def refresh(self): dc = wx.MemoryDC(self.drawingBuffer) dc.SelectObject(self.drawingBuffer) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(self.background, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.Clear() gc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(dc) # do not draw if window is very small, right solution? XXX - idfah if self.winRadius < 1.0e-3: return self.draw(gc) dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.triggerRepaint()
def _drawPointLabel(self, mDataDict): """Draws and erases pointLabels""" width = self._Buffer.GetWidth() height = self._Buffer.GetHeight() if sys.platform != "darwin": tmp_Buffer = wx.Bitmap(width, height) dcs = wx.MemoryDC() dcs.SelectObject(tmp_Buffer) dcs.Clear() else: tmp_Buffer = self._Buffer.GetSubBitmap((0, 0, width, height)) dcs = wx.MemoryDC(self._Buffer) self._pointLabelFunc(dcs, mDataDict) # custom user pointLabel function dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas) dc = wx.BufferedDC(dc, self._Buffer) # this will erase if called twice dc.Blit(0, 0, width, height, dcs, 0, 0, self._logicalFunction) if sys.platform == "darwin": self._Buffer = tmp_Buffer
def DrawFromSelectedNode(self, msg): t = msg.replace("][", ",").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",") osx = int(t[0]) osy = int(t[1]) oex = int(t[2]) oey = int(t[3]) i = wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(self.screenShotDir, "screenshot.png")) dc = wx.MemoryDC(i) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.RED, 1)) #???(wxpython????drawline?drawlines, ??drawrect??????) dc.DrawLine(osx, osy, osx, oey) dc.DrawLine(osx, osy, oex, osy) dc.DrawLine(oex, osy, oex, oey) dc.DrawLine(osx, oey, oex, oey) dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.screenShot.SetBitmap(i) self.Refresh(eraseBackground=True, rect=None)
def DisplayImage(self): if self.current_image: tw = self.static_bitmap.GetSize().GetWidth() th = self.static_bitmap.GetSize().GetHeight() sw = self.current_image.GetSize().GetWidth() sh = self.current_image.GetSize().GetHeight() #self.scale = min(tw/float(sw),th/float(sh)) tw = int(sw*self.scale) th = int(sh*self.scale) im = self.current_image.Copy() im.Rescale(tw,th) bm = im.ConvertToBitmap() bmdc = wx.MemoryDC(bm) bmdc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) bmdc.SetPen(wx.RED_PEN) bmdc.SetTextForeground(wx.RED) i = 1 for point in self.coords[self.image_name]: bmdc.DrawCircle(self.scale*point[0], self.scale*point[1], 5) w,h = bmdc.GetTextExtent(str(i)) bmdc.DrawText(str(i),self.scale*point[0]-w/2, self.scale*point[1]+5) i += 1 del bmdc self.static_bitmap.SetBitmap(bm) # ------------- Event Handlers ---------------
def OnLeftRelease(self,e): self.player.stop() self.brec.SetBitmapLabel(self.brecxicon) self.bplay.SetBitmapLabel(self.bplayicon) if self.hasSelected: #the frame selected was clicked img = self.MakeThumbnail(os.path.join(self.imgdir, self.selected.GetName() ), self.thumbsize) self.selected.SetBitmap(wx.BitmapFromImage(img) ) self.hasSelected = True self.previous = 0 self.player.play() self.viewport.Refresh() self.brec.SetBitmapLabel(self.brecicon) if not self.hasSelected: # we clicked something new # get new selection self.selected = e.GetEventObject() # highlight new selection img = self.MakeThumbnail(os.path.join(self.imgdir, self.selected.GetName() ), self.thumbsize + 3) imgb = wx.BitmapFromImage(img) dc = wx.MemoryDC(imgb) staricon = wx.Image(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..','..','stopgo','images','select.png') ) star = wx.BitmapFromImage(staricon) dc.DrawBitmap(star,133,0) dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) del dc control = wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, imgb) self.selected.SetBitmap(imgb) self.hasSelected = True self.previous = self.selected.GetId() #paint canvas img = self.MakeThumbnail(os.path.join( self.imgdir, self.selected.GetName() ), self.screenHeight*.9) self.GetStatusBar().SetStatusText(self.selected.GetName(), 0) self.PaintCanvas(img) self.viewport.Refresh()
