather(req): if req.get("result").get("action") != "WeatherRequest": ## DEFINING THE PREFIX TO EXECUTE FUNCTION return {} city = req.get("result").get("parameters").get("geo-city").encode("utf8") clean = re.compile('ã') ## REMOVING ERROR UTF8 city = re.sub(clean, 'a', city) city = urllib.quote(city.encode("utf8")) ## REMOVING ACCENTUATION result = urllib.urlopen(WeatherRequest.format(cidade=city, key=WeatherKey)).read() ## DEFINING URL query = json.loads(result) ## LOADING JSON TO SELECT SOME PARAMETERS main = query.get('main') speech = lang.WeatherMSG.format(cidade=query.get('name'), temperatura=main.get('temp') + 3) return { "speech": speech, "displayText": speech, "source": source }
def list_podcast_programs(programs): program_list = [] # iterate over the contents of the list of programs for program in programs: url = build_url({'mode': 'podcasts-radio-program', 'foldername': urllib.quote(program['name'].encode('utf8')), 'url': program['url'], 'name': urllib.quote(program['name'].encode('utf8')), 'radio': program['radio']}) li = xbmcgui.ListItem(program['name'], iconImage='DefaultFolder.png') program_list.append((url, li, True)) # add list to Kodi per Martijn # http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=209948&pid=2094170#pid2094170 xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(addon_handle, program_list, len(program_list)) # set the content of the directory xbmcplugin.setContent(addon_handle, 'songs') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(addon_handle)
def _start_upload( self, digest, mount=None ): """POST to begin the upload process with optional cross-repo mount param.""" if not mount: # Do a normal POST to initiate an upload if mount is missing. url = '{base_url}/blobs/uploads/'.format(base_url=self._base_url()) accepted_codes = [httplib.ACCEPTED] else: # If we have a mount parameter, try to mount the blob from another repo. mount_from = '&'.join( ['from=' + urllib.quote(repo.repository, '') for repo in self._mount]) url = '{base_url}/blobs/uploads/?mount={digest}&{mount_from}'.format( base_url=self._base_url(), digest=digest, mount_from=mount_from) accepted_codes = [httplib.CREATED, httplib.ACCEPTED] resp, unused_content = self._transport.Request( url, method='POST', body=None, accepted_codes=accepted_codes) return resp.status == httplib.CREATED, resp.get('location') # type: ignore
def urlparts(self): ''' The :attr:`url` string as an :class:`urlparse.SplitResult` tuple. The tuple contains (scheme, host, path, query_string and fragment), but the fragment is always empty because it is not visible to the server. ''' env = self.environ http = env.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') or env.get('wsgi.url_scheme', 'http') host = env.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST') or env.get('HTTP_HOST') if not host: # HTTP 1.1 requires a Host-header. This is for HTTP/1.0 clients. host = env.get('SERVER_NAME', '') port = env.get('SERVER_PORT') if port and port != ('80' if http == 'http' else '443'): host += ':' + port path = urlquote(self.fullpath) return UrlSplitResult(http, host, path, env.get('QUERY_STRING'), '')
def urlparts(self): """ The :attr:`url` string as an :class:`urlparse.SplitResult` tuple. The tuple contains (scheme, host, path, query_string and fragment), but the fragment is always empty because it is not visible to the server. """ env = self.environ http = env.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') or env.get('wsgi.url_scheme', 'http') host = env.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST') or env.get('HTTP_HOST') if not host: # HTTP 1.1 requires a Host-header. This is for HTTP/1.0 clients. host = env.get('SERVER_NAME', '') port = env.get('SERVER_PORT') if port and port != ('80' if http == 'http' else '443'): host += ':' + port path = urlquote(self.fullpath) return UrlSplitResult(http, host, path, env.get('QUERY_STRING'), '')
def _get_creds(self): """ Assumes into the target account and obtains Access Key, Secret Key, and Token :return: URL-encoded dictionary containing Access Key, Secret Key, and Token """ client, credentials = boto3_cached_conn( 'iam', account_number=self.account_number, assume_role=self.role_name, return_credentials=True) creds = json.dumps(dict( sessionId=credentials['AccessKeyId'], sessionKey=credentials['SecretAccessKey'], sessionToken=credentials['SessionToken'] )) creds = urllib.quote(creds, safe='') return creds
