Python scipy.optimize 模块,brentq() 实例源码


项目:planetplanet    作者:rodluger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample():
    Draw a sample from the distribution of polar angle of the angular 
    momentum vector, :math:`\\theta`, computed using the Monte Carlo 
    technique discussed in the paper. 

    .. plot::
         :align: center

         from import theta
         import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
         x = [theta.sample() for i in range(10000)]
         pl.hist(x, bins = 50)
         pl.xlabel(r'$\\theta$ [deg]', fontweight = 'bold')
         pl.ylabel('Probability', fontweight = 'bold')


    y = np.random.random()
    f = lambda x: CDF(x) - y
    while np.sign(f(0)) == np.sign(f(1)):
        y = np.random.random()
        f = lambda x: CDF(x) - y
    return brentq(f, 0, 1)
项目:MarkovModels    作者:pmontalb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brent_method(self, lower_bound, upper_bound):
        Brent Method - Inverse Quadratic Interpolation
        Returns a zero x* of the function f in the given interval [a, b], to within a tolerance
        6 * machine_epsilon * |x*| + 2 * tolerance. This function assumes f(a) * f(b) < 0
        :param lower_bound:
        :param upper_bound:
        :return: x* s.t. tgt_value = f(x*)
        from scipy.optimize import brentq

            x_star = brentq(self.__objective_function, lower_bound, upper_bound,
                            xtol=self.tolerance, maxiter=self.iteration_max)
        except ValueError as err:
            if str(err) != "f(a) and f(b) must have different signs":
            new_lower_bound, new_upper_bound, _, _ = self.monotonic_root_bracketing(lower_bound, upper_bound)
            x_star = brentq(self.__objective_function, new_lower_bound, new_upper_bound,
                            xtol=self.tolerance, maxiter=self.iteration_max)

        return x_star
项目:pyktrader2    作者:harveywwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def IBAWVol( IsCall, Fwd, Strike, Price, Texp, rd, rf):
    Implied vol for american options according to BAW
    Df   = exp( -rd * Texp)
    if Texp <= 0.:
        raise ValueError, 'maturity must be > 0'

    def f( vol ):
        return Price - Df * BSFwd(IsCall, Fwd, Strike, vol, Texp) - BAWPremium(IsCall, Fwd, Strike, vol, Texp, rd, rf)

    Vol = brentq(f,0.001, 10.0)

    if Vol<0 or Vol>100.:
        raise ValueError, 'the implied vol solver fails'

    return Vol
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega_implicit(n, w, k, tau, h, m):
    phi_m = (2 * np.pi * m) / n
    func = lambda s: -s + 0.5 * k * tau * (h(-s + phi_m) + h(-s - phi_m)) + w * tau

    h_min = 2 * h.min()
    h_max = 2 * h.max()
    s_min = h_min + w * tau
    s_max = h_max + w * tau
    s = np.linspace(s_min, s_max, 10000)

    i_root = get_sign_changes(func(s))
    if len(i_root) > 0:
        omega = []
        for ir in range(len(i_root)):
            s_tmp = optimize.brentq(func, s[i_root[ir]], s[i_root[ir] + 1])
            omega.append(w + 0.5 * k * (h(-s_tmp + phi_m) + h(-s_tmp - phi_m)))
        return omega
        return None
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_implicit_omega(n, w, k, h, m, tau):
    phi_m = (2 * np.pi * m) / n
    func = lambda s: -s + 0.5 * k * tau * (h(-s + phi_m) + h(-s - phi_m)) + w * tau

    h_min = 2 * h.min()
    h_max = 2 * h.max()
    s_min = h_min + w * tau
    s_max = h_max + w * tau
    s = np.linspace(s_min, s_max, 10000)

    i_root = get_sign_changes(func(s))
    if len(i_root) > 0:
        omega = []
        for ir in range(len(i_root)):
            s_tmp = optimize.brentq(func, s[i_root[ir]], s[i_root[ir] + 1])
            omega.append(w + 0.5 * k * (h(-s_tmp + phi_m) + h(-s_tmp - phi_m)))
        return omega
        return []
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega(w, k, tau, f_sum, ns=1000):
        # Setup implicit equation for s
        f = lambda s: k * tau * f_sum(s) + w * tau - s

        # Determine search interval for s
        # Assumption c can only vary between -1 and +1
        s_min = (w - k) * tau
        s_max = (w + k) * tau
        s = np.linspace(s_min - 2, s_max + 2, ns)   # safty margin added

