def __init__(self, logPath=None, timeout=_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, logFormatter=None, reactor=None): """ @param logFormatter: An object to format requests into log lines for the access log. @type logFormatter: L{IAccessLogFormatter} provider @param reactor: A L{IReactorTime} provider used to compute logging timestamps. """ if not reactor: from twisted.internet import reactor self._reactor = reactor if logPath is not None: logPath = os.path.abspath(logPath) self.logPath = logPath self.timeOut = timeout if logFormatter is None: logFormatter = combinedLogFormatter self._logFormatter = logFormatter # For storing the cached log datetime and the callback to update it self._logDateTime = None self._logDateTimeCall = None
def __init__(self, connectedDeferred, wrappedProtocol): """ @param connectedDeferred: The L{Deferred} that will callback with the C{wrappedProtocol} when it is connected. @param wrappedProtocol: An L{IProtocol} provider that will be connected. """ self._connectedDeferred = connectedDeferred self._wrappedProtocol = wrappedProtocol for iface in [interfaces.IHalfCloseableProtocol, interfaces.IFileDescriptorReceiver, interfaces.IHandshakeListener]: if iface.providedBy(self._wrappedProtocol): directlyProvides(self, iface)
def connect(self, protocolFactory): """ Implement L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} to launch a child process and connect it to a protocol created by C{protocolFactory}. @param protocolFactory: A factory for an L{IProtocol} provider which will be notified of all events related to the created process. """ proto = protocolFactory.buildProtocol(_ProcessAddress()) try: self._spawnProcess( _WrapIProtocol(proto, self._executable, self._errFlag), self._executable, self._args, self._env, self._path, self._uid, self._gid, self._usePTY, self._childFDs) except: return defer.fail() else: return defer.succeed(proto)
def __init__(self, reactor, port, backlog, interface): """ @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider. @param port: The port number used for listening @type port: int @param backlog: Size of the listen queue @type backlog: int @param interface: The hostname to bind to @type interface: str """ self._reactor = reactor self._port = port self._backlog = backlog self._interface = interface
def __init__(self, reactor, host, port, timeout=30, bindAddress=None): """ @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider @param host: A hostname, used when connecting @type host: str @param port: The port number, used when connecting @type port: int @param timeout: The number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed. @type timeout: int @param bindAddress: A (host, port) tuple of local address to bind to, or None. @type bindAddress: tuple """ self._reactor = reactor self._host = host self._port = port self._timeout = timeout self._bindAddress = bindAddress
def __init__(self, reactor, port, sslContextFactory, backlog=50, interface=''): """ @param reactor: An L{IReactorSSL} provider. @param port: The port number used for listening @type port: int @param sslContextFactory: An instance of L{interfaces.IOpenSSLContextFactory}. @param backlog: Size of the listen queue @type backlog: int @param interface: The hostname to bind to, defaults to '' (all) @type interface: str """ self._reactor = reactor self._port = port self._sslContextFactory = sslContextFactory self._backlog = backlog self._interface = interface
def __init__(self, reactor, path, timeout=30, checkPID=0): """ @param reactor: An L{IReactorUNIX} provider. @param path: The path to the Unix socket file, used when connecting @type path: str @param timeout: Number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed. @type timeout: int @param checkPID: If True, check for a pid file to verify that a server is listening. @type checkPID: bool """ self._reactor = reactor self._path = path self._timeout = timeout self._checkPID = checkPID
def _parseServer(self, reactor, port, backlog=50, interface='::'): """ Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string arguments into structured arguments for the L{TCP6ServerEndpoint} @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider. @param port: The port number used for listening @type port: int @param backlog: Size of the listen queue @type backlog: int @param interface: The hostname to bind to @type interface: str """ port = int(port) backlog = int(backlog) return TCP6ServerEndpoint(reactor, port, backlog, interface)
