Python voluptuous 模块,Range() 实例源码


项目:gnocchi    作者:gnocchixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_pagination_options(params, default):
        opts = voluptuous.Schema({
                "limit", default=pecan.request.conf.api.max_limit):
                               min=1, max=pecan.request.conf.api.max_limit)),
            "marker": six.text_type,
            voluptuous.Required("sort", default=default):
        }, extra=voluptuous.REMOVE_EXTRA)(params)
    except voluptuous.Invalid as e:
        abort(400, {"cause": "Argument value error",
                    "reason": str(e)})
    opts['sorts'] = opts['sort']
    del opts['sort']
    return opts
项目:voat    作者:Cightline    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def page(self, start, end):
        s_schema = Schema({ Required('start'): All(int, Range(min=0))})
        e_schema = Schema({ Required('end'):   All(int, Range(min=0))})

        s_status, s_result = self.try_schema('start', start, s_schema)

        if not s_status:
            return [s_status, s_result]

        e_status, e_result = self.try_schema('end', end, e_schema)

        if not e_status:
            return [e_status, e_result]

        if end < start:
            return [False, 'ending page cannot be lower than starting page']

        total_pages = end - start

        if total_pages > 50:
            return [False, 'you cannot request more than 50 pages']

        return [True, None]
项目:litecord-reference    作者:lnmds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, server):
        self.server = server
        self.guild_man = server.guild_man

        self.channel_edit_base = Schema({
            'name': All(str, Length(min=2, max=100)),
            'position': int,
            Optional('nsfw'): bool,
        }, required=True)

        self.textchan_editschema = self.channel_edit_base.extend({
            'topic': All(str, Length(min=0, max=1024))

        self.voicechan_editschema = self.channel_edit_base.extend({
            'bitrate': All(int, Range(min=8000, max=96000)),
            'user_limit': All(int, Range(min=0, max=99)),

项目:home-assistant-dlna-dmr    作者:StevenLooman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _state_variable_create_schema(self, type_info):
        # construct validators
        validators = []

        data_type = type_info['data_type_python']

        if 'allowed_values' in type_info:
            allowed_values = type_info['allowed_values']
            in_ = vol.In(allowed_values)  # coerce allowed values? assume always string for now

        if 'allowed_value_range' in type_info:
            min_ = type_info['allowed_value_range'].get('min', None)
            max_ = type_info['allowed_value_range'].get('max', None)
            min_ = data_type(min_)
            max_ = data_type(max_)
            range_ = vol.Range(min=min_, max=max_)

        # construct key
        key = vol.Required('value')

        if 'default_value' in type_info:
            default_value = type_info['default_value']
            if data_type == bool:
                default_value = default_value == '1'
                default_value = data_type(default_value)
            key.default = default_value

        return vol.Schema({key: vol.All(*validators)})
项目:steem-python    作者:steemit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vote(self,
        """ Vote for a post

            :param str identifier: Identifier for the post to upvote Takes
                                   the form ``@author/permlink``
            :param float weight: Voting weight. Range: -100.0 - +100.0. May
                                 not be 0.0
            :param str account: Voter to use for voting. (Optional)

            If ``voter`` is not defines, the ``default_account`` will be taken or
            a ValueError will be raised

            .. code-block:: python

                steempy set default_account <account>
        if not account:
            account = configStorage.get("default_account")
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide a voter account")

        post_author, post_permlink = resolve_identifier(identifier)

        op = operations.Vote(
            **{"voter": account,
               "author": post_author,
               "permlink": post_permlink,
               "weight": int(weight * STEEMIT_1_PERCENT)}

