
apps模块下面的三个文件 : 模块初始化文件。

from .config import AppConfig
from .registry import apps

__all__ = ['AppConfig', 'apps']

导入AppConfig类和apps变量,appsApp类的实例,通过registry.py源码可以知道,apps = Apps(installed_apps=None) : 主要作用是创建应用,构造函数如下:

class AppConfig:
    """Class representing a Django application and its configuration."""

    def __init__(self, app_name, app_module):
        # Full Python path to the application e.g. 'django.contrib.admin'. = app_name

        # Root module for the application e.g. <module 'django.contrib.admin'
        # from 'django/contrib/admin/'>.
        self.module = app_module

        # Reference to the Apps registry that holds this AppConfig. Set by the
        # registry when it registers the AppConfig instance.
        self.apps = None

        # The following attributes could be defined at the class level in a
        # subclass, hence the test-and-set pattern.

        # Last component of the Python path to the application e.g. 'admin'.
        # This value must be unique across a Django project.
        if not hasattr(self, 'label'):
            self.label = app_name.rpartition(".")[2]

        # Human-readable name for the application e.g. "Admin".
        if not hasattr(self, 'verbose_name'):
            self.verbose_name = self.label.title()

        # Filesystem path to the application directory e.g.
        # '/path/to/django/contrib/admin'.
        if not hasattr(self, 'path'):
            self.path = self._path_from_module(app_module)

        # Module containing models e.g. <module 'django.contrib.admin.models'
        # from 'django/contrib/admin/'>. Set by import_models().
        # None if the application doesn't have a models module.
        self.models_module = None

        # Mapping of lowercase model names to model classes. Initially set to
        # None to prevent accidental access before import_models() runs.
        self.models = None : 根据settings.py配置文件,注册应用,也就是:


