Dart Future

import 'dart:async';

// fake methods to make the below examples work

Future<int> getFuture() async {
  return 0;

void handleValue(int value) {
  print('value is $value');

void handleError(int error) {
  print('error is $error');

Future dbQuery(String query) async {
  return true;

Future expensiveWork() async {
  return true;

Future lengthyComputation() async {
  return true;

Future costlyQuery() async {
  // Uncomment the throw and comment the return to see error handling.
//  throw 'costlyQuery failed!!!';
  return true;

Future deleteLotsOfFiles() async {
  return true;

Future copyLotsOfFiles() async {
  return true;

Future checksumLotsOfOtherFiles() async {
  return true;

// end fake methods

Future longExpensiveSearch() {
  // Do some setup.
  // Perform an exhaustive search.
  return dbQuery('select * from table');

Future runSearch() async {
  try {
    var results = await longExpensiveSearch();
    print('Here are the results: $results');
  } catch (e) {
    print("Oops! Encountered $e");

Future runQuery() async {
  try {
    await costlyQuery();
    await expensiveWork();
    await lengthyComputation();
  } catch (_) {

Future wait() async {
  Future deleteDone = deleteLotsOfFiles();
  Future copyDone = copyLotsOfFiles();
  Future checksumDone = checksumLotsOfOtherFiles();

  await Future.wait([deleteDone, copyDone, checksumDone]);
  print('Done with all the long steps');

Future main() async {
  Future<int> future = getFuture();
  var value = await future;
  try {
  } catch (e) {
