Python xml.etree.ElementTree 模块,Element() 实例源码


项目:PEBA    作者:dtag-dev-sec    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def formatAlertsCount(numberofalerts, outformat):
    """ Create XML / Json Structure with number of Alerts in requested timespan """

    if outformat == "xml":
        ewssimpleinfo = ET.Element('EWSSimpleIPInfo')
        alertCount = ET.SubElement(ewssimpleinfo, 'AlertCount')
        if numberofalerts:
            alertCount.text = str(numberofalerts)
            alertCount.text = str(0)
        alertcountxml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
        alertcountxml += (ET.tostring(ewssimpleinfo, encoding="utf-8", method="xml")).decode('utf-8')
        return alertcountxml
        return ({'AlertCount': numberofalerts})
项目:SLP-Annotator    作者:PhonologicalCorpusTools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exportXML(self):
        elements = list()
        for node in anytree.PreOrderIter(self.tree):
            nodeName = parameters.encodeXMLName(
            if not elements:
                top = xmlElement(
                top.attrib['name'] =
                top.attrib['is_checked'] = 'False'
                top.attrib['is_default'] = 'False'
            for e in elements:
                if e.attrib['name'] ==
                    se = xmlSubElement(e, nodeName)
                    se.attrib['name'] =
                    se.attrib['is_checked'] = 'True' if node.is_checked else 'False'
                    se.attrib['is_default'] = 'True' if node.is_default else 'False'
                    se.attrib['parent'] = e.attrib['name']
            # else:
            #     print('could not find parent for {}'.format(

        string = xmlElementTree.tostring(top, encoding='unicode', method='xml')
        return string
项目:osm_conflate    作者:mapsme    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_xml(self):
        """Produces an XML out of the point data. Disregards the "action" field."""
        el = etree.Element(self.osm_type, id=str(self.osm_id), version=str(self.version))
        for tag, value in self.tags.items():
            etree.SubElement(el, 'tag', k=tag, v=value)

        if self.osm_type == 'node':
            el.set('lat', str(
            el.set('lon', str(self.lon))
        elif self.osm_type == 'way':
            for node_id in self.members:
                etree.SubElement(el, 'nd', ref=str(node_id))
        elif self.osm_type == 'relation':
            for member in self.members:
                m = etree.SubElement(el, 'member')
                for i, n in enumerate(('type', 'ref', 'role')):
                    m.set(n, str(member[i]))
        return el
项目:py-enarksh-lib    作者:SetBased    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_xml(self, encoding='utf-8'):
        Returns the XML-code of this schedule.

        The returned byte string contains the XML in the requested encoding. You save the byte sting to file in binary
        mode (the file will encoded the requested encoding). Or you can convert the byte string to a string with

        :param str encoding: The encoding of the XML.

        :rtype: bytes
        tree = Element(None)

        xml_string = ElementTree.tostring(tree)
        document = minidom.parseString(xml_string)

        return document.toprettyxml(indent=' ', encoding=encoding)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:farnsworth    作者:mechaphish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_xml(self):
        read = Element('read')

        if self.echo is not None:
            read.set('echo', self.echo)

        if self.length is not None:
            length = Element('length')
            length.text = str(self.length)

        for thing in ('delim', 'match', 'assign'):
            if getattr(self, thing) is not None:
                read.append(getattr(self, thing).to_xml())

        if self.timeout is not None:
            timeout = Element('timeout')
            timeout.text = str(self.timeout)

        return read
项目:farnsworth    作者:mechaphish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_xml(self):
        root = Element('pov')

        cbid = Element('cbid')
        cbid.text =

        seed_node = Element('seed')
        seed_node.text = self.seed

        replay = Element('replay')

        for action in self.actions:

        # hack to make sure all crashes happen regardless of sockets closing
        # replay.append(Delay(500).to_xml())

        return root
项目:farnsworth    作者:mechaphish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_xml(self):
        root = Element('pov')

        cbid = Element('cbid')
        cbid.text =

        replay = Element('replay')

        for action in self.actions:

