def input(*requireds, **defaults): """ Returns a `storage` object with the GET and POST arguments. See `storify` for how `requireds` and `defaults` work. """ from cStringIO import StringIO def dictify(fs): return dict([(k, fs[k]) for k in fs.keys()]) _method = defaults.pop('_method', 'both') e = ctx.env.copy() a = b = {} if _method.lower() in ['both', 'post']: if e['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST': a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp = StringIO(data()), environ=e, keep_blank_values=1) a = dictify(a) if _method.lower() in ['both', 'get']: e['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET' b = dictify(cgi.FieldStorage(environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)) out = dictadd(b, a) try: return storify(out, *requireds, **defaults) except KeyError: badrequest() raise StopIteration
def upvars(level=2): """Guido van Rossum sez: don't use this function.""" return dictadd( sys._getframe(level).f_globals, sys._getframe(level).f_locals)
def rawinput(method=None): """Returns storage object with GET or POST arguments. """ method = method or "both" from cStringIO import StringIO def dictify(fs): # hack to make web.input work with enctype='text/plain. if fs.list is None: fs.list = [] return dict([(k, fs[k]) for k in fs.keys()]) e = ctx.env.copy() a = b = {} if method.lower() in ['both', 'post', 'put']: if e['REQUEST_METHOD'] in ['POST', 'PUT']: if e.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/'): # since wsgi.input is directly passed to cgi.FieldStorage, # it can not be called multiple times. Saving the FieldStorage # object in ctx to allow calling web.input multiple times. a = ctx.get('_fieldstorage') if not a: fp = e['wsgi.input'] a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1) ctx._fieldstorage = a else: fp = StringIO(data()) a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1) a = dictify(a) if method.lower() in ['both', 'get']: e['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET' b = dictify(cgi.FieldStorage(environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)) def process_fieldstorage(fs): if isinstance(fs, list): return [process_fieldstorage(x) for x in fs] elif fs.filename is None: return fs.value else: return fs return storage([(k, process_fieldstorage(v)) for k, v in dictadd(b, a).items()])
def input(*requireds, **defaults): """ Returns a `storage` object with the GET and POST arguments. See `storify` for how `requireds` and `defaults` work. """ from cStringIO import StringIO def dictify(fs): # hack to make web.input work with enctype='text/plain. if fs.list is None: fs.list = [] return dict([(k, fs[k]) for k in fs.keys()]) _method = defaults.pop('_method', 'both') e = ctx.env.copy() a = b = {} if _method.lower() in ['both', 'post', 'put']: if e['REQUEST_METHOD'] in ['POST', 'PUT']: if e.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/'): # since wsgi.input is directly passed to cgi.FieldStorage, # it can not be called multiple times. Saving the FieldStorage # object in ctx to allow calling web.input multiple times. a = ctx.get('_fieldstorage') if not a: fp = e['wsgi.input'] a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1) ctx._fieldstorage = a else: fp = StringIO(data()) a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1) a = dictify(a) if _method.lower() in ['both', 'get']: e['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET' b = dictify(cgi.FieldStorage(environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)) out = dictadd(b, a) try: defaults.setdefault('_unicode', True) # force unicode conversion by default. return storify(out, *requireds, **defaults) except KeyError: raise badrequest()