def testClassify(self): cap = self.src.getEEGSecs(time.time() - self.testTime) self.testTime = time.time() cap = self.bandpass(cap) seg = cap.segment(start=self.windowStart, end=self.windowEnd) seg = self.downsample(seg) # if verbose XXX - idfah #wx.LogMessage('nSeg: %d' % seg.getNSeg()) assert seg.getNSeg() == len(self.choices) stim = [self.markToStim(m) for m in seg.getMarkers()] x = self.standardizer.apply(seg.chanEmbed()) dv = self.classifier.discrim(x) choice = stim[np.argmax(dv, axis=0)[0]] if self.pieMenu.growBar(choice, amount=1.0/self.nTestTrial): wx.CallAfter(self.controlPlayer, choice) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.isi, self.runTestEpoch)
def testDecision(self, probs): for i,choice in enumerate(self.choices): self.pieMenu.growBar(choice, self.gain*(probs[i]-self.loss), refresh=False) self.pieMenu.refresh() self.curDecision += 1 finalSelection = self.pieMenu.getSelection() if finalSelection is None: wx.CallAfter(self.runTestEpoch) else: self.pieMenu.clearAllHighlights(refresh=False) self.pieMenu.highlight(finalSelection, style='jump', secs=self.pauseSecs) finalLabel = self.choices.index(finalSelection) self.src.incrementMarker(finalLabel+1) self.confusion[finalLabel, self.choices.index(self.curChoice)] += 1.0 wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.pauseSecs, self.testClearTrial)
def testClassify(self): cap = self.src.getEEGSecs(time.time() - self.testTime) self.testTime = time.time() cap = self.decimate(cap) seg = cap.segment(start=self.windowStart, end=self.windowEnd) assert seg.getNSeg() == len(self.choices) stim = [self.markToStim(m) for m in seg.getMarkers()] x = self.standardizer.apply(seg.chanEmbed()) dv = self.classifier.discrim(x) choice = stim[np.argmax(dv, axis=0)[0]] if self.pieMenu.growBar(choice, amount=1.0/self.nTestTrial): wx.CallAfter(self.moveRobot, choice) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.isi, self.runTestEpoch)
def toggleTest(self, event=None): if self.isRunning(): self.earlyStopFlag = True self.testButton.Disable() wx.LogMessage('%s: Testing stopped early.' % self.name) else: try: self.earlyStopFlag = False self.trainButton.Disable() self.retrainButton.Disable() self.testButton.SetLabel('Stop') self.start() self.startTime = time.time() self.beforeTest() wx.CallLater(1000.0*2.0, self.runTestEpoch) except Exception: self.earlyStopFlag = True self.trainButton.Enable() self.retrainButton.Enable() self.testButton.SetLabel('Test') raise
def textInserted(hwnd, start, text): global currentEntry, autoFlushTimer log.debug("textInserted %r" % text) if currentEntry is not None: prevStart, prevText = currentEntry if (not (start == -1 and prevStart == -1)) and (start < prevStart or start > (prevStart + len(prevText))): flushCurrentEntry() if currentEntry is not None: prevStart, prevText = currentEntry if prevStart == -1 and start == -1: currentEntry = (-1, prevText + text) else: currentEntry = (prevStart, prevText[:start - prevStart] + text) else: currentEntry = (start, text) if autoFlushTimer is not None: autoFlushTimer.Stop() autoFlushTimer = None def autoFlush(*args, **kwargs): global autoFlushTimer autoFlushTimer = None flushCurrentEntry() autoFlushTimer = wx.CallLater(100, autoFlush)
def _whenPlaying(self): if self.isPlaying: self.elapsedTime = time.time() - self.initTime total = self.elapsedTime + self.sndOffset try: pos = total / self.sndDurSecs except: pos = 0 if pos < 1: self.chrono.SetLabel(self.secs2Time(total)) self.timeLeft.SetLabel("- "+ self.secs2Time(self.sndDurSecs-total)) self.sndView.refreshPos(pos) wx.CallLater(5, self._whenPlaying) elif pos >= 1: self.sndEnd()
def trainEpoch(self): if len(self.curChoices) == 0: self.curChoices = copy.copy(self.choices) np.random.shuffle(self.curChoices) self.curTrial += 1 choice = self.curChoices.pop() self.pieMenu.highlight(choice, style='pop') self.src.setMarker(self.choices.index(choice)+1.0) wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.trainTrialSecs, self.trainClearTrial)
