def OpenSource(self, event): # wxGlade: MainFrame.<event_handler> dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Choose Image", wildcard="All files (*.*)|*.*", style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR ) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: paths = dlg.GetPaths() for path in paths: self.EnumerateSource(path) print(' %s\n' % path) dlg.Destroy() event.Skip()
def do(self): #app = wx.PySimpleApp(0) wcd="Excel Files(*.xls)|*.xls|" dir = "/home" save_dlg = wx.FileDialog(self.parent, message='Choose File to be Imported', defaultDir=dir, defaultFile= '', wildcard=wcd, style=wx.OPEN) if save_dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = save_dlg.GetPath() self.book = open_workbook(path) self.current_sheet=self.book.sheet_by_index(0) self.rown=self.current_sheet.nrows self.DB=db_operations() self.write_to_db() save_dlg.Destroy() print "extd"
def OnLoadMesh(self, evt): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", ".", "", "OFF files (*.off)|*.off|TOFF files (*.toff)|*.toff|OBJ files (*.obj)|*.obj", wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetFilename() dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() filepath = os.path.join(dirname, filename) print dirname self.glcanvas.mesh = PolyMesh() print "Loading mesh %s..."%filename self.glcanvas.mesh.loadFile(filepath) self.glcanvas.meshCentroid = self.glcanvas.mesh.getCentroid() self.glcanvas.meshPrincipalAxes = self.glcanvas.mesh.getPrincipalAxes() print "Finished loading mesh" print self.glcanvas.mesh self.glcanvas.initMeshBBox() self.glcanvas.Refresh() dlg.Destroy() return
def OnTBLoad(self, event): if self.running: rng = True self.OnTBStart() else: rng = False dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "Open Spectrum", os.getcwd(), "", "*.*", wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetPath() # set new working directory directory = os.path.split(filename) if not os.path.isdir(filename): os.chdir(directory[0]) # save file tmpx, tmpy = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True) # add to plot window self.addLine(tmpx, tmpy) dlg.Destroy() if rng: self.OnTBStart()
def onOpenFile(self, event): """""" wildcard = "Python source (*.py)|*.py|" \ "All files (*.*)|*.*" kwargs = {'message':"Choose a file", 'defaultDir':os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__ )), 'defaultFile':"", 'wildcard':wildcard, 'style':wx.OPEN | wx.MULTIPLE | wx.CHANGE_DIR } with ContextFileDialog(self, **kwargs) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: paths = dlg.GetPaths() print "You chose the following file(s):" for path in paths: print path
def onOpen(self, evt=None): """This method opens an existing file""" dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Choose a file", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard="*.json", style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR ) # Show the dialog and retrieve the user response. If it is the OK response, # process the data. if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # This returns a Python list of files that were selected. path = dlg.GetPath() print "I'd be opening file in onOpen ", path self.add_book.load_from_file(filename=path) else : print "The file dialog was canceled" dlg.Destroy()
def chooseSessionFile(self, e): wildcard = "Save file (*.txt)|*.txt|" \ "All files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Open configuration ...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.path.SetValue(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() self.FitInside() # Cette fonction permet aux préférences de se mettre à jour même si on ne les a pas changées dans la fenêtre de configuration initiale.
