def OnFileOpen(self, id, code): openFlags = win32con.OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | win32con.OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST fspec = "Type Libraries (*.tlb, *.olb)|*.tlb;*.olb|OCX Files (*.ocx)|*.ocx|DLL's (*.dll)|*.dll|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" dlg = win32ui.CreateFileDialog(1, None, None, openFlags, fspec) if dlg.DoModal() == win32con.IDOK: try: self.tlb = pythoncom.LoadTypeLib(dlg.GetPathName()) except pythoncom.ole_error: self.MessageBox("The file does not contain type information") self.tlb = None self._SetupTLB()
def GetFile(message=None): """ Select file dialog. Returns path if one is selected. Otherwise it returns None. Availability: FontLab, Macintosh, PC """ path = None if MAC: if haveMacfs: fss, ok = macfs.PromptGetFile(message) if ok: path = fss.as_pathname() else: from robofab.interface.mac.getFileOrFolder import GetFile path = GetFile(message) elif PC: if inFontLab: if not message: message = '' path = fl.GetFileName(1, message, '', '') else: openFlags = win32con.OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|win32con.OFN_EXPLORER mode_open = 1 myDialog = win32ui.CreateFileDialog(mode_open,None,None,openFlags) myDialog.SetOFNTitle(message) is_OK = myDialog.DoModal() if is_OK == 1: path = myDialog.GetPathName() else: _raisePlatformError('GetFile') return path
def LocateFileName(fileNamesString, searchPaths): """Locate a file name, anywhere on the search path. If the file can not be located, prompt the user to find it for us (using a common OpenFile dialog) Raises KeyboardInterrupt if the user cancels. """ import regutil, string, os fileNames = fileNamesString.split(";") for path in searchPaths: for fileName in fileNames: try: retPath = os.path.join(path, fileName) os.stat(retPath) break except os.error: retPath = None if retPath: break else: fileName = fileNames[0] try: import win32ui, win32con except ImportError: raise error("Need to locate the file %s, but the win32ui module is not available\nPlease run the program again, passing as a parameter the path to this file." % fileName) # Display a common dialog to locate the file. flags=win32con.OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] filter = "Files of requested type (*%s)|*%s||" % (ext,ext) dlg = win32ui.CreateFileDialog(1,None,fileName,flags,filter,None) dlg.SetOFNTitle("Locate " + fileName) if dlg.DoModal() != win32con.IDOK: raise KeyboardInterrupt("User cancelled the process") retPath = dlg.GetPathName() return os.path.abspath(retPath)