        # hack to make sure all crashes happen regardless of sockets closing
        # replay.append(Delay(500).to_xml())

        return root
项目:farnsworth    作者:mechaphish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_to_xml(self):
        random_cbid = random_string(random.randint(8, 24))
        random_actions = [Decl('a', Value([Data("abcdef")])),
                          Delay(random.randint(0, 10000))]

        # create XML representation by hand
        element = Element('pov')
        cbid = Element('cbid')
        cbid.text = random_cbid
        replay = Element('replay')
        for action in random_actions:

        # create POV and XML representation automatically
        pov = CQE_POV(random_cbid, random_actions)
        self.assertTrue(repr(pov) == ElementTree.tostring(element))
项目:farnsworth    作者:mechaphish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_xml(self):
        if self.format is not None:
            tag = Element('data', attrib={'format': self.format})
            tag = Element('data')

        if self.format == 'hex':
            tag.text ='hex')
        else:   # asciic case
            encoded = ''
            for c in
                if c in _PRINTABLE:
                    encoded += c
                elif c in ('\n', '\r', '\t'):
                    encoded += {
                        '\n': '\\n',
                        '\r': '\\r',
                        '\t': '\\t',
                    encoded += '\\x{:02x}'.format(ord(c))
            tag.text = encoded
        return tag
项目:midip-sslyze    作者:soukupa5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_xml(self):
        xml_output = Element(self.plugin_command, title=self.COMMAND_TITLE)
        xml_output.append(Element('vulnerable', isVulnerable=str(self.is_vulnerable)))
        if len(self.support_protocols) > 0:
            protocol_xml = Element('supportProtocols')
            for p in self.support_protocols:

        if len(self.support_vulnerable_ciphers) > 0:
            cipher_xml = Element('vulnerableCipherSuites')
            for c in self.support_vulnerable_ciphers:

        return xml_output
项目:midip-sslyze    作者:soukupa5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_xml(self):
        xml_result = Element(self.plugin_command, title=self.COMMAND_TITLE)

        resumption_rate_xml = Element(
                attrib={'totalAttempts': str(self.attempted_resumptions_nb),
                        'errors': str(len(self.errored_resumptions_list)),
                        'isSupported': str(self.attempted_resumptions_nb == self.successful_resumptions_nb),
                        'successfulAttempts': str(self.successful_resumptions_nb),
                        'failedAttempts': str(self.failed_resumptions_nb)}
        # Add error messages if there was any
        for error_msg in self.errored_resumptions_list:
            resumption_error_xml = Element('error')
            resumption_error_xml.text = error_msg

        return xml_result
项目:midip-sslyze    作者:soukupa5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_xml(self):
        xml_result = Element(self.plugin_command, title=self.COMMAND_TITLE)

        # We keep the session resumption XML node
        resum_rate_xml = super(ResumptionResult, self).as_xml()
        session_resum_xml = resum_rate_xml[0]

        # Add the ticket resumption node
        xml_resum_ticket_attr = {}
        if self.ticket_resumption_error:
            xml_resum_ticket_attr['error'] = self.ticket_resumption_error
            xml_resum_ticket_attr['isSupported'] = str(self.is_ticket_resumption_supported)
            if not self.is_ticket_resumption_supported:
                xml_resum_ticket_attr['reason'] = self.ticket_resumption_failed_reason

        xml_resum_ticket = Element('sessionResumptionWithTLSTickets', attrib=xml_resum_ticket_attr)

        return xml_result
项目:midip-sslyze    作者:soukupa5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_xml(self):
        xml_result = Element(self.plugin_command, title=self.COMMAND_TITLE)

        is_hsts_supported = True if self.hsts_header else False
        xml_hsts_attr = {'isSupported': str(is_hsts_supported)}
        if is_hsts_supported:
            # Do some light parsing of the HSTS header
            hsts_header_split = self.hsts_header.split('max-age=')[1].split(';')
            hsts_max_age = hsts_header_split[0].strip()
            hsts_subdomains = False
            if len(hsts_header_split) > 1 and 'includeSubdomains' in hsts_header_split[1]:
                hsts_subdomains = True

