def selectListboxItem(hwnd, item): '''Selects a specified item in a list box control. Arguments: hwnd Window handle of the required list box. item The reqired item. Either an index, of the text of the required item. Usage example: TODO ''' try: # item is an index Use this to select 0 + item win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.LB_SETCURSEL, item, 0) _sendNotifyMessage(hwnd, win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE) except TypeError: # Item is a string - find the index, and use that items = getListboxItems(hwnd) itemIndex = items.index(item) selectListboxItem(hwnd, itemIndex)
def CmdTypeListbox(self, id, code): if code == win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE: pos = self.typelb.GetCurSel() if pos >= 0: self.memberlb.ResetContent() self.typeinfo = self.tlb.GetTypeInfo(pos) self.attr = self.typeinfo.GetTypeAttr() for i in range(self.attr[7]): id = self.typeinfo.GetVarDesc(i)[0] self.memberlb.AddString(self.typeinfo.GetNames(id)[0]) for i in range(self.attr[6]): id = self.typeinfo.GetFuncDesc(i)[0] self.memberlb.AddString(self.typeinfo.GetNames(id)[0]) self.SetupAllInfoTypes() return 1
def CmdMemberListbox(self, id, code): if code == win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE: self.paramlb.ResetContent() pos = self.memberlb.GetCurSel() realPos, isMethod = self._GetRealMemberPos(pos) if isMethod: id = self.typeinfo.GetFuncDesc(realPos)[0] names = self.typeinfo.GetNames(id) for i in range(len(names)): if i > 0: self.paramlb.AddString(names[i]) self.SetupAllInfoTypes() return 1
def ReloadData(self): service = self.GetSelService() self.listCtrl.SetRedraw(0) self.listCtrl.ResetContent() svcs = win32service.EnumServicesStatus(self.scm) i = 0 self.data = [] for svc in svcs: try: status = ('Unknown', 'Stopped', 'Starting', 'Stopping', 'Running', 'Continuing', 'Pausing', 'Paused')[svc[2][1]] except: status = 'Unknown' s = win32service.OpenService(self.scm, svc[0], win32service.SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS) cfg = win32service.QueryServiceConfig(s) try: startup = ('Boot', 'System', 'Automatic', 'Manual', 'Disabled')[cfg[1]] except: startup = 'Unknown' win32service.CloseServiceHandle(s) # svc[2][2] control buttons pos = self.listCtrl.AddString(str(svc[1]) + '\t' + status + '\t' + startup) self.listCtrl.SetItemData(pos, i) self.data.append(tuple(svc[2]) + (svc[1], svc[0], )) i = i + 1 if service and service[1] == svc[0]: self.listCtrl.SetCurSel(pos) self.OnListEvent(self.IDC_LIST, win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE) self.listCtrl.SetRedraw(1)
def OnListEvent(self, id, code): if code == win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE or code == win32con.LBN_SELCANCEL: pos = self.listCtrl.GetCurSel() if pos >= 0: data = self.data[self.listCtrl.GetItemData(pos)][2] canstart = (self.data[self.listCtrl.GetItemData(pos)][1] == win32service.SERVICE_STOPPED) else: data = 0 canstart = 0 self.GetDlgItem(self.IDC_START).EnableWindow(canstart) self.GetDlgItem(self.IDC_STOP).EnableWindow(data & win32service.SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP) self.GetDlgItem(self.IDC_PAUSE).EnableWindow(data & win32service.SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE) self.GetDlgItem(self.IDC_CONTINUE).EnableWindow(data & win32service.SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE)
def OnListCommand(self, id, code): if code==win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE: style = self.GetSelectedStyle() self.UpdateUIForStyle(style) return 1