        # Find sign changes as you go along curve
        # Assumes that there are no double sign changes between two values of s
        # A finer sampling interval can be achieved by increasing ns
        i_root = get_sign_changes(f(s))
        if len(i_root) > 0:
            omega = []
            for ir in range(len(i_root)):
                # Numerically solve the implicit equation for omega
                s_tmp = optimize.brentq(f, s[i_root[ir]], s[i_root[ir] + 1])
                omega.append(w + k * f_sum(s_tmp))
            return omega
            return None
项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def betaDistObjective(nabla):
        # Make the "intermediate objective function" for the beta-dist estimation
        #print('Trying nabla=' + str(nabla))
        intermediateObjective = lambda DiscFac : simulateKYratioDifference(DiscFac,
        if Params.do_tractable:
            top = 0.98
            top = 0.998
        DiscFac_new = brentq(intermediateObjective,0.90,top,xtol=10**(-8))
        sim_wealth = (np.vstack((this_type.W_history for this_type in est_type_list))).flatten()
        sim_weights = np.tile(np.repeat(Params.age_weight_all,Params.sim_pop_size),N)
        my_diff = calculateLorenzDifference(sim_wealth,sim_weights,Params.percentiles_to_match,lorenz_target)
        print('DiscFac=' + str(DiscFac_new) + ', nabla=' + str(nabla) + ', diff=' + str(my_diff))
        if my_diff < Params.diff_save:
            Params.DiscFac_save = DiscFac_new
        return my_diff

    # =================================================================
    # ========= Estimating the model ==================================
项目:uncover-ml    作者:GeoscienceAustralia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def itransform(self, y_transformed):

        # FIXME: Interpolate rather than solve for speed?
        ycdf = norm.cdf(y_transformed)
        y = [brentq(self._obj,, b=self.ub, args=(yi,))
             for yi in ycdf]
        return np.array(y)
项目:EZClimate    作者:Litterman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_ir(m, utility, payment, a=0.0, b=1.0): 
    """Find the price of a bond that creates equal utility at time 0 as adding `payment` to the value of 
    consumption in the final period. The purpose of this function is to find the interest rate 
    embedded in the `EZUtility` model. 

    m : ndarray or list
        array of mitigation
    utility : `Utility` object
        object of utility class
    payment : float
        value added to consumption in the final period
    a : float, optional
        initial guess
    b : float, optional
        initial guess - f(b) needs to give different sign than f(a)

        result of optimization

    requires the 'scipy' package


    def min_func(price):
        utility_with_final_payment = utility.adjusted_utility(m, final_cons_eps=payment)
        first_period_eps = payment * price
        utility_with_initial_payment = utility.adjusted_utility(m, first_period_consadj=first_period_eps)
        return utility_with_final_payment - utility_with_initial_payment

    return brentq(min_func, a, b)
项目:EZClimate    作者:Litterman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_term_structure(m, utility, payment, a=0.0, b=1.5): 
    """Find the price of a bond that creates equal utility at time 0 as adding `payment` to the value of 
    consumption in the final period. The purpose of this function is to find the interest rate 
    embedded in the `EZUtility` model. 

    m : ndarray or list
        array of mitigation
    utility : `Utility` object
        object of utility class
    payment : float
        value added to consumption in the final period
    a : float, optional
        initial guess
    b : float, optional
        initial guess - f(b) needs to give different sign than f(a)

        result of optimization

    requires the 'scipy' package


    def min_func(price):
        period_cons_eps = np.zeros(int(utility.decision_times[-1]/utility.period_len) + 1)
        period_cons_eps[-2] = payment
        utility_with_payment = utility.adjusted_utility(m, period_cons_eps=period_cons_eps)
        first_period_eps = payment * price
        utility_with_initial_payment = utility.adjusted_utility(m, first_period_consadj=first_period_eps)
        return  utility_with_payment - utility_with_initial_payment

    return brentq(min_func, a, b)
项目:EZClimate    作者:Litterman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_bec(m, utility, constraint_cost, a=-150, b=150):
    """Used to find a value for consumption that equalizes utility at time 0 in two different solutions.

    m : ndarray or list
        array of mitigation
    utility : `Utility` object
        object of utility class
    constraint_cost : float
        utility cost of constraining period 0 to zero
    a : float, optional
        initial guess
    b : float, optional
        initial guess - f(b) needs to give different sign than f(a)

        result of optimization

    requires the 'scipy' package


    def min_func(delta_con):
        base_utility = utility.utility(m)
        new_utility = utility.adjusted_utility(m, first_period_consadj=delta_con)
        print(base_utility, new_utility, constraint_cost)
        return new_utility - base_utility - constraint_cost

    return brentq(min_func, a, b)
项目:EZClimate    作者:Litterman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def perpetuity_yield(price, start_date, a=0.1, b=100000):
    """Find the yield of a perpetuity starting at year `start_date`.

    price : float
        price of bond ending at `start_date`
    start_date : int
        start year of perpetuity
    a : float, optional
        initial guess
    b : float, optional
        initial guess - f(b) needs to give different sign than f(a)

        result of optimization

    requires the 'scipy' package


    def min_func(perp_yield):
        return price - (100. / (perp_yield+100.))**start_date * (perp_yield + 100)/perp_yield

    return brentq(min_func, a, b)
项目:johnson-county-ddj-public    作者:dssg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_distance_by_area(r, R, a, numeric_correction=0.0001):
    Solves circle_intersection_area(r, R, d) == a for d numerically (analytical solution seems to be too ugly to pursue).
    Assumes that a < pi * min(r, R)**2, will fail otherwise.

