def rdkit_descriptor(self, smiles, descriptor=u'MolLogP'): try: self.rdkit_info_num_calls = self.rdkit_info_num_calls + 1 # win32api.OutputDebugString(str(type(smiles)) + " " + str(type(descriptor))) smiles = dispatch_to_str(smiles) descriptor = dispatch_to_str(descriptor) myfunction = getattr(Descriptors, descriptor) mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol != None: return myfunction(mol) else: # OK, so you are wondering how on Earth a function that is marked up # as out:float can return a string ?! Me too, but it works :-), and # makes it possible to show a decent error to the end user. # Apparently COM returns the value as a variant regardless of the # specified IDL retval type (?)... return 'ERROR: Cannot parse SMILES input.' except Exception as e: return "ERROR: " + str(e) # Generates a molfile with 2D coordinates from SMILES input. Useful for depiction. #RDKITXL: in:smiles:str, out:str
def HandleOutput(self,message): # debug("QueueOutput on thread %d, flags %d with '%s'...\n" % (win32api.GetCurrentThreadId(), self.writeQueueing, message )) self.outputQueue.put(message) if win32api.GetCurrentThreadId() != self.mainThreadId: pass # debug("not my thread - ignoring queue options!\n") elif self.writeQueueing==flags.WQ_LINE: pos = message.rfind('\n') if pos>=0: # debug("Line queueing - forcing flush\n") self.QueueFlush() return elif self.writeQueueing==flags.WQ_NONE: # debug("WQ_NONE - flushing!\n") self.QueueFlush() return # Let our idle handler get it - wake it up try: win32ui.GetMainFrame().PostMessage(win32con.WM_USER) # Kick main thread off. except win32ui.error: # This can happen as the app is shutting down, so we send it to the C++ debugger win32api.OutputDebugString(message) # delegate certain fns to my view.
def _trace_(self, *args): for arg in args[:-1]: win32api.OutputDebugString(str(arg)+" ") win32api.OutputDebugString(str(args[-1])+"\n")
def __init__(self): # Structured comments starting with RDKITXL are used to markup published # properties and functions. Only published properties and functions will # be visible in Excel. # # Structured comments must immediately precede the line defining the # property or function. So any comments describing the property or function # must be placed *before* the structured comment. # # The marked-up properties and functions generate corresponding properties # and functions in the RDKitXL.idl file which is then compiled to an # RDKitXL.tlb type library that Excel can read. # # All data types have to be made explicit in the generated IDL. Accepted # types in the structured comments are 'int', 'str', and 'float'. # Get RDKit version string. #RDKITXL: prop:str self.rdkit_info_version = rdkit.__version__ # Get number of function calls done. Requires all published functions to # increment this value. #RDKITXL: prop:int self.rdkit_info_num_calls = 0 # String parameters with default values: # Values must be unicode strings. # Values may not contain " inside the string. # # Debug output: Use win32api.OutputDebugString() and something like DbgView # to trace it. Do not use print() - it will cause "Bad file descriptor" failures # (suspect that it is a threading issue). # Calculates a named RDKit descriptor value from a SMILES input. #RDKITXL: in:smiles:str, inopt:descriptor:str, out:float
def rdkit_smiles_to_molblock(self, smiles): self.rdkit_info_num_calls = self.rdkit_info_num_calls +1 # win32api.OutputDebugString(str(type(smiles))) smiles = dispatch_to_str(smiles) mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if mol != None: # Add coords for depiction. AllChem.Compute2DCoords(mol) return Chem.MolToMolBlock(mol) else: return 'ERROR: Cannot parse SMILES input.'
def write(self,message): try: self.redir.write(message) except: win32api.OutputDebugString(message)