            xml_hsts_attr['maxAge'] = hsts_max_age
            xml_hsts_attr['includeSubdomains'] = str(hsts_subdomains)

        xml_hsts = Element('httpStrictTransportSecurity', attrib=xml_hsts_attr)
        return xml_result
项目:Urho3D-Blender-Mod    作者:Mike3D    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def UrhoWriteTriggers(triggersList, filename, fOptions):

    triggersElem = ET.Element('animation')

    for trigger in triggersList:
        triggerElem = ET.SubElement(triggersElem, "trigger")
        if trigger.time is not None:
            triggerElem.set("time", FloatToString(trigger.time))
        if trigger.ratio is not None:
            triggerElem.set("normalizedtime", FloatToString(trigger.ratio))
        # We use a string variant, for other types See typeNames[] in Variant.cpp
        # and XMLElement::GetVariant()
        triggerElem.set("type", "String")
        triggerElem.set("value", str(

    WriteXmlFile(triggersElem, filename, fOptions)

# Utils

# Search for the most complete element mask
项目:qmlcore    作者:pureqml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save(self):
        root = ET.Element('TS')
        if self.version:
            root.attrib['version'] = self.version
        if self.language:
            root.attrib['language'] = self.language

        for ctx in sorted(self.__contexts.itervalues()):

        rough_string = ET.tostring(root, 'utf-8')
        reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
        text = reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="  ")
        text = text.encode('utf-8')
        with open(self.__file, 'wb') as f:
项目:Texty    作者:sarthfrey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xml(self):
        el = ET.Element(

        keys = self.attrs.keys()
        keys = sorted(keys)
        for a in keys:
            value = self.attrs[a]

            if isinstance(value, bool):
                el.set(a, str(value).lower())
                el.set(a, str(value))

        if self.body:
            el.text = self.body

        for verb in self.verbs:

        return el
项目    作者:GjjvdBurg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def export(self, filename):
        self.nodes, self.renderer = self.compute()
        initWidth, initHeight = (self.options['initialWidth'],
        doc = ElementTree.Element('svg', width=str(initWidth),
        transform = self.getTranslation()
        trans = ElementTree.SubElement(doc, 'g', transform=transform)
        ElementTree.SubElement(trans, 'g', attrib={'class': 'dummy-layer'})
        mainLayer = self.add_main(trans)
        if self.options['showTicks']:
        svglines = ElementTree.tostring(doc)
        with open(filename, 'wb') as fid:
        return svglines
项目:rdocChallenge    作者:Elyne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def writeXML(dataObj, fname, dtdPath):

    if dataObj.predSev == 0:
        sev = "ABSENT"
    elif dataObj.predSev == 1:
        sev = "MILD"
    elif dataObj.predSev == 2:
        sev = "MODERATE"
    elif dataObj.predSev == 3:
        sev = "SEVERE"

    root = ET.Element("RDoC")

    ET.SubElement(root, "TEXT").text = dataObj.text.content
    tags = ET.SubElement(root, "TAGS")

    pos_val = ET.SubElement(tags, "POSITIVE_VALENCE")
    pos_val.set('score', sev)
    pos_val.set('annotated_by', dataObj.Nannotators)

    tree = ET.ElementTree(root)

项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tdblock_as_xmlobj(self, db_details):
        """ To get the testdata blocks from the database as xml object """

        rootobj = False
        td_collection = db_details.get('td_collection')
        td_document = db_details.get('td_document')

        if td_collection is not None and td_document is not None:
            tddoc = self.get_doc_from_db(td_collection, td_document)
            tddoc = False

        if tddoc is not False:
            root = ET.Element('data')
            self.convert_tddict_to_xmlobj(root, tddoc['data'])
            rootobj = root

        return rootobj
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_globalblock_as_xmlobj(self, db_details):
        """ To get the global block from the database as xml object """