    The numeric correction parameter is used whenever the computed distance is exactly (R - r) (i.e. one circle must be inside another).
    In this case the result returned is (R-r+correction). This helps later when we position the circles and need to ensure they intersect.

    >>> find_distance_by_area(1, 1, 0, 0.0)
    >>> round(find_distance_by_area(1, 1, 3.1415, 0.0), 4)
    >>> d = find_distance_by_area(2, 3, 4, 0.0)
    >>> d
    >>> round(circle_intersection_area(2, 3, d), 10)
    >>> find_distance_by_area(1, 2, np.pi)
    if r > R:
        r, R = R, r
    if np.abs(a) < tol:
        return float(r + R)
    if np.abs(min([r, R])**2 * np.pi - a) < tol:
        return np.abs(R - r + numeric_correction)
    return brentq(lambda x: circle_intersection_area(r, R, x) - a, R - r, R + r)
项目:sporco    作者:bwohlberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _proj_l1_scalar_root(v, gamma):
    r"""Projection operator of the :math:`\ell_1` norm. The solution is
    computed via the method of Sec. 6.5.2 in :cite:`parikh-2014-proximal`.

    There is no `axis` parameter since the algorithm for computing the
    solution treats the input `v` as a single vector.

    v : array_like
      Input array :math:`\mathbf{v}`
    gamma : float
      Parameter :math:`\gamma`

    x : ndarray
      Output array

    if norm_l1(v) <= gamma:
        return v
        av = np.abs(v)
        fn = lambda t: np.sum(np.maximum(0, av - t)) - gamma
        t = optim.brentq(fn, 0, av.max())
        return prox_l1(v, t)
项目:pyktrader2    作者:harveywwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def callvalue_to_vol(self, value, strike=None):
        if strike is None: 
            strike = self.forward
        def find_vol(vol):
            self.stdev = vol * self.sqr_term
            return self.value(strike=strike) - value      
        return solver(find_vol, 1e-10, 1e2)
项目:pyktrader2    作者:harveywwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_spread(self, proj, disc, pv):
            def find_spread(spread):
                return self.value(proj, disc, spread=spread) - pv 
            return solver(find_spread, -1e2, 1e2)
项目:PyFrac    作者:GeoEnergyLab-EPFL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MomentsTipAssympGeneral(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel, stagnant, KIPrime):
    """Moments of the General tip asymptote to calculate the volume integral (see Donstov and Pierce, 2017)"""

    TipAsmptargs = (dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel)

    if stagnant:
        w = KIPrime * dist ** 0.5 / Eprime
        (a, b) = FindBracket_w(dist, Kprime, Eprime, muPrime, Cbar, Vel)
        w = brentq(TipAsym_UniversalW_zero_Res, a, b,
                   TipAsmptargs)  # root finding between the upper and lower bounds on width
        if w < -1e-15:
            w = abs(w)

    if Vel < 1e-6:
        delt = 1 / 6
        Kh = Kprime * dist ** 0.5 / (Eprime * w)
        Ch = 2 * Cbar * dist ** 0.5 / (Vel ** 0.5 * w)
        g0 = f(Kh, 0.9911799823 * Ch, 10.392304845)
        delt = 10.392304845 * (1 + 0.9911799823 * Ch) * g0

    M0 = 2 * w * dist / (3 + delt)
    M1 = 2 * w * dist ** 2 / (5 + delt)

    if np.isnan(M0) or np.isnan(M1):
        raise SystemExit('Moment(s) of assymptote are nan')
    return (M0, M1)
项目:PyFrac    作者:GeoEnergyLab-EPFL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FF_Yang_Dou(Re, rough):
    This function approximate the friction factor for the given Reynold's number and the relative roughness arrays with
    the Yang Dou approximation (see Yang, S. Dou, G. (2010). Turbulent drag reduction with polymer additive in rough 
    pipes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 642 279-294). The function is implicit and utilize a numerical root finder

        ReNum (ndarray-float): Reynold's number 
        rough (ndarray-float): 1/relative roughness (w/roughness length scale)

         ndarray-float : frction factor
    ff_args = (Re, rough)
    sol_vbyu = fsolve(FF_Yang_Dou_residual, 15., ff_args)
    # sol_vbyu = brentq(FF_Yang_Dou_residual, 18., 100., ff_args)

    ff_Yang_Dou = 2 / sol_vbyu ** 2
    Rplus = Re / (2 * sol_vbyu)
    ff_Man_Strkl = 0.143 / 4 / rough ** (1 / 3)

    if Rplus >= 100 * rough:
        ff = ff_Man_Strkl
        ff = ff_Yang_Dou
    if rough < 32 and ff > ff_Man_Strkl:
        ff = ff_Man_Strkl

    return ff

项目:GQCA_alloys    作者:WMD-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def root(x,T):
    eta_0 = 0.0
    eta_1 = 1e0
    while polynom(eta_1,x,T) >= 0:
        eta_1 = 10*eta_1
    return brentq(polynom,eta_0,eta_1,args=(x,T),maxiter=1000)

