def OnDelete(self, ev=None): """ Deleting selected items. """ tree = self.treeCtrlItems itemsL = tree.GetSelections() namesL = [] deleteL = [] for i in itemsL: # only items (ie. no groups) if tree.GetPyData(i) == 1: parent = tree.GetItemParent(i) parentName = tree.GetItemText(parent) name = tree.GetItemText(i).split()[0] #only name namesL.append('%s.%s' % (parentName, name)) deleteL.append(i) if namesL: namesS = ',\n '.join(namesL) ret = show_message_dialog(self, 'Really delete following name(s)?:\n %s' % namesS, '-- Confirm --', wx.YES|wx.NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if ret == wx.ID_YES: for name, i in zip(namesL,deleteL): if self.nsc_delete(name): tree.Delete(i)
def OnDeleteGroup(self, ev=None): """ Deleting selected groups. """ tree = self.treeCtrlItems itemsL = tree.GetSelections() namesL = [] deleteL = [] for i in itemsL: # only groups (ie. no items) if tree.GetPyData(i) == 0: name = tree.GetItemText(i) if name not in PROTECTED_GROUPS and tree.GetChildrenCount(i)==0: namesL.append(name) deleteL.append(i) if namesL: namesS = ',\n'.join(namesL) ret = show_message_dialog(self, 'Really delete following group(s)?:\n %s' % namesS, '-- Confirm --', wx.YES|wx.NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if ret == wx.ID_YES: for name, i in zip(namesL, deleteL): if self.nsc_delete_group(name): tree.Delete(i)
def close(self, event): if not self._world: event.Skip() return modified = False for level in self._world.levels: modified = modified | level.modified if modified: result = wx.MessageBox('Do you want to save your changes?', 'Unsaved changes', wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) if result == wx.YES: self._world.save() elif result == wx.CANCEL: return event.Skip()
def onInstallDragonCommands(evt): #Translators: Warning about having custom commands already. goAhead = gui.messageBox(_("If you are on a computer with shared commands, and you have multiple users using these commands, this will override them. Please do not proceed unless you are sure you aren't sharing commands over a network. if you are, please read \"Importing Commands Into a Shared System\" in the Dictation Bridge documentation for manual steps.\nDo you want to proceed?"), #Translators: Warning dialog title. _("Warning: Potentially Dangerous Opperation Will be Performed"), wx.YES|wx.NO) if goAhead==wx.NO: return dialog = gui.IndeterminateProgressDialog(gui.mainFrame, #Translators: Title for a dialog shown when Dragon Commands are being installed! _("Dragon Command Installation"), #Translators: Message shown in the progress dialog for dragon command installation. _("Please wait while Dragon commands are installed.")) try: gui.ExecAndPump(_onInstallDragonCommands) except: #Catch all, because if this fails, bad bad bad. log.error("DictationBridge commands failed to install!", exc_info=True) finally: dialog.done()
def Run( self ): fileName = GetBoard().GetFileName() if len(fileName)==0: wx.LogMessage("a board needs to be saved/loaded!") else: dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(fileName)) path, fname = os.path.split(dirpath) ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileName))[1] name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fileName))[0] LogMsg="reading from "+ dirpath out_filename=path+os.sep+name+".dxf" LogMsg+="writing to "+out_filename content=[] txtFile = open(fileName,"r") content = txtFile.readlines() content.append(" ") txtFile.close() #wx.MessageDialog(None, 'This is a message box. ONLY TEST!', 'Test', wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION).ShowModal() #wx.MessageDialog(None, 'This is a message box. ONLY TEST!', content, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION).ShowModal() #found_selected=False #board = pcbnew.GetBoard() dlg=wx.MessageBox( 'Only SAVED board file will be exported to DXF file', 'Confirm', wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_INFORMATION ) if dlg == wx.OK: if os.path.isfile(out_filename): dlg=wx.MessageBox( 'Overwrite DXF file?', 'Confirm', wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION ) if dlg == wx.YES: export_dxf(content, out_filename) else: export_dxf(content, out_filename)
def OnButtonSave(self, msg): if not self.model.status: wx.MessageBox('No export file has been successfully loaded yet!') return ret = wx.MessageBox('Overwrite the original file?', 'Attention!', wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) if ret == wx.YES: self.model.save(self.fileread.path)
def onInstall(): requiredVer = "Windows 10 Version 1703" # Translators: Dialog text shown when attempting to install the add-on on an unsupported version of Windows (minSupportedVersion is the minimum version required for this add-on). if sys.getwindowsversion().build < 15063 and gui.messageBox(_("You are using an older version of Windows. This add-on requires {minSupportedVersion} or later. Are you sure you wish to install this add-on anyway?").format(minSupportedVersion = requiredVer), # Translators: title of the dialog shown when attempting to install the add-on on an old version of Windows. _("Old Windows version"), wx.YES | wx.NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.CENTER | wx.ICON_QUESTION) == wx.NO: raise RuntimeError("Old Windows version detected")
def getUpdateResponse(message, caption, updateURL): if gui.messageBox(message, caption, wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.CANCEL | wx.CENTER | wx.ICON_QUESTION) == wx.YES: W10UpdateDownloader([updateURL]).start()
def doMove(self,move,score): if move: self.putTile() self.drawChange(score) if self.isGameOver(): if wx.MessageBox(u"????????????",u"??", wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_INFORMATION)==wx.YES: bstScore = self.bstScore self.initGame() self.bstScore = bstScore self.drawAll()
def OnRemoveClick(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler> self.remove_row_index msg="This student along with all data will be deleted\nAre you sure you want to Delete this row?" if wx.MessageBox(msg, "Want to Delete?", wx.YES_NO) == wx.YES: removed_item=self.CURRENT_LIST[0][self.remove_row_index+1] #print "removing",removed_item self.DB.RemoveScore(removed_item[4]) #Passing score id #Checking if the student has any other record in any other div query='SELECT * FROM T1 WHERE STUDENT_ID=?' self.DB.cur.execute(query,(removed_item[1],)) if self.DB.cur.fetchone()==None: self.DB.RemoveStudent(removed_item[1]) #passing student_id else: print 'other records exixts' if self.SUBJECT=="Basic Science": removed_item2=self.CURRENT_LIST[1][self.remove_row_index] removed_item3=self.CURRENT_LIST[2][self.remove_row_index] self.CURRENT_LIST[1].remove(removed_item2) self.CURRENT_LIST[2].remove(removed_item3) self.grid_1.DeleteRows(self.remove_row_index,1) #except: #print "Error in removing row" event.Skip()