        globalobj = False
        global_collection = db_details.get('global_collection')
        global_document = db_details.get('global_document')

        if global_collection is not None and global_document is not None:
            globaldoc = self.get_doc_from_db(global_collection,
            globaldoc = False

        if globaldoc is not False:
            global_root = ET.Element('global')
            self.convert_tddict_to_xmlobj(global_root, globaldoc['global'])
            globalobj = global_root

        return globalobj
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sub_from_varconfigfile(string, varconfigfile, start_pat="${", end_pat="}"):
    """ """
        # when varconfigfile is an XMl object(root element) - this happens
        # only when varconfigfile is taken from database server
        if isinstance(varconfigfile, ElementTree.Element) is True:
            cfg_elem_obj = ConfigurationElement("Varconfig_from_database",
                                                start_pat, end_pat)
            cfg_elem_obj.parse_data(varconfigfile, elem_type="xml_object")
            cfg_elem_obj = ConfigurationElement(varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat)
        newstring = cfg_elem_obj.expand_variables(string)
    except TypeError as exception:
        print_info("At least one of the variables in command string is not found in  " + varconfigfile)
        return False
    return newstring
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_list_from_varconfigfile(string, varconfigfile, start_pat="${", end_pat="}"):
    """ """
        # when varconfigfile is an XMl object(root element) - this happens
        # only when varconfigfile is taken from database server
        if isinstance(varconfigfile, ElementTree.Element) is True:
            cfg_elem_obj = ConfigurationElement("Varconfig_from_database",
                                                start_pat, end_pat)
            cfg_elem_obj.parse_data(varconfigfile, elem_type="xml_object")
            cfg_elem_obj = ConfigurationElement(varconfigfile, start_pat, end_pat)
        newstring = cfg_elem_obj.get_list(string)
    except TypeError as exception:
        print_info("At least one of the variables in command string is not found in  " + varconfigfile)
        return False
    return newstring
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(start, tag, attrib, value):
    When start is an xml datafile, it finds the root and first element with:
        tag, attrib, value.
    Or when it's an xml element, it finds the first child element with:
        tag, attrib, value.
    If there is not a match, it returns False.
    node = False
    if isinstance(start, (file, str)):
        # check if file exist here
        if file_Utils.fileExists(start):
            node = ElementTree.parse(start).getroot()
            print_warning('The file={0} is not found.'.format(start))
    elif isinstance(start, ElementTree.Element):
        node = start
    if node is not False and node is not None:
        elementName = ".//%s[@%s='%s']" % (tag, attrib, value)
        element = node.find(elementName)
        element = node
    return element
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getChildElementWithSpecificXpath(start, xpath):
    This method takes a xml file or parent element as input and finds the first child
    containing specified xpath

    Returns the child element.

    start = xml file or parent element
    xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python, refer
    node = False
    if isinstance(start, (file, str)):
        # check if file exist here
        if file_Utils.fileExists(start):
            node = ElementTree.parse(start).getroot()
            print_warning('The file={0} is not found.'.format(start))
    elif isinstance(start, ElementTree.Element):
        node = start
    if node is not False or node is not None:
        element = node.find(xpath)
        element = False
    return element
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def confirm_url(question, attrib_value):
    """ This function recursively checks whether a given url is a valid
    repository or not. If it isn't, it promps the user to enter a new url and
    checks that.


    1. question (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = The question tag from data.xml
    2. attrib_value (str) = the url to be checked


    1. attrib_value (str) = valid url

    if not check_url_is_a_valid_repo(attrib_value):
        attrib_value = raw_input("Please enter a valid URL: ")
        attrib_value = confirm_url(question, attrib_value)
    return attrib_value
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_drivers_to_tags(tag, drivers, driver_numbers):
    """ This function appends the driver tags sets the attributes and
    attribute names to the corresponding driver tag


    1. tag (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = Current tag to which the newly
    formed driver tags may be appended
    2. drivers (list[str]) = list of driver names available to the user
    3. driver_numbers (list[int]) = list of the numbers which correspond to
    the driver names that the user wants.

