def token(self, CODE=''): client, url = self.getCODE() if not self.checked: if CODE == '': is_open = webbrowser.open_new(url) if not is_open: LOG.info(_("Please use the browser to open %(url)s"), {'url': url}) try: # for python2.x CODE = raw_input(_("Please Input the Code: ")).strip() except: # for python3.x CODE = input(_("Please Input the Code: ")).strip() try: client.set_code(CODE) except: LOG.error(_("Maybe wrong CODE")) return token = client.token pkl.dump(token, open(str(self.token_file), 'wb')) self.api = Client(self.app_key, self.app_secret, self.callback_url, token) self.checked = True
def token(self, CODE=''): client, url = self.getCODE() if self.checked == False: if CODE == '': import pdb;pdb.set_trace() is_open = webbrowser.open_new(url) if not is_open: print('Please open %s' % url) try: # for python2.x CODE = raw_input("Please Input the Code: ").strip() except: # for python3.x CODE = input("Please Input the Code: ").strip() try: client.set_code(CODE) except: print("Maybe wrong CODE") return token = client.token pkl.dump(token, open(str(self.token_file), 'wb')) self.api = Client(self.APP_KEY, self.APP_SECRET, self.CALLBACK_URL, token) self.checked = True
def handle_unexpected_errors(f): """Decorator that catches unexpected errors.""" @wraps(f) def call_f(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: errorf = StringIO() print_exc(file=errorf) error = errorf.getvalue() click.echo( "Looks like there's a bug in our code. Sorry about that!" " Here's the traceback:\n" + error) if click.confirm( "Would you like to file an issue in our issue tracker?", default=True, abort=True): url = "https://github.com/datawire/pib/issues/new?body=" body = quote_plus(BUG_REPORT_TEMPLATE.format( os.getcwd(), __version__, python_version, run_result(["uname", "-a"]), error)) webbrowser.open_new(url + body) return call_f
def _request_refresh_token(self): # create configuration file dir config_dir = os.path.dirname(self._config_path) if not os.path.isdir(config_dir): os.makedirs(config_dir) # open browser and ask for authorization auth_request_url = gdal.GOA2GetAuthorizationURL(self._scope) print('Authorize access to your Fusion Tables, and paste the resulting code below: ' + auth_request_url) # webbrowser.open_new(auth_request_url) auth_code = raw_input('Please enter authorization code: ').strip() refresh_token = gdal.GOA2GetRefreshToken(auth_code, self._scope) # save it json.dump({'refresh_token': refresh_token}, open(self._config_path, 'w')) return refresh_token
def click(self, link): path = gitPath(self.view.window()) command = ("cd '{0}';git show {1}").format(path, link) stdout, _ = run_bash_for_output(command) window = self.view.window() results_view = window.new_file() results_view.set_scratch(True) results_view.set_syntax_file('Packages/Diff/Diff.tmLanguage') results_view.set_name('GitBlame') # deps: this is from utilities.py results_view.run_command('replace_content', {"new_content": stdout}) results_view.sel().clear() results_view.sel().add(sublime.Region(0, 0)) window.focus_view(results_view) """for line in lines: matches = re.search(r'Differential Revision: (http.*/D[0-9]+)', line) if matches is not None: actual_link = matches.group(1) webbrowser.open_new(actual_link)"""
def run(self, unused_args, unused_config): """Generates and opens a URL to get auth code, then retrieve a token.""" auth_url = ee.oauth.get_authorization_url() webbrowser.open_new(auth_url) print(""" Opening web browser to address %s Please authorize access to your Earth Engine account, and paste the resulting code below. If the web browser does not start, please manually browse the URL above. """ % auth_url) auth_code = input('Please enter authorization code: ').strip() token = ee.oauth.request_token(auth_code) ee.oauth.write_token(token) print('\nSuccessfully saved authorization token.')
