Linux ncftp命令 Linux tftp命令 Linux ftpshut命令 Linux ncftp命令 Linux ncftp命令用于传输文件。 FTP让用户得以下载存放于服务器主机的文件,也能将文件上传到远端主机放置。 NcFTP是文字模式FTP程序的佼佼者,它具备多样特色, 包括显示传输速率,下载进度,自动续传,标住书签,可通过防火墙和代理服务器等。 当不指定用户名时,ncftp 命令会自动尝试使用匿名账户anonymous 去连接远程FTP 服 务器,不需要用户输入账号和密码。 语法 ncftp [主机或IP地址] 参数说明: -u<用户名> 指定登录FTP服务器的用户名 -p<密码> 设置用户密码 -P<端口号> 指定FTP端口号,默认为21 -j<账号> 指定账号 -h 帮助信息 -v 版本信息 实例 使用ncftp命令匿名连接FTP服务器。 例如想匿名连接ftp.kernel.org服务器,同时不想输入anonymous等匿名用户名,可直接使用ncftp命令: ncftp 得到如下信息: $ ncftp #匿名连接ftp.kernel.org服务器 NcFTP 3.2.1 (Jul 29, 2007) by Mike Gleason ( #ncftp版权、版本等信息 Copyright (c) 1992-2005 by Mike Gleason. All rights reserved. Connecting to #连接服务器 Welcome to Logging in... #匿名登录 Welcome to the #欢迎信息 LINUX KERNEL ARCHIVES "Much more than just kernels" IF YOU'RE ACCESSING THIS SITE VIA A WEB BROWSER PLEASE USE THE HTTP URL BELOW INSTEAD! ----> If you are looking for mirror sites, please go <---- ----> to instead <---- This site is provided as a public service by the Linux Kernel Organization, a California nonprofit corporation. Bandwidth is provided by The Internet Software Consortium, Inc. Our servers are located in San Francisco and Palo Alto, California; Corvallis, Oregon; Amsterdam, Netherlands and Ume., Sweden; use in violation of any applicable laws strictly prohibited. Due to U.S. Exports Regulations, all cryptographic software on this site is subject to the following legal notice: This site includes publicly available encryption source code which, together with object code resulting from the compiling of publicly available source code, may be exported from the United States under License Exception "TSU" pursuant to 15 C.F.R. Section 740.13(e). This legal notice applies to cryptographic software only. Please see the Bureau of Industry and Security ( for more information about current U.S. regulations. Neither the Linux Kernel Organization, nor its sponsors make any guarantees, explicit or implicit, about the contents of this site. Use at your own risk. This site is accessible via the following mechanisms: FTP HTTP RSYNC rsync:// NFS and SMB/CIFS are no longer available. For comments on this site, please contact <[email protected]>. Please do not use this address for questions that are not related to the operation of this site. Please see our homepage at for links to Linux documentation resources. Login successful. Logged in to ncftp / > 提示:ncftp的命令提示符为"ncftp / >",而不是ftp中的"ftp / >"。 使用ncftp命令操作、下载文件。 ncftp的命令基本上与ftp相同,例如可以使用"cd"命令切换在FTP服务器中的当前目录,使用"ls"命令列出当前目录内容,使用"get"命令下载"/pub"目录下的README文件、使用"quit"离开ncftp等。操作结果如下: ncftp / > pwd #查看当前路径 #当前路径为根目录 ncftp / > ls #查看当前目录列表 bin/ for_mirrors_only/ pub/ dev/ lib/ usr@ etc/ lost+found/ welcome.msg@ ncftp / > cd pub #切换目录到pub 子目录 Directory successfully changed. ncftp /pub > ls #查看pub 的目录列表 dist/ media/ scm/ index.html RCS/ site/ linux/ README software/ lost+found/ README_ABOUT_BZ2_FILES tools/ ncftp /pub > get README #下载README 文件 README: 1.87 KB 10.39 KB/s ncftp /pub > quit #离开ncftp 与ftp不同的是,ncftp此时会提示用户是否将FTP服务器保存为书签,以便于下次登录,用户可以进行自定义书签名等操作,如下所示: You have not saved a bookmark for this site. #离开提示信息 Would you like to save a bookmark to: Save? (yes/no) yes #确认是否保存 Enter a name for this bookmark, or hit enter for "kernel": kernel #输入书签名 Bookmark "kernel" saved. Linux tftp命令 Linux ftpshut命令