def refresh(self): """Refresh the drawing area after a change has been made. This method sets up a drawing context, calls self.draw to update the drawing and then calls self.triggerRepaint in order to update the drawing area on the screen. This method should be called each time a change is made that requires the drawing area to be updated. """ dc = wx.MemoryDC(self.drawingBuffer) dc.SelectObject(self.drawingBuffer) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(self.background, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.Clear() # do not draw if window is very small, right solution? XXX - idfah if self.winRadius < 1.0e-3: return #dc.BeginDrawing() self.draw(dc) #dc.EndDrawing() #del dc dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.triggerRepaint()
def DrawROI(self): object = self.object bmp = self.image.GetBitmap() w = bmp.GetWidth() h = bmp.GetHeight() roi = [0]*6 for i in range(3): roi[2*i] = int(self.roi[2*i].value.GetValue()) - 1 roi[2*i+1] = int(self.roi[2*i+1].value.GetValue()) axis = int(self.scrollaxis.value.GetValue()) if axis == 1: x1 = int(float(w*roi[4])/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) x2 = int(float(w*(roi[5]))/float(object.shape[2]) -0.5) y1 = int(float(h*roi[2])/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) y2 = int(float(h*(roi[3]))/float(object.shape[1]) -0.5) elif axis == 2: x1 = int(float(w*roi[4])/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) x2 = int(float(w*(roi[5]))/float(object.shape[2]) -0.5) y1 = int(float(h*roi[0])/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) y2 = int(float(h*(roi[1]))/float(object.shape[0]) -0.5) elif axis == 3: x1 = int(float(w*roi[2])/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) x2 = int(float(w*(roi[3]))/float(object.shape[1]) -0.5) y1 = int(float(h*roi[0])/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) y2 = int(float(h*(roi[1]))/float(object.shape[0]) -0.5) self.dc = wx.MemoryDC(bmp) self.dc.SelectObject(bmp) self.dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.RED, 1)) self.dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) self.dc.DrawLine(x1, 1, x1, h) self.dc.DrawLine(x2, 1, x2, h) self.dc.DrawLine(1, y1, w, y1) self.dc.DrawLine(1, y2, w, y2) self.dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.image.SetBitmap(bmp) self.Layout()
def DrawROI(self): object = self.object bmp = self.image.GetBitmap() w = bmp.GetWidth() h = bmp.GetHeight() roi = [0]*6 for i in range(3): roi[2*i] = int(self.roi[2*i].value.GetValue()) - 1 roi[2*i+1] = int(self.roi[2*i+1].value.GetValue()) - 1 axis = int(self.scrollaxis.value.GetValue()) if axis == 1: rx = int(float(w*roi[4])/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) rw = int(float(w*(roi[5] - roi[4] +1.0))/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) ry = int(float(h*roi[2])/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) rh = int(float(h*(roi[3] - roi[2] +1.0))/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) elif axis == 2: rx = int(float(w*roi[4])/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) rw = int(float(w*(roi[5] - roi[4] +1.0))/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) ry = int(float(h*roi[0])/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) rh = int(float(h*(roi[1] - roi[0] +1.0))/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) elif axis == 3: rx = int(float(w*roi[2])/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) rw = int(float(w*(roi[3] - roi[2] +1.0))/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) ry = int(float(h*roi[0])/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) rh = int(float(h*(roi[1] - roi[0] +1.0))/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) self.dc = wx.MemoryDC(bmp) self.dc.SelectObject(bmp) self.dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.RED, 1)) self.dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) self.dc.DrawRectangle(rx, ry, rw, rh) self.dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.image.SetBitmap(bmp) self.Layout()
def clearScreenShot(self, bmp): dc = wx.MemoryDC() dc.SelectObject(bmp) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush("white")) dc.Clear()
