def drawCenterPolygon(self, gc): """Draw the polygon at the center of the pie menu. """ gc.PushState() # set border and fill colors gc.SetPen(wx.Pen((80,80,80), 2)) gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((0,0,0))) # radius of circle that circumscribes the polygon radius = 0.1 * self.winRadius points = radius * np.array((np.cos(self.angles), np.sin(self.angles))).T # draw the polygon gc.DrawLines(points) gc.PopState()
def drawBars(self, gc): """Draw the bars reaching to the menu cells. """ gc.SetPen(wx.Pen((80,80,80), 2)) # figure bar width using number of bars and apothem of polygon r = 0.1 * self.winRadius barWidth = np.sqrt((r*(np.cos(self.angle)-1.0))**2+(r*np.sin(self.angle))**2) apothem = r * np.cos(self.angle/2.0) # for each angle, color, choice triple for angle, color, choice in zip(self.midAngles, self.curColors, self.choices): # set fill color gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(color)) # figure bar length barLength = self.bars[choice] * (0.70*self.winRadius - apothem) # smallRadius # rotate and draw bar gc.PushState() gc.Rotate(angle) gc.DrawRectangle(apothem, -barWidth/2.0, barLength, barWidth) gc.PopState()
def draw(self, dc, printerScale, coord=None): colour = self.attributes['colour'] width = self.attributes['width'] * printerScale * self._pointSize[0] style = self.attributes['style'] if not isinstance(colour, wx.Colour): if IsNotWX4(): colour = wx.NamedColour(colour) else: colour = wx.Colour(colour) pen = wx.Pen(colour, width, style) pen.SetCap(wx.CAP_BUTT) dc.SetPen(pen) if coord is None: if len(self.scaled): # bugfix for Mac OS X dc.DrawLines(self.scaled) else: dc.DrawLines(coord) # draw legend line
def __init__(self, points, **attr): """ Creates PolyMarker object :param `points`: sequence (array, tuple or list) of (x,y) points :keyword `attr`: keyword attributes, default to: ================================ ================================ 'colour'= 'black' wx.Pen Colour any wx.Colour 'width'= 1 Pen width 'size'= 2 Marker size 'fillcolour'= same as colour wx.Brush Colour any wx.Colour 'fillstyle'= wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID wx.Brush fill style (use wx.BRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT for no fill) 'style'= wx.FONTFAMILY_SOLID wx.Pen style 'marker'= 'circle' Marker shape 'legend'= '' Line Legend to display ================================ ================================ Marker Shapes: - 'circle' - 'dot' - 'square' - 'triangle' - 'triangle_down' - 'cross' - 'plus' """ PolyPoints.__init__(self, points, attr)
def draw(self, dc, printerScale, coord=None): colour = self.attributes['colour'] width = self.attributes['width'] * printerScale * self._pointSize[0] size = self.attributes['size'] * printerScale * self._pointSize[0] fillcolour = self.attributes['fillcolour'] fillstyle = self.attributes['fillstyle'] marker = self.attributes['marker'] if colour and not isinstance(colour, wx.Colour): colour = wx.Colour(colour) if fillcolour and not isinstance(fillcolour, wx.Colour): fillcolour = wx.Colour(fillcolour) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour, width)) if fillcolour: dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(fillcolour, fillstyle)) else: dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(colour, fillstyle)) if coord == None: if len(self.scaled): # bugfix for Mac OS X self._drawmarkers(dc, self.scaled, marker, size) else: self._drawmarkers(dc, coord, marker, size) # draw legend marker
def DrawPointLabel(self, dc, mDataDict): """This is the fuction that defines how the pointLabels are plotted dc - DC that will be passed mDataDict - Dictionary of data that you want to use for the pointLabel As an example I have decided I want a box at the curve point with some text information about the curve plotted below. Any wxDC method can be used. """ # ---------- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.BLACK, wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID)) sx, sy = mDataDict["scaledXY"] # scaled x,y of closest point # 10by10 square centered on point dc.DrawRectangle(sx - 5, sy - 5, 10, 10) px, py = mDataDict["pointXY"] cNum = mDataDict["curveNum"] pntIn = mDataDict["pIndex"] legend = mDataDict["legend"] # make a string to display s = "Crv# %i, '%s', Pt. (%.2f,%.2f), PtInd %i" % ( cNum, legend, px, py, pntIn) dc.DrawText(s, sx, sy + 1) # -----------