def plot(self, dataset, path, show=False): with PdfPages(path) as pdf: x_vals = dataset.data['T'].tolist() y_vals = dataset.data[self.symbol].tolist() plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals, 'ro', alpha=0.4, markersize=4) x_vals2 = np.linspace(min(x_vals), max(x_vals), 80) fx = np.polyval(self._coeffs, x_vals2) plt.plot(x_vals2, fx, linewidth=0.3, label='') plt.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 4)) plt.legend(loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0.8)) plt.title('$%s$ vs $T$' % self.display_symbol) plt.xlabel('$T$ (K)') plt.ylabel('$%s$ (%s)' % (self.display_symbol, self.units)) fig = plt.gcf() pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close() if show: webbrowser.open_new(path)
def run(self, unused_args, unused_config): """Generates and opens a URL to get auth code, then retrieve a token.""" auth_url = ee.oauth.get_authorization_url() webbrowser.open_new(auth_url) print """ Opening web browser to address %s Please authorize access to your Earth Engine account, and paste the resulting code below. If the web browser does not start, please manually browse the URL above. """ % auth_url auth_code = raw_input('Please enter authorization code: ').strip() token = ee.oauth.request_token(auth_code) ee.oauth.write_token(token) print '\nSuccessfully saved authorization token.'
def __menu (self) : menubar = Tkinter.Menu(self.master) fileMenu = Tkinter.Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) fileMenu.add_command(label = "Config", command = self.__configPanel) fileMenu.add_command(label = "Close", command = self.master.quit) menubar.add_cascade(label = "File", menu = fileMenu) aboutMenu = Tkinter.Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) aboutMenu.add_command(label = "Info", command = self.__showInfo) aboutMenu.add_command(label = "Check Update", command = self.__chkUpdate) menubar.add_cascade(label = "About", menu = aboutMenu) helpMenu = Tkinter.Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) helpMenu.add_command(label = "GitHub", command = lambda target = self.gitUrl : webbrowser.open_new(target)) helpMenu.add_command(label = "Release Notes", command = lambda target = self.appUrl : webbrowser.open_new(target)) helpMenu.add_command(label = "Send Feedback", command = lambda target = self.feedUrl : webbrowser.open_new(target)) menubar.add_cascade(label = "Help", menu = helpMenu) self.master.config(menu = menubar)
def create_elastic_filesystem(region, vpc_id, private_subnets, security_group_id): print(""" As Elastic File System is a relatively new service, API support is far from complete. You will need to create the file system in the AWS EFS Console. A browser window will open for you to create the file system. Several prompts from this script will guide you through the process. You will need to be already logged into the AWS Console on your browser. Ensure you select all listed availability zones. """) input("Ready to proceed? ") input(" Please note the VPC Id: %s, you will need to select this from wizard when it opens in the browser - ok? " %(vpc_id)) input(" Please ensure you place this file system in the following subnets: %s - ok?" % (private_subnets)) input(" Please also ensure the following security group is selected, in addition to the default security group: %s - ok?" % (security_group_id)) webbrowser.open_new("https://%s.console.aws.amazon.com/efs/home?region=%s#/wizard/1" % (region, region)) mount_point = input("Once you have completed the wizard please paste the mount point from the browser at the prompt: ") return mount_point # # Do VPC creation #
def get_code(client_id): """ Opens a browser so the user can give us the auth code Args: client_id (str): client id for the app we want to use Returns: str: auth code user provided """ url = FITBIT_PERMISSION_SCREEN.format( client_id=client_id, scope='nutrition' ) webbrowser.open_new(url) print( "I am attempting to get permission to run. " "A browser should have just opened. If it has not please go to {}".format( url ) ) return input( "A browser should have just opened: please provide the the text after 'code=' so I can continue: " )
def open_url_in_help_browser(self, url): print url if self.settings.get_value('use_external_browser', False): import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new(url) else: browser = [x for x in hou.ui.paneTabs() if x.type() == hou.paneTabType.HelpBrowser] if browser: browser = browser[0] else: desktop = hou.ui.curDesktop() browser = desktop.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.HelpBrowser) if browser is None: browser = desktop.createFloatingPane(hou.paneTabType.HelpBrowser) browser.setUrl(url) browser.setIsCurrentTab() QTimer.singleShot(200, self.focus_me)
def OnHelpEvent(self, event): webbrowser.open_new(C_APP_SITE)
def callback(): webbrowser.open_new(r"http://www.google.com")
def display_help(): import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new("http://www.flyninja.net/book/?p=30")
def callback_GitHub(event): webbrowser.open_new(r"https://github.com/andb0t/Fuxenpruefung")
def callback_AGV(event): webbrowser.open_new(r"http://agv-muenchen.de/")
def on_enter(self, *args): super(ScreenWebView, self).on_enter(*args) if platform == 'android': ''' on android create webview for webpage ''' self.ids["info_label"].text = "Please wait\nAttaching WebView" self.webview_lock = True Clock.schedule_once(self.create_webview, 0) else: ''' on desktop just launch web browser ''' self.ids["info_label"].text = "Please wait\nLaunching browser" import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new(self.url)
def showItem(self): current_row = self.listWidget.currentRow() for i in range(current_row + 1): if i == current_row: url = self.staff_list[i].split(',')[1] webbrowser.open_new(url) #?????????
