Python defaultdict

Dictionary是Python中最常用的数据结构之一。 字典是无序的项集合,我们通常将字符和值存储在字典中。 让我们看一下通常如何使用字典的几个例子。

# dictionary declaration 1
 dict1 = dict()

 # dictionary declaration 2
 dict2 = {}

 # Add items to the dictionary
 # The syntax to add and retrieve items is same for either of the two objects we defined above.
 key = "X"
 value = "Y"
 dict1[key] = value

 # The dictionary doesn't have any specific data-type.
 # So, the values can be pretty diverse.
 dict1[key] = dict2


# Since "X" exists in our dictionary, this will retrieve the value
 value = dict1[key]

 # This key doesn't exist in the dictionary.
 # So, we will get a `KeyError`
 value = dict1["random"]


如果字典中不存在给定的键,Python将抛出KeyError 。 有一个简单的解决方法。让我们看一下如何使用the来避免KeyError 用于字典的内置.get函数。

dict_ = {}

 # Some random key
 random_key = "random"

 # The most basic way of doing this is to check if the key
 # exists in the dictionary or not and only retrieve if the
 # key exists. Otherwise not.
 if random_key in dict_:
  print("Key = {} doesn't exist in the dictionary".format(dict_))

很多时候,当密钥不存在时,我们可以获得默认值。例如,何时 建立一个柜台。有一种更好的方法可以从字典中获取默认值 丢失密钥而不是依赖标准的if-else

# Let's say we want to build a frequency counter for items in the following array
 arr = [1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,4,1,2,3,1]

 freq = {}

 for item in arr:
  # Fetch a value of 0 in case the key doesn't exist. Otherwise, fetch the stored value
  freq[item] = freq.get(item, 0) + 1

因此, get(<key>, <defaultval>)是一个方便的操作,用于从字典中检索任何给定键的默认值。 当我们想要将可变数据结构作为值(例如listset处理时,会出现此方法的问题。

dict_ = {}

 # Some random key
 random_key = "random"

 dict_[random_key] = dict_.get(random_key, []).append("Hello World!")
 print(dict_) # {'random': None}

 dict_ = {}
 dict_[random_key] = dict_.get(random_key, set()).add("Hello World!")
 print(dict_) # {'random': None}


新的setlist不会被分配到字典的密钥。我们应该分配一个新的list或一set 在缺少值的情况下键,然后分别appendadd 。莱伊看了一个例子。

dict_ = {}
 dict_[random_key] = dict_.get(random_key, set())
 dict_[random_key].add("Hello World!")
 print(dict_) # {'random': set(['Hello World!'])}. Yay!


这在大多数时候都适用。但是,有一种更好的方法可以做到这一点。一种更加pythonic方式。 defaultdict是内置dict类的子类。 defaultdict只是分配我们在缺少键时指定的默认值。那么,这两个步骤:

dict_[random_key] = dict_.get(random_key, set())
 dict_[random_key].add("Hello World!")


from collections import defaultdict

 # Yet another random key
 random_key = "random_key"

 # list defaultdict
 list_dict_ = defaultdict(list)

 # set defaultdict
 set_dict_ = defaultdict(set)

 # integer defaultdict
 int_dict_ = defaultdict(int)

 list_dict_[random_key].append("Hello World!")
 set_dict_[random_key].add("Hello World!")
 int_dict_[random_key] += 1

  defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'random_key': ['Hello World!']})
  defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {'random_key': {'Hello World!'}})
  defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'random_key': 1})
 print(list_dict_, set_dict_, int_dict_)