def makeInternalLink(title, label): colon = title.find(':') if colon > 0 and title[:colon] not in options.acceptedNamespaces: return '' if colon == 0: # drop also :File: colon2 = title.find(':', colon + 1) if colon2 > 1 and title[colon + 1:colon2] not in options.acceptedNamespaces: return '' if options.keepLinks: return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (quote(title.encode('utf-8')), label) else: return label # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # External links # from: https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/DefaultSettings_8php_source.html
def SearchEngine(search): searchUrl = 'https://www.underanime.net/?s=' search = urllib.quote(search) page = GetUrl(searchUrl + search) animeLinks = page.xpath('//*/div/div/div/div[@class="base_inner h255 loading"]/a/@href') animeNames = page.xpath('//*/div/div/div/div[@class="base_inner h255 loading"]/a/@title') #check links, todo better linkNum = len(animeLinks) if linkNum != len(animeNames): print '[!] Error, some links missing!' return False #create anime list animeList = [] for n in range(0, linkNum): anime = Anime(animeNames[n].encode(sys.stdout.encoding, errors='replace'), animeLinks[n], n) animeList.append(anime) return animeList
def query(kw): for i in range(1, 10): encode_kw = urllib.quote(kw) print i url = 'https://m.anjuke.com/ajax/autocomplete/?city_id=13&kw=%s&from=1&callback=jsonp%d' % (encode_kw, i) s = requests.Session() headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.221 Safari/537.36 SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0'} js = s.get(url, headers=headers) print js.status_code # print js.text try: result = re.findall('jsonp7\((.*?)\);', js.text)[0] dic = json.loads(result) print '*' * 20 print dic['data']['match'][0]['comm_id'] except Exception, e: print e # ??????????
def query_rrset(self, oname, rrtype=None, bailiwick=None, before=None, after=None): if bailiwick: if not rrtype: rrtype = 'ANY' path = 'rrset/name/%s/%s/%s' % (quote(oname), rrtype, quote(bailiwick)) elif rrtype: path = 'rrset/name/%s/%s' % (quote(oname), rrtype) else: path = 'rrset/name/%s' % quote(oname) return self._query(path, before, after)
def query_rdata_name(self, rdata_name, rrtype=None, before=None, after=None): if rrtype: path = 'rdata/name/%s/%s' % (quote(rdata_name), rrtype) else: path = 'rdata/name/%s' % quote(rdata_name) return self._query(path, before, after)
def quote(path): return urllib.quote(path, safe='')
def pathname2url(p): """OS-specific conversion from a file system path to a relative URL of the 'file' scheme; not recommended for general use.""" # e.g. # C:\foo\bar\spam.foo # becomes # ///C|/foo/bar/spam.foo import urllib if not ':' in p: # No drive specifier, just convert slashes and quote the name if p[:2] == '\\\\': # path is something like \\host\path\on\remote\host # convert this to ////host/path/on/remote/host # (notice doubling of slashes at the start of the path) p = '\\\\' + p components = p.split('\\') return urllib.quote('/'.join(components)) comp = p.split(':') if len(comp) != 2 or len(comp[0]) > 1: error = 'Bad path: ' + p raise IOError, error drive = urllib.quote(comp[0].upper()) components = comp[1].split('\\') path = '///' + drive + ':' for comp in components: if comp: path = path + '/' + urllib.quote(comp) return path
def __init__(self, path, allowance): if path == '' and not allowance: # an empty value means allow all allowance = True self.path = urllib.quote(path) self.allowance = allowance
def encode_rfc2231(s, charset=None, language=None): """Encode string according to RFC 2231. If neither charset nor language is given, then s is returned as-is. If charset is given but not language, the string is encoded using the empty string for language. """ import urllib s = urllib.quote(s, safe='') if charset is None and language is None: return s if language is None: language = '' return "%s'%s'%s" % (charset, language, s)
def request_uri(environ, include_query=1): """Return the full request URI, optionally including the query string""" url = application_uri(environ) from urllib import quote path_info = quote(environ.get('PATH_INFO',''),safe='/;=,') if not environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'): url += path_info[1:] else: url += path_info if include_query and environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): url += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING'] return url