def draw_box(self): x1, x2 = self.plot._point2ClientCoord(*self.selected)[::2] dc = wx.ClientDC(self.plot.canvas) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.INVERT) dc.DrawRectangle(x1, 0, x2, dc.GetSize()[1]) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY) # def clear(self): # # An experimental way to clear the canvas without redrawing the plot every time # # dc.Blit() usage from SOF. # if self.selection_drawn: # self.draw_box() # clear old # self.selection_drawn = False # dc = wx.ClientDC(self.plot.canvas) # size = dc.GetSize() # bmp = wx.Bitmap(size.width, size.height) # prev_dc = wx.MemoryDC() # prev_dc.SelectObject(bmp) # prev_dc.Blit( # 0, # Copy to this X coordinate # 0, # Copy to this Y coordinate # size.width, # Copy this width # size.height, # Copy this height # dc, # From where do we copy? # 0, # What's the X offset in the original DC? # 0 # What's the Y offset in the original DC? # ) # prev_dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) # dc.Clear() # dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0) # # if self.plot.last_draw is not None: # # self.plot.Draw(self.plot.last_draw[0])
def GetLogicalDC(self, buffered=False): if buffered: bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(*self.Editor.GetClientSize()) dc = wx.MemoryDC(bitmap) else: dc = wx.ClientDC(self.Editor) dc.SetFont(self.GetFont()) if wx.VERSION >= (2, 6, 0): self.Editor.DoPrepareDC(dc) else: self.Editor.PrepareDC(dc) dc.SetUserScale(self.ViewScale[0], self.ViewScale[1]) return dc
def GetBitmap(bmp_name1, bmp_name2=None, size=None): bmp = BitmapLibrary.get((bmp_name1, bmp_name2, size)) if bmp is not None: return bmp if bmp_name2 is None: bmp = SearchBitmap(bmp_name1) else: # Bitmap with two icon bmp1 = SearchBitmap(bmp_name1) bmp2 = SearchBitmap(bmp_name2) if bmp1 is not None and bmp2 is not None: # Calculate bitmap size width = bmp1.GetWidth() + bmp2.GetWidth() - 1 height = max(bmp1.GetHeight(), bmp2.GetHeight()) # Create bitmap with both icons bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(width, height) dc = wx.MemoryDC() dc.SelectObject(bmp) dc.Clear() dc.DrawBitmap(bmp1, 0, 0) dc.DrawBitmap(bmp2, bmp1.GetWidth() - 1, 0) dc.Destroy() elif bmp1 is not None: bmp = bmp1 elif bmp2 is not None: bmp = bmp2 if bmp is not None: BitmapLibrary[(bmp_name1, bmp_name2, size)] = bmp return bmp
def save_bitmap(self, path): context = wx.ClientDC( self ) memory = wx.MemoryDC( ) x, y = self.ClientSize bitmap = wx.Bitmap( x, y, -1 ) memory.SelectObject( bitmap ) memory.Blit( 0, 0, x, y, context, 0, 0) memory.SelectObject( wx.NullBitmap) bitmap.SaveFile( path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG )
def draw_bitmap_rectangle(bitmap, faces): """Draw rectangle on bitmap.""" dc = wx.MemoryDC(bitmap.bmp) dc.SetPen(wx.BLUE_PEN) dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) dc.SetTextBackground('black') dc.SetTextForeground('white') dc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.SOLID) dc.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)) for face in faces: dc.DrawRectangle( face.rect.left * bitmap.scale, face.rect.top * bitmap.scale, face.rect.width * bitmap.scale, face.rect.height * bitmap.scale, ) if face.name: text_width, text_height = dc.GetTextExtent(face.name) dc.DrawText(face.name, face.rect.left * bitmap.scale, face.rect.top * bitmap.scale - text_height) dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) bitmap.bitmap.SetBitmap(bitmap.bmp)
def __init__(self, text, font=None): self._text = text mem_dc = wx.MemoryDC() w, h, l = mem_dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(text, font if font else Fonts.get("default")) self._sizer = wx.BoxSizer() self._sizer.Add(wx.Size(w, h))
def take_screenshot(self): screen = wx.ScreenDC() bmp = wx.Bitmap(Screenshot.SRC_W, Screenshot.SRC_H) mem = wx.MemoryDC(bmp) mem.Blit(0, 0, Screenshot.SRC_W, Screenshot.SRC_H, screen, Screenshot.OFFSET_X, Screenshot.OFFSET_Y) return bmp