    print "Selected drivers:"
    for driver_number in driver_numbers:
        driver_number = driver_number * 2 - 1
        if driver_number > len(drivers):
            print "Corresponding driver for " + str((driver_number+1)/2) +\
                  " not found."
        print str((driver_number+1)/2) + ". " + drivers[driver_number]
        driver_tag = Element("driver")
        driver_tag.set("name", drivers[driver_number])
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def diff_attributes_values(root, node, tag, attribute, values):
    """ This function creates tags in the new xml file which contain
    information about the value tags from data.xml


    1. root (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = parent of the current node from
    2. node (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = current node from data.xml
    3. tag (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = current node that would be added
    to the new xml file
    4. attribute (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) = The current attribure tag
    5. values (list[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element]) = complete list of
    value tags in that particular nesting from data.xml

    for i in range(0, len(values)):
        info = values[i].find("info")
        if info is not None:
            print info.text
    print "Warrior recommends that all these dependencies be installed on" \
          " your machine."
    get_answer_for_depen(root, node, tag, attribute, values)
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    """ This function basically creates the xml file by calling various other
     functions, runs the file and then saves it.

    root = Element('data')
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
    rel_path = get_relative_path(dir_path, "data.xml")
    tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(rel_path)
    input_root = tree.getroot()
    nodes = get_firstlevel_children(input_root, "tag")

    populate_xml(root, nodes)

    temp_xml = 'temp.xml'
    pretty_xml = minidom.parseString(xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring(root))\
        .toprettyxml(indent="   ")
    with open(temp_xml, "w") as config_file:

项目:handfontgen    作者:nixeneko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _getqrtag(self, text, rect):
        qr = qrcode.QRCode(error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L)
        img = qr.make_image()
        bio = io.BytesIO()

        pngqr = bio.getvalue()
        base64qr = base64.b64encode(pngqr)
        #<image x="110" y="20" width="280px" height="160px" xlink:href="data:image/png;base64,……"/>
        imagetag = ElementTree.Element("image")
        imagetag.set("xlink:href", "data:image/png;base64,"+base64qr.decode("ascii"))
        imagetag.set("x", str(rect.x))
        imagetag.set("y", str(rect.y))
        imagetag.set("width", str(rect.w))
        imagetag.set("height", str(rect.h))
        return imagetag
项目:python-sepadd    作者:raphaelm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _prepare_document(self):
        Build the main document node and set xml namespaces.
        self._xml = ET.Element("Document")
                      "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:" + self.schema)
                              "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:" + self.schema)
        CstmrDrctDbtInitn_node = ET.Element("CstmrDrctDbtInitn")
项目:VManagePlatform    作者:welliamcao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mountIso(self,instance,dev, image):
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(self.getInsXMLDesc(instance,0))
        for disk in tree.findall('devices/disk'):
            if disk.get('device') == 'cdrom':
                for elm in disk:
                    if elm.tag == 'target':
                        if elm.get('dev') == dev:
                            src_media = ElementTree.Element('source')
                            src_media.set('file', image)
                            if instance.state()[0] == 1:
                                xml_disk = ElementTree.tostring(disk)
                                except libvirt.libvirtError,e:
                                    return '??????????{result}'.format(result=e.get_error_message()) 
                                xmldom = self.getInsXMLDesc(instance,1)
                            if instance.state()[0] == 5:
                                xmldom = ElementTree.tostring(tree)
                                return self.defineXML(xmldom)
                            except libvirt.libvirtError,e:
                                return '??????????{result}'.format(result=e.get_error_message())
项目:VManagePlatform    作者:welliamcao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setInterfaceBandwidth(self,instance,port,bandwidth):
        domXml = instance.XMLDesc(0)
        root = ElementTree.fromstring(domXml)
            for dev in root.findall('.//devices/'):
                if dev.tag == 'interface':
                    for iter in dev:
                        if iter.tag == 'target' and iter.get('dev') == port:
                            bwXml = ElementTree.SubElement(dev,'bandwidth')   
                            inbdXml = ElementTree.Element('inbound')
                            outbdXml = ElementTree.Element('outbound')
            domXml = ElementTree.tostring(root)
        except Exception,e:
            return {"status":"faild",'data':e}
        if self.defineXML(domXml):return {"status":"success",'data':None}
项目:DocumentSegmentation    作者:SeguinBe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_xml_page(dictionary: dict, creator_name='DocSeg') -> 'Page':
    page = Page.from_dict(dictionary)

