def test_publish_to_topics(self): topic_ending = "desired" rospy.logdebug("Sleeping for 5 seconds to let ROS spin up...") rospy.sleep(5) for variable, value in self.variables: # Publish to each variable/desired topic to see if all of the # actuators come on as expected. topic_string = variable + "/" + topic_ending rospy.logdebug("Testing Publishing to " + topic_string) pub_desired = rospy.Publisher(topic_string, Float64, queue_size=10) sub_desired = rospy.Subscriber(topic_string, Float64, self.callback) rospy.sleep(2) print(self.namespace + "/" + topic_string) for _ in range(NUM_TIMES_TO_PUBLISH): pub_desired.publish(value) rospy.sleep(1) rospy.sleep(2) pub_desired.publish(0)
def ros_loop(test): while True: rospy.Subscriber('human_turn_topic', String, human_turn) rospy.Subscriber('human_chosen_topic', String, have_chosen) rospy.Subscriber('human_predict_turn_topic', String, human_predict) rospy.Subscriber('robot_turn_topic', String, robot_turn) rospy.Subscriber('robot_chosen_topic', String, have_chosen) rospy.Subscriber('story_telling', String, new_phrase) rospy.Subscriber('new_element', String, new_element) rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.spin() ################################################
def record_motion(self): for countdown in ['ready?', 3, 2, 1, "go"]: self.say('{}'.format(countdown), blocking=False) rospy.sleep(1) self.arm.recorder.start(10) rospy.loginfo("Recording...") choice = "" while choice != 'stop' and not rospy.is_shutdown(): choice = self.read_user_input(['stop']) joints, eef = self.arm.recorder.stop() self.say('Recorded', blocking=True) if len(joints.joint_trajectory.points) == 0: self.say('This demo is empty, please retry') else: target_id = self.promp.add_demonstration(joints, eef) self.say('Added to Pro MP {}'.format(target_id), blocking=False)
def __init__(self, context): super(RqtCalibrationMovements, self).__init__(context) # Give QObjects reasonable names self.setObjectName('LocalMover') rospy.sleep(1.0) # Process standalone plugin command-line arguments from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() # Add argument(s) to the parser. parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="Put plugin in silent mode") args, unknowns = parser.parse_known_args(context.argv()) if not args.quiet: print 'arguments: ', args print 'unknowns: ', unknowns # Create QWidget self._widget = CalibrationMovementsGUI() if context.serial_number() > 1: self._widget.setWindowTitle(self._widget.windowTitle() + (' (%d)' % context.serial_number())) # Add widget to the user interface context.add_widget(self._widget)
def test_light_interface(light_name='head_green_light'): """Blinks a desired Light on then off.""" l = Lights() rospy.loginfo("All available lights on this robot:\n{0}\n".format( ', '.join(l.list_all_lights()))) rospy.loginfo("Blinking Light: {0}".format(light_name)) on_off = lambda x: 'ON' if l.get_light_state(x) else 'OFF' rospy.loginfo("Initial state: {0}".format(on_off(light_name))) # turn on light l.set_light_state(light_name, True) rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("New state: {0}".format(on_off(light_name))) # turn off light l.set_light_state(light_name, False) rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("New state: {0}".format(on_off(light_name))) # turn on light l.set_light_state(light_name, True) rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("New state: {0}".format(on_off(light_name))) # reset output l.set_light_state(light_name, False) rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("Final state: {0}".format(on_off(light_name)))
def revalidate(self, timeout, invalidate_state=True, invalidate_config=True): """ invalidate the state and config topics, then wait up to timeout seconds for them to become valid again. return true if both the state and config topic data are valid """ if invalidate_state: self.invalidate_state() if invalidate_config: self.invalidate_config() timeout_time = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(timeout) while not self.is_state_valid() and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) if timeout_time < rospy.Time.now(): rospy.logwarn("Timed out waiting for node interface valid...") return False return True
