def CopyFileToCe(src_name, dest_name, progress = None): sh = win32file.CreateFile(src_name, win32con.GENERIC_READ, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) bytes=0 try: dh = wincerapi.CeCreateFile(dest_name, win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, None) try: while 1: hr, data = win32file.ReadFile(sh, 2048) if not data: break wincerapi.CeWriteFile(dh, data) bytes = bytes + len(data) if progress is not None: progress(bytes) finally: pass dh.Close() finally: sh.Close() return bytes
def testTransactNamedPipeBlocking(self): event = threading.Event() self.startPipeServer(event) open_mode = win32con.GENERIC_READ | win32con.GENERIC_WRITE hpipe = win32file.CreateFile(self.pipename, open_mode, 0, # no sharing None, # default security win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, # win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, None) # set to message mode. win32pipe.SetNamedPipeHandleState( hpipe, win32pipe.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, None, None) hr, got = win32pipe.TransactNamedPipe(hpipe, str2bytes("foo\0bar"), 1024, None) self.failUnlessEqual(got, str2bytes("bar\0foo")) event.wait(5) self.failUnless(event.isSet(), "Pipe server thread didn't terminate")
def testTransactNamedPipeBlockingBuffer(self): # Like testTransactNamedPipeBlocking, but a pre-allocated buffer is # passed (not really that useful, but it exercises the code path) event = threading.Event() self.startPipeServer(event) open_mode = win32con.GENERIC_READ | win32con.GENERIC_WRITE hpipe = win32file.CreateFile(self.pipename, open_mode, 0, # no sharing None, # default security win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, # win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, None) # set to message mode. win32pipe.SetNamedPipeHandleState( hpipe, win32pipe.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, None, None) buffer = win32file.AllocateReadBuffer(1024) hr, got = win32pipe.TransactNamedPipe(hpipe, str2bytes("foo\0bar"), buffer, None) self.failUnlessEqual(got, str2bytes("bar\0foo")) event.wait(5) self.failUnless(event.isSet(), "Pipe server thread didn't terminate")
def __init__(self): self.pty = Pty() self.ready_f = Future() self._input_ready_callbacks = [] self.loop = get_event_loop() self.stdout_handle = win32file.CreateFile( self.pty.conout_name(), win32con.GENERIC_READ, 0, win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(), win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0) self.stdin_handle = win32file.CreateFile( self.pty.conin_name(), win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(), win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0) self._buffer = []
def w32CreateFile(name, access=GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, flags=OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER): return FTD2XX(_ft.FT_W32_CreateFile(_ft.STRING(name), _ft.DWORD(access), _ft.DWORD(0), None, _ft.DWORD(OPEN_EXISTING), _ft.DWORD(flags), _ft.HANDLE(0)))
def DemoCopyFile(): # Create a file on the device, and write a string. cefile = wincerapi.CeCreateFile("TestPython", win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, None) wincerapi.CeWriteFile(cefile, "Hello from Python") cefile.Close() # reopen the file and check the data. cefile = wincerapi.CeCreateFile("TestPython", win32con.GENERIC_READ, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) if wincerapi.CeReadFile(cefile, 100) != "Hello from Python": print "Couldnt read the data from the device!" cefile.Close() # Delete the test file wincerapi.CeDeleteFile("TestPython") print "Created, wrote to, read from and deleted a test file!"
def testTransactNamedPipeAsync(self): event = threading.Event() overlapped = pywintypes.OVERLAPPED() overlapped.hEvent = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None) self.startPipeServer(event, 0.5) open_mode = win32con.GENERIC_READ | win32con.GENERIC_WRITE hpipe = win32file.CreateFile(self.pipename, open_mode, 0, # no sharing None, # default security win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, None) # set to message mode. win32pipe.SetNamedPipeHandleState( hpipe, win32pipe.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, None, None) buffer = win32file.AllocateReadBuffer(1024) hr, got = win32pipe.TransactNamedPipe(hpipe, str2bytes("foo\0bar"), buffer, overlapped) self.failUnlessEqual(hr, winerror.ERROR_IO_PENDING) nbytes = win32file.GetOverlappedResult(hpipe, overlapped, True) got = buffer[:nbytes] self.failUnlessEqual(got, str2bytes("bar\0foo")) event.wait(5) self.failUnless(event.isSet(), "Pipe server thread didn't terminate")
def DemoCopyFile(): # Create a file on the device, and write a string. cefile = wincerapi.CeCreateFile("TestPython", win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, None) wincerapi.CeWriteFile(cefile, "Hello from Python") cefile.Close() # reopen the file and check the data. cefile = wincerapi.CeCreateFile("TestPython", win32con.GENERIC_READ, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) if wincerapi.CeReadFile(cefile, 100) != "Hello from Python": print("Couldnt read the data from the device!") cefile.Close() # Delete the test file wincerapi.CeDeleteFile("TestPython") print("Created, wrote to, read from and deleted a test file!")
def win32_comports_bruteforce(): import win32file import win32con ports = [] for i in range(1, 257): portname = "\\\\.\\COM%i" % i try: mode = win32con.GENERIC_READ | win32con.GENERIC_WRITE port = \ win32file.CreateFile(portname, mode, win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ, None, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) if portname.startswith("\\"): portname = portname[4:] ports.append((portname, "Unknown", "Serial")) win32file.CloseHandle(port) port = None except Exception, e: pass return ports
def write_mbr_winapi( _file ): print 'Are you SURE you want to overwrite the MBR?? This will possibly make the volume unbootable.' response = raw_input( 'Type \"YES\" then Return to continue, anything else then Return to not continue:' ) if response != 'YES': return h = None handles = [] try: for x in range( num_mbr_handles ): h = win32file.CreateFile( '\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive0', win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, win32file.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, None, win32file.OPEN_EXISTING, win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, None ) if ( h != win32file.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ): handles.append( h ) f = open( _file, 'rb' ) if f <> None: fsize = os.path.getsize( _file ) wsize = 512 if fsize > 512: print 'WARNING: File being written is > 512 bytes, will only write 512...' wsize = 512 contents = f.read( fsize ) if fsize < 512: print 'WARNING: Padding file up to 512 bytes, may not have expected results...' ## pad it out to 512 bytes diff = 512 - 512 for num in xrange( diff ): contents += 'A' win32file.WriteFile( h, contents, None ) f.close() except Exception, e: print str( e ) print '\tAre you running as Administrator?' for handle in handles: win32file.CloseHandle( handle ) #############