def DrawFromSelectedNode(self, msg): t = msg.replace("][", ",").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",") osx = int(t[0]) osy = int(t[1]) oex = int(t[2]) oey = int(t[3]) i = wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(self.screenShotDir, "screenshot.png")) dc = wx.MemoryDC(i) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.RED, 1)) #???(wxpython????drawline?drawlines, ??drawrect??????) dc.DrawLine(osx, osy, osx, oey) dc.DrawLine(osx, osy, oex, osy) dc.DrawLine(oex, osy, oex, oey) dc.DrawLine(osx, oey, oex, oey) dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.screenShot.SetBitmap(i) self.Refresh(eraseBackground=True, rect=None)
def drawScore(self,dc): dc.SetFont(self.smFont) scoreLabelSize = dc.GetTextExtent(u"SCORE") bestLabelSize = dc.GetTextExtent(u"BEST") curScoreBoardMinW = 15*2+scoreLabelSize[0] bstScoreBoardMinW = 15*2+bestLabelSize[0] curScoreSize = dc.GetTextExtent(str(self.curScore)) bstScoreSize = dc.GetTextExtent(str(self.bstScore)) curScoreBoardNedW = 10+curScoreSize[0] bstScoreBoardNedW = 10+bstScoreSize[0] curScoreBoardW = max(curScoreBoardMinW,curScoreBoardNedW) bstScoreBoardW = max(bstScoreBoardMinW,bstScoreBoardNedW) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((187,173,160))) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((187,173,160))) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(505-15-bstScoreBoardW,40,bstScoreBoardW,50,3) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(505-15-bstScoreBoardW-5-curScoreBoardW,40,curScoreBoardW,50,3) dc.SetTextForeground((238,228,218)) dc.DrawText(u"BEST",505-15-bstScoreBoardW+(bstScoreBoardW-bestLabelSize[0])/2,48) dc.DrawText(u"SCORE",505-15-bstScoreBoardW-5-curScoreBoardW+(curScoreBoardW-scoreLabelSize[0])/2,48) dc.SetTextForeground((255,255,255)) dc.DrawText(str(self.bstScore),505-15-bstScoreBoardW+(bstScoreBoardW-bstScoreSize[0])/2,68) dc.DrawText(str(self.curScore),505-15-bstScoreBoardW-5-curScoreBoardW+(curScoreBoardW-curScoreSize[0])/2,68)
def drawTiles(self,dc): dc.SetFont(self.scFont) for row in range(4): for col in range(4): value = self.data[row][col] color = self.colors[value] if value==2 or value==4: dc.SetTextForeground((119,110,101)) else: dc.SetTextForeground((255,255,255)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(color)) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(color)) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(30+col*115,165+row*115,100,100,2) size = dc.GetTextExtent(str(value)) while size[0]>100-15*2: self.scFont = wx.Font(self.scFont.GetPointSize()*4/5,wx.SWISS,wx.NORMAL,wx.BOLD,face=u"Roboto") dc.SetFont(self.scFont) size = dc.GetTextExtent(str(value)) if value!=0: dc.DrawText(str(value),30+col*115+(100-size[0])/2,165+row*115+(100-size[1])/2)
def draw(self): l, t, r, b = 35,35,15,35 w = self.width - l - r h = self.height - t - b if self.data is None:return dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self.buffer) dc.Clear() left, low, right, high = self.extent self.draw_coord(dc, w, h, l, t, r, b) for xs, ys, c, lw in self.data: ys = h+t - (ys - low)*(h/(high-low)) xs = l+(xs-left)*(1.0/(right-left)*w) pts = list(zip(xs, ys)) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(c, width=lw, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.DrawLines(pts)
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetTextForeground((255,255,0)) font = wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False) dc.SetFont(font) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0,255,0), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((0,255,0))) pos = [f(*(i[1], i[0])) for i in self.xy[self.msk]] for i in pos:dc.DrawCircle(int(i[0]), int(i[1]), 2) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((255,0,0), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((255,0,0))) pos = [f(*(i[1], i[0])) for i in self.xy[~self.msk]] for i in pos:dc.DrawCircle(int(i[0]), int(i[1]), 2)
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(Setting['color'], width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.SetTextForeground(Setting['tcolor']) font = wx.Font(10, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False) dc.SetFont(font) dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.buf]) for i in self.buf:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) for line in self.body: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in line]) for i in line:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) pts = np.array(line) mid = (pts[:-1]+pts[1:])/2 dis = norm((pts[:-1]-pts[1:]), axis=1) unit = 1 if self.unit is None else self.unit[0] for i,j in zip(dis, mid): dc.DrawText('%.2f'%(i*unit), f(*j))