    # Create xml
    root = ET.Element('PcGts')
    root.set('xmlns', _ns['p'])
    # Metadata
    generated_on = str(
    metadata = ET.SubElement(root, 'Metadata')
    creator = ET.SubElement(metadata, 'Creator')
    creator.text = creator_name
    created = ET.SubElement(metadata, 'Created')
    created.text = generated_on
    last_change = ET.SubElement(metadata, 'LastChange')
    last_change.text = generated_on

    for k, v in _attribs.items():
        root.attrib[k] = v

    return root
项目:Coqtail    作者:whonore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_xml(self, tag, val=None, children=Void()):
        """Construct an xml element with a given tag, value, and children."""
        attribs = {'val': val} if val is not None else {}

        # If children is a list then convert each element separately, if it is
        # a tuple, treat it as a single element
        if isinstance(children, self.Void):
            children = ()
        elif isinstance(children, list):
            children = [self._from_value(child) for child in children]
            children = (self._from_value(children),)

        xml = ET.Element(tag, attribs)

        return xml
项目:Coqtail    作者:whonore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query(self, cmd, state, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create an XML string for the 'interp' command."""
        # Attrs:
        #   raw - ?
        #   bool - Verbose output
        #   int - The current state id
        # Args:
        #   string - The query to evaluate
        elt = ET.Element('call', {'val': 'interp',
                                  'raw': 'true',
                                  'verbose': 'true',
                                  'id': str(state)})
        elt.text = cmd
        return ('Query',
                            kwargs.get('encoding', 'utf-8')))
项目:alfred-mpd    作者:deanishe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send_feedback(self):
        """Print stored items to console/Alfred as XML."""
        root = ET.Element('items')
        for item in self._items:
        sys.stdout.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')

    # Updating methods
项目:ironic-staging-drivers    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_soap_xml(items, namespace=None):
    """Build a SOAP XML.

    :param items: a list of dictionaries where key is the element name
                  and the value is the element text.
    :param namespace: the namespace for the elements, None for no
                      namespace. Defaults to None
    :returns: a XML string.


    def _create_element(name, value=None):
        xml_string = name
        if namespace:
            xml_string = "{%(namespace)s}%(item)s" % {'namespace': namespace,
                                                      'item': xml_string}

        element = ElementTree.Element(xml_string)
        element.text = value
        return element

    soap_namespace = ""
    envelope_element = ElementTree.Element("{%s}Envelope" % soap_namespace)
    body_element = ElementTree.Element("{%s}Body" % soap_namespace)

    for item in items:
        for i in item:
            insertion_point = _create_element(i)
            if isinstance(item[i], dict):
                for j, value in item[i].items():
                    insertion_point.append(_create_element(j, value))
                insertion_point.text = item[i]


    return ElementTree.tostring(envelope_element)
项目:docs    作者:hasura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def onFinishBuilding(app, exception):
    currentVersion = app.env.config["version"]
    if "latest_docs_version" in app.env.config["html_context"].keys():
        latestVersion = app.env.config["html_context"]["latest_docs_version"]
        latestVersion = "dev"
    base_domain = app.env.config["html_context"]["SITEMAP_DOMAIN"]

    file_path = "./_build/algolia_index/index.json"
    sitemap_path = "./_build/sitemap/sitemap_" + currentVersion + ".xml"


    f = open(file_path, 'w+')

    root = ET.Element("urlset")
    root.set("xmlns", "")

    for link in indexObjs:
        url = ET.SubElement(root, "url")
        ET.SubElement(url, "loc").text = base_domain + str(currentVersion) + "/" + link["url"]
        ET.SubElement(url, "changefreq").text = "daily"
        ET.SubElement(url, "priority").text = "1" if ( currentVersion == latestVersion ) else "0.5"