def spawnProcess(self, processProtocol, executable, args=(), env={}, path=None, uid=None, gid=None, usePTY=0, childFDs=None): """ @ivar processProtocol: Stores the protocol passed to the reactor. @return: An L{IProcessTransport} provider. """ self.processProtocol = processProtocol self.executable = executable self.args = args self.env = env self.path = path self.uid = uid self.gid = gid self.usePTY = usePTY self.childFDs = childFDs self.processTransport = MemoryProcessTransport() self.processProtocol.makeConnection(self.processTransport) return self.processTransport
def retries(timeout=30, intervals=1, clock=reactor): """Helper for retrying something, sleeping between attempts. Returns a generator that yields ``(elapsed, remaining, wait)`` tuples, giving times in seconds. The last item, `wait`, is the suggested amount of time to sleep before trying again. :param timeout: From now, how long to keep iterating, in seconds. This can be specified as a number, or as an iterable. In the latter case, the iterator is advanced each time an interval is needed. This allows for back-off strategies. :param intervals: The sleep between each iteration, in seconds, an an iterable from which to obtain intervals. :param clock: An optional `IReactorTime` provider. Defaults to the installed reactor. """ start = clock.seconds() end = start + timeout if isinstance(intervals, Iterable): intervals = iter(intervals) else: intervals = repeat(intervals) return gen_retries(start, end, intervals, clock)
def getPeer(self): """ Get the remote address of this connection. @return: An L{IAddress} provider. """ return self.transport.getPeer()
def getHost(self): """ Get the local address of this connection. @return: An L{IAddress} provider. """ return self.transport.getHost()
def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): """ Register to receive data from a producer. This sets self to be a consumer for a producer. When this object runs out of data (as when a send(2) call on a socket succeeds in moving the last data from a userspace buffer into a kernelspace buffer), it will ask the producer to resumeProducing(). For L{IPullProducer} providers, C{resumeProducing} will be called once each time data is required. For L{IPushProducer} providers, C{pauseProducing} will be called whenever the write buffer fills up and C{resumeProducing} will only be called when it empties. @type producer: L{IProducer} provider @param producer: The L{IProducer} that will be producing data. @type streaming: L{bool} @param streaming: C{True} if C{producer} provides L{IPushProducer}, C{False} if C{producer} provides L{IPullProducer}. @raise RuntimeError: If a producer is already registered. @return: L{None} """ if self._requestProducer is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot register producer %s, because producer %s was never " "unregistered." % (producer, self._requestProducer)) if not streaming: producer = _PullToPush(producer, self) self._requestProducer = producer self._requestProducerStreaming = streaming if not streaming: producer.startStreaming()
def __init__(self, proto, executable, errFlag): """ @param proto: An L{IProtocol} provider. @param errFlag: A constant belonging to L{StandardErrorBehavior} that determines if stderr is logged or dropped. @param executable: The file name (full path) to spawn. """ self.protocol = proto self.errFlag = errFlag self.executable = executable
def makeConnection(self, process): """ Call L{IProtocol} provider's makeConnection method with an L{ITransport} provider. @param process: An L{IProcessTransport} provider. """ self.transport = _ProcessEndpointTransport(process) return self.protocol.makeConnection(self.transport)
def processEnded(self, reason): """ If the process ends with L{error.ProcessDone}, this method calls the L{IProtocol} provider's L{connectionLost} with a L{error.ConnectionDone} @see: L{ProcessProtocol.processEnded} """ if (reason.check(error.ProcessDone) == error.ProcessDone) and ( reason.value.status == 0): return self.protocol.connectionLost( Failure(error.ConnectionDone())) else: return self.protocol.connectionLost(reason)
def __init__(self, reactor, port, backlog=50, interface='::'): """ @param reactor: An L{IReactorTCP} provider. @param port: The port number used for listening @type port: int @param backlog: Size of the listen queue @type backlog: int @param interface: The hostname to bind to, defaults to C{::} (all) @type interface: str """ _TCPServerEndpoint.__init__(self, reactor, port, backlog, interface)