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(Setting['color'], width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.SetTextForeground(Setting['tcolor']) linefont = wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False) dc.SetFont(linefont) dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.buf]) for i in self.buf:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) for line in self.body: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in line]) for i in line:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) pts = np.array(line) v1 = pts[:-2]-pts[1:-1] v2 = pts[2:]-pts[1:-1] a = np.sum(v1*v2, axis=1)*1.0 a/=norm(v1,axis=1)*norm(v2,axis=1) ang = np.arccos(a)/np.pi*180 for i,j in zip(ang,line[1:-1]): dc.DrawText('%.0f'%i, f(*j))
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(Setting['color'], width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.SetTextForeground(Setting['tcolor']) font = wx.Font(10, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False) dc.SetFont(font) dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.buf]) for i in self.buf:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) for pg in self.body: plg = Polygon(pg) dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in pg]) for i in pg: dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) area, xy = plg.area, plg.centroid if self.unit!=None: area *= self.unit[0]**2 dc.DrawText('%.1f'%area, f(xy.x, xy.y))
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(Setting['color'], width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.SetTextForeground(Setting['tcolor']) linefont = wx.Font(10, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False) dc.SetFont(linefont) if len(self.buf)>1: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.buf]) for i in self.buf:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) for line in self.body: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in line]) for i in line:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) pts = np.array(line) mid = (pts[:-1]+pts[1:])/2 dxy = (pts[:-1]-pts[1:]) dis = norm(dxy, axis=1) unit = 1 if self.unit is None else self.unit[0] for i,j in zip(dis, mid): dc.DrawText('%.2f'%(i*unit), f(*j))
def Draw(self, dc): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.P_color)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.B_color)) if self.Primary: for e in self.eyes: if e.obj == 1: dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(112,173,71))) elif e.obj == 2: dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.Colour(237,125,49))) else: dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.P_color)) dc.DrawLine(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.pos_x + e.SightDistance*math.sin(self.dir_Angle + e.OffSetAngle), self.pos_y - e.SightDistance*math.cos(self.dir_Angle + e.OffSetAngle)) super(Agent, self).Draw(dc)
def OnDrawItem(self, dc, rect, item, flags): if item == wx.NOT_FOUND: # painting the control, but there is no valid item selected yet return font = wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, 'Segoe UI') dc.SetFont(font) if flags == 3: margin = 3 else: margin = 1 r = wx.Rect(*rect) # make a copy r.Deflate(margin, margin) tam = self.OnMeasureItem(item)-2 dc.SetPen(wx.Pen("grey", style=wx.TRANSPARENT)) color_name = self.GetString(item) color = self.colors.get(color_name) if not color: color = wx.NamedColour(color_name) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(color)) dc.DrawRectangle(r.x, r.y, tam, tam) dc.DrawText(self.GetString(item), r.x + tam + 2, r.y)
def Draw(self,dc): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.P_color)) for i in range(0, len(self.xList)-1): dc.DrawLine(self.xList[i], self.yList[i], self.xList[i+1],self.yList[i+1])
def Draw(self, dc): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.P_color)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.B_color)) dc.DrawCircle(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.rad)