def do_open(self, evt): dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Choose a file", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="invoice.csv", wildcard="CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv", style=wx.OPEN ) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # This returns a Python list of files that were selected. self.filename = dlg.GetPaths()[0] dlg.Destroy() self.SetTitle(self.filename + " - " + self.title) self.do_new() tmp = [] for lno, linea in enumerate(open(self.filename).readlines()): if DEBUG: print "processing line", lno, linea args = [] for i,v in enumerate(linea.split(";")): if not v.startswith("'"): v = v.replace(",",".") else: v = v#.decode('latin1') if v.strip()=='': v = None else: v = eval(v.strip()) args.append(v) tmp.append(args) # sort by z-order (priority) for args in sorted(tmp, key=lambda t: t[-1]): if DEBUG: print args self.create_elements(*args) self.diagram.ShowAll( 1 ) # return True
def __init__(self, parent, name, objectpath, textwidth, file_extension): def assign(input): self.objectpath.ChangeValue(input) def OnBrowse(self): if IsNotWX4(): dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent, 'Choose a file', os.getcwd(), '', file_extension, wx.OPEN) else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent, 'Choose a file', os.getcwd(), '', file_extension, wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: assign(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() def OnEdit(event): self.objectpath.ChangeValue(event.GetString()) fontpointsize=wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_SYSTEM_FONT).GetPointSize() self.font = wx.Font(fontpointsize, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL) dc = wx.ScreenDC() dc.SetFont(self.font) textw,texth = dc.GetTextExtent(name) if textw > textwidth: labelw = textw else: labelw = textwidth wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self, wx.HORIZONTAL) self.label = StaticTextNew(parent, -1, name, style =wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, size=(labelw,-1) ) self.label.SetFont(self.font) self.Add( self.label, 0, wx.CENTER ) self.objectpath = TextCtrlNew(parent, -1) self.objectpath.SetFont(self.font) self.objectpath.SetValue(objectpath) self.objectpath.SetToolTipNew("Browse for file or type "+os.linesep+"path and name") self.objectpath.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, OnEdit) self.Add( self.objectpath, 1, wx.CENTER |wx.EXPAND ) self.button = ButtonNew(parent, -1, "Browse") self.button.SetFont(self.font) self.button.SetToolTipNew("Browse for file or type "+os.linesep+"path and name") self.button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, OnBrowse) self.Add( self.button, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.CENTER)
def OnOpen(self,e): panelphase = self.GetChildren()[1].GetPage(0) if panelphase.pipeline_started == False: cwd = self.CurrentWD() if IsNotWX4(): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", cwd, "", "fin files (*.fin)|*.fin|All files (*.*)|*.*", wx.OPEN) else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", cwd, "", "fin files (*.fin)|*.fin|All files (*.*)|*.*", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() RestoreInstance(self) dlg.Destroy()
def OnFileOpen(self, event): """Opens a selected file.""" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose a file to add.', '', '', '*.*', wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fullPath = dlg.GetPath() imageFile = dlg.GetFilename() # checkDICMHeader() self.show_file(imageFile, fullPath)
def OnOpenProjectMenu(self, event): if self.Controler is not None and not self.CheckSaveBeforeClosing(): return filepath = "" if self.Controler is not None: filepath = self.Controler.GetFilePath() if filepath != "": directory = os.path.dirname(filepath) else: directory = os.getcwd() result = None dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Choose a file"), directory, "", _("PLCOpen files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files|*.*"), wx.OPEN) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filepath = dialog.GetPath() if os.path.isfile(filepath): self.ResetView() controler = PLCControler() result = controler.OpenXMLFile(filepath) self.Controler = controler self.LibraryPanel.SetController(controler) self.ProjectTree.Enable(True) self.PouInstanceVariablesPanel.SetController(controler) self._Refresh(PROJECTTREE, LIBRARYTREE) self._Refresh(TITLE, EDITORTOOLBAR, FILEMENU, EDITMENU) dialog.Destroy() if result is not None: (num, line) = result self.ShowErrorMessage(_("PLC syntax error at line {a1}:\n{a2}").format(a1=num, a2=line))
def _ImportSVG(self): dialog = wx.FileDialog(self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame, _("Choose a SVG file"), os.getcwd(), "", _("SVG files (*.svg)|*.svg|All files|*.*"), wx.OPEN) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: svgpath = dialog.GetPath() if os.path.isfile(svgpath): shutil.copy(svgpath, self._getSVGpath()) else: self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("No such SVG file: %s\n") % svgpath) dialog.Destroy()
def on_button_attachments(self, event): # wxGlade: email_dialog.<event_handler> wcd = 'All files (*)|*|Editor files (*.ef)|*.ef|' #dir = os.getcwd() open_dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message='Choose a Attachmet file', defaultFile='', wildcard=wcd, style=wx.OPEN|wx.CHANGE_DIR) if open_dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = open_dlg.GetPath() self.text_ctrl_attachment.SetValue(path) open_dlg.Destroy() event.Skip()