def token(self, CODE=''): client, url = self.getCODE() if self.checked == False: if CODE == '': webbrowser.open_new(url) CODE = raw_input("Please Input the Code: ").strip() try: client.set_code(CODE) except: print "Maybe wrong CODE" return token = client.token pkl.dump(token, file(self.token_file, 'w')) self.api = Client(self.APP_KEY, self.APP_SECRET, self.CALLBACK_URL, token) self.checked = True
def go_to_help(self, word): """ open browser and go to wiki page for control with type *word """ webbrowser.open_new(self.CONTROLS[word])
def authFunc(fd,q): # Opens the desired bookmark. if q>=1 and q<=len(fd): webbrowser.open_new(fd[q-1]["url"]) else: print("Invalid input.") q = int(input("Enter a valid result no. to be opened: ")) authFunc(fd,q)
def show_control_web(self, widget=None, data=None): host_port = config.get(["modules", "launcher", "control_port"], 8085) webbrowser.open_new("" % host_port)
def config_(self, notification): host_port = config.get(["modules", "launcher", "control_port"], 8085) webbrowser.open_new("" % host_port)
def run(self): while self.notResponding(): print('Did not respond') print('Responded') webbrowser.open_new('')
def showHelp(self): webbrowser.open_new(self.help)
def showHelp(self): if self.leave_help_open: webbrowser.open_new(self.helpfile) else: dialog = displayobject.AnObject(QtGui.QDialog(), self.helpfile, title='Help') dialog.exec_()
def showWebsite(self): #webbrowser.open_new(self.landing_file) pass
def run(self, edit): path = gitPath(self.view.window()) current_path = self.view.file_name() if current_path is not None and current_path.startswith(path) and gitWebBlameUrl() is not None: remaining_path = current_path[len(path):] print(remaining_path,' ', current_path, ' ', path) link = gitWebBlameUrl().format(remaining_path) webbrowser.open_new(link)
def menu_Help_Web(self): webbrowser.open_new(r"http://www.scorchworks.com/K40whisperer/k40whisperer.html")
def handle_href(self, href): u = urlparse(href) if u.scheme: try: webbrowser.open_new(href) except Exception, e: solfege.win.display_error_message2(_("Error opening web browser"), str(e)) else: solfege.win.display_docfile(u.path)
def show_bug_reports(self, *v): m = Gtk.Dialog(_("Question"), self, 0) m.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) m.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK) vbox = Gtk.VBox() m.vbox.pack_start(vbox, False, False, 0) vbox.set_spacing(18) vbox.set_border_width(12) l = Gtk.Label(label=_("Please enter the email used when you submitted the bugs:")) vbox.pack_start(l, False, False, 0) self.g_email = Gtk.Entry() m.action_area.get_children()[0].grab_default() self.g_email.set_activates_default(True) vbox.pack_start(self.g_email, False, False, 0) m.show_all() ret = m.run() m.destroy() if ret == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: params = urllib.urlencode({ 'pagename': 'SITS-Incoming/SearchBugs', 'q': 'SITS-Incoming/"Submitter: %s"' % utils.mangle_email(self.g_email.get_text().decode("utf-8")()), }) try: webbrowser.open_new("http://www.solfege.org?%s" % params) except Exception, e: self.display_error_message2(_("Error opening web browser"), str(e))