def connect(self): try: print "Connecting to Arduino on port", self.port, "..." self.port = Serial(port=self.port, baudrate=self.baudrate, timeout=self.timeout, writeTimeout=self.writeTimeout) # The next line is necessary to give the firmware time to wake up. time.sleep(1) test = self.get_baud() if test != self.baudrate: time.sleep(1) test = self.get_baud() if test != self.baudrate: raise SerialException print "Connected at", self.baudrate print "Arduino is ready." except SerialException: print "Serial Exception:" print sys.exc_info() print "Traceback follows:" traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print "Cannot connect to Arduino!" os._exit(1)
def handle_wait_event(self, goal): d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(rospy.get_time()) query_result_count = 0; while query_result_count == 0 and self.wait_for_event_server.is_active() == True: if self.wait_for_event_server.is_preempt_requested(): result = WaitForEventResult() result.result = False result.error_msg = 'The client cancel goal.' self.wait_for_event_server.set_preempted(result) return result for i in range(len(goal.event_name)): memory_name = goal.event_name[i] memory_query = json.loads(goal.query[i]) memory_query['time'] = {"$gte": d} query_result = self.collector[memory_name].find(memory_query) query_result_count += query_result.count() rospy.sleep(0.2) result = WaitEventResult() result.result = True self.wait_for_event_server.set_succeeded(result)
def zeroData(self): self.RGripRFingerForceMean = None self.RGripRFingerForceRecent = [] self.accelMean = None self.accelRecent = [] self.temperatureMean = None self.temperatureRecent = [] self.contactmicMean = None self.contactmicRecent = [] self.zeroing = True self.statePublisher.publish('zeroing') while self.RGripRFingerForceMean is None or self.accelMean is None or self.temperatureMean is None or self.contactmicMean is None: rospy.sleep(0.01) self.statePublisher.publish('stop') self.zeroing = False print 'Data zeroed'
def setUp(self): self.client = UIClient() self.node = UINode() self.node.start() self.msg = None ''' self.instruct_pub = rospy.Publisher( nb_channels.Messages.instruct.value, String, queue_size=10 ) ''' self.subscribe() rospy.sleep(0.1)
def setUp(self, MockSequence): server = TaskServer('needybot') self.server_client = TaskServerClient('needybot') self.boot = MockSequence() server.add_boot_sequence(self.boot) self.idle = Task("idle") self.task_one = Task("task_one") self.idle.steps['load'].entered_handler = MagicMock() self.idle.instruct = MagicMock() self.task_one.steps['load'].entered_handler = MagicMock() self.task_one.steps['abort'].entered_handler = MagicMock() self.task_one.instruct = MagicMock() self.server_client.boot(EmptyRequest()) rospy.sleep(0.1)
def monitor(self): # Wait until subscriber on instruct message is present notified = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): _, subscribers, _ = Master('/needybot').getSystemState() if dict(subscribers).get(nb_channels.Messages.instruct.value) is not None: if self.is_connected == False: self.connected_pub.publish() self.is_connected = True else: if self.is_connected or not notified: notified = True self.disconnected_pub.publish() self.is_connected = False rospy.sleep(0.1)
def neck_control(self, positions, wait=True): """ Control all 3 points of the head: lowerNeckPitch - 0 to 0.5 - looks down neckYaw - -1.0 to 1.0 - looks left and right upperNeckPitch - -0.5 to 0.0 - looks up """ trajectories = [] for p in positions: trajectories.append(self.zarj.make_joint(self.MOVE_TIME, p)) msg = NeckTrajectoryRosMessage() msg.joint_trajectory_messages = trajectories msg.unique_id = self.zarj.uid self.neck_publisher.publish(msg) if wait: rospy.sleep(self.MOVE_TIME + 0.1)
def set_arm_configuration(self, sidename, joints, movetime = None): if sidename == 'left': side = ArmTrajectoryRosMessage.LEFT elif sidename == 'right': side = ArmTrajectoryRosMessage.RIGHT else: rospy.logerr("Unknown side {}".format(sidename)) return if movetime is None: movetime = self.ARM_MOVE_TIME for i in range(len(joints)): if math.isnan(joints[i]): joints[i] = self.last_arms[side][i] msg = self.make_arm_trajectory(side, ArmTrajectoryRosMessage.OVERRIDE, movetime, joints) self.last_arms[side] = deepcopy(joints) log('Setting {} arm to {}'.format(sidename, joints)) self.arm_trajectory_publisher.publish(msg) rospy.sleep(movetime)
def test(self): # move_arm(self) # move_hand(self) # self.plot_arms() rospy.sleep(0.1) # self.mashButton() rospy.sleep(0.1) self.close_grasp(RIGHT) rospy.sleep(0.1) self.open_grasp(RIGHT) rospy.sleep(0.1) self.close_grasp(LEFT) rospy.sleep(0.1) self.open_grasp(LEFT) rospy.sleep(0.1) self.close_grasp(LEFT)
