def Open(self, e): openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog( self, "Open Log file", "", "", "log files (*.mi2log) |*.mi2log| All files |*.*", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if (openFileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK): # print 'Selected %s' %openFileDialog.GetPath() print 'Selected %s' % openFileDialog.Paths try: self.grid.ClearGrid() # thread.start_new_thread(openFile,(openFileDialog.GetPath(),)) # t = Thread(target = self.openFile, args=(openFileDialog.GetPath(),self.selectedTypes)) t = Thread( target=self.openFile, args=( openFileDialog.Paths, self.selectedTypes)) self.progressDialog = ProgressDialog(self) t.start() self.progressDialog.ShowModal() if len(openFileDialog.Paths) == 1: self.SetTitle(openFileDialog.GetPath()) else: self.SetTitle( "Multiple files in " + openFileDialog.Directory) except e: print "Error while opening file.", e # if (random() > 0.5): # self.SetupGrid(self.data1) # else: # self.SetupGrid(self.data2)
def loadFile(self, event=None): openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(None, message='Load EEG data.', wildcard='JSON (*.json)|*.json|All Files|*', style=wx.FD_OPEN) try: if openFileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return wx.ID_CANCEL except Exception: wx.LogError('Save failed!') raise finally: openFileDialog.Destroy() cap = eeg.EEGFromJSON(openFileDialog.GetPath(), protocol='3minutes') self.replayData = cap.data self.setSampRate(cap.getSampRate()) self.setChans(cap.getChanNames())
def OnLoadMesh(self, evt): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", ".", "", "OFF files (*.off)|*.off|TOFF files (*.toff)|*.toff|OBJ files (*.obj)|*.obj", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetFilename() dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() filepath = os.path.join(dirname, filename) print dirname self.glcanvas.mesh = PolyMesh() print "Loading mesh %s..."%filename self.glcanvas.mesh.loadFile(filepath) self.glcanvas.meshCentroid = self.glcanvas.mesh.getCentroid() self.glcanvas.meshPrincipalAxes = self.glcanvas.mesh.getPrincipalAxes() print "Finished loading mesh" print self.glcanvas.mesh self.glcanvas.initMeshBBox() self.glcanvas.clearAllSelections() self.glcanvas.Refresh() dlg.Destroy() return
def getpath(title, filt, k, para=None): """Get the defaultpath of the ImagePy""" dpath = manager.ConfigManager.get('defaultpath') if dpath ==None: dpath = root_dir # './' dic = {'open':wx.FD_OPEN, 'save':wx.FD_SAVE} dialog = wx.FileDialog(curapp, title, dpath, '', filt, dic[k]) rst = dialog.ShowModal() path = None if rst == wx.ID_OK: path = dialog.GetPath() dpath = os.path.split(path)[0] manager.ConfigManager.set('defaultpath', dpath) if para!=None:para['path'] = path dialog.Destroy() return rst if para!=None else path
def on_open(self, event): """ Recursively loads a KiCad schematic and all subsheets """ #self.save_component_type_changes() open_dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open KiCad Schematic", "", "", "Kicad Schematics (*.sch)|*.sch", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) if open_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return # Load Chosen Schematic print("opening File:", open_dialog.GetPath()) # Store the path to the file history self.filehistory.AddFileToHistory(open_dialog.GetPath()) self.filehistory.Save(self.config) self.config.Flush() self.load(open_dialog.GetPath())
def on_open(*args, **kwargs): wildcard = "Arquivo de projeto do GRIPy (*.pgg)|*.pgg" try: fdlg = wx.FileDialog(wx.App.Get().GetTopWindow(), 'Escolha o arquivo PGG', wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.FD_OPEN|wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ) if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: file_name = fdlg.GetFilename() dir_name = fdlg.GetDirectory() fdlg.Destroy() else: fdlg.Destroy() return fullfilename = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name) gripy_app = wx.App.Get() gripy_app.load_project_data(fullfilename) except Exception: raise
def OnOpen(self, event): openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open i3 Config file", os.path.expanduser("~/.i3/"), "","i3 Config file |*", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) if openFileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return cfg = Config(self.messager,openFileDialog.GetPath()) self.LoadConfig(cfg)
def onOpen(self,event): print "Open" fd = wx.FileDialog(self,style=wx.FD_OPEN) fd.ShowModal() self.filename = fd.GetPath() print "On Open...",self.filename self.openCSVFile(self.filename)