def on_navigate(self, url): if re.search('^https?://', url): webbrowser.open_new(url) return True m = re.search('^(changeto|constant)\.(.*)', url) if m: if m.group(1) == 'changeto': symbol, content = getSymbolDescription(self.currentSymbol, m.group(2)) else: self.view.run_command('docphp_insert', {"string": m.group(2)}) self.view.hide_popup() elif url == 'history.back': symbol = self.history.pop() self.currentSymbol = symbol else: self.history.append(self.currentSymbol) symbol = url[:url.find('.html')] self.currentSymbol = symbol symbol, content = getSymbolDescription(symbol) if content == False: return False content = self.formatPopup(content, symbol=symbol, can_back=len(self.history) > 0) content = content[:65535] self.view.update_popup(content)
def alarm(h,m,s): timeToSleep = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s sleepingTime = sleep(timeToSleep) playSound = webbrowser.open_new(random.choice(linksToSounds)) # Main code
def timer(minutes): a = 0 while a != minutes: time.sleep(59) a = a + 1 print("<<<<<<Timed out>>>>>>") # I have not used return cause it termites the function webbrowser.open_new("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlZMVAydqaE")
def create_template(material, path, show=False): """ Create a template csv file for a data set. :param material: the name of the material :param path: the path of the directory where the file must be written :param show: a boolean indicating whether the created file should be \ displayed after creation """ file_name = 'dataset-%s.csv' % material.lower() file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) with open(file_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerow(['Name', material]) writer.writerow(['Description', '<Add a data set description ' 'here.>']) writer.writerow(['Reference', '<Add a reference to the source of ' 'the data set here.>']) writer.writerow(['Temperature', '<parameter 1 name>', '<parameter 2 name>', '<parameter 3 name>']) writer.writerow(['T', '<parameter 1 display symbol>', '<parameter 2 display symbol>', '<parameter 3 display symbol>']) writer.writerow(['K', '<parameter 1 units>', '<parameter 2 units>', '<parameter 3 units>']) writer.writerow(['T', '<parameter 1 symbol>', '<parameter 2 symbol>', '<parameter 3 symbol>']) for i in range(10): writer.writerow([100.0 + i*50, float(i), 10.0 + i, 100.0 + i]) if show is True: webbrowser.open_new(file_path)
def click_about(text): print("You clicked '%s'" % text) webbrowser.open_new(text)
def check_table(): global username dialog = Toplevel(root) dialog.geometry('240x100+360+300') dialog.title('?????') Label(dialog, text="??????????????16-17-2").pack() v = StringVar() Entry(dialog,textvariable=v).pack(pady=5) Button(dialog, text=' ???? ', command=lambda: webbrowser.open_new(r"http://xk.urp.seu.edu.cn/jw_s" r"ervice/service/stuCurriculum.action?queryStudentId=" + str( username) + "&queryAcademicYear=" + v.get())).pack(pady=5)
def callback(event): webbrowser.open_new("http://www.github.com/theketan2")
def OpenDoc(): wb.open_new('https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Wi6vTs4UpHZIsDLA-S_BWiwHK9TuY-w4TFQfpT5UlFw') return 0
def OpenCredits(): wb.open_new('https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzMlLgwt8GfyT0NmZjlUWFpQaVE') return 0
def OpenHelp(): wb.open_new('https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzMlLgwt8GfyTW9tRnJTWUhWaUU') return 0
def menu_Help_Web(self): webbrowser.open_new(r"http://www.scorchworks.com/Fengrave/fengrave_doc.html")