def __init__(self, reactor, host, port, timeout=30, bindAddress=None, attemptDelay=None): """ Create a L{HostnameEndpoint}. @param reactor: The reactor to use for connections and delayed calls. @type reactor: provider of L{IReactorTCP}, L{IReactorTime} and either L{IReactorPluggableNameResolver} or L{IReactorPluggableResolver}. @param host: A hostname to connect to. @type host: L{bytes} or L{unicode} @param port: The port number to connect to. @type port: L{int} @param timeout: For each individual connection attempt, the number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed. @type timeout: L{int} @param bindAddress: the local address of the network interface to make the connections from. @type bindAddress: L{bytes} @param attemptDelay: The number of seconds to delay between connection attempts. @type attemptDelay: L{float} @see: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP.connectTCP} """ self._reactor = reactor [self._badHostname, self._hostBytes, self._hostText] = ( self._hostAsBytesAndText(host) ) self._hostStr = self._hostBytes if bytes is str else self._hostText self._port = port self._timeout = timeout self._bindAddress = bindAddress if attemptDelay is None: attemptDelay = self._DEFAULT_ATTEMPT_DELAY self._attemptDelay = attemptDelay
def __init__(self, reactor, host, port, sslContextFactory, timeout=30, bindAddress=None): """ @param reactor: An L{IReactorSSL} provider. @param host: A hostname, used when connecting @type host: str @param port: The port number, used when connecting @type port: int @param sslContextFactory: SSL Configuration information as an instance of L{interfaces.IOpenSSLContextFactory}. @param timeout: Number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed. @type timeout: int @param bindAddress: A (host, port) tuple of local address to bind to, or None. @type bindAddress: tuple """ self._reactor = reactor self._host = host self._port = port self._sslContextFactory = sslContextFactory self._timeout = timeout self._bindAddress = bindAddress
def __init__(self, reactor, fileno, addressFamily): """ @param reactor: An L{IReactorSocket} provider. @param fileno: An integer file descriptor corresponding to a listening I{SOCK_STREAM} socket. @param addressFamily: The address family of the socket given by C{fileno}. """ self.reactor = reactor self.fileno = fileno self.addressFamily = addressFamily self._used = False
def _parseServer(self, reactor, domain, index): """ Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string arguments for a systemd server endpoint into structured arguments for L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint}. @param reactor: An L{IReactorSocket} provider. @param domain: The domain (or address family) of the socket inherited from systemd. This is a string like C{"INET"} or C{"UNIX"}, ie the name of an address family from the L{socket} module, without the C{"AF_"} prefix. @type domain: C{str} @param index: An offset into the list of file descriptors inherited from systemd. @type index: C{str} @return: A two-tuple of parsed positional arguments and parsed keyword arguments (a tuple and a dictionary). These can be used to construct an L{AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint}. """ index = int(index) fileno = self._sddaemon.inheritedDescriptors()[index] addressFamily = getattr(socket, 'AF_' + domain) return AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint(reactor, fileno, addressFamily)
def _loadCAsFromDir(directoryPath): """ Load certificate-authority certificate objects in a given directory. @param directoryPath: a L{unicode} or L{bytes} pointing at a directory to load .pem files from, or L{None}. @return: an L{IOpenSSLTrustRoot} provider. """ caCerts = {} for child in directoryPath.children(): if not child.asTextMode().basename().split(u'.')[-1].lower() == u'pem': continue try: data = child.getContent() except IOError: # Permission denied, corrupt disk, we don't care. continue try: theCert = Certificate.loadPEM(data) except SSLError: # Duplicate certificate, invalid certificate, etc. We don't care. pass else: caCerts[theCert.digest()] = theCert return trustRootFromCertificates(caCerts.values())
def test_constructor(self): """ Stores an L{IProtocol} provider and the flag to log/drop stderr """ d = self.ep.connect(self.factory) self.successResultOf(d) wpp = self.reactor.processProtocol self.assertIsInstance(wpp.protocol, StubApplicationProtocol) self.assertEqual(wpp.errFlag, self.ep._errFlag)