def start_processing(self): """ Start processing data """ if self.disabled: rospy.loginfo("Processing started") self.disabled = False if self.sub_left is None: self.sub_left = rospy.Subscriber( "/multisense/camera/left/image_color", Image, self.left_color_detection) rospy.sleep(0.1) if self.sub_right is None: self.sub_right = rospy.Subscriber( "/multisense/camera/right/image_color", Image, self.right_color_detection) rospy.sleep(0.1) if self.sub_cloud is None: self.sub_cloud = rospy.Subscriber( "/multisense/image_points2_color", PointCloud2, self.stereo_cloud)
def run(self, distance, angle, snap_to, options): """ Run our code """ rospy.loginfo("Start test code") self.task_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("/srcsim/finals/task", Task, self.task_status) rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz if self.task_subscriber.get_num_connections() == 0: rospy.loginfo('waiting for task publisher...') while self.task_subscriber.get_num_connections() == 0: rate.sleep() if distance > 0.0001 or distance < -0.005: self.zarj_os.walk.forward(distance, True) while not self.zarj_os.walk.walk_is_done(): rospy.sleep(0.01) if abs(angle) > 0.0 or "turn" in options: align = "align" in options small_forward = 0.005 if align else None self.zarj_os.walk.turn(angle, snap_to, align_to_snap = align, small_forward = small_forward) while not self.zarj_os.walk.walk_is_done(): rospy.sleep(0.01)
def start(self, _=None): """ Start the macro """ joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.arm_styles['pass_football']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_arm_configuration('right', joints) log("Setting right hand to pass a football") self.fc.zarj.hands.set_arm_configuration('right', joints) joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.arm_styles['tuck']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_arm_configuration('left', joints) log("Tucking left arm, setting left hand to opposition") self.fc.zarj.hands.set_arm_configuration('left', joints) joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.hand_styles['oppose']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_hand_configuration('left', joints) self.fc.zarj.hands.set_hand_configuration('left', joints) log("Looking down") self.fc.zarj.neck.neck_control([0.5, 0, 0], True) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.fc.send_stereo_camera() log("Pick the two top corners of the array handle.") self.done = True
def start(self, _=None): """ Start the macro """ joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.hand_styles['open']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_hand_configuration('left', joints) self.fc.zarj.hands.set_hand_configuration('left', joints) log("Looking down and left") self.fc.zarj.neck.neck_control([0.5, 1.0, 0], True) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.fc.clear_points() if not self.chain_okay: self.fc.send_stereo_camera() log("Click the button.") self.done = True
def start(self, _=None): """ Start the macro """ anchor = self.fc.assure_anchor("center") if anchor is None: raise ZarjConfused("Cannot find the choke") x = anchor.adjusted[0] y = anchor.adjusted[1] + (.05 * math.sin(math.radians(anchor.angle))) z = anchor.adjusted[2] + 0.14 log("Commanding hand above cable end") msg = ZarjMovePalmCommand('right', False, x, y, z, -1 * anchor.angle, 20, -90, True) self.fc.process_palm_msg(msg) self.done = True log("Giving the hand a long time to settle down.") rospy.sleep(3.0)
def start(self, _=None): """ Start the macro """ anchor = self.fc.assure_anchor("plugin_start") if anchor is None: raise ZarjConfused("Cannot find the plug") x = anchor.adjusted[0] y = anchor.adjusted[1] + 0.05 z = anchor.adjusted[2] log("Commanding hand above and left of plug; x {}, y {}, z {}".format(x, y, z)) msg = ZarjMovePalmCommand('right', False, x, y, z, 0, 0, 45, True) self.fc.process_palm_msg(msg) self.done = True log("Giving the hand a long time to settle down.") rospy.sleep(3.0)
def _spin_wheel(self): """ Spin the wheel. """ joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.arm_styles['door_out']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_arm_configuration('left', joints) self.fc.zarj.hands.set_arm_configuration('left', joints, 1.0) rospy.sleep(0.5) joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.arm_styles['door_top']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_arm_configuration('left', joints) self.fc.zarj.hands.set_arm_configuration('left', joints, 1.0) rospy.sleep(0.5) joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.arm_styles['door_bottom']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_arm_configuration('left', joints) self.fc.zarj.hands.set_arm_configuration('left', joints, 1.5) rospy.sleep(0.5)
