def test_unicode_sockopts(self): """test setting/getting sockopts with unicode strings""" topic = "tést" if str is not unicode: topic = topic.decode('utf8') p,s = self.create_bound_pair(zmq.PUB, zmq.SUB) self.assertEqual(s.send_unicode, s.send_unicode) self.assertEqual(p.recv_unicode, p.recv_unicode) self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.setsockopt, zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic) self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.setsockopt, zmq.IDENTITY, topic) s.setsockopt_unicode(zmq.IDENTITY, topic, 'utf16') self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.setsockopt, zmq.AFFINITY, topic) s.setsockopt_unicode(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic) self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.getsockopt_unicode, zmq.AFFINITY) self.assertRaisesErrno(zmq.EINVAL, s.getsockopt_unicode, zmq.SUBSCRIBE) identb = s.getsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY) identu = identb.decode('utf16') identu2 = s.getsockopt_unicode(zmq.IDENTITY, 'utf16') self.assertEqual(identu, identu2) time.sleep(0.1) # wait for connection/subscription p.send_unicode(topic,zmq.SNDMORE) p.send_unicode(topic*2, encoding='latin-1') self.assertEqual(topic, s.recv_unicode()) self.assertEqual(topic*2, s.recv_unicode(encoding='latin-1'))
def send(self, topic, payload): '''Send a message with topic, payload ` Topic is a unicode string. It will be sent as utf-8 encoded byte array. Payload is a python dict. It will be sent as a msgpack serialized dict. If payload has the key '__raw_data__' we pop if of the payload and send its raw contents as extra frames everything else need to be serializable the contents of the iterable in '__raw_data__' require exposing the pyhton memoryview interface. ''' if '__raw_data__' not in payload: self.socket.send_string(topic, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(serializer.dumps(payload, use_bin_type=True)) else: extra_frames = payload.pop('__raw_data__') assert(isinstance(extra_frames, (list, tuple))) self.socket.send_string(topic, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(serializer.dumps(payload), flags=zmq.SNDMORE) for frame in extra_frames[:-1]: self.socket.send(frame, flags=zmq.SNDMORE, copy=True) self.socket.send(extra_frames[-1], copy=True)
def send(self, message, send_more=False, block=True, as_json=False): flags = 0 if send_more: flags = zmq.SNDMORE if not block: flags = flags | zmq.NOBLOCK try: if as_json: self.socket.send_json(message, flags) else: self.socket.send(message, flags, copy=self.zmq_copy, track=self.zmq_track) except zmq.Again as e: if not block: pass else: raise e except zmq.ZMQError as e: logger.error(sys.exc_info()[1]) raise e
def start_server(self, new_address): self.thread_pipe.send_string('Bind', flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.thread_pipe.send_string(new_address) response = self.thread_pipe.recv_string() msg = self.thread_pipe.recv_string() if response == 'Bind OK': host, port = msg.split(':') self.host = host self.port = port return # fail logic logger.error(msg) # for service we shut down if self.g_pool.app == 'service': audio.say("Error: Port already in use.") self.notify_all({'subject': 'service_process.should_stop'}) return # for capture we try to bind to a arbitrary port on the first external interface else: self.thread_pipe.send_string('Bind', flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.thread_pipe.send_string('tcp://*:*') response = self.thread_pipe.recv_string() msg = self.thread_pipe.recv_string() if response == 'Bind OK': host, port = msg.split(':') self.host = host self.port = port else: logger.error(msg) raise Exception("Could not bind to port")
def thread_loop(self, context, pipe): poller = zmq.Poller() ipc_pub = zmq_tools.Msg_Dispatcher(context, self.g_pool.ipc_push_url) poller.register(pipe, zmq.POLLIN) remote_socket = None while True: items = dict(poller.poll()) if pipe in items: cmd = pipe.recv_string() if cmd == 'Exit': break elif cmd == 'Bind': new_url = pipe.recv_string() if remote_socket: poller.unregister(remote_socket) remote_socket.close(linger=0) try: remote_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) remote_socket.bind(new_url) except zmq.ZMQError as e: remote_socket = None pipe.send_string("Error", flags=zmq.SNDMORE) pipe.send_string("Could not bind to Socket: {}. Reason: {}".format(new_url, e)) else: pipe.send_string("Bind OK", flags=zmq.SNDMORE) # `.last_endpoint` is already of type `bytes` pipe.send(remote_socket.last_endpoint.replace(b"tcp://", b"")) poller.register(remote_socket, zmq.POLLIN) if remote_socket in items: self.on_recv(remote_socket, ipc_pub) self.thread_pipe = None
def send_json(self, identity, obj): self.stream.send( identity, zmq.SNDMORE ) self.stream.send_json(obj)