def on_photo(self, event): # wxGlade: student_profie.<event_handler> #wcd="Image Files(*.jpeg)|*.jpeg| JPG Files(*.jpg)|*.jpg| PNG Files(*.png)|*.png" #return 0 print "on photo" wcd="Image Files(*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.png)|*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.png" dir = "/home" open_dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message='Select Photo', defaultDir=dir, defaultFile= '', wildcard=wcd, style=wx.OPEN) if open_dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = open_dlg.GetPath() result=self.VALID.validate_photo(path) if result[0]: self.bitmap_photo = wx.BitmapButton(self.panel_1, wx.ID_ANY,wx.Bitmap(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) self.__set_properties() self.__do_layout() self.button_save.Enable(True) self.prof_pic_path=path open_dlg.Destroy self.combo_box_adno.SetValue(str(self.current_admission_no)) else: open_dlg.Destroy msg=result[1] icon=wx.ICON_ERROR dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, 'Size Error',wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: open_dlg.Destroy() event.Skip()
def OnOpenFile(self, event): """Request to open a new profile file""" dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, style=wx.OPEN|wx.FD_MULTIPLE) if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: paths = dialog.GetPaths() if self.loader: # we've already got a displayed data-set, open new window... frame = MainFrame() frame.Show(True) frame.load(*paths) else: self.load(*paths)
def on_open(self, evt): print 'xxx', os.getcwd() dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Choose a file", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", #wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR ) print 'yyy',os.getcwd() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: paths = dlg.GetPaths() if paths[0]: print os.getcwd() self.dirname, self.filename = os.path.split(paths[0]) self.status_bar.SetStatusText(paths[0]) print os.getcwd() if self.dvc is None: self.create_inside_panel() if self.model is not None: old_model = self.model old_model.Clear() else: old_model = None self.model = self.get_model_from_LIS(paths[0]) print os.getcwd() self.dvc.AssociateModel(self.model) if old_model: del old_model
def onOpen(self, evt=None): """This method opens an existing file""" print "Open a file: " # Create the dialog. In this case the current directory is forced as the starting # directory for the dialog, and no default file name is forced. This can easilly # be changed in your program. This is an 'open' dialog, and allows multitple # file selections as well. # # Finally, if the directory is changed in the process of getting files, this # dialog is set up to change the current working directory to the path chosen. dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Choose a file", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR ) # Show the dialog and retrieve the user response. If it is the OK response, # process the data. if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # This returns a Python list of files that were selected. path = dlg.GetPath() print "I'd be opening file in onOpen ", path self.app_logic.file_open( path ) else : print "The file dialog was canceled before anything was selected" # Destroy the dialog. Don't do this until you are done with it! # BAD things can happen otherwise! dlg.Destroy()
def onOpen(self, evt=None): """This method opens an existing file""" print "Open a file: " # Create the dialog. In this case the current directory is forced as the starting # directory for the dialog, and no default file name is forced. This can easily # be changed in your program. This is an 'open' dialog, and allows multiple # file selections as well. # # Finally, if the directory is changed in the process of getting files, this # dialog is set up to change the current working directory to the path chosen. dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Choose a file", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard=wildcard, style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR ) # Show the dialog and retrieve the user response. If it is the OK response, # process the data. if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # This returns a Python list of files that were selected. path = dlg.GetPath() print "I'd be opening file in onOpen ", path self.app_logic.file_open( path ) else : print "The file dialog was canceled before anything was selected" # Destroy the dialog. Don't do this until you are done with it! # BAD things can happen otherwise! dlg.Destroy()
def on_import_db(self, event): # wxGlade: admin_dash.<event_handler> ''' msg="This feature is suspended" dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, '',wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return 0 ''' msg="Importing may overwrite some of the existing data \n Do you want to continue?" dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg)#,wx.SAVE|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dir = "/home" wcd="Exam Files(*.xam)|*.xam|" open_dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message='Choose a file', defaultDir=dir, defaultFile='', wildcard=wcd, style=wx.OPEN|wx.CHANGE_DIR) if open_dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = open_dlg.GetPath() try: self.DB.import_(path) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Successfully imported', '',wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) except: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Sorry, Could not import', '',wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() self.label_import_db.SetForegroundColour(self.label_fg_color) event.Skip()