def start(self, _=None): """ Start the macro """ joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.arm_styles['pass_football']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_arm_configuration('right', joints) log("Setting right hand to pass a football") self.fc.zarj.hands.set_arm_configuration('right', joints) joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.arm_styles['king_tut']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_arm_configuration('left', joints) log("Extending left arm, setting left hand to grab down") self.fc.zarj.hands.set_arm_configuration('left', joints) joints = deepcopy(LimbTypes.hand_styles['open_down']) joints = LimbTypes.invert_hand_configuration('left', joints) self.fc.zarj.hands.set_hand_configuration('left', joints) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.fc.send_stereo_camera() log("Pick two points along the _GRIP_, long way (antenna <--> base) of " "the detector. Generally just a little in toward the robot from " "the center line")
def start(self, _=None): """ Start the macro """ anchor = self.fc.assure_anchor("center") if anchor is None: return False x = anchor.adjusted[0] y = anchor.adjusted[1] z = 0.838 + 0.1 log("Commanding hand to position just above object") msg = ZarjMovePalmCommand('left', False, x, y, z, -1 * anchor.angle, 25, 90, True) self.fc.process_palm_msg(msg) log("Giving it a while to settle") rospy.sleep(3.0) log("Commanding hand onto object") msg = ZarjMovePalmCommand('left', False, x, y, z - .08, -1 * anchor.angle, 25, 90, True) self.fc.process_palm_msg(msg) rospy.sleep(0.5)
def execute(self, ud): rospy.loginfo('Start Return to home!!') if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() return 'failed' (current_x,current_y) = self.cmd_position.get_robot_current_x_y() self.cmd_move.move_to(x = 2-current_x,y = -1.5-current_y) # self.cmd_move.move_to(y = -current_y) self.cmd_turn.turn_to(math.pi) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.cmd_return.go_close_line() # self.cmd_move.move_to(x = -2.6) return 'successed' #??????????????????????
def execute(self, ud): rospy.loginfo("Start Shovel ball!!!!!") if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() return 'failed' self.cmd_shovel.control_shovel(control_type=0) rospy.sleep(0.5) return 'successed' ############################################ ###########pass_ball_first################## ############################################ #?????????????????????
def execute(self, ud): if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() return 'failed' rospy.loginfo("x = %s"%ud.column_x) rospy.loginfo("theta = %s"%ud.column_theta) self.move_cmd.move_to(x = ud.column_x - 2.3) self.move_cmd.move_to( yaw=ud.column_theta) rospy.sleep(1) (x,column_theta) = find_cylinder_state.find_cylinder_state().find_cylinder() # self.move_cmd.move_to(x - 2.3) self.move_cmd.move_to( yaw= column_theta) return 'successed' ############################################ ###############Find Ball#################### ############################################ #??????????????????????? # ball_x ????????x?? # ball_y ????????y?? # ball_theta ?????x???? #??? ???????????????x????????
def execute(self, ud): if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() return 'failed' rospy.sleep(0.5) (x,y,theta) = find_volleyball.find_volleyball().find_volleyball() rospy.loginfo("x = %s,y = %s ",x,y) self.move_cmd.turn_to(theta*0.95) self.move_cmd.move_to(x = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y) - 0.25) # self.move_cmd.move_to(y = y) # self.move_cmd.move_to(x = x - 0.2 ) return 'successed' ############################################ ################Control##################### ############################################
def waitForInitialPose(self, next_topic, timeout=None): counter = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): counter = counter + 1 if timeout and counter >= timeout: return False try: self.marker_lock.acquire() self.initialize_poses = True topic_suffix = next_topic.split("/")[-1] if self.initial_poses.has_key(topic_suffix): self.pre_pose = PoseStamped(pose=self.initial_poses[topic_suffix]) self.initialize_poses = False return True else: rospy.logdebug(self.initial_poses.keys()) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for pose topic of '%s' to be initialized", topic_suffix) rospy.sleep(1) finally: self.marker_lock.release()