项目:ccu_and_eccu_publish    作者:gaofubin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eccu_doc_for_purge_dir(path_to_purge):
    root = ET.Element('eccu')
    parent = root
    names = (name for name in path_to_purge.split('/') if name)
    for name in names:
        parent = ET.SubElement(parent, 'match:recursive-dirs', {'value': name})
    revalidate = ET.SubElement(parent, 'revalidate')
    revalidate.text = 'now'
    return ET.tostring(root, encoding='ascii') #'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + ET.tostring(root)
    #xml = StringIO()
    #xml.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
    #return xml
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_to_document(self, parent):
        """Adds an ``Argument`` object to this ElementTree document.

        Adds an <arg> subelement to the parent element, typically <args>
        and sets up its subelements with their respective text.

        :param parent: An ``ET.Element`` to be the parent of a new <arg> subelement
        :returns: An ``ET.Element`` object representing this argument.
        arg = ET.SubElement(parent, "arg")

        if self.title is not None:
            ET.SubElement(arg, "title").text = self.title

        if self.description is not None:
            ET.SubElement(arg, "description").text = self.description

        if self.validation is not None:
            ET.SubElement(arg, "validation").text = self.validation

        # add all other subelements to this Argument, represented by (tag, text)
        subelements = [
            ("data_type", self.data_type),
            ("required_on_edit", self.required_on_edit),
            ("required_on_create", self.required_on_create)

        for name, value in subelements:
            ET.SubElement(arg, name).text = str(value).lower()

        return arg
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_xml(self):
        """Creates an ``ET.Element`` representing self, then returns it.

        :returns root, an ``ET.Element`` representing this scheme.
        root = ET.Element("scheme")

        ET.SubElement(root, "title").text = self.title

        # add a description subelement if it's defined
        if self.description is not None:
            ET.SubElement(root, "description").text = self.description

        # add all other subelements to this Scheme, represented by (tag, text)
        subelements = [
            ("use_external_validation", self.use_external_validation),
            ("use_single_instance", self.use_single_instance),
            ("streaming_mode", self.streaming_mode)
        for name, value in subelements:
            ET.SubElement(root, name).text = str(value).lower()

        endpoint = ET.SubElement(root, "endpoint")

        args = ET.SubElement(endpoint, "args")

        # add arguments as subelements to the <args> element
        for arg in self.arguments:

        return root
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_to(self, stream):
        """Write an XML representation of self, an ``Event`` object, to the given stream.

        The ``Event`` object will only be written if its data field is defined,
        otherwise a ``ValueError`` is raised.

        :param stream: stream to write XML to.
        if is None:
            raise ValueError("Events must have at least the data field set to be written to XML.")

        event = ET.Element("event")
        if self.stanza is not None:
            event.set("stanza", self.stanza)
        event.set("unbroken", str(int(self.unbroken)))

        # if a time isn't set, let Splunk guess by not creating a <time> element
        if self.time is not None:
            ET.SubElement(event, "time").text = str(self.time)

        # add all other subelements to this Event, represented by (tag, text)
        subelements = [
            ("source", self.source),
            ("sourcetype", self.sourceType),
            ("index", self.index),
        for node, value in subelements:
            if value is not None:
                ET.SubElement(event, node).text = value

        if self.done:
            ET.SubElement(event, "done")

项目:Gank-Alfred-Workflow    作者:hujiaweibujidao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send_feedback(self):
        """Print stored items to console/Alfred as XML."""
        root = ET.Element('items')
        for item in self._items:
        sys.stdout.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')

