def __init__(self) -> None: http_client = urllib3.PoolManager( timeout=urllib3.Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where(), retries=urllib3.Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.2, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504] ), maxsize=20 ) self.client = minio.Minio( S3_SERVER, access_key=S3_ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=S3_SECRET_KEY, region=S3_REGION, secure=S3_SERVER == 's3.amazonaws.com', http_client=http_client )
def test_custom_retries(self): RETRIES = Retry(20, backoff_factor=0.1) options = {'path': 'test/', 'retries': RETRIES} self.factory_custom_proxy_view(**options) url = 'http://www.example.com/test/' headers = {'Cookie': ''} self.urlopen.assert_called_with('GET', url, redirect=False, retries=RETRIES, preload_content=False, decode_content=False, headers=headers, body=b'')
def _conn_request(self, conn, request_uri, method, body, headers): # Reconstruct the full uri from the connection object. if isinstance(conn, httplib2.HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout): scheme = 'https' else: scheme = 'http' host = conn.host # Reformat IPv6 hosts. if _is_ipv6(host): host = '[{}]'.format(host) full_uri = '{}://{}:{}{}'.format( scheme, host, conn.port, request_uri) decode = True if method != 'HEAD' else False try: urllib3_response = self.pool.request( method, full_uri, body=body, headers=headers, redirect=False, retries=urllib3.Retry(total=False, redirect=0), timeout=urllib3.Timeout(total=self.timeout), decode_content=decode) response = _map_response(urllib3_response, decode=decode) content = urllib3_response.data except Exception as e: raise _map_exception(e) return response, content
def __create_session(self): session = requests.session() # Retry one time on read errors, as the connection could have been closed # by the remote side and its close notification might have been lost, # blocked by firewall or dropped by NAT. # In that case, the session will try to reuse the connection thinking it is # still alive just to fail with a read error when the remote sends the reset. # # So, by retrying in that case we avoid this error and do not lose that api # call, which could be translated in a message lost. # That way we try to get the same behavior as we had when not using sessions. # # The drawback is that we could also be masquerading some *real* read errors # and retrying a request already processed by the server, repeating some # action (eg. a duplicate message). # But, during a year of production use we never had any read error of this kind. # # Update: # Due to a duplicate message case during a telegram bot api partial failure, # we are disabling the retry policy. # That way, if the edge described above happens a message won't be sent but # we will get an error. With the retry policy, a duplicate message could be # sent silently on poor network conditions. # So, it is preferable a message lost with the error being logged than a # duplicate message without noticing it. # retry = Retry(total=1, connect=0, read=1, status=0, respect_retry_after_header=False) # passing prefix lowered to work-around https://github.com/requests/requests/pull/4349 # session.mount(self.base_url.lower(), HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)) return session