def index(self): sd = json.dumps({ "alexa:all": { "productID": config['alexa']['Device_Type_ID'], "productInstanceAttributes": { "deviceSerialNumber": hashlib.sha256(str(uuid.getnode()).encode()).hexdigest() } } }) url = "https://www.amazon.com/ap/oa" callback = cherrypy.url() + "code" payload = { "client_id": config['alexa']['Client_ID'], "scope": "alexa:all", "scope_data": sd, "response_type": "code", "redirect_uri": callback } req = requests.Request('GET', url, params=payload) prepared_req = req.prepare() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(prepared_req.url)
def __init__(self): self.conn = None self.dirty_scene = False self.guest = None self.guest_mapping_by_uuid = dict() self.hostname = ji.Common.get_hostname() self.node_id = uuid.getnode() self.cpu = psutil.cpu_count() self.memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total self.interfaces = dict() self.disks = dict() self.guest_callbacks = list() self.interval = 60 # self.last_host_cpu_time = dict() self.last_host_traffic = dict() self.last_host_disk_io = dict() self.last_guest_cpu_time = dict() self.last_guest_traffic = dict() self.last_guest_disk_io = dict() self.ts = ji.Common.ts() self.ssh_client = None
def __init__(self, email, password): self.email = email self.password = password self.device_token = hashlib.md5(str(uuid.getnode())).hexdigest() self.session = requests.Session() self.login() basic_info = self.get_basic_info() self.categories = basic_info["GB.categories"] self.months = basic_info["GB.months"] self.statements = basic_info["GB.statements"] self.fieldnames = [u'name', u'label', u'date', u'account', u'category', u'subcategory', u'duplicated', u'currency', u'value', u'deleted'] self.category_resolver = {} for categ in self.categories: for sub_categ in categ['categories']: self.category_resolver[sub_categ['id']] = \ (categ['name'], sub_categ['name']) self.account_resolver = {} for account in self.statements: for sub_account in account['accounts']: self.account_resolver[sub_account['id']] = sub_account['name']
def list_instances(project, zone, globalinstances, distro, includeterm): # NOT thread safe credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default() compute = discovery.build('compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials) result = compute.instances().list(project=project, zone=zone).execute() if ('items' in result): print('%s instances in zone %s:' % (project, zone)) instancenames = [] name = prefix + '-' + distro if not globalinstances: name += '-' + format(str(uuid.getnode())[:8:-1]) for instance in result['items']: if name in instance['name']: print(' - ' + instance['name'] + ' - ' + instance['status']) if (instance['status'] == 'RUNNING' or includeterm): instancenames.append(instance['name']) return instancenames if (len(instancenames) > 0) else False return False # [END list_instances] # [START check_gceproject]
def index(self): sd = json.dumps({ "alexa:all": { "productID": PRODUCT_ID, "productInstanceAttributes": { "deviceSerialNumber": uuid.getnode() } } }) url = "https://www.amazon.com/ap/oa" callback = cherrypy.url() + "authresponse" payload = { "client_id": CLIENT_ID, "scope": "alexa:all", "scope_data": sd, "response_type": "code", "redirect_uri": callback } req = requests.Request('GET', url, params=payload) p = req.prepare() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(p.url)
def uuid_with_timestamp(microseconds, lowest_val=False, randomize=False): ts = int(microseconds * 10) + long(0x01b21dd213814000) time_low = ts & long(0xffffffff) time_mid = (ts >> 32) & long(0xffff) time_hi_version = (ts >> long(48)) & long(0x0fff) if randomize: cs = random.randrange(1 << long(14)) clock_seq_low = cs & long(0xff) clock_seq_hi_variant = (cs >> long(8)) & long(0x3f) node = uuid.getnode() else: if lowest_val: # uuid with lowest possible clock value clock_seq_low = 0 & long(0xff) clock_seq_hi_variant = 0 & long(0x3f) node = 0 & long(0xffffffffffff) # 48 bits else: # UUID with highest possible clock value clock_seq_low = long(0xff) clock_seq_hi_variant = long(0x3f) node = long(0xffffffffffff) # 48 bits return uuid.UUID( fields=(time_low, time_mid, time_hi_version, clock_seq_hi_variant, clock_seq_low, node), version=1 )
def __init__(self, account, password): # ????? super(yjbLoginSession, self).__init__(account=account, password=password) # ??????? self.mac_address = ("".join(c + "-" if i % 2 else c for i, c in \ enumerate(hex(uuid.getnode())[2:].zfill(12)))[:-1]).upper() # TODO disk_serial_id and cpuid machinecode ??????? self.disk_serial_id = "ST3250890AS" self.cpuid = "-41315-FA76111D" self.machinecode = "-41315-FA76111D" # ????? self.code_rule = re.compile("^[0-9]{4}$") if datetime.now() > datetime(year=2016, month=11, day=30, hour=0): # raise TraderAPIError('?????????2016?11?30???') logger.warning('?????????2016?11?30???') else: logger.warning('?????????2016?11?30???')