def Draw(self, dc): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.P_color)) dc.DrawLine(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, self.pos_x + self.EYE.OverHang*math.cos(self.dir_Angle + self.EYE.OffSetAngle), self.pos_y - self.EYE.OverHang*math.sin(self.dir_Angle + self.EYE.OffSetAngle)) super(Agent, self).Draw(dc)
def OnTimer(self, event): if self.World is not None: # Graphics Update self.bdc = wx.BufferedDC(self.cdc, self.bmp) self.gcdc = wx.GCDC(self.bdc) self.gcdc.Clear() self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen('white')) self.gcdc.SetBrush(wx.Brush('white')) self.gcdc.DrawRectangle(0,0,640,640) for ag in [self.World.A]: ag.Draw(self.gcdc) self.World.BBox.Draw(self.gcdc) self.World.Course.Draw(self.gcdc)
def onPaint(self, e): w,h = self.GetSize() dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self) # Surface dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(COLOR_BACK)) dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, w+1, h+1) # Le quadrillage dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(COLOR_GRID, 2)) # for i in range(0, 600, 25): # dc.DrawLine(0, i, w, i) # dc.DrawLine(i, 0, i, h) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(COLOR_GRID,style=wx.TRANSPARENT)) for i in range(8): dc.DrawCircle(w/2,h/2,GRID_CIRCLE_RADIUS*(7*i)) # dc.DrawCircle(300,300,CIRCLE_RADIUS*(7*i)) for i in range(self.numSpeakers): vars.getVars("Speakers")[i].draw(dc, COLOR_AV) vars.getVars("Speakers")[i].drawZone(dc, COLOR_AV) # ecriture de valeurs if self.catch: # conversion des positions X et Y entre 0 et 1 x = self.pos[0] / float(w) y = 1.- self.pos[1] / float(h) # affiche la position normalisee du pointeur dc.DrawText("%.3f, %.3f" % (x,y), 10, 10) # Les cercles self.blueCircle.draw(dc,COLOR_BLUE) self.redCircle.draw(dc,COLOR_RED)
def draw(self,dc,color): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(color, 1)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(color)) dc.DrawCircle(self.x, self.y, self.c) # à l'appel, cette fonction ajuste la position du rectangle # pour l'utilisation de la fonction ContainsXY self.rect.x = self.x - self.c self.rect.y = self.y - self.c
def draw(self,dc,color): numero = self.getNumOut() dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(COLOR_BACK, 1)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(color)) dc.DrawCircle(self.x, self.y, self.c) dc.DrawText("%d" % numero, self.x-(self.c/3),self.y-(self.c/1.75)) self.rect.x = self.x - self.c self.rect.y = self.y - self.c
def drawZone(self,dc,color): radius = self.getZoneRad() dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(color,1)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(100,100,100,75))) dc.DrawCircle(self.x,self.y,radius)
def __init__(self): self.coords = np.array([0.0,0.0]) self.velocity = np.array([0.0,0.0]) self.pen = wx.Pen((250,250,250), 2) self.brush = wx.Brush((255,255,255))
def DrawROI(self): object = self.object bmp = self.image.GetBitmap() w = bmp.GetWidth() h = bmp.GetHeight() roi = [0]*6 for i in range(3): roi[2*i] = int(self.roi[2*i].value.GetValue()) - 1 roi[2*i+1] = int(self.roi[2*i+1].value.GetValue()) axis = int(self.scrollaxis.value.GetValue()) if axis == 1: x1 = int(float(w*roi[4])/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) x2 = int(float(w*(roi[5]))/float(object.shape[2]) -0.5) y1 = int(float(h*roi[2])/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) y2 = int(float(h*(roi[3]))/float(object.shape[1]) -0.5) elif axis == 2: x1 = int(float(w*roi[4])/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) x2 = int(float(w*(roi[5]))/float(object.shape[2]) -0.5) y1 = int(float(h*roi[0])/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) y2 = int(float(h*(roi[1]))/float(object.shape[0]) -0.5) elif axis == 3: x1 = int(float(w*roi[2])/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) x2 = int(float(w*(roi[3]))/float(object.shape[1]) -0.5) y1 = int(float(h*roi[0])/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) y2 = int(float(h*(roi[1]))/float(object.shape[0]) -0.5) self.dc = wx.MemoryDC(bmp) self.dc.SelectObject(bmp) self.dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.RED, 1)) self.dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) self.dc.DrawLine(x1, 1, x1, h) self.dc.DrawLine(x2, 1, x2, h) self.dc.DrawLine(1, y1, w, y1) self.dc.DrawLine(1, y2, w, y2) self.dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.image.SetBitmap(bmp) self.Layout()