def trainClearTrial(self, event=None): self.pieMenu.clearAllHighlights() self.src.setMarker(0.0) if self.curTrial == self.nTrainTrial and len(self.curChoices) == 0: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.pauseSecs, self.endTrain) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.pauseSecs, self.runTrainEpoch)
def testEpoch(self): if self.curDecision == -1: self.src.setMarker(0.0) self.highlightTestTarget() self.curDecision += 1 wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.width*1.1, self.runTestEpoch) else: # a little extra at the end to make sure we get the last segment wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.decisionSecs*1.1, self.testClassify)
def testClassify(self): # a little extra (0.9*self.pauseSecs) for edge effects in filter XXX - idfah cap = self.src.getEEGSecs(self.width+0.9*self.pauseSecs).copy(dtype=np.float32) # get rid of copy and dtype after implementing in source XXX - idfah cap = cap.trim(start=0.9*self.pauseSecs) seg = cap.segmentSingle() if self.method == 'Welch Power': freqs, testData = self.powerize((seg,)) else: testData = (seg.data,) testDataStd = self.stand.apply(testData)[0] label = self.classifier.label(testDataStd)[0] selection = self.choices[label] self.pieMenu.growBar(selection, self.gain, refresh=True) self.curDecision += 1 finalSelection = self.pieMenu.getSelection() if finalSelection is None: wx.CallAfter(self.runTestEpoch) else: self.pieMenu.clearAllHighlights(refresh=False) self.pieMenu.highlight(finalSelection, style='jump', secs=self.pauseSecs) finalLabel = self.choices.index(finalSelection) self.src.incrementMarker(finalLabel+1) self.confusion[finalLabel, self.choices.index(self.curChoice)] += 1.0 wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.pauseSecs, self.testClearTrial)
def testClearTrial(self): self.pieMenu.zeroBars(refresh=False) self.pieMenu.clearAllHighlights() self.curDecision = -1 if self.curTrial == self.nTestTrial and len(self.curChoices) == 0: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.pauseSecs, self.endTest) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.pauseSecs, self.runTestEpoch)
def trainClearStim(self, event=None): self.pieMenu.clearAllHighlights() self.src.setMarker(0.0) wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.isi, self.runTrainEpoch)
def testEpoch(self): curStim = self.curStimList.pop() self.src.setMarker(self.stimToMark(curStim)) self.pieMenu.highlight(curStim, style='jump') wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.si, self.testClearStim)
def testClearStim(self, event=None): self.pieMenu.clearAllHighlights() self.src.setMarker(0.0) if len(self.curStimList) == 0: self.initCurStimList() wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.windowEnd*1.05, self.testClassify) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.isi, self.runTestEpoch)
def controlPlayer(self, choice): self.pieMenu.highlight(choice, style='pop') def moveOn(): wx.CallLater(1000.0*1.0, self.clearPieMenu) wx.CallLater(1000.0*2.0, self.runTestEpoch) if choice == 'Play': self.mplayer.play() wx.CallLater(1000.0*2.0, self.pieMenu.zeroBars) elif choice == 'Album ' + rightArrow: self.mplayer.forAlbum() moveOn() elif choice == leftArrow + ' Album': self.mplayer.rewAlbum() moveOn() elif choice == 'Song ' + rightArrow: self.mplayer.forSong() moveOn() elif choice == leftArrow + ' Song': self.mplayer.rewSong() moveOn() elif choice == 'Preview': self.mplayer.preview() wx.CallLater(1000.0*2.0, self.pieMenu.zeroBars) else: raise Exception('Invalid choice: %s.' % str(choice))
def showTrainSymbol(self): # random, no bottom row #self.curRow = np.random.randint(0,5) #self.curCol = np.random.randint(0,6) trainSyms = [sym if sym != ' ' else grid.space for sym in self.trainText] sym = trainSyms[(self.curRep-1) % len(trainSyms)] self.curRow, self.curCol = self.gridSpeller.getGridLocation(sym) self.gridSpeller.selectSymbol(self.curRow, self.curCol) wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.pause, self.gridSpeller.removeHighlight) wx.CallLater(1000.0*(self.pause+self.windowEnd), self.trainClearStim)
