Python win32api 模块,GetCurrentProcess() 实例源码


项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetDomainName():
        tok = win32security.OpenThreadToken(win32api.GetCurrentThread(),
                                            TOKEN_QUERY, 1)
    except win32api.error, details:
        if details[0] != winerror.ERROR_NO_TOKEN:
        # attempt to open the process token, since no thread token
        # exists
        tok = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
    sid, attr = win32security.GetTokenInformation(tok, TokenUser)

    name, dom, typ = win32security.LookupAccountSid(None, sid)
    return dom
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetDomainName():
        tok = win32security.OpenThreadToken(win32api.GetCurrentThread(),
                                            TOKEN_QUERY, 1)
    except win32api.error as details:
        if details[0] != winerror.ERROR_NO_TOKEN:
        # attempt to open the process token, since no thread token
        # exists
        tok = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
    sid, attr = win32security.GetTokenInformation(tok, TokenUser)

    name, dom, typ = win32security.LookupAccountSid(None, sid)
    return dom
项目:LoLVRSpectate    作者:Fire-Proof    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def open_debug(self, dwProcessId):
        process = OpenProcess(262144, 0, dwProcessId)
        info = win32security.GetSecurityInfo(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), 6, 0)
        win32security.SetSecurityInfo(process, 6, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | win32security.UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, None, None, info.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(), info.GetSecurityDescriptorGroup())
        self.h_process = OpenProcess(2035711, 0, dwProcessId)
        if self.h_process:
            self.isProcessOpen = True
            self.process32 = self.process32_from_id(dwProcessId)
            return True
        return False
项目:StatisKit    作者:StatisKit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def memory():
                process_handle = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
                memory_info = win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo( process_handle )
                return memory_info['PeakWorkingSetSize']
项目:amazonbeat    作者:awormuth    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sid(self):
        if self.sid == None:
            ph = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
            th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(ph, win32con.TOKEN_READ)
            self.sid = win32security.GetTokenInformation(
                th, win32security.TokenUser)[0]

        return self.sid
项目:objEnhancer    作者:BabbageCom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def memory():
                process_handle = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
                memory_info = win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo( process_handle )
                return memory_info['PeakWorkingSetSize']
项目:rdiff-backup    作者:sol1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_acls():
    # A process that tries to read or write a SACL needs
    # to have and enable the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege.
    # And inorder to backup/restore, the SE_BACKUP_NAME and
    # SE_RESTORE_NAME privileges are needed.
    import win32api
        hnd = OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
    except win32api.error, exc:
        log.Log("Warning: unable to open Windows process token: %s"
                % exc, 5)
            lpv = lambda priv: LookupPrivilegeValue(None, priv)
            # enable the SE_*_NAME privileges 
            SecurityName = lpv(SE_SECURITY_NAME)
            AdjustTokenPrivileges(hnd, False, [
                (SecurityName, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED),
                (lpv(SE_BACKUP_NAME), SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED),
        except win32api.error, exc:
            log.Log("Warning: unable to enable SE_*_NAME privileges: %s"
                % exc, 5)
        for name, enabled in GetTokenInformation(hnd, TokenPrivileges):
            if name == SecurityName and enabled:
                # now we *may* access the SACL (sigh)
                ACL.flags |= SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION
项目:viewvc    作者:viewvc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DuplicateHandle(handle):
  """Duplicates a win32 handle."""
  proc = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
  return win32api.DuplicateHandle(proc,handle,proc,0,0,win32con.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)
项目:viewvc    作者:viewvc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MakePrivateHandle(handle, replace = 1):
  """Turn an inherited handle into a non inherited one. This avoids the
  handle duplication that occurs on CreateProcess calls which can create
  uncloseable pipes."""

  ### Could change implementation to use SetHandleInformation()...

  flags = win32con.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
  proc = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
  if replace: flags = flags | win32con.DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE
  newhandle = win32api.DuplicateHandle(proc,handle,proc,0,0,flags)
  if replace: handle.Detach() # handle was already deleted by the last call
  return newhandle
项目:viewvc    作者:viewvc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MakeInheritedHandle(handle, replace = 1):
  """Turn a private handle into an inherited one."""

  ### Could change implementation to use SetHandleInformation()...

  flags = win32con.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
  proc = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
  if replace: flags = flags | win32con.DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE
  newhandle = win32api.DuplicateHandle(proc,handle,proc,0,1,flags)
  if replace: handle.Detach() # handle was deleted by the last call
  return newhandle
项目:brobeat-OLD    作者:blacktop    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sid(self):
        if self.sid == None:
            ph = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
            th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(ph, win32con.TOKEN_READ)
            self.sid = win32security.GetTokenInformation(
                th, win32security.TokenUser)[0]

        return self.sid
项目:LHF    作者:blindfuzzy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_extra_privs():
    # Try to give ourselves some extra privs (only works if we're admin):
    # SeBackupPrivilege   - so we can read anything
    # SeDebugPrivilege    - so we can find out about other processes (otherwise OpenProcess will fail for some)
    # SeSecurityPrivilege - ??? what does this do?