def DrawROI(self): object = self.object bmp = self.image.GetBitmap() w = bmp.GetWidth() h = bmp.GetHeight() roi = [0]*6 for i in range(3): roi[2*i] = int(self.roi[2*i].value.GetValue()) - 1 roi[2*i+1] = int(self.roi[2*i+1].value.GetValue()) - 1 axis = int(self.scrollaxis.value.GetValue()) if axis == 1: rx = int(float(w*roi[4])/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) rw = int(float(w*(roi[5] - roi[4] +1.0))/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) ry = int(float(h*roi[2])/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) rh = int(float(h*(roi[3] - roi[2] +1.0))/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) elif axis == 2: rx = int(float(w*roi[4])/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) rw = int(float(w*(roi[5] - roi[4] +1.0))/float(object.shape[2]) +0.5) ry = int(float(h*roi[0])/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) rh = int(float(h*(roi[1] - roi[0] +1.0))/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) elif axis == 3: rx = int(float(w*roi[2])/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) rw = int(float(w*(roi[3] - roi[2] +1.0))/float(object.shape[1]) +0.5) ry = int(float(h*roi[0])/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) rh = int(float(h*(roi[1] - roi[0] +1.0))/float(object.shape[0]) +0.5) self.dc = wx.MemoryDC(bmp) self.dc.SelectObject(bmp) self.dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.RED, 1)) self.dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) self.dc.DrawRectangle(rx, ry, rw, rh) self.dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) self.image.SetBitmap(bmp) self.Layout()
def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) self.ancestor = parent self.fontpointsize=wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_SYSTEM_FONT).GetPointSize() self.colour = wx.Colour(30,70,115, alpha=wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE) self.canvas = PlotCanvas(self) if IsNotWX4(): self.canvas.SetInitialSize(size=self.GetClientSize()) self.canvas.SetShowScrollbars(True) self.canvas.SetEnableZoom(False) self.canvas.SetFontSizeAxis(point=12) self.canvas.SetFontSizeTitle(point=12) self.canvas.SetGridColour(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)) self.canvas.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)) self.canvas.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255)) else: self.canvas.axesPen = wx.Pen(self.colour, width=1, style=wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID) self.canvas.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)) self.canvas.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255)) self.canvas.enableGrid = (True,True) self.canvas.fontSizeAxis = self.fontpointsize self.canvas.fontSizeTitle = self.fontpointsize self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.vbox.Add(self.canvas, 1, flag=wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.GROW) self.paused = False self.hbox_btn = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.hbox_btn.AddSpacer(20) self.button_pause =wx.Button(self, label="Pause Graph") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClickPauseButton, self.button_pause) self.hbox_btn.Add(self.button_pause) self.button_save =wx.Button(self, label="Save Data") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClickSaveButton, self.button_save) self.hbox_btn.Add(self.button_save) self.vbox.Add(self.hbox_btn, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(self.vbox) self.Fit() self.Show() self.data_poll_timer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.UpdateGraph, self.data_poll_timer)
def __init__(self, points, **attr): """ Creates PolyLine object :param `points`: sequence (array, tuple or list) of (x,y) points making up line :keyword `attr`: keyword attributes, default to: ========================== ================================ 'colour'= 'black' wx.Pen Colour any wx.Colour 'width'= 1 Pen width 'style'= wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID wx.Pen style 'legend'= '' Line Legend to display ========================== ================================ """ PolyPoints.__init__(self, points, attr)
