def OnItemRightClick(self, notify_data, extra): # First select the item we right-clicked on. pt = self.ScreenToClient(win32api.GetCursorPos()) flags, hItem, subitem = self.HitTest(pt) if hItem==-1 or commctrl.TVHT_ONITEM & flags==0: return None self.SetItemState(hItem, commctrl.LVIS_SELECTED, commctrl.LVIS_SELECTED) menu = win32ui.CreatePopupMenu() menu.AppendMenu(win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED,1000, "Edit item") menu.AppendMenu(win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED,1001, "Delete item") dockbar = self.GetParent() if dockbar.IsFloating(): hook_parent = win32ui.GetMainFrame() else: hook_parent = self.GetParentFrame() hook_parent.HookCommand(self.OnEditItem, 1000) hook_parent.HookCommand(self.OnDeleteItem, 1001) menu.TrackPopupMenu(win32api.GetCursorPos()) # track at mouse position. return None
def OnItemRightClick(self, notify_data, extra): # First select the item we right-clicked on. pt = self.ScreenToClient(win32api.GetCursorPos()) flags, hItem = self.HitTest(pt) if hItem==0 or commctrl.TVHT_ONITEM & flags==0: return None self.Select(hItem, commctrl.TVGN_CARET) menu = win32ui.CreatePopupMenu() menu.AppendMenu(win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED,1000, "Add Key") menu.AppendMenu(win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED,1001, "Add Value") menu.AppendMenu(win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED,1002, "Delete Key") self.HookCommand(self.OnAddKey, 1000) self.HookCommand(self.OnAddValue, 1001) self.HookCommand(self.OnDeleteKey, 1002) menu.TrackPopupMenu(win32api.GetCursorPos()) # track at mouse position. return None
def MouseLButtonClick(self): if self.element == None: win32api.SetCursorPos((self.posX, self.posY)) FX_MouseLClick(self.posX, self.posY) return True try: self.element.SetFocus() except: print('Focus error') pos = self.element.GetClickablePoint() if pos[1] == False: return False win32api.SetCursorPos((pos[0].x, pos[0].y)) #pos = win32api.GetCursorPos() FX_MouseLClick(pos[0].x, pos[0].y) return True
def main(): set_window_top() print u'????? http://cn.vonvon.net/quiz/743 ??????' print u'????????????????? y/n\n> ', choice = raw_input() offset_x, offset_x_r, offset_y, offset_y_r = 0, 0, 0, 0 if choice == 'y': offset_x = 770 offset_y = 265 offset_x_r = 1145 offset_y_r = 640 elif choice == 'n': print u'???????, ??????????????' count_down(3) offset_x, offset_y = win32api.GetCursorPos() print u'?????, ????????' count_down(3) offset_x_r, offset_y_r = win32api.GetCursorPos() print u'????????...' global im count = 50 while count: count -= 1 im = grab((offset_x, offset_y, offset_x_r, offset_y_r)) mouse_move([sum(i) for i in zip((offset_x, offset_y), get_position())]) sleep(0.1) mouse_click() sleep(0.2)
def get_position(self): """get mouse position""" return win32api.GetCursorPos() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Added functions #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def invisible_click(self,pos=(-1, -1), button_name="left"): """Click in specified place without moving mouse""" xcur,ycur = win32gui.GetCursorPos() ctypes.windll.user32.SetCursorPos(pos[0],pos[1]) self.click(pos,button_name) ctypes.windll.user32.SetCursorPos(xcur,ycur)
def invisible_click_rel(self,handle,pos, button_name="left"): """Click in window coordinates without moving mouse""" #get window info xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(handle) xcur,ycur = win32gui.GetCursorPos() ctypes.windll.user32.SetCursorPos(pos[0]+xleft,pos[1]+ytop) self.click((pos[0]+xleft,pos[1]+ytop),button_name) ctypes.windll.user32.SetCursorPos(xcur,ycur)