# GQCA probability of finding the configuration j in the alloy
项目:mushroom    作者:carloderamo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, omega, beta_min=-10., beta_max=10.):

            omega (Parameter): the omega parameter of the policy from which beta
                of the Boltzmann policy is computed;
            beta_min (float, -10.): one end of the bracketing interval for
                minimization with Brent's method;
            beta_max (float, 10.): the other end of the bracketing interval for
                minimization with Brent's method.

        self.__name__ = 'Mellowmax'

        class MellowmaxParameter:
            def __init__(self, outer, beta_min, beta_max):
                self._omega = omega
                self._outer = outer
                self._beta_min = beta_min
                self._beta_max = beta_max

            def __call__(self, state):
                mm = Mellowmax.mellow_max(self._outer._approximator, state,

                def f(beta):
                    v = self._outer._approximator.predict(state) - mm

                    return np.sum(np.exp(beta * v) * v)
                    return brentq(f, a=self._beta_min, b=self._beta_max)
                except ValueError:
                    return 0.

        beta_mellow = MellowmaxParameter(self, beta_min, beta_max)

        super(Mellowmax, self).__init__(beta_mellow)
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_balanced_budget_tax(c):
    Find tax level that will induce a balanced budget.

    def steady_state_budget(t):
        e, u, w = compute_steady_state_quantities(c, t)
        return t - u * c

    ? = brentq(steady_state_budget, 0.0, 0.9 * c)
    return ?

# Levels of unemployment insurance we wish to study
项目:social-media-pulse    作者:jrmontag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_event_volume(self):
        Calculate an estimate for the total count of activities solely due to the SMP model. 

        totals: 2-tuple 
            Sum of model counts evaluation over the duration of the event with the background 
            (baseline), and same but without the baseline included. 
        # unpack optimized model parameters
        x0, alpha, beta, a0, y0 = self.model.parameters

        x_root = sp_optimize.brentq(self.model.evaluate_point, 
                                    args=(x0, alpha, beta, a0, y0, True)

        # create the x values, step size is same as original 
        x_array_step =[1] -[0]
        x_array = np.arange(x0, x_root, x_array_step)
        # create array of point-by-point (scaled) model evaluations (w/ + w/o baselines) 
        point_evals_with_baseline = self.model.evaluate(x_array, x0, alpha, beta, a0, y0)
        point_evals_without_baseline = self.model.evaluate(x_array, x0, alpha, beta, a0, y0, remove_offset=True)

        # de-scale the y values to actual counts 
        baseline_counts = sum(, 
                                                    make_larger=True) ) 
        no_baseline_counts = sum(, 
                                                        make_larger=True) ) 

        # combine the two for return 
        totals = (

        return totals
项目:sdp_kmeans    作者:simonsfoundation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def swiss_roll_2d(n_samples=100, noise=0.0, regular=True, random_state=None):
    if regular:
        def reg_sampler():
            def locations(k):
                return np.sqrt(np.abs(0.5 * lambertw(0.5 * np.exp(2 * k - 1))))

            # Next lines find the root of an approximate inverse of the
            # arc-length function.
            # k_min = brentq(lambda x: locations(x) - np.pi, 12, 13)
            # k_max = brentq(lambda x: locations(x) - 4 * np.pi, 161, 163)
            # Since their values are fixed, I will hardcode them to:
            k_min = 12.207481467498257
            k_max = 161.63784184495893
            t = locations(np.linspace(k_min, k_max, n_samples))
            return t

        # t = 1.5 * np.pi * (1 + 2 * np.linspace(0, 1, n_samples))
        t = reg_sampler()
        t = t[np.newaxis, :]
        x = t * np.cos(t)
        y = t * np.sin(t)

        X = np.concatenate((x, y))
        generator = check_random_state(random_state)
        X += noise * generator.randn(2, n_samples)
        X = X.T
        t = np.squeeze(t)

        return X, t
        X, t = sk_datasets.make_swiss_roll(n_samples=n_samples, noise=noise,
        X = X[:, [0, 2]]
        idx = np.argsort(t)
        return X[idx, :], t[idx]
项目:OpenLaval    作者:istellartech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Kstar_max(self):
        """ value of K*(dimensionless vortex constant) for which weight flow in maximum
        See also:
            NASA TN D-4421 eq. 23-25

        max_val = 0
                f = lambda Mstar: (1 - (max_val/self.Mlstar)**2 * Mstar**2) ** (1/(self.gamma - 1))
                max_val -= 0.1
            max_val += 0.1

        def func(Kstar_max):
            a1 = (1 - Kstar_max**2)**(1/(self.gamma -1))
            a2 = (1 - (Kstar_max**2) * (self.Mustar/self.Mlstar)**2)
            a3 = (1/(self.gamma - 1))