def escape_path(path): """Escape any invalid characters in HTTP URL, and uppercase all escapes.""" # There's no knowing what character encoding was used to create URLs # containing %-escapes, but since we have to pick one to escape invalid # path characters, we pick UTF-8, as recommended in the HTML 4.0 # specification: # http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/appendix/notes.html#h-B.2.1 # And here, kind of: draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-03 # (And in draft IRI specification: draft-duerst-iri-05) # (And here, for new URI schemes: RFC 2718) if isinstance(path, unicode): path = path.encode("utf-8") path = urllib.quote(path, HTTP_PATH_SAFE) path = ESCAPED_CHAR_RE.sub(uppercase_escaped_char, path) return path
def _pncomp2url(component): component = urllib.quote(component[:31], safe='') # We want to quote slashes return component
def watchlist_modify(self, id, watchlist): """ updates a watchlist """ url = "%s/api/v1/watchlist/%s" % (self.server, id) watchlist['search_query'] = urllib.quote(watchlist['search_query']) # ensure that it starts with the proper url parameters if not watchlist['search_query'].startswith("cb.urlver=1&q="): watchlist['search_query'] = "cb.urlver=1&q=" + watchlist['search_query'] r = self.cbapi_put(url, data=json.dumps(watchlist)) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
def send(self, *a, **kw): a[0].url = a[0].url.replace(urllib.quote("<"), "<") a[0].url = a[0].url.replace(urllib.quote(" "), " ") a[0].url = a[0].url.replace(urllib.quote(">"), ">") return requests.Session.send(self, *a, **kw)
def make_make_email_data(to, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None, body=None): """\ Creates either a simple "mailto:" URL or complete e-mail message with (blind) carbon copies and a subject and a body. :param str|iterable to: The email address (recipient). Multiple values are allowed. :param str|iterable|None cc: The carbon copy recipient. Multiple values are allowed. :param str|iterable|None bcc: The blind carbon copy recipient. Multiple values are allowed. :param str|None subject: The subject. :param str|None body: The message body. """ def multi(val): if not val: return () if isinstance(val, str_type): return (val,) return tuple(val) delim = '?' data = ['mailto:'] if not to: raise ValueError('"to" must not be empty or None') data.append(','.join(multi(to))) for key, val in (('cc', cc), ('bcc', bcc)): vals = multi(val) if vals: data.append('{0}{1}={2}'.format(delim, key, ','.join(vals))) delim = '&' for key, val in (('subject', subject), ('body', body)): if val is not None: data.append('{0}{1}={2}'.format(delim, key, quote(val.encode('utf-8')))) delim = '&' return ''.join(data)
def as_svg_data_uri(matrix, version, scale=1, border=None, color='#000', background=None, xmldecl=False, svgns=True, title=None, desc=None, svgid=None, svgclass='segno', lineclass='qrline', omitsize=False, unit='', encoding='utf-8', svgversion=None, nl=False, encode_minimal=False, omit_charset=False): """\ Converts the matrix to a SVG data URI. The XML declaration is omitted by default (set ``xmldecl`` to ``True`` to enable it), further the newline is omitted by default (set ``nl`` to ``True`` to enable it). Aside from the missing ``out`` parameter and the different ``xmldecl`` and ``nl`` default values and the additional parameter ``encode_minimal`` and ``omit_charset`` this function uses the same parameters as the usual SVG serializer. :param bool encode_minimal: Indicates if the resulting data URI should use minimal percent encoding (disabled by default). :param bool omit_charset: Indicates if the ``;charset=...`` should be omitted (disabled by default) :rtype: str """ encode = partial(quote, safe=b"") if not encode_minimal else partial(quote, safe=b" :/='") buff = io.BytesIO() write_svg(matrix, version, buff, scale=scale, color=color, background=background, border=border, xmldecl=xmldecl, svgns=svgns, title=title, desc=desc, svgclass=svgclass, lineclass=lineclass, omitsize=omitsize, encoding=encoding, svgid=svgid, unit=unit, svgversion=svgversion, nl=nl) return 'data:image/svg+xml{0},{1}' \ .format(';charset=' + encoding if not omit_charset else '', # Replace " quotes with ' and URL encode the result # See also https://codepen.io/tigt/post/optimizing-svgs-in-data-uris encode(_replace_quotes(buff.getvalue())))
def __handle_escape(self, key): while True: start_js = self.js offset = self.js.find(key) + len(key) if self.js[offset] == '(' and self.js[offset + 2] == ')': c = self.js[offset + 1] self.js = self.js.replace('%s(%s)' % (key, c), urllib.quote(c)) if start_js == self.js: break