def RunAsAdminWin32(): # FIXME ... what happens if "frozen" script = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) if sys.executable != script: params = ' '.join([script] + sys.argv[1:]) else: params = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) # fMask = 0 fMask = win32com.shell.shellcon.SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE # fMask=win32com.shell.shellcon.SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS try: win32com.shell.shell.ShellExecuteEx( nShow=win32con.SW_SHOWNORMAL, fMask=fMask, lpVerb='runas', lpFile=sys.executable, lpParameters=params) except pywintypes.error, e: return False, e[2] # If ShellExecuteEx was ok ... this will never be reached # return True, None # In any case exit to avoid a "single instance check" failure sys.exit(0)
def InitInstance(self): self.frame = HelloWindow() self.frame.ShowWindow(win32con.SW_SHOWNORMAL) # We need to tell MFC what our main frame is. self.SetMainFrame(self.frame) # Now create the application object itself!
def run_as_admin(): procInfo = ShellExecuteEx(nShow=win32con.SW_SHOWNORMAL, fMask=shellcon.SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS, lpVerb='runas', lpFile=sys.executable) procHandle = procInfo['hProcess'] obj = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(procHandle, win32event.INFINITE) return win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(procHandle)
def runAsAdmin(cmdLine=None, wait=True): if os.name != 'nt': raise RuntimeError, "This function is only implemented on Windows." import win32api import win32con import win32event import win32process from win32com.shell.shell import ShellExecuteEx from win32com.shell import shellcon python_exe = sys.executable if cmdLine is None: cmdLine = [python_exe] + sys.argv elif type(cmdLine) not in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): raise ValueError, "cmdLine is not a sequence." cmd = '"%s"' % (cmdLine[0],) # XXX TODO: isn't there a function or something we can call to massage command line params? params = " ".join(['"%s"' % (x,) for x in cmdLine[1:]]) cmdDir = '' #showCmd = win32con.SW_SHOWNORMAL showCmd = win32con.SW_HIDE lpVerb = 'runas' # causes UAC elevation prompt. # print "Running", cmd, params # ShellExecute() doesn't seem to allow us to fetch the PID or handle # of the process, so we can't get anything useful from it. Therefore # the more complex ShellExecuteEx() must be used. # procHandle = win32api.ShellExecute(0, lpVerb, cmd, params, cmdDir, showCmd) procInfo = ShellExecuteEx(nShow=showCmd, fMask=shellcon.SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS, lpVerb=lpVerb, lpFile=cmd, lpParameters=params) if wait: procHandle = procInfo['hProcess'] obj = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(procHandle, win32event.INFINITE) rc = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(procHandle) # print "Process handle %s returned code %s" % (procHandle, rc) else: rc = None return rc
def runAsAdmin(cmdLine=None, wait=True): if os.name != 'nt': raise RuntimeError, "This function is only implemented on Windows." import win32api, win32con, win32event, win32process from win32com.shell.shell import ShellExecuteEx from win32com.shell import shellcon python_exe = sys.executable if cmdLine is None: cmdLine = [python_exe] + sys.argv elif type(cmdLine) not in (types.TupleType,types.ListType): raise ValueError, "cmdLine is not a sequence." cmd = '"%s"' % (cmdLine[0],) # XXX TODO: isn't there a function or something we can call to massage command line params? params = " ".join(['"%s"' % (x,) for x in cmdLine[1:]]) cmdDir = '' showCmd = win32con.SW_SHOWNORMAL #showCmd = win32con.SW_HIDE lpVerb = 'runas' # causes UAC elevation prompt. # print "Running", cmd, params # ShellExecute() doesn't seem to allow us to fetch the PID or handle # of the process, so we can't get anything useful from it. Therefore # the more complex ShellExecuteEx() must be used. # procHandle = win32api.ShellExecute(0, lpVerb, cmd, params, cmdDir, showCmd) procInfo = ShellExecuteEx(nShow=showCmd, fMask=shellcon.SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS, lpVerb=lpVerb, lpFile=cmd, lpParameters=params) if wait: procHandle = procInfo['hProcess'] obj = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(procHandle, win32event.INFINITE) rc = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(procHandle) #print "Process handle %s returned code %s" % (procHandle, rc) else: rc = None return rc