            # This if is to avoid the bug in python3 it self
                a2 = ((Kstar_max**2) * (self.Mustar/self.Mlstar)**2 - 1)
                a = a1 + a2**a3
            else :
                a = a1 - a2 ** a3

            f = lambda Mstar: (1 - (Kstar_max/self.Mlstar)**2 * Mstar**2) ** (1/(self.gamma - 1))
            b = integrate.quad(f,self.Mlstar,self.Mustar)
            return a - b[0]

        Kstar_max = optimize.brentq(func,0.1,max_val)

        return Kstar_max
项目:TiebackSim    作者:edgyUsername    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def minimize_q(D,L,massFlow,Cp_l,Cp_g,vapQ,T0,T1,T_out,U,h1,h0):
    Cp= vapQ * Cp_g + (1 - vapQ) * Cp_l
    A = math.pi * D * L
    def fun(x):
        return -x+T_out + (T0 - T_out) * exp(-(x - T0) * U * A / ((h1 - h0) * massFlow))
    # T=brentq(fun,max(T0,T1,T_out)+50,min(T0,T1,T_out)-50)
    # T=2*((h1-h0)*massFlow/(T1-T0)+T_out)/(1+2*(h1-h0)/(T1-T0))
    print T1,T
    # while error>tolT:
    #   T=fun(T1)
    #   print T
    #   error=abs(T-T1)
    #   T1=T
    return T
项目:MultiRelaySelectionDFCoopCom    作者:JianshanZhou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_optPower(lam_ij, lam_id, lamjd_rSet, rSet, pi_max):
    For the sake of demonstration, here the closed-form expression of the outage
     probability of the multi-relay DF cooperative communication under the
     assumption of i.i.d channel fading is exploited.
    pi_max and pi_min are the guessed bounds of the power level used at the
     source i, respectively.
    lamjd_rSet is an array containing the lambda_jd(i) over the set rSet
    xmin = 0.01
    xmax = 10*np.log10(pi_max)
    #x is in dB
    func = lambda x: const.BETA - outage_prob_sys_iid(lam_ij, lam_id, 10.0**(x/10.0), rSet)

#    lowerB = func(xmin)
#    print lowerB
#    upperB = func(xmax)
#    print upperB
#    if lowerB*upperB > 0.0:
#        print lowerB, upperB
#        raise

    x0 = brentq(func, xmin, xmax)
    w_i = 10.0**(x0/10.0)
    wj_rSet = lamjd_rSet*(w_i/lam_id)
    return w_i, wj_rSet#in Watt
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega(w, k, tau, f_sum, ns=1000):
        # Setup implicit equation for s
        f = lambda s: k * tau * f_sum(s) + w * tau - s

        # Determine search interval for s
        # Assumption c can only vary between -1 and +1
        s_min = (w - k) * tau
        s_max = (w + k) * tau
        s = np.linspace(s_min - 2, s_max + 2, ns)   # safty margin added

        # Find sign changes as you go along curve
        # Assumes that there are no double sign changes between two values of s
        # A finer sampling interval can be achieved by increasing ns
        i_root = get_sign_changes(f(s))
        if len(i_root) > 0:
            omega = []
            for ir in range(len(i_root)):
                # Numerically solve the implicit equation for omega
                s_tmp = optimize.brentq(f, s[i_root[ir]], s[i_root[ir] + 1])
                omega.append(w + k * f_sum(s_tmp))
            return omega
            return None

# #############################################################################
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega(topo, twist_number, h, k, w, tau, ns=10000):
    # Setup coupling sum
    c = lambda s: topo.get_coupling_sum(h, twist_number, s)

    # Setup implicit equation for s
    f = lambda s: k * tau * c(s) + w * tau - s

    # Determine search interval for s
    # Assumption c can only vary between -1 and +1
    s_min = (w - k) * tau
    s_max = (w + k) * tau
    s = np.linspace(s_min - 2, s_max + 2, ns)   # safty margin added

    # Find sign changes as you go along curve
    # Assumes that there are no double sign changes between two values of s
    # A finer sampling interval can be achieved by increasing ns
    i_root = get_sign_changes(f(s))
    if len(i_root) > 0:
        omega = []
        for ir in range(len(i_root)):
            # Numerically solve the implicit equation for omega
            s_tmp = optimize.brentq(f, s[i_root[ir]], s[i_root[ir] + 1])
            omega.append(w + k * c(s_tmp))
        return omega
        return None
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega(system, ns=1000):
        # Get coupling sum function
        h_sum = SyncState.get_coupling_sum(system)

        # Setup implicit equation for s
        f = lambda s: system.g.k * system.g.tau * h_sum(s) + system.pll.w * system.g.tau - s

        # Determine search interval for s
        # Assumption c can only vary between -1 and +1
        s_min = (system.pll.w - system.g.k) * system.g.tau
        s_max = (system.pll.w + system.g.k) * system.g.tau
        s = np.linspace(s_min - 2, s_max + 2, ns)   # safty margin added

