def proxy_file_downloader(request): if not is_admin_or_root(request.user): raise PermissionDenied def download_file(url): local_filename = url.split('/')[-1] if local_filename == '': local_filename = random_string() r = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=30) with open(path.join(settings.UPLOAD_DIR, local_filename), 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) if request.method == 'POST': try: url = request.POST['url'] Thread(target=download_file, args=(url,)).start() except Exception as e: raise PermissionDenied(repr(e)) return redirect(reverse('filemanager'))
def create_session(self): session_id = random_string(20) session = HttpSession(self.dispatcher, session_id) return session_id
def prepape_auth_headers(session, include_cauth=False): """ This function prepapes headers with CSRF/CAUTH tokens that can be used in POST requests such as login/get_quiz. @param session: Requests session. @type session: requests.Session @param include_cauth: Flag that indicates whethe CAUTH cookies should be included as well. @type include_cauth: bool @return: Dictionary of headers. @rtype: dict """ # csrftoken is simply a 20 char random string csrftoken = random_string(20) # now make a call to the authenticator url csrf2cookie = 'csrf2_token_%s' % random_string(8) csrf2token = random_string(24) cookie = "csrftoken=%s; %s=%s" % (csrftoken, csrf2cookie, csrf2token) if include_cauth: CAUTH = session.cookies.get('CAUTH') cookie = "CAUTH=%s; %s" % (CAUTH, cookie) logging.debug('Forging cookie header: %s.', cookie) headers = { 'Cookie': cookie, 'X-CSRFToken': csrftoken, 'X-CSRF2-Cookie': csrf2cookie, 'X-CSRF2-Token': csrf2token } return headers
def __init__(self, contact, text, author=None, time=None, read=False, id=None): # system messages have author=None self.id, self.text, self.author, self.contact = utils.random_string(10) if not id else id, text, author, contact self.time, self.read = time if time is not None else datetime.now(), read
def get(self, request, cid): type = request.GET.get('t') if type and 'all' in type and self.privileged: submissions = self.contest.submission_set else: submissions = self.contest.submission_set.filter(author=request.user) if type and 'accepted' in type: submissions = submissions.filter(status=SubmissionStatus.ACCEPTED) submissions = submissions.select_related("author") self.contest.add_contest_problem_to_submissions(submissions) participants = dict(self.contest.contestparticipant_set.values_list('user_id', 'comment')) file_path = path.join(settings.GENERATE_DIR, random_string()) lang_ext_dict = dict(LANG_EXT) with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip: zip.writestr('/contest.nfo', '') for submission in submissions: user = submission.author.username if participants[submission.author_id]: user = participants[submission.author_id] user = self.__class__.slugify_filename(user) if getattr(submission, 'contest_problem') and submission.contest_problem: zip.writestr("/%s_%s/%s_#%d_%s.%s" % (user, submission.author_id, submission.contest_problem.identifier, submission.pk, submission.get_status_display().replace(' ', '_'), lang_ext_dict.get(submission.lang, 'txt')), submission.code) return respond_generate_file(request, file_path, "ContestCode - %s.zip" % self.contest.title)
def _prepare_judge_json_data(code, lang, max_time, max_memory, run_until_complete, cases, checker, interactor): all_params = locals().copy() if not interactor: all_params.pop('interactor') all_params['max_time'] /= 1000 all_params['fingerprint'] = random_string() return all_params
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): files = request.FILES.getlist("files[]") for file in files: save_uploaded_file_to(file, path.join(settings.UPLOAD_DIR, str(self.problem.pk)), filename=path.splitext(file.name)[0] + '.' + random_string(16), keep_extension=True) return HttpResponse()
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if request.POST['type'] == 'manual': input = request.POST['input'] output = request.POST['output'] well_form = request.POST.get("wellForm") == "on" if well_form: input, output = well_form_text(input), well_form_text(output) if not input: raise ValueError('Input file cannot be empty') save_case(self.session, input.encode(), output.encode(), well_form=well_form) elif request.POST['type'] == 'upload': file = request.FILES['file'] file_directory = '/tmp' file_path = save_uploaded_file_to(file, file_directory, filename=random_string(), keep_extension=True) process_uploaded_case(self.session, file_path) remove(file_path) elif request.POST['type'] == 'generate': generator = request.POST['generator'] raw_param = request.POST['param'] generate_input('Generate cases', self.session, generator, raw_param) elif request.POST['type'] == 'stress': generator = request.POST['generator'] raw_param = request.POST['param'] submission = request.POST['submission'] time = int(request.POST['time']) * 60 if time < 60 or time > 300: raise ValueError('Time not in range') stress('Stress test', self.session, generator, submission, raw_param, time) return HttpResponse()
def init_session(problem, user): """ Init a session :type problem: Problem :type user: User :return: session """ fingerprint = random_string() session = EditSession.objects.create(problem=problem, user=user, fingerprint=fingerprint, last_synchronize=datetime.now()) rmtree(path.join(settings.REPO_DIR, fingerprint), ignore_errors=True) makedirs(path.join(settings.REPO_DIR, fingerprint)) pull_session(session) return session
def process_uploaded_case(session, file_path): if re.search(r'\.zip$', file_path, re.IGNORECASE): # this is a zip file tmp_directory = '/tmp/' + random_string() with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path) as myZip: myZip.extractall(path=tmp_directory) for inf, ouf in sort_data_list_from_directory(tmp_directory): with open(path.join(tmp_directory, inf), 'rb') as ins, open(path.join(tmp_directory, ouf), 'rb') as ous: save_case(session, ins.read(), ous.read()) rmtree(tmp_directory) else: with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: save_case(session, file.read(), b'')