def __init__(self, account, password): # ????? super(gfLoginSession, self).__init__(account=account, password=password) # TODO ?????????? self.disknum = "S2ZWJ9AF517295" self.mac_address = ("".join(c + "-" if i % 2 else c for i, c in \ enumerate(hex(uuid.getnode())[2:].zfill(12)))[:-1]).upper() # ????????? self.code_rule = re.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9]{5}$") # ????sessionId self._dse_sessionId = None # ?????? self.margin_flags = False
def __init__(self, model="inception-v3", layer="penultimate", server_url='api.garaza.io:443'): super().__init__(server_url) model_settings = self._get_model_settings_confidently(model, layer) self._model = model self._layer = layer self._target_image_size = model_settings['target_image_size'] cache_file_path = self._cache_file_blueprint.format(model, layer) self._cache_file_path = join(cache_dir(), cache_file_path) self._cache_dict = self._init_cache() self._session = cachecontrol.CacheControl( requests.session(), cache=cachecontrol.caches.FileCache( join(cache_dir(), __name__ + ".ImageEmbedder.httpcache")) ) # attribute that offers support for cancelling the embedding # if ran in another thread self.cancelled = False self.machine_id = \ QSettings().value('error-reporting/machine-id', '', type=str) \ or str(uuid.getnode()) self.session_id = None
def get_machid(): """Get (mostly) unique machine ID Returns ------- ids : array (length 2, int32) The machine identifier used in MNE. """ mac = b('%012x' % uuid.getnode()) # byte conversion for Py3 mac = re.findall(b'..', mac) # split string mac += [b'00', b'00'] # add two more fields # Convert to integer in reverse-order (for some reason) from codecs import encode mac = b''.join([encode(h, 'hex_codec') for h in mac[::-1]]) ids = np.flipud(np.fromstring(mac, np.int32, count=2)) return ids
def tuling(self, info, apiKey = None): tuling_server = "http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api" assert isinstance(info, str), "Info must be a string" assert apiKey is None or isinstance(apiKey, str), "`apiKey` must be `None` or a string" #using Rain's defaul tuline's keys if apiKey is None: apiKey = "fd2a2710a7e01001f97dc3a663603fa1" mac_address = uuid.UUID(int=uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:] url = tuling_server + "?key=" +apiKey + "&info=" + info re = urlopen(url).read() re_dict = json.loads(re) answer = re_dict['text'] return answer # nuance header
def get_fingerprint(md5=False): """ Fingerprint of the current operating system/platform. If md5 is True, a digital fingerprint is returned. """ sb = [] sb.append(p.node()) sb.append(p.architecture()[0]) sb.append(p.architecture()[1]) sb.append(p.machine()) sb.append(p.processor()) sb.append(p.system()) sb.append(str(uuid.getnode())) # MAC address text = '#'.join(sb) if md5: return string_to_md5(text) else: return text
def unique_id(): import uuid return uuid.getnode()
def get_mac_address(): import uuid node = uuid.getnode() mac = uuid.UUID(int=node).hex[-12:] return mac
def test_times_from_uuid1(self): node = uuid.getnode() now = time.time() u = uuid.uuid1(node, 0) t = util.unix_time_from_uuid1(u) self.assertAlmostEqual(now, t, 2) dt = util.datetime_from_uuid1(u) t = calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple()) + dt.microsecond / 1e6 self.assertAlmostEqual(now, t, 2)
def is_latest(): node = uuid.getnode() jsn = uuid.UUID(int=node).hex[-12:] with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'version')) as f: current_version = f.read() lastest_version = urllib.urlopen('http://www.jumpserver.org/lastest_version.html?jsn=%s' % jsn).read().strip() if current_version != lastest_version: pass
def get_mac_address(): node = uuid.getnode() mac = uuid.UUID(int=node).hex[-12:] return mac
def setup_rundb(self): """ Configures the run database parameters, sets them into extra_vars """ rundb_conn_default = '~/.config/linchpin/rundb-::mac::.json' rundb_conn = self.get_cfg(section='lp', key='rundb_conn', default=rundb_conn_default) rundb_type = self.get_cfg(section='lp', key='rundb_type', default='TinyRunDB') rundb_conn_type = self.get_cfg(section='lp', key='rundb_conn_type', default='file') self.rundb_hash = self.get_cfg(section='lp', key='rundb_hash', default='sha256') if rundb_conn_type == 'file': rundb_conn_int = rundb_conn.replace('::mac::', str(get_mac())) rundb_conn_int = os.path.expanduser(rundb_conn_int) rundb_conn_dir = os.path.dirname(rundb_conn_int) if not os.path.exists(rundb_conn_dir): os.mkdir(rundb_conn_dir) self.set_evar('rundb_type', rundb_type) self.set_evar('rundb_conn', rundb_conn_int) self.set_evar('rundb_hash', self.rundb_hash) return BaseDB(DB_DRIVERS[rundb_type], rundb_conn_int)
