def OnTreeBeginDrag(self, event): """ Called when a drag is started in tree @param event: wx.TreeEvent """ selected_item = event.GetItem() item_pydata = self.Tree.GetPyData(selected_item) # Item dragged is a block if item_pydata is not None and item_pydata["type"] == BLOCK: # Start a drag'n drop data = wx.TextDataObject(str( (self.Tree.GetItemText(selected_item), item_pydata["block_type"], "", item_pydata["inputs"]))) dragSource = wx.DropSource(self.Tree) dragSource.SetData(data) dragSource.DoDragDrop()
def OnVariablesGridCellLeftClick(self, event): if event.GetCol() == 0: row = event.GetRow() data_type = self.Table.GetValueByName(row, "Type") var_name = self.Table.GetValueByName(row, "Name") data = wx.TextDataObject(str((var_name, "Global", data_type, self.Controler.GetCurrentLocation()))) dragSource = wx.DropSource(self.VariablesGrid) dragSource.SetData(data) dragSource.DoDragDrop() return event.Skip() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CodeFileEditor Main Frame Class # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _on_right_click(self, event): """ Copies a cell into clipboard on right click. Unfortunately, determining the clicked column is not straightforward. This appraoch is inspired by the TextEditMixin in: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/mixins/listctrl.py More references: - http://wxpython-users.1045709.n5.nabble.com/Getting-row-col-of-selected-cell-in-ListCtrl-td2360831.html - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wxpython-users/7BNl9TA5Y5U - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wxpython-users/wyayJIARG8c """ if self.HitTest(event.GetPosition()) != wx.NOT_FOUND: x, y = event.GetPosition() row, flags = self.HitTest((x, y)) col_locs = [0] loc = 0 for n in range(self.GetColumnCount()): loc = loc + self.GetColumnWidth(n) col_locs.append(loc) scroll_pos = self.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL) # this is crucial step to get the scroll pixel units unit_x, unit_y = self.GetMainWindow().GetScrollPixelsPerUnit() col = bisect(col_locs, x + scroll_pos * unit_x) - 1 value = self.df.iloc[row, col] # print(row, col, scroll_pos, value) clipdata = wx.TextDataObject() clipdata.SetText(str(value)) wx.TheClipboard.Open() wx.TheClipboard.SetData(clipdata) wx.TheClipboard.Close()
def copy_url(self, event): if not wx.TheClipboard.Open(): alert = wx.MessageDialog(parent=self, message="There was an error opening the clipboard", caption="pyjam Audio Search", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING) alert.ShowModal() alert.Destroy() return url = self.result_list.GetObjects()[self.selected_video]["url"] wx.TheClipboard.SetData(wx.TextDataObject(url)) wx.TheClipboard.Close()
def GetCopyBuffer(self, primary_selection=False): data = None if primary_selection and wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': return data else: wx.TheClipboard.UsePrimarySelection(primary_selection) if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): dataobj = wx.TextDataObject() if wx.TheClipboard.GetData(dataobj): data = dataobj.GetText() wx.TheClipboard.Close() return data
def SetCopyBuffer(self, text, primary_selection=False): if primary_selection and wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': return else: wx.TheClipboard.UsePrimarySelection(primary_selection) if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): data = wx.TextDataObject() data.SetText(text) wx.TheClipboard.SetData(data) wx.TheClipboard.Flush() wx.TheClipboard.Close() self.RefreshEditMenu()
def OnProjectTreeBeginDrag(self, event): selected_item = (self.SelectedItem if self.SelectedItem is not None else event.GetItem()) if selected_item.IsOk() and self.ProjectTree.GetPyData(selected_item)["type"] == ITEM_POU: block_name = self.ProjectTree.GetItemText(selected_item) block_type = self.Controler.GetPouType(block_name) if block_type != "program": data = wx.TextDataObject(str((block_name, block_type, ""))) dragSource = wx.DropSource(self.ProjectTree) dragSource.SetData(data) dragSource.DoDragDrop() self.ResetSelectedItem()
def OnVariablesListLeftDown(self, event): if self.InstanceChoice.GetSelection() == -1: wx.CallAfter(self.ShowInstanceChoicePopup) else: instance_path = self.InstanceChoice.GetStringSelection() item, flags = self.VariablesList.HitTest(event.GetPosition()) if item is not None: item_infos = self.VariablesList.GetPyData(item) if item_infos is not None: item_button = self.VariablesList.IsOverItemRightImage( item, event.GetPosition()) if item_button is not None: callback = self.ButtonCallBacks[item_button].leftdown if callback is not None: callback(item_infos) elif (flags & CT.TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL and item_infos.var_class in ITEMS_VARIABLE): self.ParentWindow.EnsureTabVisible( self.ParentWindow.DebugVariablePanel) item_path = "%s.%s" % (instance_path, item_infos.name) data = wx.TextDataObject(str((item_path, "debug"))) dragSource = wx.DropSource(self.VariablesList) dragSource.SetData(data) dragSource.DoDragDrop() event.Skip()
def OnLeftDown(self, event): """ Function called when mouse left button is pressed @param event: wx.MouseEvent """ # Get first item item = self.ItemsDict.values()[0] # Calculate item path bounding box width, height = self.GetSize() item_path = item.GetVariable( self.ParentWindow.GetVariableNameMask()) w, h = self.GetTextExtent(item_path) # Test if mouse has been pressed in this bounding box. In that case # start a move drag'n drop of item variable x, y = event.GetPosition() item_path_bbox = wx.Rect(20, (height - h) / 2, w, h) if item_path_bbox.InsideXY(x, y): self.ShowButtons(False) data = wx.TextDataObject(str((item.GetVariable(), "debug", "move"))) dragSource = wx.DropSource(self) dragSource.SetData(data) dragSource.DoDragDrop() # In other case handle event normally else: event.Skip()