        return self.finalizeOp(op, account, "posting")
项目:monasca-analytics    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_config(_config):
        source_schema = voluptuous.Schema({
            "module": voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
            "params": {
                "zk_host": voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
                "zk_port": int,
                "group_id": voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
                "topics": {
                    voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()):
                    voluptuous.And(int, voluptuous.Range(min=1))
        }, required=True)
        return source_schema(_config)
项目:monasca-analytics    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_config(_config):
        markov_schema = voluptuous.Schema({
            "module": voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
            "sleep": voluptuous.And(
                float, voluptuous.Range(
                    min=0, max=1, min_included=False, max_included=False)),
        }, required=True)
        return markov_schema(_config)
项目:monasca-analytics    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_config(_config):
        source_schema = voluptuous.Schema({
            "module": voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
            "params": {
                "host": voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
                "port": int,
                "model": {
                    "name": voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
                    "params": {
                        "origin_types": voluptuous.And([
                                "origin_type": voluptuous.And(
                                    basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
                                "weight": voluptuous.And(
                                    voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                                        min=0, min_included=False)),
                        ], vu.NotEmptyArray()),
                        voluptuous.Optional("key_causes"): dict
                "alerts_per_burst": voluptuous.And(
                    int, voluptuous.Range(min=1)),
                "idle_time_between_bursts": voluptuous.And(
                    voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                    voluptuous.Range(min=0, min_included=False))
        }, required=True)
        return source_schema(_config)
项目:monasca-analytics    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_config(_config):
        source_schema = voluptuous.Schema({
            "module": voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
            "sleep": voluptuous.And(
                    min=0, max=1, min_included=False, max_included=False)),
        }, required=True)
        return source_schema(_config)
项目:gnocchi    作者:gnocchixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def schema_ext(self):
        return voluptuous.All(numbers.Real,
项目:voat    作者:Cightline    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vote(self, direction):
        schema = Schema({ Required('vote'): All(int, Range(min=-1, max=1))})

        return self.try_schema('vote', direction, schema)
项目:steem-python    作者:Netherdrake    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vote(self,
        """ Vote for a post

            :param str identifier: Identifier for the post to upvote Takes
                                   the form ``@author/permlink``
            :param float weight: Voting weight. Range: -100.0 - +100.0. May
                                 not be 0.0
            :param str account: Voter to use for voting. (Optional)

            If ``voter`` is not defines, the ``default_account`` will be taken or
            a ValueError will be raised

            .. code-block:: python

                steempy set default_account <account>
        if not account:
            account = configStorage.get("default_account")
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide a voter account")

        post_author, post_permlink = resolve_identifier(identifier)

        op = operations.Vote(
            **{"voter": account,
               "author": post_author,
               "permlink": post_permlink,
               "weight": int(weight * STEEMIT_1_PERCENT)}

        return self.finalizeOp(op, account, "posting")
项目:litecord-reference    作者:lnmds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, server):
        self.server = server
        self.guild_man = server.guild_man

        self.invite_create_schema = Schema({
            Required('max_age', default=86400): All(int, Range(min=10, max=86400)),
            Required('max_uses', default=0): All(int, Range(min=0, max=50)),
            Required('temporary', default=False): bool,
            Required('unique', default=True): bool,
        }, extra=REMOVE_EXTRA)

项目:monasca-analytics    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_config(_config):
        source_schema = voluptuous.Schema({
            "module": voluptuous.And(
                basestring, vu.NoSpaceCharacter()),
            "min_event_per_burst": voluptuous.Or(float, int),
            "sleep": voluptuous.And(
                float, voluptuous.Range(
                    min=0, max=1, min_included=False, max_included=False)),
            "transitions": {
                "web_service": {
                    "run=>slow": {
                        voluptuous.And(vu.NumericString()): voluptuous.And(
                            voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                            voluptuous.Range(min=0, max=1)),
                    "slow=>run": {
                        voluptuous.And(vu.NumericString()): voluptuous.And(
                            voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                            voluptuous.Range(min=0, max=1)),
                    "stop=>run": voluptuous.And(
                        voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                        voluptuous.Range(min=0, max=1)),
                "switch": {
                    "on=>off": voluptuous.And(voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                                              voluptuous.Range(min=0, max=1)),
                    "off=>on": voluptuous.And(voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                                              voluptuous.Range(min=0, max=1)),
                "host": {
                    "on=>off": voluptuous.And(voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                                              voluptuous.Range(min=0, max=1)),
                    "off=>on": voluptuous.And(voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                                              voluptuous.Range(min=0, max=1)),
            "triggers": {
                "support": {
                    "get_called": {
                        voluptuous.And(vu.NumericString()): voluptuous.And(
                            voluptuous.Or(int, float),
                            voluptuous.Range(min=0, max=1)),
            "graph": {
                voluptuous.And(basestring, vu.ValidMarkovGraph()): [basestring]
        }, required=True)
        return source_schema(_config)