def __windows_get_dir(win_dir): from win32com.shell import shell df = shell.SHGetDesktopFolder() pidl = df.ParseDisplayName(0, None, '::%s' % __WINDOWS_FOLDER_GUIDS[win_dir])[1] return shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl)
def BrowseCallbackProc(hwnd, msg, lp, data): if msg== shellcon.BFFM_INITIALIZED: win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, shellcon.BFFM_SETSELECTION, 1, data) elif msg == shellcon.BFFM_SELCHANGED: # Set the status text of the # For this message, 'lp' is the address of the PIDL. pidl = shell.AddressAsPIDL(lp) try: path = shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl) win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, shellcon.BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT, 0, path) except shell.error: # No path for this PIDL pass
def ExplorePIDL(): pidl = shell.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP) print "The desktop is at", shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl) shell.ShellExecuteEx(fMask=shellcon.SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS, nShow=win32con.SW_NORMAL, lpClass="folder", lpVerb="explore", lpIDList=pidl) print "Done!"
def GetFolder(message=None): """ Select folder dialog. Returns path if one is selected. Otherwise it returns None. Availability: FontLab, Macintosh, PC """ path = None if MAC: if haveMacfs: fss, ok = macfs.GetDirectory(message) if ok: path = fss.as_pathname() else: from robofab.interface.mac.getFileOrFolder import GetFileOrFolder # This _also_ allows the user to select _files_, but given the # package/folder dichotomy, I think we have no other choice. path = GetFileOrFolder(message) elif PC: if inFontLab: if not message: message = '' path = fl.GetPathName('', message) else: myTuple = shell.SHBrowseForFolder(0, None, message, 64) try: path = shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(myTuple[0]) except: pass else: _raisePlatformError('GetFile') return path
def ExplorePIDL(): pidl = shell.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP) print("The desktop is at", shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl)) shell.ShellExecuteEx(fMask=shellcon.SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS, nShow=win32con.SW_NORMAL, lpClass="folder", lpVerb="explore", lpIDList=pidl) print("Done!")
def gui_select_dir(self, start_dir=None): from win32com.shell import shell try: pidl, _, _ = shell.SHBrowseForFolder() fname = shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl) except Exception, e: LOG.error("Failed to get directory: %s" % e) return None return str(fname)
def run(self): try: if self.mode != "dir": args = {} if self.path: args["InitialDir"] = os.path.dirname(self.path) path = os.path.splitext(os.path.dirname(self.path)) args["File"] = path[0] args["DefExt"] = path[1] args["Title"] = self.title if self.title else "Pick a file..." args["CustomFilter"] = 'Other file types\x00*.*\x00' args["FilterIndex"] = 1 filters = "" for f in self.filters: if type(f) == str: filters += (f + "\x00") * 2 else: filters += f[0] + "\x00" + ";".join(f[1:]) + "\x00" args["Filter"] = filters flags = (win32con.OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT | win32con.OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT) if self.multiple: flags |= win32con.OFN_ALLOWmultiple | win32con.OFN_EXPLORER if self.show_hidden: flags |= win32con.OFN_FORCESHOWHIDDEN args["Flags"] = flags if self.mode == "open": self.fname, _, _ = win32gui.GetOpenFileNameW(**args) elif self.mode == "save": self.fname, _, _ = win32gui.GetSaveFileNameW(**args) if self.fname: if self.multiple: seq = str(self.fname).split("\x00") dir_n, base_n = seq[0], seq[1:] self.selection = [os.path.join(dir_n, i) for i in base_n] else: self.selection = str(self.fname).split("\x00") else: # From http://goo.gl/UDqCqo pidl, display_name, image_list = shell.SHBrowseForFolder( win32gui.GetDesktopWindow(), None, self.title if self.title else "Pick a folder...", 0, None, None ) self.selection = [str(shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl))] return self.selection except (RuntimeError, pywintypes.error): return None