def __init__(self): State.__init__(self, outcomes=['success'], input_keys=['waypoints'], output_keys=['waypoints']) # Create publsher to publish waypoints as pose array so that you can see them in rviz, etc. self.poseArray_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/waypoints', PoseArray, queue_size=1) # Start thread to listen for reset messages to clear the waypoint queue def wait_for_path_reset(): """thread worker function""" global waypoints while not rospy.is_shutdown(): data = rospy.wait_for_message('/path_reset', Empty) rospy.loginfo('Recieved path RESET message') self.initialize_path_queue() rospy.sleep(3) # Wait 3 seconds because `rostopic echo` latches # for three seconds and wait_for_message() in a # loop will see it again. reset_thread = threading.Thread(target=wait_for_path_reset) reset_thread.start()
def zero_sensor(self): rospy.loginfo("Zeroing sensor...") # Wait a little bit until we get a message from the sensor rospy.sleep(1) self.tip_offset, self.inside_offset = (np.zeros_like(self.tip), np.zeros_like(self.inside)) inside_vals, tip_vals = [], [] r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and len(inside_vals) < 10: inside, tip = self.inside, self.tip # If there are zero values (most likely becase a message # has not yet been received), skip that. We could also # initialize them with nans to find out if there's a # problem if all(inside) and all(tip): inside_vals.append(inside) tip_vals.append(tip) r.sleep() # Center around 5000, so ranges are similar to when not centering self.inside_offset = np.min(inside_vals, axis=0) - 5000 self.tip_offset = np.min(tip_vals, axis=0) - 5000 rospy.loginfo("Zeroing finished")
def y_block_side_scan(self, pose, direction=(0,0,1), y_dir=0.005, sensor_index=13, max_inside = 1000, timeout=50): while True: if(not self.sensors_updated()): return #rospy.loginfo("Moving to touch (at {})".format(self.inside[6])) if self.inside[sensor_index] < max_inside: return else: scaled_direction = (di / 100 for di in direction) #print("Scaled direction: ", scaled_direction) v_cartesian = self._vector_to(scaled_direction) v_cartesian[0] = y_dir #print("cartesian: ", v_cartesian) v_joint = self.compute_joint_velocities(v_cartesian) #print("joint : ", v_joint) self.limb.set_joint_velocities(v_joint) rospy.sleep(0.25)
def limb_pose(limb_name): """Get limb pose at time of OK cuff button press.""" button = CuffOKButton(limb_name) rate = rospy.Rate(20) # rate at which we check whether button was # pressed or not rospy.loginfo( 'Waiting for %s OK cuff button press to save pose' % limb_name) while not button.pressed and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep() joint_pose = baxter_interface.Limb(limb_name).joint_angles() # Now convert joint coordinates to end effector cartesian # coordinates using forward kinematics. kinematics = baxter_kinematics(limb_name) endpoint_pose = kinematics.forward_position_kinematics(joint_pose) # How is this different from # baxter_interface.Limb(limb_name).endpoint_pose() print() print('baxter_interface endpoint pose:') print(baxter_interface.Limb(limb_name).endpoint_pose()) print('pykdl forward kinematics endpoint pose:') print(endpoint_pose) print() return endpoint_pose
def pick(self, pose, direction=(0, 0, 1), distance=0.1, controller=None): """Go to pose + pick_direction * pick_distance, open, go to pose, close, go to pose + pick_direction * pick_distance. """ print(pose) pregrasp_pose = self.translate(pose, direction, distance) print(pregrasp_pose) self.limb.set_joint_position_speed(0.1) self.move_ik(pregrasp_pose) # We want to block end effector opening so that the next # movement happens with the gripper fully opened. self.gripper.open(block=True) self.limb.set_joint_position_speed(0.05) self.move_ik(pose) if controller is not None: print ('controller ON!!') controller.enable() rospy.sleep(5) controller.disable() self.gripper.close(block=True) #self.gripper.command_position(45, block=True) rospy.sleep(2) #self.move_ik(pregrasp_pose)
def pick(self, pose, direction=(0, 0, 1), distance=0.1, controller=None): """Go to pose + pick_direction * pick_distance, open, go to pose, close, go to pose + pick_direction * pick_distance. """ rospy.logdebug("pick pose: %s" % pose) pregrasp_pose = self.translate(pose, direction, distance) rospy.logdebug("pregrasp_pose: %s" % pregrasp_pose) rospy.sleep(1) self.move_ik(pregrasp_pose) # We want to block end effector opening so that the next # movement happens with the gripper fully opened. self.gripper.open(block=True) self.move_ik(pose) if controller is not None: print ('controller ON!!') controller.enable() rospy.sleep(5) controller.disable() self.gripper.close(block=True) self.move_ik(pregrasp_pose)