def OnTreeBeginDrag(self, event): filepath = self.ManagedDir.GetPath() if os.path.isfile(filepath): relative_filepath = filepath.replace(os.path.join(self.Folder, ""), "") data = wx.TextDataObject(str(("'%s'" % relative_filepath, "Constant"))) dragSource = wx.DropSource(self) dragSource.SetData(data) dragSource.DoDragDrop()
def onKeyPress(self,event): global SUBJECT if self.IsRangeSelected: if event.ControlDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == 67: # Ctrl + C #print "Ctrl+C" self.Copy() self.dataObj = wx.TextDataObject() self.dataObj.SetText("hello") #print "text ",self.dataObj.GetText()#self.text.GetValue()) elif event.ControlDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == 88: #Ctrl X #print "ctrl x" self.Copy() self.Delete() if event.GetKeyCode()==wx.WXK_DELETE : self.Delete() if event.ControlDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == 86: #CTRl +V self.Paste() elif event.ControlDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == 83: #Ctrl s if self.button_1.Enabled==True: self.Save_Clicked(None)# invoking save_clicked event event.Skip()
def Copy(self): #print "Copy method" # Number of rows and cols rows = self.grid_1.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0] - self.grid_1.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0] + 1 cols = self.grid_1.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1] - self.grid_1.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1] + 1 # data variable contain text that must be set in the clipboard data = '' # For each cell in selected range append the cell value in the data variable # Tabs '\t' for cols and '\r' for rows for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): data = data + str(self.grid_1.GetCellValue(self.grid_1.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0] + r, self.grid_1.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1] + c)) if c < cols - 1: data = data + '\t' data = data + '\n' #print data # Create text data object clipboard = wx.TextDataObject() # Set data object value clipboard.SetText(data) # Put the data in the clipboard if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(clipboard) wx.TheClipboard.Close() else: wx.MessageBox("Can't open the clipboard", "Error")
def OnCellRightClick(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler> #print "Event handler `OnCellRightClick' not implemented" # Begin Enable/Disable Copy/Paste and all if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): clipboard = wx.TextDataObject() if not wx.TheClipboard.GetData(clipboard): self.Context_Menu.MenuItems[5].Enable(False)# Disabling Paste Menu Item if clipboard mpty else: self.Context_Menu.MenuItems[5].Enable(True)# Disabling Paste Menu Item if clipboard mpty wx.TheClipboard.Close() else: self.Context_Menu.MenuItems[5].Enable(False)# Disabling Paste Menu Item if clipboard mpty if self.UNDO_INDEX>=9 or self.UNDO_INDEX>=(len(self.UNDO_LIST)-1): self.Context_Menu.MenuItems[0].Enable(False) else: self.Context_Menu.MenuItems[0].Enable(True) if self.UNDO_INDEX==0: self.Context_Menu.MenuItems[1].Enable(False) else: self.Context_Menu.MenuItems[1].Enable(True) #End of Undo?redo self.PopupMenu(self.Context_Menu, event.GetPosition()) #event.Skip()
def copy_text(self, event): ''' ??????? ''' text_obj = wx.TextDataObject() text_obj.SetText(self.t1.GetValue()) # wx.TheClipboard.Open() if wx.TheClipboard.IsOpened() or wx.TheClipboard.Open(): # ????? wx.TheClipboard.SetData(text_obj) wx.TheClipboard.Flush() else: wx.MessageBox("Unable to open the clipboard", "Error") wx.TheClipboard.Close()
def onCopy(self, event): """""" self.dataObj = wx.TextDataObject() self.dataObj.SetText(self.text.GetValue()) if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(self.dataObj) wx.TheClipboard.Close() else: wx.MessageBox("Unable to open the clipboard", "Error")
def onCopyAndFlush(self, event): """ Copy to the clipboard and close the application """ self.dataObj = wx.TextDataObject() self.dataObj.SetText(self.text.GetValue()) if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(self.dataObj) wx.TheClipboard.Flush() else: wx.MessageBox("Unable to open the clipboard", "Error") self.GetParent().Close()
def onCopy(self, event): """ Copies data to the clipboard or displays an error dialog if the clipboard is inaccessible. """ text = self.outputURLTxt.GetValue() self.do = wx.TextDataObject() self.do.SetText(text) if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(self.do) wx.TheClipboard.Close() status = "Copied %s to clipboard" % text self.frame.statusbar.SetStatusText(status) else: wx.MessageBox("Unable to open the clipboard", "Error")
def copy(self): if self.grid.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() == []: rows = 1 cols = 1 iscell = True else: rows = self.grid.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0] - self.grid.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0] + 1 cols = self.grid.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1] - self.grid.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1] + 1 iscell = False # data variable contain text that must be set in the clipboard data = '' # For each cell in selected range append the cell value in the data variable # Tabs '\t' for cols and '\r' for rows for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): if iscell: data += str(self.grid.GetCellValue(self.grid.GetGridCursorRow() + r, self.grid.GetGridCursorCol() + c)) else: data += str(self.grid.GetCellValue(self.grid.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0] + r, self.grid.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1] + c)) if c < cols - 1: data += '\t' data += '\n' # Create text data object clipboard = wx.TextDataObject() # Set data object value clipboard.SetText(data) # Put the data in the clipboard if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): wx.TheClipboard.SetData(clipboard) wx.TheClipboard.Close() else: wx.MessageBox("Can't open the clipboard", "Error")