        # Find sign changes as you go along curve
        # Assumes that there are no double sign changes between two values of s
        # A finer sampling interval can be achieved by increasing ns
        i_root = get_sign_changes(f(s))
        if len(i_root) > 0:
            omega = []
            for ir in range(len(i_root)):
                # Numerically solve the implicit equation for omega
                s_tmp = optimize.brentq(f, s[i_root[ir]], s[i_root[ir] + 1])
                omega.append(system.pll.w + system.g.k * h_sum(s_tmp))
            return omega
            return None
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega(w, k, tau, f_sum, ns=1000):
        # Setup implicit equation for s
        f = lambda s: k * tau * f_sum(s) + w * tau - s

        # Determine search interval for s
        # Assumption c can only vary between -1 and +1
        s_min = (w - k) * tau
        s_max = (w + k) * tau
        s = np.linspace(s_min - 2, s_max + 2, ns)   # safty margin added

        # Find sign changes as you go along curve
        # Assumes that there are no double sign changes between two values of s
        # A finer sampling interval can be achieved by increasing ns
        i_root = get_sign_changes(f(s))
        if len(i_root) > 0:
            omega = []
            for ir in range(len(i_root)):
                # Numerically solve the implicit equation for omega
                s_tmp = optimize.brentq(f, s[i_root[ir]], s[i_root[ir] + 1])
                omega.append(w + k * f_sum(s_tmp))
            return omega
            return None

# #############################################################################
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega(w, k, tau, f_sum, ns=1000):
        # Setup implicit equation for s
        f = lambda s: k * tau * f_sum(s) + w * tau - s

        # Determine search interval for s
        # Assumption c can only vary between -1 and +1
        s_min = (w - k) * tau
        s_max = (w + k) * tau
        s = np.linspace(s_min - 2, s_max + 2, ns)   # safty margin added

        # Find sign changes as you go along curve
        # Assumes that there are no double sign changes between two values of s
        # A finer sampling interval can be achieved by increasing ns
        i_root = get_sign_changes(f(s))
        if len(i_root) > 0:
            omega = []
            for ir in range(len(i_root)):
                # Numerically solve the implicit equation for omega
                s_tmp = optimize.brentq(f, s[i_root[ir]], s[i_root[ir] + 1])
                omega.append(w + k * f_sum(s_tmp))
            return omega
            return None

# #############################################################################
项目:pwtools    作者:elcorto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _findroot(self, func, x0=None, xab=None, **kwds):
        """Find root of `func` by Newton's method if `x0` is given or Brent's
        method if `xab` is given. If neither is given, then
        ``xab=[self.x[0],self.x[-1]]`` and Brent's method is used.

        func : callable, must accept a scalar and retun a scalar
        x0 : float
            start guess for Newton's secant method
        xab : sequence of length 2
            start bracket for Brent's method, root must lie in between
        **kwds : 
            passed to scipy root finder (newton() or brentq())

        xx : scalar
            the root of func(x)
        if x0 is not None:
            xx = optimize.newton(func, x0, **kwds)
            if xab is None:
                xab = [self.x[0], self.x[-1]]
            xx = optimize.brentq(func, xab[0], xab[1], **kwds)
        return xx
项目:jyotisha    作者:sanskrit-coders    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_lagna_data(jd_sunrise, lat, lon, tz_off, ayanamsha_id=swe.SIDM_LAHIRI, debug=False):
  """Returns the lagna data

        float jd: The Julian Day at which the lagnam is to be computed
        lat: Latitude of the place where the lagnam is to be computed
        lon: Longitude of the place where the lagnam is to be computed
        offset: Used by internal functions for bracketing

        tuples detailing the end time of each lagna, beginning with the one
        prevailing at sunrise

        >>> get_lagna_data(2458222.5208333335, lat=13.08784, lon=80.27847, tz_off=5.5)
        [(12, 2458222.5214310056), (1, 2458222.596420153), (2, 2458222.6812926503), (3, 2458222.772619788), (4, 2458222.8624254186), (5, 2458222.9478168003), (6, 2458223.0322211445), (7, 2458223.1202004547), (8, 2458223.211770839), (9, 2458223.3000455885), (10, 2458223.3787625884), (11, 2458223.4494649624)]
  lagna_sunrise = 1 + floor(get_lagna_float(jd_sunrise, lat, lon, ayanamsha_id=ayanamsha_id))

  lagna_list = [(x + lagna_sunrise - 1) % 12 + 1 for x in range(12)]

  lbrack = jd_sunrise - 3 / 24
  rbrack = jd_sunrise + 3 / 24
  lagna_data = []

  for lagna in lagna_list:
    # print('---\n', lagna)
    if (debug):
      print('lagna sunrise', get_lagna_float(jd_sunrise, lat, lon, ayanamsha_id=ayanamsha_id))
      print('lbrack', get_lagna_float(lbrack, lat, lon, int(-lagna), ayanamsha_id=ayanamsha_id))
      print('rbrack', get_lagna_float(rbrack, lat, lon, int(-lagna), ayanamsha_id=ayanamsha_id))

    lagna_end_time = brentq(get_lagna_float, lbrack, rbrack,
                            args=(lat, lon, -lagna, debug))
    lbrack = lagna_end_time + 1 / 24
    rbrack = lagna_end_time + 3 / 24
    lagna_data.append((lagna, lagna_end_time))
  return lagna_data
项目:VC3D    作者:AlexanderWard1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_turbulentCf_spaldingChi(self, r=0.89):
        # Calculate the turbulent skin fricton coefficient using the Spalding Chi method
        # This is more accurate than Van driest for T_wall/self.T_adiabaticWall < 0.2
        # van Driest says r = 0.85 to 0.89 for lam to turbs
        self.r = 0.89