def main(limb_name, reset): """ Parameters ---------- limb : str Which limb to use. Choices are {'left', 'right'} reset : bool Whether to use previously saved picking and placing poses or to save new ones by using 0g mode and the OK cuff buttons. """ # Initialise ros node rospy.init_node("pick_and_place", anonymous=False) b = Baxter(limb_name) place_pose = limb_pose(limb_name).tolist() print (place_pose) block = Blocks() rospy.sleep(4) pick_pose = block.pose rospy.loginfo('Block pose: %s' % pick_pose) #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() b.pick(pick_pose, controller=None) b.place(place_pose)
def limb_pose(limb_name): """Get limb pose at time of OK cuff button press.""" button = CuffOKButton(limb_name) rate = rospy.Rate(20) # rate at which we check whether button was # pressed or not rospy.loginfo( 'Waiting for %s OK cuff button press to save pose' % limb_name) while not button.pressed and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep() joint_pose = baxter_interface.Limb(limb_name).joint_angles() # Now convert joint coordinates to end effector cartesian # coordinates using forward kinematics. kinematics = baxter_kinematics(limb_name) endpoint_pose = kinematics.forward_position_kinematics(joint_pose) #print (endpoint_pose) return endpoint_pose
def goto(self, from_frame, to_frame): ''' Calculates the transfrom from from_frame to to_frame and commands the arm in cartesian mode. ''' try: trans = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform(from_frame, to_frame, rospy.Time()) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rate.sleep() # continue translation = [trans.transform.translation.x, trans.transform.translation.y, trans.transform.translation.z] rotation = [trans.transform.rotation.x, trans.transform.rotation.y, trans.transform.rotation.z, trans.transform.rotation.w] pose_value = translation + rotation #second arg=0 (absolute movement), arg = '-r' (relative movement) self.cmmnd_CartesianPosition(pose_value, 0)
def cmmnd_makeContact_USBPlug(self, sensitivity): rate = rospy.Rate(100) while (self.bump_finger_1 < sensitivity)and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print (self.bump_finger_1) self.cmmnd_CartesianVelocity([-0.03,0,0,0,0,0,1]) rate.sleep() print ("contact made with the ground") # def pick_USBlight_1(self, current_finger_position): # ii = 0 # rate = rospy.Rate(100) # while self.touch_finger_3 != True and not rospy.is_shutdown(): # current_finger_position[0] += 5 # slowly close finger_1 until contact is made # print (current_finger_position[0]) # self.cmmnd_FingerPosition([current_finger_position[0], current_finger_position[1], current_finger_position[2]]) # rate.sleep() # self.touch_finger_1 = False # return current_finger_position
def pick(self, pose, direction=(0, 0, 1), distance=0.1): """Go to pose + pick_direction * pick_distance, open, go to pose, close, go to pose + pick_direction * pick_distance. """ pregrasp_pose = self.translate(pose, direction, distance) self.move_ik(pregrasp_pose) rospy.sleep(0.5) # We want to block end effector opening so that the next # movement happens with the gripper fully opened. In Baxter, # that involves sublcassing the gripper class self.gripper.open() self.move_ik(pose) rospy.sleep(0.5) self.gripper.close() rospy.sleep(0.5) self.move_ik(pregrasp_pose)
def run_trial_tf(self, policy, time_to_run=5): """ Run an async controller from a policy. The async controller receives observations from ROS subscribers and then uses them to publish actions.""" should_stop = False consecutive_failures = 0 start_time = time.time() while should_stop is False: if self.observations_stale is False: consecutive_failures = 0 last_obs = tf_obs_msg_to_numpy(self._tf_subscriber_msg) action_msg = tf_policy_to_action_msg(self.dU, self._get_new_action(policy, last_obs), self.current_action_id) self._tf_publish(action_msg) self.observations_stale = True self.current_action_id += 1 else: rospy.sleep(0.01) consecutive_failures += 1 if time.time() - start_time > time_to_run and consecutive_failures > 5: # we only stop when we have run for the trial time and are no longer receiving obs. should_stop = True rospy.sleep(0.25) # wait for finished trial to come in. result = self._trial_service._subscriber_msg return result # the trial has completed. Here is its message.