def get_speech(self, phrase): if self.token == '': self.token = self.get_token() query = {'tex': phrase, 'lan': 'zh', 'tok': self.token, 'ctp': 1, 'cuid': str(get_mac())[:32], 'per': self.per } r = requests.post('http://tsn.baidu.com/text2audio', data=query, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) try: r.raise_for_status() if r.json()['err_msg'] is not None: self._logger.critical('Baidu TTS failed with response: %r', r.json()['err_msg'], exc_info=True) return None except Exception: pass with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp3', delete=False) as f: f.write(r.content) tmpfile = f.name return tmpfile
def get_mac_address(): mac = uuid.UUID(int=uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:] return ":".join([mac[e:e+2] for e in range(0, 11, 2)])
def __init__(self, logger, device_key): self.logger = logger self.conn = None self.device_id = str(get_mac()) self.device_key = device_key # Connect to the server
def _getMac(): """Get our machines mac address and format it for the packet.""" return '{:0>12X}'.format(uuid.getnode())
def getmac(self): import uuid node = uuid.getnode() mac = uuid.UUID(int = node).hex[-12:] return mac
def get_mac(): return ':'.join(('%012X' % uuid.getnode())[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 12, 2)) # what's the likely ip address for the local UI?
def __init__(self, audioplayer=None, tempdir="."): if audioplayer: self.audioplayer = audioplayer else: self.audioplayer = mixer self.audioplayer.init() self.app_key = "QrhsINLcc3Io6w048Ia8kcjS" self.secret_key = "e414b3ccb7d51fef12f297ffea9ec41d" self.url_tok_base = "https://openapi.baidu.com/oauth/2.0/token" self.url_get_base = "http://tsn.baidu.com/text2audio" self.url_post_base = "http://tsn.baidu.com/text2audio" self.access_token = self.get_token() self.mac_address = uuid.UUID(int=uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:] self.language = 'zh' self.tempdir = tempdir if os.path.isdir(tempdir) else "."
def get_mac_address(): """Get mac address. """ mac = uuid.UUID(int=uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:] return ":".join([mac[e:e+2] for e in range(0, 11, 2)])
def get_or_create_current_instance(cls): """Get the instance model corresponding to the current system, or create a new one if the system is new or its properties have changed (e.g. OS from upgrade).""" # on Android, platform.platform() barfs, so we handle that safely here try: plat = platform.platform() except: plat = "Unknown (Android?)" kwargs = { "platform": plat, "hostname": platform.node(), "sysversion": sys.version, "database": DatabaseIDModel.get_or_create_current_database_id(), "db_path": os.path.abspath(settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']), "system_id": os.environ.get("MORANGO_SYSTEM_ID", ""), } # try to get the MAC address, but exclude it if it was a fake (random) address mac = uuid.getnode() if (mac >> 40) % 2 == 0: # 8th bit (of 48 bits, from left) is 1 if MAC is fake hashable_identifier = "{}:{}".format(kwargs['database'].id, mac) kwargs["node_id"] = hashlib.sha1(hashable_identifier.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:20] else: kwargs["node_id"] = "" # do within transaction so we only ever have 1 current instance ID with transaction.atomic(): InstanceIDModel.objects.filter(current=True).update(current=False) obj, created = InstanceIDModel.objects.get_or_create(**kwargs) obj.current = True obj.save() return obj, created
def test_getnode(self): import sys node1 = uuid.getnode() self.check_node(node1, "getnode1") # Test it again to ensure consistency. node2 = uuid.getnode() self.check_node(node2, "getnode2") self.assertEqual(node1, node2)