        # Set up the variables/coefficients for the estimate
        # Various wall temperature ratios
        TawOnT = self.T_adiabaticWall/self.T
        TwOnT = T_wall/self.T

        denominator = ( (TawOnT + TwOnT)**2. - 4.*TwOnT )**0.5

        alpha = (TawOnT + TwOnT - 2.) / denominator
        beta = (TawOnT - TwOnT) / denominator

        F_c = (TawOnT - 1.) / (np.arcsin(alpha) + np.arcsin(beta))**2.

        # Solve the implicit equation for the incompressible skin friction
        LHS = self.localReynolds / (F_c*(TawOnT**0.772 * TwOnT**-1.474))    
        K = 0.4
        E = 12.
        kappa = lambda cf: K * (2./cf)**0.5

#        bracket = (2. + (2. - kappa)**2.)*exp(kappa) - 6. - 2.*kappa - (1./12)*kappa**4. - (1./20)*kappa**5. - (1./60)*kappa**6. - (1./256)*kappa**7.
        bracket = lambda cf: (2. + (2. - kappa(cf))**2.)*exp(kappa(cf)) - 6. - 2.*kappa(cf) - (1./12)*kappa(cf)**4. - (1./20)*kappa(cf)**5. - (1./60)*kappa(cf)**6. - (1./256)*kappa(cf)**7.

        cf_inc_func = lambda cf: (1./12)*(2./cf)**2. + (1./(E*K**3.)) * bracket(cf) - LHS

            cf_inc = brentq(cf_inc_func, 5e-6, 0.1)
            cf = (1./F_c) * cf_inc

#            print "Calculation of turbulent Cf failed, Flow properties at culprit cell below."
#            print "Am I in the Wake? Running length is", self.localRunningLength, "Set cf to zero."
#            names = ['Local Re', 'length', 'mu', 'mu_wall', 'T_aw', 'T_edge', 'T_wall', 'p', 'rho', 'velocity', 'Mach']
#            properties = [float(self.localReynolds), float(self.localRunningLength),, self.mu_wall, self.T_adiabaticWall, self.T, T_wall, self.p, self.rho, self.velocityMagnitude, self.M]
#            for c1, c2 in zip(names, properties):
#                print "%-10s %s" % (c1, c2)
#            print '\n'
            cf = 0.
            self.badCfCount += 1

        if self.coneCorrectionFlag:
            # Flow is 3D, apply cone rule correction
            cf *= 1.15

        return cf

项目:VC3D    作者:AlexanderWard1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_turbulentCf(self, r=0.89):
        #print "Turbulent flow"
        # Calculate the turbulent skin fricton coefficient
        # van Driest says r = 0.85 to 0.89 for lam to turbs
        self.r = r
        # Set up the variables/coefficients for the Van Driest estimate
        aSquared = (g_inf - 1)/2. * self.r * self.M**2. * self.T/T_wall
        b = self.T_adiabaticWall/T_wall - 1
        denominator = (b**2. + 4.*aSquared)**0.5
        A = self.clean_A(aSquared, b, denominator)
        B = self.clean_B(aSquared, b, denominator)

        # Solve the implicit equation for skin friction            
        #cf_guess = 1.
        cf_func = lambda cf_turbulent: 4.15*log(self.localReynolds*cf_turbulent* + 1.7 - (asin(A) + asin(B)) / (cf_turbulent*(self.T_adiabaticWall/self.T - 1.))**0.5

            cf = brentq(cf_func, 1e-15, 0.1)
#            names = ['Local Re', 'length', 'mu', 'mu_wall', 'T_aw', 'T_edge', 'T_wall', 'p', 'rho', 'velocity', 'Mach']
#            properties = [float(self.localReynolds), float(self.localRunningLength),, self.mu_wall, self.T_adiabaticWall, self.T, T_wall, self.p, self.rho, self.velocityMagnitude, self.M]
#            for c1, c2 in zip(names, properties):
#                print "%-10s %s" % (c1, c2)
#            print '\n'
#            print "Calculation of turbulent Cf failed, Flow properties at culprit cell:"
#            print "Wake? Running length is", self.localRunningLength
#            names = ['Local Re', 'length', 'mu', 'mu_wall', 'T_aw', 'T_edge', 'T_wall', 'p', 'rho', 'velocity', 'Mach']
#            properties = [float(self.localReynolds), float(self.localRunningLength),, self.mu_wall, self.T_adiabaticWall, self.T, T_wall, self.p, self.rho, self.velocityMagnitude, self.M]
#            for c1, c2 in zip(names, properties):
#                print "%-10s %s" % (c1, c2)
#            print '\n'
            cf = 0.
            self.badCfCount += 1

        if self.coneCorrectionFlag:
            # Flow is 3D, apply cone rule correction
            cf *= 1.15 = cf