def Ingest(self): openMsg='Choose a image directory' wcd = 'All files (*)|*|Image Directory (*)|*' dirname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),self.myprefs['dir']) od = wx.DirDialog(self, message=openMsg, style=wx.FD_OPEN|wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR) if od.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: projpath= os.path.join( od.GetPath() ) print(projpath) dbfile = os.path.join ( os.path.dirname(projpath), os.path.basename( od.GetPath())) + '_import_' + str(time.time()).split('.')[0] self.imgdir = projpath #with open(os.path.join(projpath,dbfile), 'a'): # os.utime(path, None) open( dbfile, 'a' ).close() self.con = sq.connect(dbfile, isolation_level=None ) self.cur = self.con.cursor() self.cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Project(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Path TEXT, Name TEXT, [timestamp] timestamp)") self.cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Timeline(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Image TEXT, Blackspot INT)") self.cur.execute("INSERT INTO Project(Path, Name, timestamp) VALUES (?,?,?)", ("images", "StopGo Project", datetime.now() )) for counter, item in enumerate( sorted(os.listdir(self.imgdir)) ): self.cur.execute("INSERT INTO Project(Path, Name, timestamp) VALUES (?,?,?)", ("images", "Default Project", datetime.now() )) self.cur.execute("INSERT INTO Project(Path, Name, timestamp) VALUES (?,?,?)", ("images", "Default Project", datetime.now() )) self.cur.execute('INSERT INTO Timeline VALUES(?,?,?)', (counter,item,0)) self.BuildTimeline(dbfile)
def audio_btn_click(self, e): openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Select caps folder", "", "", "MP3 files (*.mp3)|*.mp3", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) openFileDialog.SetMessage("Select an audio file from to use") if openFileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return 'none' audio_track = openFileDialog.GetPath() self.audio_box.SetValue(str(audio_track))
def select_caps_folder(self): openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Select caps folder", "", "", "JPG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) openFileDialog.SetMessage("Select an image from the caps folder you want to import") if openFileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return 'none' new_cap_path = openFileDialog.GetPath() capsdir = os.path.split(new_cap_path) capset = capsdir[1].split(".")[0][0:-10] # Used to select set if more than one are present cap_type = capsdir[1].split('.')[1] capsdir = capsdir[0] + '/' print(" Selected " + capsdir + " with capset; " + capset + " filetype; " + cap_type) return capsdir, capset, cap_type
def __init__(self, parent, name, objectpath, textwidth, file_extension): def assign(input): self.objectpath.ChangeValue(input) def OnBrowse(self): if IsNotWX4(): dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent, 'Choose a file', os.getcwd(), '', file_extension, wx.OPEN) else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent, 'Choose a file', os.getcwd(), '', file_extension, wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: assign(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() def OnEdit(event): self.objectpath.ChangeValue(event.GetString()) fontpointsize=wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_SYSTEM_FONT).GetPointSize() self.font = wx.Font(fontpointsize, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL) dc = wx.ScreenDC() dc.SetFont(self.font) textw,texth = dc.GetTextExtent(name) if textw > textwidth: labelw = textw else: labelw = textwidth wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self, wx.HORIZONTAL) self.label = StaticTextNew(parent, -1, name, style =wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, size=(labelw,-1) ) self.label.SetFont(self.font) self.Add( self.label, 0, wx.CENTER ) self.objectpath = TextCtrlNew(parent, -1) self.objectpath.SetFont(self.font) self.objectpath.SetValue(objectpath) self.objectpath.SetToolTipNew("Browse for file or type "+os.linesep+"path and name") self.objectpath.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, OnEdit) self.Add( self.objectpath, 1, wx.CENTER |wx.EXPAND ) self.button = ButtonNew(parent, -1, "Browse") self.button.SetFont(self.font) self.button.SetToolTipNew("Browse for file or type "+os.linesep+"path and name") self.button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnBrowse) self.Add( self.button, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.CENTER)
def OnOpen(self,e): panelphase = self.GetChildren()[1].GetPage(0) if panelphase.pipeline_started == False: cwd = self.CurrentWD() if IsNotWX4(): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", cwd, "", "fin files (*.fin)|*.fin|All files (*.*)|*.*", wx.OPEN) else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", cwd, "", "fin files (*.fin)|*.fin|All files (*.*)|*.*", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() RestoreInstance(self) dlg.Destroy()
def on_open(self,e): """ Open a file""" self.dirname = '' dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a deck", self.dirname, "", "*.db", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() print self.dirname, self.filename # f = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename), 'r') # self.control.SetValue(f.read()) # f.close() dlg.Destroy()
def browse(self, event): wildcard = "Audio and Video files ({wildcards})|{wildcards}".format(wildcards=';'.join(FILE_EXTS)) file_dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Select files", style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_MULTIPLE | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST, wildcard=wildcard) file_dialog.SetDirectory(self.in_dir) if self.in_dir else None if file_dialog.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: file_dialog.Destroy() return self.in_files = file_dialog.GetPaths() self.in_picker.GetTextCtrl().SetValue(str(file_dialog.GetFilenames()).strip('[]')) file_dialog.Destroy()