def get_localhost_details(interfaces_eth, interfaces_wlan): hostdata = "None" hostname = "None" windows_ip = "None" eth_ip = "None" wlan_ip = "None" host_fqdn = "None" eth_mac = "None" wlan_mac = "None" windows_mac = "None" hostname = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) if hostname.startswith("127.") and os.name != "nt": hostdata = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()) hostname = str(hostdata[1]).strip('[]') host_fqdn = socket.getfqdn() for interface in interfaces_eth: try: eth_ip = get_ip(interface) if not "None" in eth_ip: eth_mac = get_mac_address(interface) break except IOError: pass for interface in interfaces_wlan: try: wlan_ip = get_ip(interface) if not "None" in wlan_ip: wlan_mac = get_mac_address(interface) break except IOError: pass else: windows_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) windows_mac = uuid.getnode() windows_mac = ':'.join(("%012X" % windows_mac)[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 12, 2)) hostdata = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()) hostname = str(socket.gethostname()) host_fqdn = socket.getfqdn() return hostdata, hostname, windows_ip, eth_ip, wlan_ip, host_fqdn, eth_mac, wlan_mac, windows_mac
def init(browsing, mailing, printing, copyfiles, copysea, ssh, meeting, offline, private, breaks, attacking, t): activities = createActivityList(browsing, mailing, printing, copyfiles, copysea, ssh, meeting, offline, private, breaks, attacking) time.sleep(2) parser = SafeConfigParser() parser.read("packages/system/config.ini") subnet, host, hostname = getSubnetHostAndHostname() global myID if platform.system() == "Linux": myID = str(getnode()) else: # For Windows, something must be trickled, since getnode () returns an incorrect value hexMac = check_output(["getmac"])[162:180] hexMacNoDash = hexMac.replace("-", "") intMac = int(hexMacNoDash, 16) myID = str(intMac) global pathForLog if platform.system() == "Linux": pathForLog = "/home/debian/log/" else: pathForLog = "M:\\" # In endless loop perform different activities try: while True: if isWorkday(parser) and isWorkingHours(parser): doSomething(activities) else: # Should be just the end of his work, he must wait until he has to work again time.sleep(random.randint(1, 15)*60 - random.randint(1, 55)) except KeyboardInterrupt: echoC(__name__, "SCRIPT STOPPED: KEYBOARDINTERRUPT") sys.exit(0)
def copyRandomFile(fileNames, destination): # Select a random file fileNameWithPath = fileNames[randint(0, len(fileNames)-1)] if platform.system() == "Linux": separator = "/" elif platform.system() == "Windows": separator = "\\" # If the file is copied to the VM, the MAC address (as an integer) is placed before the file names # -> Avoid deadlocks when copying to the server if "localstorage" in destination: localFileName = str(getnode()) + "-" + fileNameWithPath.split(separator)[-1] else: localFileName = fileNameWithPath.split(separator)[-1] # Path to the corresponding drive and filename dstWithFileName = destination + localFileName # Copy file try: copyfile(fileNameWithPath, dstWithFileName) echoC(__name__, "Copied file " + localFileName + " to " + destination) except Exception as e: echoC(__name__, "copyfile() with destination " + destination + " error: " + str(e)) return -1 # copyfile() is not blocking time.sleep(random.randint(15, 300)) return 0 # Select a file and copy it to the VM or the file server
def copyRandomFile(fileNames, destination): # Pick a random file fileNameWithPath = fileNames[randint(0, len(fileNames)-1)] if platform.system() == "Linux": separator = "/" elif platform.system() == "Windows": separator = "\\" # If the file is copied to the VM, the MAC address (as an integer) is placed before the file names # -> Avoid deadlocks when copying to the server if "localstorage" in destination: localFileName = str(getnode()) + "-" + fileNameWithPath.split(separator)[-1] else: localFileName = fileNameWithPath.split(separator)[-1] # Path to the appropriate drive and filename dstWithFileName = destination + localFileName # Copy file try: copyfile(fileNameWithPath, dstWithFileName) echoC(__name__, "Copied file " + localFileName + " to " + destination) except Exception as e: echoC(__name__, "copyfile() with destination " + destination + " error: " + str(e)) return -1 # copyfile() is not blocking time.sleep(random.randint(15,120)) return 0
def test_getnode(self): node1 = uuid.getnode() self.assertTrue(0 < node1 < (1 << 48), '%012x' % node1) # Test it again to ensure consistency. node2 = uuid.getnode() self.assertEqual(node1, node2, '%012x != %012x' % (node1, node2))
def getmac(): mac = get_mac() mac = ':'.join(("%012X" % mac)[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 12, 2)) return mac