def trainEpoch(self): # if the stim list is empty if len(self.curStimList) == 0: # increment current repetition self.curRep += 1 # if we have done all reps, then quit if self.curRep > len(self.trainText): self.gridSpeller.removeHighlight() ##wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.windowEnd*1.1-1000.0*self.si, self.endTrain) wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.windowEnd*1.1, self.endTrain) # otherwise, reset stim list and show another training symbol else: self.initCurStimList() #self.showTrainSymbol() ##wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.windowEnd*1.1-1000.0*self.si, self.showTrainSymbol) wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.windowEnd*1.1, self.showTrainSymbol) # if stim list still had elements to show else: # grab next symbol index and set marker curStim = self.curStimList.pop() self.src.setMarker(self.stimToMark(curStim)) # highlight row or column if curStim <= self.nRows: self.gridSpeller.highlightRow(curStim - 1) else: self.gridSpeller.highlightCol(curStim - self.nRows - 1) # clear after si seconds wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.si, self.trainClearStim)
def trainClearStim(self, event=None): self.gridSpeller.removeHighlight() self.src.setMarker(0.0) wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.isi, self.runTrainEpoch)
def testEpoch(self): curStim = self.curStimList.pop() self.src.setMarker(self.stimToMark(curStim)) if curStim <= self.nRows: self.gridSpeller.highlightRow(curStim - 1) else: self.gridSpeller.highlightCol(curStim - self.nRows - 1) wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.si, self.testClearStim)
def testClearStim(self, event=None): self.gridSpeller.removeHighlight() self.src.setMarker(0.0) if len(self.curStimList) == 0: self.initCurStimList() wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.windowEnd*1.1, self.testClassify) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.isi, self.runTestEpoch)
def testEpoch(self): if not self.gameActive and self.curDecision == -1: self.src.setMarker(0.0) self.highlightTestTarget() self.curDecision += 1 wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.pauseSecs*1.1, self.runTestEpoch) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.decisionSecs*1.1, self.testClassify)
def trainEpoch(self): if len(self.curStimList) == 0: self.curTrainTrial += 1 self.initCurStimList() if self.curTrainTrial >= self.nTrainTrial: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.windowEnd*1.05, self.endTrain) return curStim = self.curStimList.pop() self.src.setMarker(self.stimToMark(curStim)) self.pieMenu.highlight(curStim, style='jump') wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.si, self.trainClearStim)
def trainEpoch(self): choice = self.curChoices.pop() self.pieMenu.highlight(choice, style='pop') self.src.setMarker(self.choices.index(choice)+1.0) wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.trialSecs, self.trainClearTrial)
def trainClearTrial(self, event=None): self.pieMenu.clearAllHighlights() self.src.setMarker(0.0) if len(self.curChoices) > 0: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.iti, self.runTrainEpoch) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.iti, self.endTrain)
def testEpoch(self): self.curChoice = self.curChoices.pop() self.pieMenu.highlight(self.curChoice, style='pop') self.src.setMarker(10.0*(self.choices.index(self.curChoice)+1.0)) # a little extra at the end to make sure we get the last segment wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.trialSecs*1.1, self.testClassify)
