Python wtforms 模块,Form() 实例源码


项目:sanic-wtf    作者:pyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, request=None, *args, meta=None, **kwargs):
        form_meta = meta_for_request(request)
        form_meta.update(meta or {})
        kwargs['meta'] = form_meta

        self.request = request
        if request is not None:
            formdata = kwargs.pop('formdata', sentinel)
            if formdata is sentinel:
                if request.files:
                    formdata = ChainRequestParameters(
                        request.form, request.files)
                    formdata = request.form
            # signature of wtforms.Form (formdata, obj, prefix, ...)
            args = chain([formdata], args)

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
项目:marvin    作者:sdss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generateFormClasses(self, classes):
        ''' Loops over all ModelClasses and generates a new WTForm class.  New form classes are named as [ModelClassName]Form.
            Sets the new form as an attribute on MarvinForm.  Also populates the _param_to_form_lookup dictonary with
            all ModelClass/WTForm parameters and their corresponding forms.

            e.g.  _param_form_lookup['name'] =

        for key, val in classes.items():
            classname = '{0}Form'.format(key)
                newclass = formClassFactory(classname, val, ModelForm)
            except Exception as e:
                warnings.warn('class {0} not Formable'.format(key), MarvinUserWarning)
                self.__setattr__(classname, newclass)
项目:quupod    作者:alvinwan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def allowed_assignment(self, request: LocalProxy, form: Form) -> bool:
        """Return if assignment is allowed, per settings.

        :param request: The request context object.
        :param form: form to check
        lst = self.setting('assignments').value
        assignment = request.form['assignment']
        category = request.form.get('category', None)
        if ':' in lst:
            datum = dict(l.split(':') for l in lst.splitlines())
            lst = datum.get(category, '*')
            if lst == '*':
                return True
        if assignment not in str2lst(lst):
            prefix = 'Assignment'
            if category:
                prefix = 'For "%s" inquiries, assignment' % category
            form.errors.setdefault('assignment', []) \
                    '%s "%s" is not allowed. Only the following '
                    'assignments are: %s' % (prefix, assignment, lst))
            return False
        return True
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_file_select_form(schema):
    class FileSelectForm(Form):

    for field_name, field_schema in schema.items():
        if field_schema['type'] == 'boolean':
            field = BooleanField()
        elif field_schema['type'] == 'string':
            if 'allowed' in field_schema:
                choices = [(c, c) for c in field_schema['allowed']]
                field = SelectField(choices=choices)
                field = StringField()
        elif field_schema['type'] == 'objectid':
            field = FileSelectField('file')
            raise ValueError('field type %s not supported' % field_schema['type'])

        setattr(FileSelectForm, field_name, field)
    return FileSelectForm
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            '"flask_wtf.Form" has been renamed to "FlaskForm" '
            'and will be removed in 1.0.'
        ), stacklevel=3)
        super(Form, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            '"flask_wtf.Form" has been renamed to "FlaskForm" '
            'and will be removed in 1.0.'
        ), stacklevel=3)
        super(Form, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            '"flask_wtf.Form" has been renamed to "FlaskForm" '
            'and will be removed in 1.0.'
        ), stacklevel=3)
        super(Form, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            '"flask_wtf.Form" has been renamed to "FlaskForm" '
            'and will be removed in 1.0.'
        ), stacklevel=3)
        super(Form, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:eq-survey-runner    作者:ONSdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_name_form(block_json, error_messages):
    class NameForm(Form):

    for question in SchemaHelper.get_questions_for_block(block_json):
        for answer in question['answers']:
            guidance = answer.get('guidance', '')
            label = answer.get('label') or question.get('title')

            field = get_string_field(answer, label, guidance, error_messages)

            setattr(NameForm, answer['id'], field)

    return NameForm
项目:eq-survey-runner    作者:ONSdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_date_form(answer=None, error_messages=None):
    Returns a date form metaclass with appropriate validators. Used in both date and
    date range form creation.

    :param error_messages: The messages during validation
    :param answer: The answer on which to base this form
    :return: The generated DateForm metaclass
    class DateForm(Form):
        day = StringField()
        year = StringField()

    validate_with = [OptionalForm()]

    if not error_messages:
        date_messages = {}
        date_messages = error_messages.copy()

    if answer['mandatory'] is True:
        if 'validation' in answer and 'messages' in answer['validation'] \
                and 'MANDATORY_DATE' in answer['validation']['messages']:
            date_messages['MANDATORY_DATE'] = answer['validation']['messages']['MANDATORY_DATE']

        validate_with = [DateRequired(message=date_messages['MANDATORY_DATE'])]

    if 'validation' in answer and 'messages' in answer['validation'] \
            and 'INVALID_DATE' in answer['validation']['messages']:
        date_messages['INVALID_DATE'] = answer['validation']['messages']['INVALID_DATE']

    validate_with += [DateCheck(date_messages['INVALID_DATE'])]