def on_save(self, evt): dic = {'open':wx.FD_OPEN, 'save':wx.FD_SAVE} filt = 'PNG files (*.png)|*.png' dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Save Picture', '', '', filt, wx.FD_SAVE) rst = dialog.ShowModal() if rst == wx.ID_OK: path = dialog.GetPath() self.canvas.save_bitmap(path) dialog.Destroy()
def OnOpen(self,event): dialog=wx.FileDialog(None,'wxpython Notebook(o)',style=wx.FD_OPEN) if dialog.ShowModal()==wx.ID_OK: self.file=dialog.GetPath() file=open(self.file) self.text.write(file.read()) file.close() dialog.Destroy()
def load_event(self, e): dia = wx.FileDialog(self, "Load Bracket", "", "", "bp5000 bracket|*.bp5", wx.FD_OPEN) if dia.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return brs = bracketio.read_bracket(dia.GetPath()) if isinstance(brs, str): w = wx.MessageDialog(self, brs, "Error", wx.ICON_ERROR) w.ShowModal() w.Destroy() return name = dia.GetFilename().replace(".bp5", "") pg = ManagementPage(self.nb, name, len(brs), brs) self.nb.InsertPage(0, pg, name)
def find_file(self, event): ''' ????????? ''' dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "???????", os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_MULTIPLE ) # wildcard=wildcard info = "" self.totle_gauge.SetValue(0) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.file_cnt = len(dlg.GetPaths()) self.totle_gauge.SetRange(100 * self.file_cnt) tol_size = 0 for path in dlg.GetPaths(): tol_size += os.stat(path).st_size for index, path in enumerate(dlg.GetPaths()): # ???????? self.sigle_gauge.SetValue(0) if self.version_box.GetValue(): info += "???" + path + "\n" file_info = self.getfile_info(path) info += "???" + str(file_info[0]) + "??\n" if self.time_box.GetValue(): info += "?????" + file_info[1] + "\n" md5 = self.gethash_info(path, index) if self.md5_box.GetValue(): info += "MD5?" + md5[0] + "\n" if self.sha1_box.GetValue(): info += "SHA1?" + md5[1] + "\n" if self.crc32_box.GetValue(): info += "CRC32?" + md5[2] + "\n" info += "\n" # self.sigle_gauge.SetValue(100) # self.totle_gauge.SetValue(100 * (index + 1)) self.t1.SetValue(info) # print(info)
def file_chooser(title='Choose a file:', default_path = '', default_file = '', mode='r', wildcard='*', parent_obj = None): """Provides a file chooser dialog and returns the file path(s) when the file(s) is selected. mode option provides file dialog type: read single, read multiple, or save single. mode = 'r' creates an 'Open' file dialog for single file read. mode = 'm' creates an 'Open' file dialog for multiple files read. mode = 'w' creates a 'Save' file dialog. wildcard option can be specified as "*.xls" Example: >> file_chooser(title='Choose a file:', mode='r') """ wildcard = "%s|%s" % (wildcard, wildcard) style = { 'r': wx.FD_OPEN, 'm': wx.FD_MULTIPLE, 'w': wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT }[mode] try: file_chooser = wx.FileDialog(parent_obj, title, wildcard=wildcard, style=style, defaultDir = default_path, defaultFile = default_file) except wx._core.PyNoAppError: app = mzApp() app.launch() file_chooser = wx.FileDialog(parent_obj, title, wildcard=wildcard, style=style, defaultDir = default_path, defaultFile = default_file) file_name = None if file_chooser.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if mode == 'm': file_name = file_chooser.GetPaths() else: file_name = file_chooser.GetPath() file_chooser.Destroy() return file_name
def file_open_dialog(): dialog_style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST dialog = wx.FileDialog( None, message='Open', defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile='', style=dialog_style) return dialog
def set_cemu_exe(self): dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, "Open", desktop, "", "Cemu (*.exe)|*.exe", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) # self.app.frame, dialog.ShowModal() cemu_exe = dialog.GetPath() if cemu_exe: core.CONFIG['cemu_exe'] = cemu_exe self.browser.ExecuteJavascript('$("input#cemu_exe").val({})'.format(json.dumps(cemu_exe))) dialog.Destroy()
def set_bg_image(self): dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, "Open", desktop, "", "Images (*.jpg; *.png; *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.png; *.bmp", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) dialog.ShowModal() bg_image = dialog.GetPath() print bg_image if bg_image: core.CONFIG['background_image'] = bg_image self.browser.ExecuteJavascript('$("input#background_image").val({})'.format(json.dumps(bg_image))) self.browser.ExecuteFunction('update_bg_image', json.dumps(bg_image)) dialog.Destroy()
def OpenfileButton(self, event): openFileDialog = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open", "", "", "Newick files (*.nwk)|*.nwk", wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) openFileDialog.ShowModal() self.path = openFileDialog.GetPath() if self.path != "": st = self.path.rfind("/") + 1 self.m_staticText161.SetForegroundColour((0, 100, 0)) self.m_staticText161.SetLabel(self.path[st :]) self.m_staticText16.SetLabel(u"???????")