def _click(x, y): handle = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow() x_old, y_old = win32api.GetCursorPos() # see https://github.com/asweigart/pyautogui/issues/23 try: pyautogui.click(x, y, 1) except FileNotFoundError: pass win32api.SetCursorPos((x_old, y_old)) win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(handle)
def FX_GetCursorPos(): return win32api.GetCursorPos()
def MouseLButtonDown(self): pos = self.element.GetClickablePoint() if pos[1] == False: return False win32api.SetCursorPos((pos[0].x, pos[0].y)) #pos = win32api.GetCursorPos() FX_MouseLDown(pos[0].x, pos[0].y) return True
def MouseMove(self): pos = self.element.GetClickablePoint() if pos[1] == False: return False win32api.SetCursorPos((pos[0].x, pos[0].y)) return True ## ## def MouseLButtonUp(self): ## pos = self.element.GetClickablePoint() ## if pos[1] == False: ## return False ## win32api.SetCursorPos((pos[0].x, pos[0].y)) ## #pos = win32api.GetCursorPos() ## FX_MouseLDown(pos[0].x, pos[0].y) ## return True
def OnContextMenu(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): # Get the selected items. pidls = [] n = -1 while 1: n = win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwnd_child, commctrl.LVM_GETNEXTITEM, n, commctrl.LVNI_SELECTED) if n==-1: break pidls.append(self.children[n][-1:]) spt = win32api.GetCursorPos() if not pidls: print "Ignoring background click" return # Get the IContextMenu for the items. inout, cm = self.folder.GetUIObjectOf(self.hwnd_parent, pidls, shell.IID_IContextMenu, 0) hmenu = win32gui.CreatePopupMenu() sel = None # As per 'Q179911', we need to determine if the default operation # should be 'open' or 'explore' try: flags = 0 try: self.browser.GetControlWindow(shellcon.FCW_TREE) flags |= shellcon.CMF_EXPLORE except pythoncom.com_error: pass id_cmd_first = 1 # TrackPopupMenu makes it hard to use 0 cm.QueryContextMenu(hmenu, 0, id_cmd_first, -1, flags) tpm_flags = win32con.TPM_LEFTALIGN | win32con.TPM_RETURNCMD | \ win32con.TPM_RIGHTBUTTON sel = win32gui.TrackPopupMenu(hmenu, tpm_flags, spt[0], spt[1], 0, self.hwnd, None) print "TrackPopupMenu returned", sel finally: win32gui.DestroyMenu(hmenu) if sel: ci = 0, self.hwnd_parent, sel-id_cmd_first, None, None, 0, 0, 0 cm.InvokeCommand(ci)
def handleEvents(self, args): if isinstance(args, MouseEvent): if args.current_key == 'LButton' and args.event_type == 'key down': self.mouseX = args.mouse_x self.mouseY = args.mouse_y self.xAndY = win32api.GetCursorPos() if args.current_key == 'LButton' and args.event_type == 'key up': if self.mouseX != args.mouse_x or self.mouseY != args.mouse_y: keyboard.press_and_release('ctrl+c') # if isinstance(args, KeyboardEvent): # if 'control' in args.current_key and args.event_type == 'key down': # self.ctrlDown = True # if 'control' in args.current_key and args.event_type == 'key up': # self.ctrlDown = False # if args.current_key == 'C' and self.ctrlDown: # if self.sysCopy: # pass # else: # self.allowCopy = True # down = False # def handleEvents(args): # global down # if isinstance(args, MouseEvent): # if args.current_key == 'LButton' and args.event_type == 'key up': # keyboard.press_and_release('ctrl+c') # if isinstance(args, KeyboardEvent): # if 'control' in args.current_key and args.event_type == 'key down': # down = True # if 'control' in args.current_key and args.event_type == 'key up': # down = False # if args.current_key == 'C' and down: # print(1) # def onClipboardChanged() # data = clipboard.mimeData() # if data.hasText(): # print(data.text()) # app = QApplication([]) # clipboard = app.clipboard() # clipboard.dataChanged.connect(onClipboardChanged)