    # Set up all the calendar month choices for select
    month_choices = [('', 'Select month')] + [(str(x), calendar.month_name[x]) for x in range(1, 13)]

    DateForm.month = SelectField(choices=month_choices, default='', validators=validate_with)

    return DateForm
项目:eq-survey-runner    作者:ONSdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_month_year_form(answer, error_messages):
    Returns a month year form metaclass with appropriate validators. Used in both date and
    date range form creation.

    :param answer: The answer on which to base this form
    :param error_messages: The messages to use upon this form during validation
    :return: The generated MonthYearDateForm metaclass
    class MonthYearDateForm(Form):
        year = StringField()

    validate_with = [OptionalForm()]

    if answer['mandatory'] is True:
        error_message = error_messages['MANDATORY_DATE']
        if 'validation' in answer and 'messages' in answer['validation'] \
                and 'MANDATORY_DATE' in answer['validation']['messages']:
            error_message = answer['validation']['messages']['MANDATORY_DATE']

        validate_with = [DateRequired(message=error_message)]

    if 'validation' in answer and 'messages' in answer['validation'] \
            and 'INVALID_DATE' in answer['validation']['messages']:
        error_message = answer['validation']['messages']['INVALID_DATE']
        validate_with += [MonthYearCheck(error_message)]
        validate_with += [MonthYearCheck()]

    # Set up all the calendar month choices for select
    month_choices = [('', 'Select month')] + [(str(x), calendar.month_name[x]) for x in range(1, 13)]

    MonthYearDateForm.month = SelectField(choices=month_choices, default='', validators=validate_with)

    return MonthYearDateForm
项目:website-4mb    作者:dettoman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def diffImg(t0, t1, t2):
    d1 = cv2.absdiff(t2, t1)
    d2 = cv2.absdiff(t1, t0)
    return cv2.bitwise_and(d1, d2)

#Form Config
项目:start    作者:argeweb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:NZ-ORCID-Hub    作者:Royal-Society-of-New-Zealand    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_form():  # noqa
    class F(Form):
        pdf1 = PartialDateField("f1", default=PartialDateDbField(1995), id="test-id-1")
        pdf2 = PartialDateField("f2", default=PartialDateDbField(2017, 5, 13), id="test-id-2")
        pdf3 = PartialDateField("f3")
        csf1 = CountrySelectField()
        csf2 = CountrySelectField(label="Select Country")
        bmvf1 = BitmapMultipleValueField(choices=[
        bmvf2 = BitmapMultipleValueField(
            ], )
        bmvf2.is_bitmap_value = False

    return F
项目:opwen-webapp    作者:ascoderu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_form(_name='F', **fields):
    Taken from

    return type(str(_name), (Form, ), fields)
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            '"flask_wtf.Form" has been renamed to "FlaskForm" '
            'and will be removed in 1.0.'
        ), stacklevel=3)
        super(Form, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``ndb.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``ndb.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model._get_kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)
项目:Sudoku-Solver    作者:ayush1997    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None):
    Create a wtforms Form for a given Django model class::

        from wtforms.ext.django.orm import model_form
        from myproject.myapp.models import User
        UserForm = model_form(User)

    :param model:
        A Django ORM model class
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments used
        to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)
    return type(model._meta.object_name + 'Form', (base_class, ), field_dict)
项目:Sudoku-Solver    作者:ayush1997    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None,
    Creates and returns a dynamic ``wtforms.Form`` class for a given
    ``db.Model`` class. The form class can be used as it is or serve as a base
    for extended form classes, which can then mix non-model related fields,
    subforms with other model forms, among other possibilities.

    :param model:
        The ``db.Model`` class to generate a form for.
    :param base_class:
        Base form class to extend from. Must be a ``wtforms.Form`` subclass.
    :param only:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be included in
        the form. Only these properties will have fields.
    :param exclude:
        An optional iterable with the property names that should be excluded
        from the form. All other properties will have fields.
    :param field_args:
        An optional dictionary of field names mapping to keyword arguments
        used to construct each field object.
    :param converter:
        A converter to generate the fields based on the model properties. If
        not set, ``ModelConverter`` is used.
    # Extract the fields from the model.
    field_dict = model_fields(model, only, exclude, field_args, converter)

    # Return a dynamically created form class, extending from base_class and
    # including the created fields as properties.
    return type(model.kind() + 'Form', (base_class,), field_dict)