    # Problem: Vista+ support "Protected" processes, e.g. audiodg.exe.  We can't see info about these.
    # Interesting post on why Protected Process aren't really secure anyway:

    th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), win32con.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | win32con.TOKEN_QUERY)
    privs = win32security.GetTokenInformation(th, TokenPrivileges)
    newprivs = []
    for privtuple in privs:
        if privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeBackupPrivilege") or privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeDebugPrivilege") or privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeSecurityPrivilege"):
            print "Added privilege " + str(privtuple[0])
            # privtuple[1] = 2 # tuples are immutable.  WHY?!
            newprivs.append((privtuple[0], 2)) # SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED
            newprivs.append((privtuple[0], privtuple[1]))

    # Adjust privs
    privs = tuple(newprivs)
    str(win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(th, False , privs))
项目:coretools    作者:iotile    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def memory():
                process_handle = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
                memory_info = win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo( process_handle )
                return memory_info['PeakWorkingSetSize']
项目:xpybuild    作者:xpybuild    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lowerCurrentProcessPriority():
    if buildcommon.isWindows():
        import win32process, win32api,win32con
        win32process.SetPriorityClass(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), win32process.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)
        # on unix, people may run nice before executing the process, so 
        # only change the priority unilaterally if it's currently at its 
        # default value
        if os.nice(0) == 0:
            os.nice(1) # change to 1 below the current level
项目:My-Web-Server-Framework-With-Python2.7    作者:syjsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, dParams):
        PlatformBase.__init__(self, dParams)

        # Since the code runs on all platforms, we have to do a lot of
        # importing here instead of at the top of the file where it's normally located.
        from win32com import universal
        from win32com.client import gencache, DispatchBaseClass
        from win32com.client import constants, getevents
        import win32com
        import pythoncom
        import win32api
        import winerror
        from win32con import DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
        from win32api import GetCurrentThread, GetCurrentThreadId, DuplicateHandle, GetCurrentProcess
        import threading

        self.winerror = winerror

        pid = GetCurrentProcess()
        self.tid = GetCurrentThreadId()
        handle = DuplicateHandle(pid, GetCurrentThread(), pid, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)
        self.handles = []

        # Hack the COM dispatcher base class so we can modify method and
        # attribute names to match those in xpcom.
        if _g_dCOMForward['setattr'] is None:
            _g_dCOMForward['getattr'] = DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__getattr__']
            _g_dCOMForward['setattr'] = DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__setattr__']
            setattr(DispatchBaseClass, '__getattr__', _CustomGetAttr)
            setattr(DispatchBaseClass, '__setattr__', _CustomSetAttr)

        # Hack the exception base class so the users doesn't need to check for
        # XPCOM or COM and do different things.
        ## @todo

        # Make sure the gencache is correct (we don't quite follow the COM
        # versioning rules).

        self.oIntCv = threading.Condition()
        self.fInterrupted = False

        _ = dParams
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
    # check if running on Windows NT, if not, display notice and terminate
    if win32api.GetVersion() & 0x80000000:
        print("This sample only runs on NT")

    import sys, getopt
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "rwh?c:t:v")
    computer = None
    do_read = do_write = 1

    logType = "Application"
    verbose = 0

    if len(args)>0:
        print("Invalid args")
        return 1
    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt == '-t':
            logType = val
        if opt == '-c':
            computer = val
        if opt in ['-h', '-?']:
        if opt=='-r':
            do_read = 0
        if opt=='-w':
            do_write = 0
        if opt=='-v':
            verbose = verbose + 1
    if do_write:
        th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(ph,win32con.TOKEN_READ)
        my_sid = win32security.GetTokenInformation(th,win32security.TokenUser)[0]

        win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 2,
            strings=["The message text for event 2","Another insert"],
            data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
        win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 1, eventType=win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE,
            strings=["A warning","An even more dire warning"],
            data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
        win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 1, eventType=win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
            strings=["An info","Too much info"],
            data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
        print("Successfully wrote 3 records to the log")

    if do_read:
        ReadLog(computer, logType, verbose > 0)
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
    # check if running on Windows NT, if not, display notice and terminate
    if win32api.GetVersion() & 0x80000000:
        print "This sample only runs on NT"

    import sys, getopt
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "rwh?c:t:v")
    computer = None
    do_read = do_write = 1

    logType = "Application"
    verbose = 0

    if len(args)>0:
        print "Invalid args"
        return 1
    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt == '-t':
            logType = val
        if opt == '-c':
            computer = val
        if opt in ['-h', '-?']:
        if opt=='-r':
            do_read = 0
        if opt=='-w':
            do_write = 0
        if opt=='-v':
            verbose = verbose + 1
    if do_write:
        th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(ph,win32con.TOKEN_READ)
        my_sid = win32security.GetTokenInformation(th,win32security.TokenUser)[0]

        win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 2,
            strings=["The message text for event 2","Another insert"],
            data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
        win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 1, eventType=win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE,
            strings=["A warning","An even more dire warning"],
            data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
        win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(logType, 1, eventType=win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
            strings=["An info","Too much info"],
            data = "Raw\0Data".encode("ascii"), sid = my_sid)
        print("Successfully wrote 3 records to the log")

    if do_read:
        ReadLog(computer, logType, verbose > 0)