def create_background(self): w,h = self.GetSize() self.background_bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(w, h) dc = wx.MemoryDC(self.background_bitmap) gc = wx.GraphicsContext_Create(dc) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF")) dc.Clear() dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h) off = h // self.chnls // 2 gc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#000000', width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF", style=wx.TRANSPARENT)) dc.SetTextForeground("#444444") if sys.platform in "darwin": font, ptsize = dc.GetFont(), dc.GetFont().GetPointSize() font.SetPointSize(ptsize - 3) dc.SetFont(font) else: font = dc.GetFont() font.SetPointSize(8) dc.SetFont(font) tickstep = w // 10 if tickstep < 40: timelabel = "%.1f" elif tickstep < 80: timelabel = "%.2f" elif tickstep < 120: timelabel = "%.3f" else: timelabel = "%.4f" timestep = (self.end - self.begin) * 0.1 for i, samples in enumerate(self.img): y = h // self.chnls * i if len(samples): gc.DrawLines(samples) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#888888', width=1, style=wx.DOT)) dc.DrawLine(0, y+off, w, y+off) # for j in range(10): # dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#888888', width=1, style=wx.DOT)) # dc.DrawLine(j*tickstep, 0, j*tickstep, h) # dc.DrawText(timelabel % (self.begin+j*timestep), j*tickstep+2, h-y-12) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#000000', width=1)) dc.DrawLine(0, h-y, w, h-y) dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
def DrawCommonElements(self, dc, buttons=None): """ Function that draw common graphics for every Viewers @param dc: wx.DC object corresponding to Device context where drawing common graphics @param buttons: List of buttons to draw if different from default (default None) """ # Get Viewer size width, height = self.GetSize() # Set dc styling for drop before or drop after highlight dc.SetPen(HIGHLIGHT_DROP_PEN) dc.SetBrush(HIGHLIGHT_DROP_BRUSH) # Draw line at upper side of Viewer if highlight is drop before if self.Highlight == HIGHLIGHT_BEFORE: dc.DrawLine(0, 1, width - 1, 1) # Draw line at lower side of Viewer if highlight is drop before elif self.Highlight == HIGHLIGHT_AFTER: dc.DrawLine(0, height - 1, width - 1, height - 1) # If no specific buttons are defined, get default buttons if buttons is None: buttons = self.Buttons # Draw buttons for button in buttons: button.Draw(dc) # If graph dragging is processing if self.ParentWindow.IsDragging(): destBBox = self.ParentWindow.GetDraggingAxesClippingRegion(self) srcPos = self.ParentWindow.GetDraggingAxesPosition(self) if destBBox.width > 0 and destBBox.height > 0: srcPanel = self.ParentWindow.DraggingAxesPanel srcBBox = srcPanel.GetAxesBoundingBox() srcX = srcBBox.x - (srcPos.x if destBBox.x == 0 else 0) srcY = srcBBox.y - (srcPos.y if destBBox.y == 0 else 0) srcBmp = _convert_agg_to_wx_bitmap( srcPanel.get_renderer(), None) srcDC = wx.MemoryDC() srcDC.SelectObject(srcBmp) dc.Blit(destBBox.x, destBBox.y, int(destBBox.width), int(destBBox.height), srcDC, srcX, srcY)
def RefreshView(self): self.RefreshCanvasPosition() width, height = self.GraphicsWindow.GetVirtualSize() bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(width, height) dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self.GraphicsWindow), bitmap) dc.Clear() dc.BeginDrawing() if self.DraggingAxesPanel is not None: destBBox = self.DraggingAxesBoundingBox srcBBox = self.DraggingAxesPanel.GetAxesBoundingBox() srcBmp = _convert_agg_to_wx_bitmap(self.DraggingAxesPanel.get_renderer(), None) srcDC = wx.MemoryDC() srcDC.SelectObject(srcBmp) dc.Blit(destBBox.x, destBBox.y, int(destBBox.width), int(destBBox.height), srcDC, srcBBox.x, srcBBox.y) dc.EndDrawing() if not self.Fixed or self.Force: self.Force = False refresh_graphics = True else: refresh_graphics = False if self.DraggingAxesPanel is not None and self.DraggingAxesPanel not in self.GraphicPanels: self.DraggingAxesPanel.RefreshViewer(refresh_graphics) for panel in self.GraphicPanels: if isinstance(panel, DebugVariableGraphicViewer): panel.RefreshViewer(refresh_graphics) else: panel.RefreshViewer() if self.CursorTick is not None: tick = self.CursorTick elif len(self.Ticks) > 0: tick = self.Ticks[-1] else: tick = None if tick is not None: self.TickLabel.SetLabel(label=_("Tick: %d") % tick) tick_duration = int(tick * self.Ticktime) not_null = False duration = "" for value, format in [(tick_duration / DAY, _("%dd")), ((tick_duration % DAY) / HOUR, _("%dh")), ((tick_duration % HOUR) / MINUTE, _("%dm")), ((tick_duration % MINUTE) / SECOND, _("%ds"))]: if value > 0 or not_null: duration += format % value not_null = True duration += _("%03gms") % (float(tick_duration % SECOND) / MILLISECOND) self.TickTimeLabel.SetLabel("t: %s" % duration) else: self.TickLabel.SetLabel("") self.TickTimeLabel.SetLabel("") self.TickSizer.Layout()