def draw(self, dc, printerScale, coord=None): colour = self.attributes['colour'] width = self.attributes['width'] * printerScale * self._pointSize[0] style = self.attributes['style'] if not isinstance(colour, wx.Colour): colour = wx.Colour(colour) pen = wx.Pen(colour, width, style) pen.SetCap(wx.CAP_ROUND) dc.SetPen(pen) if coord == None: if len(self.scaled): # bugfix for Mac OS X dc.DrawSpline(self.scaled) else: dc.DrawLines(coord) # draw legend line
def _drawRubberBand(self, corner1, corner2): """Draws/erases rect box from corner1 to corner2""" ptx, pty, rectWidth, rectHeight = self._point2ClientCoord( corner1, corner2) # draw rectangle dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.WHITE, wx.BRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT)) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.INVERT) dc.DrawRectangle(ptx, pty, rectWidth, rectHeight) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY)
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((255,0,0), width=2, style=wx.SOLID)) for line in self.foreline: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in line]) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0,0,255), width=2, style=wx.SOLID)) for line in self.backline: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in line])
def drawBg(self,dc): dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush((250,248,239))) #???? dc.Clear() dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((187,173,160))) #???? dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((187,173,160))) #??pen dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(15,150,475,475,5) #??
def DrawBoundingBoxes(self, bboxes, dc=None): """ Draw a list of bounding box on Viewer in the order given using XOR logical function @param bboxes: List of bounding boxes to draw on viewer @param dc: Device Context of Viewer (default None) """ # Get viewer Device Context if not given if dc is None: dc = self.Viewer.GetLogicalDC() # Save current viewer scale factors before resetting them in order to # avoid rubberband pen to be scaled scalex, scaley = dc.GetUserScale() dc.SetUserScale(1, 1) # Set DC drawing style dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.WHITE, style=wx.DOT)) dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.XOR) # Draw the bounding boxes using viewer scale factor for bbox in bboxes: if bbox is not None: dc.DrawRectangle( bbox.x * scalex, bbox.y * scaley, bbox.width * scalex, bbox.height * scaley) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY) # Restore Viewer scale factor dc.SetUserScale(scalex, scaley)
def MiterPen(colour, width=1, style=wx.SOLID): pen = wx.Pen(colour, width, style) pen.SetJoin(wx.JOIN_MITER) pen.SetCap(wx.CAP_PROJECTING) return pen # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helpers for highlighting text # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def draw(self, dc, f): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(RoiManager.get_color(), width=RoiManager.get_lw(), style=wx.SOLID)) if len(self.body)>1: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.body]) for i in [self.lt, (self.lt+self.rt)/2, self.rt]: for j in [self.tp, (self.tp+self.bm)/2, self.bm]: dc.DrawCircle(f(i,j),2)
def draw(self, dc, f): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(RoiManager.get_color(), width=RoiManager.get_lw(), style=wx.SOLID)) for line in self.body: if len(line)>1: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in line]) for i in line:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2)
def draw(self, dc, f): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(RoiManager.get_color(), width=RoiManager.get_lw(), style=wx.SOLID)) if(len(self.body)>1): dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.body]) for i in self.body:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) dc.DrawCircle(f(self.lt, (self.tp+self.bm)/2),2) dc.DrawCircle(f(self.rt, (self.tp+self.bm)/2),2) dc.DrawCircle(f((self.lt+self.rt)/2, self.tp),2) dc.DrawCircle(f((self.lt+self.rt)/2, self.bm),2)
def draw(self, dc, f): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(RoiManager.get_color(), width=RoiManager.get_lw(), style=wx.SOLID)) for i in self.body: dc.DrawCircle(f(*i), 2)
def draw(self, dc, f): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(RoiManager.get_color(), width=RoiManager.get_lw(), style=wx.SOLID)) for pg in self.body: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in pg[0]]) if self.issimple(): for i in pg[0]: dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) for hole in pg[1]: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in hole])