def testClassify(self): testCap = self.getCap(np.min((self.getSessionTime(), 2.0*self.trialSecs))) segs = testCap.segment(start=0.0, end=self.trialSecs) # select the last segment only segs = (segs.setMarkers(None) .select(lambda mark: np.isclose(mark, np.max(segs.markers)))) assert segs.getNSeg() == 1 ##print 'test nSeg: ', segs.nSeg ##print segs.data.shape ##print '' freqs, testData = self.powerize((segs,)) testData = self.stand.apply(testData)[0] label = self.classifier.label(testData) selection = self.choices[label] self.src.incrementMarker(label+1) self.pieMenu.growBar(selection, 1.0) self.confusion[label, self.choices.index(self.curChoice)] += 1.0 wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.iti, self.testClearTrial)
def testClearTrial(self, event=None): self.pieMenu.zeroBars() self.pieMenu.clearAllHighlights() self.src.setMarker(0.0) if len(self.curChoices) > 0: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.iti, self.runTestEpoch) else: wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.iti, self.endTest)
def play(self, event=None): self.loadAndPlay() wx.CallLater(1000.0*3.0*self.previewSecs, self.stop)
def preview(self, event=None): self.loadAndPlay() wx.CallLater(1000.0*self.previewSecs, self.stop)
def highlight(self, choice, style='pop', secs=None, refresh=True): """Turn on a highlight for a given cell. Args: choice: Name of cell where highlight should be turned on. style: String describing the type of highlight. Current possible values are 'jump' or 'pop'. secs: Floating point seconds until the highlight should be turned off. If None, highlight will be left on until manually cleared. """ if style.lower() == 'pop': self.highlightPop.add(choice) elif style.lower() == 'jump': self.highlightJump.add(choice) else: raise Exception('Unknown highlight style %s.' % style) if refresh: self.refresh() if secs != None: wx.CallLater(1000.0*secs, self.clearHighlight, choice=choice, refresh=refresh)
def OnMouseDoubleClick(self, event): if self._zoomEnabled: # Give a little time for the click to be totally finished # before (possibly) removing the scrollbars and trigering # size events, etc. wx.CallLater(200, self.Reset)
def DoSwipeOrInput(self, msg): global recordStatus global treeDic global recordTimeDelay if treeDic!=None: if recordStatus=="?": if "??" in msg: d = msg.replace("??\n", "").split("\n") print("?????,", "???: ",d) os.system("adb shell input swipe %d %d %d %d" % (int(d[0]), int(d[1]),int(d[2]),int(d[3]))) dlg = MessageDialog('??????????(?????%d?)' % recordTimeDelay, '??') wx.CallLater(recordTimeDelay*1000, dlg.Destroy) dlg.ShowModal() getNewScreenShotAndDomFileThread() else: c = msg.split("\n")[0] kT = msg.split("\n")[1] print("?????,", "???",c) if c!='': if kT == "ADB": os.system("adb shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es msg '%s'" %c) else: os.system("adb shell input text '%s'" %c) dlg = MessageDialog('??????????(?????%d?)' % recordTimeDelay, '??') wx.CallLater(recordTimeDelay*1000, dlg.Destroy) dlg.ShowModal() getNewScreenShotAndDomFileThread() else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, u"???????", u"????????", wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() else: msg = "????????????????" print(msg) wx.CallAfter(pub.sendMessage, "update", msg=msg) else: msg = "?????????????" print(msg) wx.CallAfter(pub.sendMessage, "update", msg=msg)
def delayExit(self, e=None): wx.CallLater(5000, self.onExit)
def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title='Janet', size=(WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.SetMinSize((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.browser = None global g_count_windows g_count_windows += 1 self.setup_icon() # self.create_menu() self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) # Set wx.WANTS_CHARS style for the keyboard to work. # This style also needs to be set for all parent controls. self.browser_panel = wx.Panel(self, style=wx.WANTS_CHARS) self.browser_panel.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus) self.browser_panel.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize) # On Linux must show before embedding browser, so that handle # is available. if LINUX: self.Show() self.embed_browser() else: self.embed_browser() self.Show() wx.CallLater(500, self.setup_gamepad) # this has to be delayed to make sure the DOM has loaded the list of games
