def load(self): # Prepare + load directory. super().load() # Load the files and parse Yaml. parsed_settings = dict() try: for file_name in self.files: file_path = os.path.join(self.directory, file_name) with open(file_path, 'r') as file_handle: parsed_settings.update(yaml.load(file_handle)) except (yaml.YAMLError, yaml.MarkedYAMLError) as e: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'Your settings file(s) contain invalid YAML syntax! Please fix and restart!, {}'.format(str(e)) ) # Loop and set in local settings (+ uppercase keys). for key, value in parsed_settings.items(): self.settings[key.upper()] = value
def _ordered_dict(loader: SafeLineLoader, node: yaml.nodes.MappingNode) -> OrderedDict: """Load YAML mappings into an ordered dictionary to preserve key order.""" loader.flatten_mapping(node) nodes = loader.construct_pairs(node) seen = {} # type: Dict for (key, _), (child_node, _) in zip(nodes, node.value): line = child_node.start_mark.line try: hash(key) except TypeError: fname = getattr(loader.stream, 'name', '') raise yaml.MarkedYAMLError( context="invalid key: \"{}\"".format(key), context_mark=yaml.Mark(fname, 0, line, -1, None, None) ) if key in seen: fname = getattr(loader.stream, 'name', '') first_mark = yaml.Mark(fname, 0, seen[key], -1, None, None) second_mark = yaml.Mark(fname, 0, line, -1, None, None) raise yaml.MarkedYAMLError( context="duplicate key: \"{}\"".format(key), context_mark=first_mark, problem_mark=second_mark, ) seen[key] = line processed = OrderedDict(nodes) setattr(processed, '__config_file__', loader.name) setattr(processed, '__line__', node.start_mark.line) return processed
def _read_config(paths, testing=False): """ Read the config files listed in path and merge them into a dictionary. :arg paths: filenames to read and merge configuration data from. The last files should override the first ones. :arg testing: If set to True, then use paths to data files that are appropriate for testing a source checkout. :rtype: ConfigObj, a dict-like object with helper methods for use as a config store :returns: Return the configuration dict """ cfg = yaml.safe_load(DEFAULT_CONFIG) CONFIG_SCHEMA(cfg) for cfg_file in paths: try: with open(cfg_file, 'rb') as f: new_cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) except yaml.MarkedYAMLError as e: raise MagnateConfigError('Config error parsing {}:\n{}'.format(cfg_file, e)) _merge_mapping(cfg, new_cfg, inplace=True) try: CONFIG_SCHEMA(cfg) except MultipleInvalid as e: raise MagnateConfigError('Config error in {}:\n{}'.format(cfg_file, e)) if testing: testing_cfg = yaml.safe_load(TESTING_CONFIG) _merge_mapping(cfg, testing_cfg, inplace=True) CONFIG_SCHEMA(cfg) return cfg
def yaml_error(loader, e, exc_info=None): # Given a MarkedYAMLError exception, either log or raise # the error, depending on the 'fatal' argument. fatal = not getattr(loader, 'warnings', False) setattr(loader, 'yaml_errored', True) if exc_info: # When we're given the original exception (which was wrapped in # a MarkedYAMLError), we can provide more context for debugging. from traceback import format_exc e.note = "\nOriginal exception:\n" + format_exc(exc_info) if fatal: raise e message = [] mark = e.context_mark or e.problem_mark if mark: position = "%s:%s:%s" % (mark.name, mark.line+1, mark.column+1) else: position = "[unknown]" if e.context is not None: message.append(e.context) if e.problem is not None: message.append(e.problem) if e.note is not None: message.append("(note: " + e.note + ")") print "%s: %s" % (position, ",".join(message))
def construct_specsparameters(loader, node, spectype): spec_class = {x.__name__: x for x in Spec.__subclasses__()}.get(spectype, None) if not spec_class: yaml_error(loader, yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( None, None, "Unrecognized Spec class %s" % spectype, node.start_mark)) return if not isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode): yaml_error(loader, yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( None, None, "expected a mapping node, but found %s" % node.id, node.start_mark)) return specs = OrderedDict() for spec_key_node, spec_value_node in node.value: try: spec_key = str(loader.construct_scalar(spec_key_node)) except yaml.MarkedYAMLError, e: yaml_error(loader, e) specs[spec_key] = construct_spec(spec_class, loader, spec_value_node) return specs