def mac_addresses(): mac = get_mac() ':'.join(("%012X" % mac)[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, 12, 2)) arr = [] for iface in psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True): try: addr_list = psutil.net_if_addrs() mac = addr_list[str(iface)][2][1] if re.match("[0-9a-f]{2}([-:])[0-9a-f]{2}(\\1[0-9a-f]{2}){4}$", mac.lower()) and str( mac) != '00:00:00:00:00:00': arr.append(mac.lower()) except Exception as e: pass return arr
def generate_uuid(self, depend_mac=True): if depend_mac is False: self.logger.debug('uuid creating randomly') return uuid.uuid4() # make a random UUID else: self.logger.debug('uuid creating according to mac address') return uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, str(get_mac())) # make a UUID using an MD5 hash of a namespace UUID and a mac address
def login(self): flag = True if self.loginUrl is not None: try: mac = uuid.UUID(int=uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:] self.params.append( ('KEY', self.md5(self.softKey.upper() + self.user.upper()) + mac)) self.opener.addheaders = self.params url = "http://" + self.loginUrl url += "/Upload/Login.aspx?U=%s&p=%s" % ( self.user, self.md5(self.pwd)) try: response = self.opener.open(url, None, 60) if response.code == 200: body = response.read() if body is not None: if body.find("-") > 0: us = body.split("_") self.uid = us[0] self.uKey = body.strip() print '???????ID??', self.uid flag = True else: print '????,??????', body flag = False except Exception, e: print "Error:Login Request" print e except Exception, e: print "Error:Login Params " print e return flag
def send_init(self): cpus=multiprocessing.cpu_count() mac=':'.join('%02X' % ((get_mac() >> 8*i) & 0xff) for i in reversed(xrange(6))) self.socket.sendto("init#"+str(cpus)+"#"+mac, (self.server_ip, self.tx_port))
def get_mac(): # ??mac?? link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28927958/python-get-mac-address return ("".join(c + "-" if i % 2 else c for i, c in enumerate(hex( uuid.getnode())[2:].zfill(12)))[:-1]).upper()
def Connect(self): self.socket_mode = UDP_MODE self.mac = uuid.getnode() # Set up UDP receiver. self.udp_rx_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.udp_rx_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # Pack multicast group structure correctly. mreq = struct.pack('=4sl', socket.inet_aton(MCAST_GRP),socket.INADDR_ANY) # Request access to multicast group. self.udp_rx_sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq) # Bind to all intfs. self.udp_rx_sock.bind(('', MCAST_PORT)) self.udp_rx_sock.settimeout(TIMEOUT) # Set up UDP transmitter. self.udp_tx_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.udp_tx_sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 255) # Get the MAC address of the local adapter. msg = bytearray(8) struct.pack_into('<Q', msg, 0, int(self.mac)) self.local_mac = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in msg[0:6]) logging.debug('MAC Addr: %s', self.local_mac)
def getMac(self, format=2): if format < 2: format = 2 if format > 4: format = 4 mac_num = hex(getnode()).replace('0x', '').upper() mac = '-'.join(mac_num[i : i + format] for i in range(0, 11, format)) #debug("Mac:" + mac) return mac
def get_machine_id(): machine_id = get_rpi_serial() if machine_id: return machine_id return str(uuid.getnode())
def get_mac_address(): mac=uuid.UUID(int = uuid.getnode()).hex[-12:] return ":".join([mac[e:e+2] for e in range(0,11,2)])
def fetch(path, t='GET'): url = 'http{}://{}:{}/'.format(PLEX_SSL, PLEX_HOST, PLEX_PORT) headers = {'X-Plex-Token': PLEX_TOKEN, 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Plex-Provides': 'controller', 'X-Plex-Platform': platform.uname()[0], 'X-Plex-Platform-Version': platform.uname()[2], 'X-Plex-Product': 'Plexpy script', 'X-Plex-Version': '0.9.5', 'X-Plex-Device': platform.platform(), 'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': str(hex(getnode())) } try: if t == 'GET': r = requests.get(url + path, headers=headers, verify=False) elif t == 'POST': r = requests.post(url + path, headers=headers, verify=False) elif t == 'DELETE': r = requests.delete(url + path, headers=headers, verify=False) if r and len(r.content): # incase it dont return anything return r.json() else: return r.content except Exception as e: print e