def schedulePoll(self): self.cancelPoll() self.pollTimer = wx.CallLater(100, self.poll)
def on_timer(self): w,h = self.size[0], self.size[1] oldPosBlue = [self.blueCircle.x, self.blueCircle.y] oldPosRed = [self.redCircle.x, self.redCircle.y] changed = False if self.mode2: rate = 30 self.blueCircle.x = floatmap(self.absPos[0], 0, w) self.blueCircle.y = floatmap(self.absPos[1], 0, h) self.redCircle.x = floatmap(self.absPos[2], 0, w) self.redCircle.y = floatmap(self.absPos[3], 0, h) else: rate = 40 self.blueCircle.x += self.incs[0] self.blueCircle.y += self.incs[1] self.redCircle.x += self.incs[2] self.redCircle.y += self.incs[3] if self.blueCircle.x < 0: self.blueCircle.x = 0 elif self.blueCircle.x > w: self.blueCircle.x = w if self.blueCircle.y < 0: self.blueCircle.y = 0 elif self.blueCircle.y > h: self.blueCircle.y = h if self.redCircle.x < 0: self.redCircle.x = 0 elif self.redCircle.x > w: self.redCircle.x = w if self.redCircle.y < 0: self.redCircle.y = 0 elif self.redCircle.y > h: self.redCircle.y = h if oldPosBlue[0] != self.blueCircle.x or oldPosBlue[1] != self.blueCircle.y: self.currentCircle = self.blueCircle newPos = [self.blueCircle.x, self.blueCircle.y] self.distance(newPos) changed = True if oldPosRed[0] != self.redCircle.x or oldPosRed[1] != self.redCircle.y: self.currentCircle = self.redCircle newPos = [self.redCircle.x, self.redCircle.y] self.distance(newPos) changed = True if changed: self.Refresh() wx.CallLater(rate, self.on_timer) # FL END 23/05/2017 # FL START 29/05/17 # Fonction qui ajuste les volumes quand on change les radius des speakers
def _downloadSuccess(self): self._stopped() # Emulate add-on update (don't prompt to install). from gui import addonGui closeAfter = addonGui.AddonsDialog._instance is None try: try: bundle=addonHandler.AddonBundle(self.destPath.decode("mbcs")) except: log.error("Error opening addon bundle from %s"%self.destPath,exc_info=True) # Translators: The message displayed when an error occurs when opening an add-on package for adding. gui.messageBox(_("Failed to open add-on package file at %s - missing file or invalid file format")%self.destPath, # Translators: The title of a dialog presented when an error occurs. _("Error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return bundleName=bundle.manifest['name'] for addon in addonHandler.getAvailableAddons(): if not addon.isPendingRemove and bundleName==addon.manifest['name']: addon.requestRemove() break progressDialog = gui.IndeterminateProgressDialog(gui.mainFrame, # Translators: The title of the dialog presented while an Addon is being updated. _("Updating Add-on"), # Translators: The message displayed while an addon is being updated. _("Please wait while the add-on is being updated.")) try: gui.ExecAndPump(addonHandler.installAddonBundle,bundle) except: log.error("Error installing addon bundle from %s"%self.destPath,exc_info=True) if not closeAfter: addonGui.AddonsDialog(gui.mainFrame).refreshAddonsList() progressDialog.done() del progressDialog # Translators: The message displayed when an error occurs when installing an add-on package. gui.messageBox(_("Failed to update add-on from %s")%self.destPath, # Translators: The title of a dialog presented when an error occurs. _("Error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return else: if not closeAfter: addonGui.AddonsDialog(gui.mainFrame).refreshAddonsList(activeIndex=-1) progressDialog.done() del progressDialog finally: try: os.remove(self.destPath) except OSError: pass if closeAfter: wx.CallLater(1, addonGui.AddonsDialog(gui.mainFrame).Close)