def send_supvisors_status(self, status): """ This method sends a serialized form of the supvisors status through the socket. """ self.logger.trace('send SupvisorsStatus {}'.format(status)) self.socket.send_string(EventHeaders.SUPVISORS, zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send_json(status.serial())
def send_address_status(self, status): """ This method sends a serialized form of the address status through the socket. """ self.logger.trace('send RemoteStatus {}'.format(status)) self.socket.send_string(EventHeaders.ADDRESS, zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send_json(status.serial())
def send_application_status(self, status): """ This method sends a serialized form of the application status through the socket. """ self.logger.trace('send ApplicationStatus {}'.format(status)) self.socket.send_string(EventHeaders.APPLICATION, zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send_json(status.serial())
def send_process_event(self, address, event): """ This method sends a process event through the socket. """ # build the event before it is sent evt = event.copy() evt['address'] = address self.logger.trace('send Process Event {}'.format(evt)) self.socket.send_string(EventHeaders.PROCESS_EVENT, zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send_json(evt)
def send_process_status(self, status): """ This method sends a serialized form of the process status through the socket. """ self.logger.trace('send Process Status {}'.format(status)) self.socket.send_string(EventHeaders.PROCESS_STATUS, zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send_json(status.serial())
def send_multipart(self, msg_parts, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """send a sequence of buffers as a multipart message The zmq.SNDMORE flag is added to all msg parts before the last. Parameters ---------- msg_parts : iterable A sequence of objects to send as a multipart message. Each element can be any sendable object (Frame, bytes, buffer-providers) flags : int, optional SNDMORE is handled automatically for frames before the last. copy : bool, optional Should the frame(s) be sent in a copying or non-copying manner. track : bool, optional Should the frame(s) be tracked for notification that ZMQ has finished with it (ignored if copy=True). Returns ------- None : if copy or not track MessageTracker : if track and not copy a MessageTracker object, whose `pending` property will be True until the last send is completed. """ for msg in msg_parts[:-1]: self.send(msg, SNDMORE|flags, copy=copy, track=track) # Send the last part without the extra SNDMORE flag. return self.send(msg_parts[-1], flags, copy=copy, track=track)
def _publish(self, msg, binary_data): # Check socketlock self.socket_lock.acquire() try: # Inject task ID (thread safe in here) task = Task(self, self.task_count) self.tasks[self.task_count] = task msg['id'] = self.task_count self.task_count += 1 # Send message # print("Sending:", "Nutmeg") self.pubsock.send(b"Nutmeg", flags=zmq.SNDMORE) # print("Sending:", msg) self.pubsock.send_json(msg, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) # Then data for data in binary_data: # print("Sending binary") self.pubsock.send(data, flags=zmq.SNDMORE, copy=True) # Makes code nicer just simply having a "null message" self.pubsock.send(b'') return task except IOError: raise finally: self.socket_lock.release()
def send_changes(socket, discussion, changeset): order = next(_counter) socket.send(str(discussion).encode('ascii'), zmq.SNDMORE) socket.send(str(order).encode('ascii'), zmq.SNDMORE) socket.send_json(changeset) log.debug("sent %d %s %s " % (order, discussion, changeset))
def send_multipart(self, msg_parts, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """send a sequence of buffers as a multipart message The zmq.SNDMORE flag is added to all msg parts before the last. Parameters ---------- msg_parts : iterable A sequence of objects to send as a multipart message. Each element can be any sendable object (Frame, bytes, buffer-providers) flags : int, optional SNDMORE is handled automatically for frames before the last. copy : bool, optional Should the frame(s) be sent in a copying or non-copying manner. track : bool, optional Should the frame(s) be tracked for notification that ZMQ has finished with it (ignored if copy=True). Returns ------- None : if copy or not track MessageTracker : if track and not copy a MessageTracker object, whose `pending` property will be True until the last send is completed. """ # typecheck parts before sending: for i,msg in enumerate(msg_parts): if isinstance(msg, (zmq.Frame, bytes, _buffer_type)): continue try: _buffer_type(msg) except Exception as e: rmsg = repr(msg) if len(rmsg) > 32: rmsg = rmsg[:32] + '...' raise TypeError( "Frame %i (%s) does not support the buffer interface." % ( i, rmsg, )) for msg in msg_parts[:-1]: self.send(msg, SNDMORE|flags, copy=copy, track=track) # Send the last part without the extra SNDMORE flag. return self.send(msg_parts[-1], flags, copy=copy, track=track)