def __init__(self): self.node_name = "face_recog_fisher" rospy.init_node(self.node_name) rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) self.bridge = CvBridge() self.face_names = StringArray() self.all_names = StringArray() self.size = 4 face_haar = 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml' self.haar_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(face_haar) self.face_dir = 'face_data_fisher' self.model = cv2.createFisherFaceRecognizer() # self.model = cv2.createEigenFaceRecognizer() (self.im_width, self.im_height) = (112, 92) rospy.loginfo("Loading data...") # self.fisher_train_data() self.load_trained_data() rospy.sleep(3) # self.img_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/asus/rgb/image_raw", Image, self.img_callback) self.img_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/usb_cam/image_raw", Image, self.img_callback) # self.img_pub = rospy.Publisher('face_img', Image, queue_size=10) self.name_pub = rospy.Publisher('face_names', StringArray, queue_size=10) self.all_names_pub = rospy.Publisher('all_face_names', StringArray, queue_size=10) rospy.loginfo("Detecting faces...")
def find_station(self, station_id): station_loc = [] if station_id < 2: return [0.0, 0.0] station_loc = self.qr_tag_loc(station_id) count=0 while not station_loc: if count == 12: break self.rotate_tbot(90.0) rospy.sleep(4) station_loc = self.qr_tag_loc(station_id) # print station_loc # rospy.sleep(3) count += 1 return station_loc
def find_person(self, name): # cv2.imshow("Face Image", self.face_img) # cv2.waitKey(3) count=0 found = False while count < 6 and found != True: for i in range(len(self.face_names)): if self.face_names[i] == name: print self.face_names[i] return True break count += 1 self.rotate_tbot(180.0, 45.0/2) rospy.sleep(5) # print count return found
def go_to_start(self, duration=5): d = {"abs_z": 0, "bust_y": 0, "bust_x": 0, "head_z": 0, "head_y": 20, "l_shoulder_y": 0, "l_shoulder_x": 0, "l_arm_z": 20, "l_elbow_y": 0, "r_shoulder_y": 0, "r_shoulder_x": 0, "r_arm_z": 0, "r_elbow_y": 0} self.torso.set_compliant(False) self.torso.reach(d, duration) rospy.sleep(duration)
def execute_iteration(self, task, method, iteration, trial, num_iterations): rospy.logwarn("Controller starts iteration {} {}/{} trial {}".format(method, iteration, num_iterations, trial)) rospy.wait_for_service('ergo/reset') # Ensures Ergo keeps working or wait till it reboots # After resuming, we keep the same iteration if self.perception.has_been_pressed('buttons/help'): rospy.sleep(1.5) # Wait for the robot to fully stop self.recorder.record(task, method, trial, iteration) self.perception.switch_led('button_leds/pause', True) recording = self.perception.record(human_demo=True, nb_points=self.params['nb_points']) self.torso.set_torque_max(self.torso_params['torques']['reset']) self.torso.reset(slow=True) return True else: trajectory = self.learning.produce(skill_to_demonstrate=self.demonstrate).torso_trajectory self.torso.set_torque_max(self.torso_params['torques']['motion']) self.recorder.record(task, method, trial, iteration) self.perception.switch_led('button_leds/pause', True) self.torso.execute_trajectory(trajectory) # TODO: blocking, non-blocking, action server? recording = self.perception.record(human_demo=False, nb_points=self.params['nb_points']) self.perception.switch_led('button_leds/pause', False) recording.demo.torso_demonstration = JointTrajectory() self.torso.set_torque_max(80) self.torso.reset(slow=False) return self.learning.perceive(recording.demo)
def run(self): self.go_to_start() self.last_activity = rospy.Time.now() self.srv_reset = rospy.Service('ergo/reset', Reset, self._cb_reset) rospy.loginfo('Ergo is ready and starts joystick servoing...') self.t = rospy.Time.now() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): now = rospy.Time.now() self.delta_t = (now - self.t).to_sec() self.t = now self.go_or_resume_standby() self.servo_robot(self.joy_y, self.joy_x) self.publish_state() self.publish_button() # Update the last activity if abs(self.joy_x) > self.params['min_joy_activity'] or abs(self.joy_y) > self.params['min_joy_activity']: self.last_activity = rospy.Time.now() self.rate.sleep()
def _read(self, max_attempts=600): got_image = False if self._camera is not None and self._camera.isOpened(): got_image, image = self._camera.read() if not got_image: if not self._error: if max_attempts > 0: rospy.sleep(0.1) self._open() return self._read(max_attempts-1) rospy.logerr("Reached maximum camera reconnection attempts, abandoning!") self._error = True return False, None return False, None return True, image