def draw(self, drawDC=None): """ Render the figure. """ # Render figure using agg FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self) # Get bitmap of figure rendered self.bitmap = _convert_agg_to_wx_bitmap(self.get_renderer(), None) if wx.VERSION < (3, 0, 0): self.bitmap.UseAlpha() # Create DC for rendering graphics in bitmap destDC = wx.MemoryDC() destDC.SelectObject(self.bitmap) # Get Graphics Context for DC, for anti-aliased and transparent # rendering destGC = wx.GCDC(destDC) destGC.BeginDrawing() # Get canvas size and figure bounding box in canvas width, height = self.GetSize() bbox = self.GetAxesBoundingBox() # If highlight to display is resize, draw thick grey line at bottom # side of canvas if self.Highlight == HIGHLIGHT_RESIZE: destGC.SetPen(HIGHLIGHT_RESIZE_PEN) destGC.SetBrush(HIGHLIGHT_RESIZE_BRUSH) destGC.DrawRectangle(0, height - 5, width, 5) # If highlight to display is merging graph, draw 50% transparent blue # rectangle on left or right part of figure depending on highlight type elif self.Highlight in [HIGHLIGHT_LEFT, HIGHLIGHT_RIGHT]: destGC.SetPen(HIGHLIGHT_DROP_PEN) destGC.SetBrush(HIGHLIGHT_DROP_BRUSH) x_offset = (bbox.width / 2 if self.Highlight == HIGHLIGHT_RIGHT else 0) destGC.DrawRectangle(bbox.x + x_offset, bbox.y, bbox.width / 2, bbox.height) # Draw other Viewer common elements self.DrawCommonElements(destGC, self.GetButtons()) destGC.EndDrawing() self._isDrawn = True self.gui_repaint(drawDC=drawDC)
def onTakeScreenShot(self, event): """ Takes a screenshot of the screen at give pos & size (rect). Method based on a script by Andrea Gavana """ print('Taking screenshot...') rect = self.GetRect() # adjust widths for Linux (figured out by John Torres # http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.wxpython/67327) if sys.platform == 'linux2': client_x, client_y = self.ClientToScreen((0, 0)) border_width = client_x - rect.x title_bar_height = client_y - rect.y rect.width += (border_width * 2) rect.height += title_bar_height + border_width # Create a DC for the whole screen area dcScreen = wx.ScreenDC() # Create a Bitmap that will hold the screenshot image later on # Note that the Bitmap must have a size big enough to hold the screenshot # -1 means using the current default colour depth bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(rect.width, rect.height) #Create a memory DC that will be used for actually taking the screenshot memDC = wx.MemoryDC() # Tell the memory DC to use our Bitmap # all drawing action on the memory DC will go to the Bitmap now memDC.SelectObject(bmp) # Blit (in this case copy) the actual screen on the memory DC # and thus the Bitmap memDC.Blit( 0, # Copy to this X coordinate 0, # Copy to this Y coordinate rect.width, # Copy this width rect.height, # Copy this height dcScreen, # Where to copy from rect.x, # What's the X offset in the original DC? rect.y # What's the Y offset in the original DC? ) # Select the Bitmap out of the memory DC by selecting a new # uninitialized Bitmap memDC.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) img = bmp.ConvertToImage() fileName = "myImage.png" img.SaveFile(fileName, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) print('...saving as png!')
def GetToolTipSize(self): """ Get tool tip size according to tip text and restriction @return: wx.Size(tool_tip_width, tool_tip_height) """ max_width = max_height = 0 # Create a memory DC for calculating text extent dc = wx.MemoryDC() dc.SetFont(self.Font) # Compute max tip text size for line in self.Tip: w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(line) max_width = max(max_width, w) max_height += h return wx.Size(max_width + 4, max_height + 4)