def onBrowse(self, event): """ Browse for file """ wildcard = "JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg" dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, "Choose a file", wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.FD_OPEN) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.photoTxt.SetValue(dialog.GetPath()) dialog.Destroy() self.onView()
def on_import_segy_seis(event): style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST wildcard="Arquivos SEG-Y (*.sgy)|*.sgy" file_dlg = wx.FileDialog(wx.App.Get().GetTopWindow(), 'Escolha o arquivo SEG-Y', wildcard=wildcard, style=style ) result = file_dlg.ShowModal() if result == wx.ID_OK: file_name = file_dlg.GetFilename() dir_name = file_dlg.GetDirectory() file_dlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_CANCEL: return name = file_name.split('.')[0] app_utils.load_segy(event, os.path.join(dir_name, file_name), new_obj_name=name, comparators_list=None, iline_byte=9, xline_byte=21, offset_byte=37 )
def on_import_segy_vel(event): style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST wildcard="SEG-Y files (*.sgy)|*.sgy" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(wx.App.Get().GetTopWindow(), 'Choose SEG-Y file', wildcard=wildcard, style=style) if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: file_name = fdlg.GetFilename() dir_name = fdlg.GetDirectory() fdlg.Destroy() else: fdlg.Destroy() return segy_file = FileIO.SEGY.SEGYFile(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)) segy_file.read() name = segy_file.filename.rsplit('\\')[-1] name = name.split('.')[0] OM = ObjectManager(event.GetEventObject()) velocity = OM.new('velocity', segy_file.data, name=name, unit='ms', domain='time', sample_rate=segy_file.sample_rate*1000, datum=0, samples=segy_file.number_of_samples, #stacked=stacked, traces=int(segy_file.data.shape[0]) ) OM.add(velocity)
def onLoadFile(self, evt): style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST wildcard = "Arquivo de console GRIPy (*.gripy_console)|*.gripy_console" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Escolha o arquivo gripy_console', defaultDir=self.dir_name, wildcard=wildcard, style=style ) if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.file_name = fdlg.GetFilename() self.dir_name = fdlg.GetDirectory() self._load_file() fdlg.Destroy()
def loadSnd(self,e): wildcard = "All files|*.*|" \ "AIFF file|*.aif;*.aiff;*.aifc;*.AIF;*.AIFF;*.Aif;*.Aiff|" \ "Wave file|*.wav;*.wave;*.WAV;*.WAVE;*.Wav;*.Wave" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Choose a new soundfile...", wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() if path != "": # FL 10/02/2017 START try: # self.chooseSnd.SetLabel("Ready") self.stopSnd(e) self.audio.changeSnd(path) self.sndDurSecs = sndinfo(path)[1] # FL 02/09/2107 self.chrono.SetLabel(self.secs2Time(0)) self.timeLeft.SetLabel("- "+ self.secs2Time(self.sndDurSecs)) self.sndName.SetLabel(os.path.split(path)[1]) except: self.audio.changeSnd(EMPTY_AUDIO_FILE) self.chrono.SetLabel("--:--:--.--") self.timeLeft.SetLabel("- --:--:--.--") self.sndName.SetLabel("<WAV or AIFF soundfiles only>") if self.audio.noSound: self.playPause.Disable() self.stopBtn.Disable() else: self.playPause.Enable() self.stopBtn.Enable() # FL END dlg.Destroy() self.Refresh() # J'ai tellement pas de mérite j'ai pris cette fonction sur Internet lol # FL 02/09/2017
