Python urwid 模块,AttrSpec() 实例源码


项目:scum    作者:CCareaga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_config():
    counter = 0
    new_config = CONFIG # make a copy of the default config
    with open(CONFIG_PATH, 'r') as f:
        lines = [x.strip('\n') for x in f.readlines()] # strip any unempty lines

    for line in lines:
        counter += 1
        if line.strip() and line.lstrip()[0] != '#': # skip lines with '#' at beginning
            split = line.split(':') # break the line into two parts item and attributes
            item = split[0].strip()
            if item in palette_items: # if this line is a palette line
                attribs = split[1].strip().split(",")
                try: # try creating an urwid attr spec
                    a = urwid.AttrSpec(attribs[0].strip(), attribs[1].strip(), colors=256)
                    if attribs[2] not in text_options:
                        attribs[2] = ''
                    new_config[item] = [item]+[a.foreground, a.background, attribs[2]] # add this to the new config
                    print("error on line" + str(counter))
            else: # this line isn't a palette lime
                if item in new_config: # if this item exists in config dict
                    new_config[item] = split[1].strip() # redefine it in the dict

    return new_config
项目:Adwear    作者:Uberi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def background_chart(chart, foreground, colors):
    Create text markup for a background colour chart

    chart -- palette chart as string
    foreground -- colour to use for foreground of chart
    colors -- number of colors (88 or 256)

    This will remap 8 <= colour < 16 to high-colour versions
    in the hopes of greater compatibility
    def convert_background(entry):
            attr = urwid.AttrSpec(foreground, entry, colors)
        except urwid.AttrSpecError:
            return None
        # fix 8 <= colour < 16
        if colors > 16 and attr.background_basic and \
            attr.background_number >= 8:
            # use high-colour with same number
            entry = 'h%d'%attr.background_number
            attr = urwid.AttrSpec(foreground, entry, colors)
        return attr, entry
    return parse_chart(chart, convert_background)
项目:mongoaudit    作者:Exploit-install    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_process(color):
    return (urwid.AttrSpec(color, color, 256), ' ')
项目:scum    作者:CCareaga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def register_palette(self):
        """Converts pygmets style to urwid palatte"""
        default = 'default'
        palette = list(self.palette)
        mapping = CONFIG['rgb_to_short']
        for tok in
            for t in tok.split()[::-1]:
                st =[t]
                if '#' in st:
            if '#' not in st:
                st = ''
            st = st.split()
            st.sort()   # '#' comes before '[A-Za-z0-9]'
            if len(st) == 0:
                c = default
            elif st[0].startswith('bg:'):
                c = default
            elif len(st[0]) == 7:
                c = 'h' + rgb_to_short(st[0][1:], mapping)[0]
            elif len(st[0]) == 4:
                c = 'h' + rgb_to_short(st[0][1]*2 + st[0][2]*2 + st[0][3]*2, mapping)[0]
                c = default
            a = urwid.AttrSpec(c, default, colors=256)
            row = (tok, default, default, default, a.foreground, default)
项目:mongoaudit    作者:stampery    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_process(color):
    return (urwid.AttrSpec(color, color, 256), ' ')
项目:Adwear    作者:Uberi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def foreground_chart(chart, background, colors):
    Create text markup for a foreground colour chart

    chart -- palette chart as string
    background -- colour to use for background of chart
    colors -- number of colors (88 or 256)
    def convert_foreground(entry):
            attr = urwid.AttrSpec(entry, background, colors)
        except urwid.AttrSpecError:
            return None
        return attr, entry
    return parse_chart(chart, convert_foreground)
项目:Adwear    作者:Uberi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _attr_to_escape(self, a):
        if a in self._pal_escape:
            return self._pal_escape[a]
        elif isinstance(a, urwid.AttrSpec):
            return self._attrspec_to_escape(a)
        # undefined attributes use default/default
        # TODO: track and report these
        return self._attrspec_to_escape(
项目:Adwear    作者:Uberi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _attrspec_to_escape(self, a):
        Convert AttrSpec instance a to an escape sequence for the terminal

        >>> s = Screen()
        >>> s.set_terminal_properties(colors=256)
        >>> a2e = s._attrspec_to_escape
        >>> a2e(s.AttrSpec('brown', 'dark green'))
        >>> a2e(s.AttrSpec('#fea,underline', '#d0d'))
        if a.foreground_high:
            fg = "38;5;%d" % a.foreground_number
        elif a.foreground_basic:
            if a.foreground_number > 7:
                if self.bright_is_bold:
                    fg = "1;%d" % (a.foreground_number - 8 + 30)
                    fg = "%d" % (a.foreground_number - 8 + 90)
                fg = "%d" % (a.foreground_number + 30)
            fg = "39"
        st = "1;" * a.bold + "4;" * a.underline + "7;" * a.standout
        if a.background_high:
            bg = "48;5;%d" % a.background_number
        elif a.background_basic:
            if a.background_number > 7:
                # this doesn't work on most terminals
                bg = "%d" % (a.background_number - 8 + 100)
                bg = "%d" % (a.background_number + 40)
            bg = "49"
        return urwid.escape.ESC + "[0;%s;%s%sm" % (fg, st, bg)
项目:Adwear    作者:Uberi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def foreground_chart(chart, background, colors):
    Create text markup for a foreground colour chart

    chart -- palette chart as string
    background -- colour to use for background of chart
    colors -- number of colors (88 or 256)
    def convert_foreground(entry):
            attr = urwid.AttrSpec(entry, background, colors)
        except urwid.AttrSpecError:
            return None
        return attr, entry
    return parse_chart(chart, convert_foreground)
项目:ncTelegram    作者:Nanoseb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate_color(raw_text):
    formated_text = []
    raw_text = raw_text.decode("utf-8")

    for at in raw_text.split("\x1b["):
            attr, text = at.split("m",1)
            attr = '0'
            text = at.split("m",1)

        list_attr = [ int(i) for i in attr.split(';') ]
        fg = -1
        bg = -1

        for elem in list_attr:
            if elem <= 29:
            elif elem <= 37:
                fg = elem - 30
            elif elem <= 47:
                bg = elem - 40
            elif elem <= 94:
                fg = fg + 8
            elif elem >= 100 and elem <= 104:
                bg = bg + 8

        fgcolor = color_list[fg]
        bgcolor = color_list[bg]

        if fg < 0:
            fgcolor = ''
        if bg < 0:
            bgcolor = ''

        if list_attr == [0]:
            fgcolor = ''
            bgcolor = ''

        formated_text.append((urwid.AttrSpec(fgcolor, bgcolor), text))

    return formated_text

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