def CalcDynamicLayout(self, length, mode): # Support for diagonal sizing. if self.IsFloating(): self.GetParent().GetParent().ModifyStyle(win32ui.MFS_4THICKFRAME, 0) if mode & (win32ui.LM_HORZDOCK | win32ui.LM_VERTDOCK): flags = win32con.SWP_NOSIZE | win32con.SWP_NOMOVE | win32con.SWP_NOZORDER |\ win32con.SWP_NOACTIVATE | win32con.SWP_FRAMECHANGED self.SetWindowPos(0, (0, 0, 0, 0,), flags) self.dockSite.RecalcLayout() return self._obj_.CalcDynamicLayout(length, mode) if mode & win32ui.LM_MRUWIDTH: return self.sizeFloat if mode & win32ui.LM_COMMIT: self.sizeFloat = length, self.sizeFloat[1] return self.sizeFloat # More diagonal sizing. if self.IsFloating(): dc = self.dockContext pt = win32api.GetCursorPos() windowRect = self.GetParent().GetParent().GetWindowRect() hittest = dc.nHitTest if hittest==win32con.HTTOPLEFT: cx = max(windowRect[2] - pt[0], self.cMinWidth) - self.cxBorder cy = max(windowRect[3] - self.cCaptionSize - pt[1],self.cMinHeight) - 1 self.sizeFloat = cx, cy top = min(pt[1], windowRect[3] - self.cCaptionSize - self.cMinHeight) - self.cyBorder left = min(pt[0], windowRect[2] - self.cMinWidth) - 1 dc.rectFrameDragHorz = left, top, dc.rectFrameDragHorz[2], dc.rectFrameDragHorz[3] return self.sizeFloat if hittest==win32con.HTTOPRIGHT: cx = max(pt[0] - windowRect[0], self.cMinWidth) cy = max(windowRect[3] - self.cCaptionSize - pt[1], self.cMinHeight) - 1 self.sizeFloat = cx, cy top = min(pt[1], windowRect[3] - self.cCaptionSize - self.cMinHeight) - self.cyBorder dc.rectFrameDragHorz = dc.rectFrameDragHorz[0], top, dc.rectFrameDragHorz[2], dc.rectFrameDragHorz[3] return self.sizeFloat if hittest==win32con.HTBOTTOMLEFT: cx = max(windowRect[2] - pt[0], self.cMinWidth) - self.cxBorder cy = max(pt[1] - windowRect[1] - self.cCaptionSize, self.cMinHeight) self.sizeFloat = cx, cy left = min(pt[0], windowRect[2] -self.cMinWidth) - 1 dc.rectFrameDragHorz = left, dc.rectFrameDragHorz[1], dc.rectFrameDragHorz[2], dc.rectFrameDragHorz[3] return self.sizeFloat if hittest==win32con.HTBOTTOMRIGHT: cx = max(pt[0] - windowRect[0], self.cMinWidth) cy = max(pt[1] - windowRect[1] - self.cCaptionSize, self.cMinHeight) self.sizeFloat = cx, cy return self.sizeFloat if mode & win32ui.LM_LENGTHY: self.sizeFloat = self.sizeFloat[0], max(self.sizeMin[1], length) return self.sizeFloat else: return max(self.sizeMin[0], length), self.sizeFloat[1]
def OnContextMenu(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): # Get the selected items. pidls = [] n = -1 while 1: n = win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwnd_child, commctrl.LVM_GETNEXTITEM, n, commctrl.LVNI_SELECTED) if n==-1: break pidls.append(self.children[n][-1:]) spt = win32api.GetCursorPos() if not pidls: print("Ignoring background click") return # Get the IContextMenu for the items. inout, cm = self.folder.GetUIObjectOf(self.hwnd_parent, pidls, shell.IID_IContextMenu, 0) hmenu = win32gui.CreatePopupMenu() sel = None # As per 'Q179911', we need to determine if the default operation # should be 'open' or 'explore' try: flags = 0 try: self.browser.GetControlWindow(shellcon.FCW_TREE) flags |= shellcon.CMF_EXPLORE except pythoncom.com_error: pass id_cmd_first = 1 # TrackPopupMenu makes it hard to use 0 cm.QueryContextMenu(hmenu, 0, id_cmd_first, -1, flags) tpm_flags = win32con.TPM_LEFTALIGN | win32con.TPM_RETURNCMD | \ win32con.TPM_RIGHTBUTTON sel = win32gui.TrackPopupMenu(hmenu, tpm_flags, spt[0], spt[1], 0, self.hwnd, None) print("TrackPopupMenu returned", sel) finally: win32gui.DestroyMenu(hmenu) if sel: ci = 0, self.hwnd_parent, sel-id_cmd_first, None, None, 0, 0, 0 cm.InvokeCommand(ci)