def report_chooser(title=None, mode='r', parent = None, **kwargs): '''A specialized file_chooser function for multiplierz files. Otherwise, works just like file_chooser. 'parent' is the parent of the dialog--used when this is called by a GUI element. It is perfectly fine to leave it as None, and the GUI frame will have no parent. 'title' can be left blank for the following default titles based on mode: r - 'Choose multiplierz File:' w - 'Save File:' m - 'Choose multiplierz Files:' 'mode' is one of 'r', 'w', and 'm', just as for file_chooser. **kwargs can include any additional options to pass to the FileDialog constructor, such as defaultDir (default directory).''' # For legacy reasons, these are often misplaced in scripts. # But they're both necessarily typed differently, so its sortable. if isinstance(parent, basestring) and not isinstance(title, basestring): title, parent = parent, title wildcard = ("Worksheets (*.xls; *.xlsx)|*.xls; *.xlsx|" "Comma-separated Values (*.csv)|*.csv|" "mzResults Database (*.mzd)|*.mzd|" "mzIdentML (*.mzid)|*.mzid") if not title: title = {'r': 'Choose multiplierz File:', 'w': 'Save File:', 'm': 'Choose multiplierz Files:'}[mode] style = { 'r': wx.FD_OPEN, 'm': wx.FD_MULTIPLE, 'w': wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT }[mode] #index = {'.xls': 0, #'.xlsx': 0, #'.csv': 1, #'.mzd': 2}[settings.default_format] index = 0 try: file_dialog = wx.FileDialog(parent, title, wildcard=wildcard, style=style, **kwargs) except wx._core.PyNoAppError as err: app = mzApp() app.launch() file_dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, title, wildcard=wildcard, style=style, **kwargs) file_dialog.SetFilterIndex(index) file_name = None if file_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if mode == 'm': file_name = file_dialog.GetPaths() else: file_name = file_dialog.GetPath() file_dialog.Destroy() return file_name
def read_superputty_xml(self): style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, message='Open Sessions.XML', wildcard='(*.XML)|*.XML', style=style) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: file = dialog.GetPath() else: return False dialog.Destroy() try: tree = ET.parse(file) for item in tree.iter(): if item.tag == "SessionData": sessionPath = item.attrib.get('SessionId') list = sessionPath.encode('utf-8').split('/') tmp = self.root res = Resolver('name') counter = 1 for i in list: pathB64 = base64.b64encode(i) try: if res.get(tmp, pathB64): tmp = res.get(tmp, pathB64) if counter >= len(list): print pathB64 self.saveSessionData( node=tmp, name=str(item.attrib.get('SessionName').encode('utf-8')), username=str(item.attrib.get('Username').encode('utf-8')), privateKey='', hostname=str(item.attrib.get('Host').encode('utf-8')), port=str(item.attrib.get('Port').encode('utf-8')) ) print pathB64 except ChildResolverError as e: if counter < len(list): tmp = Node(pathB64, parent=tmp, type="Container") if counter >= len(list): self.saveSessionData( node=tmp, name=str(item.attrib.get('SessionName').encode('utf-8')), username=str(item.attrib.get('Username').encode('utf-8')), privateKey='', hostname=str(item.attrib.get('Host').encode('utf-8')), port=str(item.attrib.get('Port').encode('utf-8')) ) counter = counter + 1 return True except Exception as e: return False
def read_mobaxterm_ini(self): style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, message='Open MobaXterm.ini', wildcard='(*.ini)|*.ini', style=style) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: file = dialog.GetPath() else: return False dialog.Destroy() try: config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.optionxform = str config.read(file) res = Resolver('name') for s in config.sections(): if s.startswith('Bookmarks'): if config[s]['SubRep'] == 'PuTTY sessions': continue tmp = self.root for (key,val) in config.items(s): if key == 'ImgNum': continue if key == 'SubRep' and val: sessionPath = config[s]['SubRep'] list = sessionPath.encode('utf-8').split('\\') counter = 1 for i in list: pathB64 = base64.b64encode(i) try: if res.get(tmp, pathB64): tmp = res.get(tmp, pathB64) except ChildResolverError as e: node = Node(pathB64, parent=tmp, type='Container') tmp = node counter = counter + 1 break for (key,val) in config.items(s): if key == 'ImgNum' or key == 'SubRep': continue sessionData = val.encode('utf-8').split('%') if sessionData[0] == '#109#0': self.saveSessionData(tmp, key, sessionData[3], '', sessionData[1], sessionData[2]) return True except Exception as e: return False