def draw_ruler(self, dc): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((255,255,255), width=2, style=wx.SOLID)) x1 = max(self.imgbox[0], self.box[0])+5 x2 = min(self.imgbox[2], self.box[2])+x1-10 pixs = (x2-x1+10)*self.ips.size[1]/10.0/self.imgbox[2] h = min(self.imgbox[1]+self.imgbox[3],self.box[3])-5 dc.DrawLineList([(x1,h,x2,h)]) dc.DrawLineList([(i,h,i,h-8) for i in np.linspace(x1, x2, 3)]) dc.DrawLineList([(i,h,i,h-5) for i in np.linspace(x1, x2, 11)]) dc.SetTextForeground((255,255,255)) k, unit = self.ips.unit text = 'Unit = %.1f %s'%(k*pixs, unit) dw,dh = dc.GetTextExtent(text) dc.DrawText(text, (x2-dw, h-10-dh))
def draw_coord(self, dc, w, h, l, t, r, b): xs = [5, 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 200, 400, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000] n, dx, dy = len(self.data), 0, 0 left, low, right, high = self.extent for i in xs[::-1]: if (right-left)*1.0/i<=10:dx=i for i in xs[::-1]: if (high-low)*1.0/i<=10:dy=i dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0, 0, 0), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.DrawRectangle(l, t, w+1, h+1) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((100, 100, 100), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) for i in range(int(ceil(left*1.0/dx)*dx), int(right)+1, dx): x = l+(i-left)*1.0/(right-left)*w dc.DrawLine(x, t, x, t+h) dc.DrawText(str(i), x-5, t+h) for i in range(int(ceil(low*1.0/dy)*dy), int(high)+1, dy): y = h+t-(i-low)*1.0/(high-low)*h dc.DrawLine(l, y, l+w, y) dc.DrawText(str(i), 5, y-5) titlefont = wx.Font(18, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False) dc.SetFont(titlefont) dw,dh = dc.GetTextExtent(self.title) dc.DrawText(self.title, l+w/2-dw/2, 3) lablelfont = wx.Font(14, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False) dc.SetFont(lablelfont) dw,dh = dc.GetTextExtent(self.labelx) dc.DrawText(self.labelx, l+w-dw, t+h+15) dc.DrawText(self.labely, 5, 10)
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((255,255,0), width=3, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.SetTextForeground((255,255,0)) font = wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False) dc.SetFont(font) ids = self.graph.nodes() pts = [self.graph.node[i]['o'] for i in ids] pts = [f(i[1], i[0]) for i in pts] dc.DrawPointList(pts) dc.DrawTextList([str(i) for i in ids], pts)
def draw(self, dc, f): print(self.x, self.y) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((255,255,0), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.DrawLines([f(0,self.y),f(self.w,self.y)]) dc.DrawLines([f(self.x,0),f(self.x,self.h)])
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0,255,0), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) sox, soy = f(self.para['ox'], self.para['oy']) dc.DrawCircle((sox, soy), 5) a = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 20) dc.DrawLines(list(zip(sox+np.cos(a)*40, soy+np.sin(a)*40))) a = self.para['ang']*np.pi/180 dc.DrawCircle((sox+np.cos(a)*40, soy+np.sin(a)*40), 3)
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): body = [(self.lt,self.bm),(self.rt,self.bm), (self.rt,self.tp),(self.lt,self.tp),(self.lt,self.bm)] dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0,255,0), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in body]) for i in body:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2) dc.DrawCircle(f(self.lt, (self.tp+self.bm)/2),2) dc.DrawCircle(f(self.rt, (self.tp+self.bm)/2),2) dc.DrawCircle(f((self.lt+self.rt)/2, self.tp),2) dc.DrawCircle(f((self.lt+self.rt)/2, self.bm),2)
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((255,0,0), width=2, style=wx.SOLID)) dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.line])
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0,255,0), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) if len(self.buf[0])>1: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.buf[0]]) for i in self.buf[0]: dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2)
def draw(self, dc, f, **key): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0,255,255), width=1, style=wx.SOLID)) if len(self.buf)>1: dc.DrawLines([f(*i) for i in self.buf]) for i in self.buf:dc.DrawCircle(f(*i),2)