    # Updating methods
项目:Gank-Alfred-Workflow    作者:hujiaweibujidao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send_feedback(self):
        """Print stored items to console/Alfred as XML."""
        root = ET.Element('items')
        for item in self._items:
        sys.stdout.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')

    # Updating methods
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CDATA(text=None):
    A CDATA element factory function that uses the function itself as the tag
    (based on the Comment factory function in the ElementTree implementation).
    element = etree.Element(CDATA)
    element.text = text
    return element

# We're replacing the _write method of the ElementTree class so that it would 
# recognize and correctly print out CDATA sections.
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __walk(self, node, parent):
        name = self.__genName(node.tag)        
        tag = self.__getNamespace(node.tag)

        if parent is None:
            self.root = name
            self.lines.append("%s = ET.Element(%s)" % (name, tag))
            self.lines.append("%s = ET.SubElement(%s, %s)" % (name, parent, tag))

            # handles text
                t = node.text.strip()
                if t == '': t = None
                t = None

            if t is not None:
                self.lines.append("%s.text = kwargs.get('', '%s') # PARAMETERIZE" % (name, t))

            # handles attributes
            for key,val in node.items():
                key = self.__getNamespace(key)
                self.lines.append("%s.set(%s, kwargs.get('', '%s')) # PARAMETERIZE" % (name, key, val))
        for i in node.getchildren():
            self.__walk(i, name)
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_to_document(self, parent):
        """Adds an ``Argument`` object to this ElementTree document.

        Adds an <arg> subelement to the parent element, typically <args>
        and sets up its subelements with their respective text.

        :param parent: An ``ET.Element`` to be the parent of a new <arg> subelement
        :returns: An ``ET.Element`` object representing this argument.
        arg = ET.SubElement(parent, "arg")

        if self.title is not None:
            ET.SubElement(arg, "title").text = self.title

        if self.description is not None:
            ET.SubElement(arg, "description").text = self.description

        if self.validation is not None:
            ET.SubElement(arg, "validation").text = self.validation

        # add all other subelements to this Argument, represented by (tag, text)
        subelements = [
            ("data_type", self.data_type),
            ("required_on_edit", self.required_on_edit),
            ("required_on_create", self.required_on_create)

        for name, value in subelements:
            ET.SubElement(arg, name).text = str(value).lower()

        return arg
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_xml(self):
        """Creates an ``ET.Element`` representing self, then returns it.

        :returns root, an ``ET.Element`` representing this scheme.
        root = ET.Element("scheme")

        ET.SubElement(root, "title").text = self.title

        # add a description subelement if it's defined
        if self.description is not None:
            ET.SubElement(root, "description").text = self.description

        # add all other subelements to this Scheme, represented by (tag, text)
        subelements = [
            ("use_external_validation", self.use_external_validation),
            ("use_single_instance", self.use_single_instance),
            ("streaming_mode", self.streaming_mode)
        for name, value in subelements:
            ET.SubElement(root, name).text = str(value).lower()

        endpoint = ET.SubElement(root, "endpoint")

        args = ET.SubElement(endpoint, "args")

        # add arguments as subelements to the <args> element
        for arg in self.arguments:

        return root
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_to(self, stream):
        """Write an XML representation of self, an ``Event`` object, to the given stream.

        The ``Event`` object will only be written if its data field is defined,
        otherwise a ``ValueError`` is raised.

        :param stream: stream to write XML to.
        if is None:
            raise ValueError("Events must have at least the data field set to be written to XML.")

        event = ET.Element("event")
        if self.stanza is not None:
            event.set("stanza", self.stanza)
        event.set("unbroken", str(int(self.unbroken)))

        # if a time isn't set, let Splunk guess by not creating a <time> element
        if self.time is not None:
            ET.SubElement(event, "time").text = str(self.time)

        # add all other subelements to this Event, represented by (tag, text)
        subelements = [
            ("source", self.source),
            ("sourcetype", self.sourceType),
            ("index", self.index),
        for node, value in subelements:
            if value is not None:
                ET.SubElement(event, node).text = value

        if self.done:
            ET.SubElement(event, "done")