def gen_retries(start, end, intervals, clock=reactor): """Helper for retrying something, sleeping between attempts. Yields ``(elapsed, remaining, wait)`` tuples, giving times in seconds. The last item, `wait`, is the suggested amount of time to sleep before trying again. This function works in concert with `retries`. It's split out so that `retries` can capture the correct start time rather than the time at which it is first iterated. :param start: The start time, in seconds, of this generator. This must be congruent with the `IReactorTime` argument passed to this generator. :param end: The desired end time, in seconds, of this generator. This must be congruent with the `IReactorTime` argument passed to this generator. :param intervals: A iterable of intervals, each in seconds, which should be used as hints for the `wait` value that's generated. :param clock: An optional `IReactorTime` provider. Defaults to the installed reactor. """ for interval in intervals: now = clock.seconds() if now < end: wait = min(interval, end - now) yield now - start, end - now, wait else: yield now - start, end - now, 0 break
def test_register_behavior(self): cur_count = len( configure.get_configurations('plone.server.tests', 'behavior')) from plone.server.interfaces import IFormFieldProvider from zope.interface import provider from zope import schema @provider(IFormFieldProvider) class IMyBehavior(Interface): foobar = schema.Text() configure.behavior( title="MyBehavior", provides=IMyBehavior, factory="plone.behavior.AnnotationStorage", for_="plone.server.interfaces.IResource" )() self.assertEqual( len(configure.get_configurations('plone.server.tests', 'behavior')), cur_count + 1) class IMyType(Interface): pass class MyType(Item): pass configure.register_configuration(MyType, dict( context=ISite, schema=IMyType, portal_type="MyType2", behaviors=[IMyBehavior] ), 'contenttype') # now test it... configure.load_configuration( self.layer.app.app.config, 'plone.server.tests', 'contenttype') self.layer.app.app.config.execute_actions() resp = self.layer.requester('GET', '/plone/plone/@types') response = json.loads(resp.text) type_ = [s for s in response if s['title'] == 'MyType2'][0] self.assertTrue('foobar' in type_['definitions']['IMyBehavior']['properties'])
def deterministicResolvingReactor(reactor, expectedAddresses=(), hostMap=None): """ Create a reactor that will deterministically resolve all hostnames it is passed to the list of addresses given. @param reactor: An object that we wish to add an L{IReactorPluggableNameResolver} to. @type reactor: Any object with some formally-declared interfaces (i.e. one where C{list(providedBy(reactor))} is not empty); usually C{IReactor*} interfaces. @param expectedAddresses: (optional); the addresses expected to be returned for every address. If these are strings, they should be IPv4 or IPv6 literals, and they will be wrapped in L{IPv4Address} and L{IPv6Address} objects in the resolution result. @type expectedAddresses: iterable of C{object} or C{str} @param hostMap: (optional); the names (unicode) mapped to lists of addresses (str or L{IAddress}); in the same format as expectedAddress, which map the results for I{specific} hostnames to addresses. @return: A new reactor which provides all the interfaces previously provided by C{reactor} as well as L{IReactorPluggableNameResolver}. All name resolutions performed with its C{nameResolver} attribute will resolve reentrantly and synchronously with the given C{expectedAddresses}. However, it is not a complete implementation as it does not have an C{installNameResolver} method. """ if hostMap is None: hostMap = {} hostMap = hostMap.copy() @provider(IHostnameResolver) class SimpleNameResolver(object): @staticmethod def resolveHostName(resolutionReceiver, hostName, portNumber=0, addressTypes=None, transportSemantics='TCP'): resolutionReceiver.resolutionBegan(None) for expectedAddress in hostMap.get(hostName, expectedAddresses): if isinstance(expectedAddress, str): expectedAddress = ([IPv4Address, IPv6Address] [isIPv6Address(expectedAddress)] ('TCP', expectedAddress, portNumber)) resolutionReceiver.addressResolved(expectedAddress) resolutionReceiver.resolutionComplete() @provider(IReactorPluggableNameResolver) class WithResolver(proxyForInterface( InterfaceClass('*', tuple(providedBy(reactor))) )): nameResolver = SimpleNameResolver() return WithResolver(reactor)