        # This is to plot lam (BLregime = 0) vs transitional (0 < BLregime < 1)
        # vs turb flow (BLregime = 1)
        self.BLregime = 1

项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findLorenzDistanceAtTargetKY(Economy,param_name,param_count,center_range,spread,dist_type):
    Finds the sum of squared distances between simulated and target Lorenz points in an economy when
    a given parameter has heterogeneity according to some distribution.  The class of distribution
    and a measure of spread are given as inputs, but the measure of centrality such that the capital
    to income ratio matches the target ratio must be found.

    Economy : cstwMPCmarket
        An object representing the entire economy, containing the various AgentTypes as an attribute.
    param_name : string
        The name of the parameter of interest that varies across the population.
    param_count : int
        The number of different values the parameter of interest will take on.
    center_range : [float,float]
        Bounding values for a measure of centrality for the distribution of the parameter of interest.
    spread : float
        A measure of spread or diffusion for the distribution of the parameter of interest.
    dist_type : string
        The type of distribution to be used.  Can be "lognormal" or "uniform" (can expand).

    dist : float
        Sum of squared distances between simulated and target Lorenz points for this economy (sqrt).
    # Define the function to search for the correct value of center, then find its zero
    intermediateObjective = lambda center : getKYratioDifference(Economy = Economy,
                                                                 param_name = param_name,
                                                                 param_count = param_count,
                                                                 center = center,
                                                                 spread = spread,
                                                                 dist_type = dist_type)
    optimal_center = brentq(intermediateObjective,center_range[0],center_range[1],xtol=10**(-6))
    Economy.center_save = optimal_center

    # Get the sum of squared Lorenz distances given the correct distribution of the parameter
    Economy(LorenzBool = True) # Make sure we actually calculate simulated Lorenz points
    Economy.distributeParams(param_name,param_count,optimal_center,spread,dist_type) # Distribute parameters
    dist = Economy.calcLorenzDistance()
    Economy(LorenzBool = False)
    print ('findLorenzDistanceAtTargetKY tried spread = ' + str(spread) + ' and got ' + str(dist))
    return dist
项目:faceNet_RealTime    作者:jack55436001    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0")
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0")

            #image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            image_size = args.image_size
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0*nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i*batch_size
                end_index = min((i+1)*batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, image_size)
                feed_dict = { images_placeholder:images, phase_train_placeholder:False }
                emb_array[start_index:end_index,:] =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array, 
                actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
项目:pyktrader2    作者:harveywwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BAWPremium( IsCall, Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp, rd, rf ):
    Early exercise premium for american spot options based on Barone-Adesi, Whaley
    approximation formula. To compute the options prices, this needs to be added to
    the european options prices.
    if Texp <= 0. or Vol <=0:
        return 0.

    T   = Texp
    K   = Strike
    D   = exp( -rd * Texp)
    Dq  = exp( -rf * Texp )
    Phi = (IsCall and 1 or -1)

    k = (D==1.) and 2./Vol/Vol or 2.* rf/Vol/Vol/(1-D)
    # the expression in the middle is really the expression on the right in the limit D -> 1
    # note that lim_{D -> 1.} log(D)/(1-D) = -1.

    beta = 2.*(rd-rf)/Vol/Vol
    if Phi == 1:
        def EarlyExerBdry( eeb ):
            x = D*BSFwd(True,eeb,K,Vol,T) + (1.-Dq*cnorm(fd1(eeb,K,Vol,T)))*eeb/q2 - eeb + K
            return x

        eeBdry = D*BSFwd(True,Fwd,K,Vol,T) + (1.-Dq*cnorm(fd1(Fwd,K,Vol,T)))* Fwd/q2 + K
        eeBdry = newton(EarlyExerBdry,eeBdry)
        if Fwd >= eeBdry:
            eePrem = -D*BSFwd(True,Fwd,K,Vol,T) + Fwd - K
            eePrem = A2 * pow(Fwd/eeBdry,q2)
    elif Phi == -1:
        def EarlyExerBdry( eeb ):
            x = D*BSFwd(False,eeb,K,Vol,T) - (1.-Dq*cnorm(-fd1(eeb,K,Vol,T)))*eeb/q1 + eeb - K
            return x

        eeBdry = -D*BSFwd(False,Fwd,K,Vol,T) + (1.-Dq*cnorm(-fd1(Fwd,K,Vol,T)))*Fwd/q1 + K
        eeBdry = brentq(EarlyExerBdry,1e-12, K)
        if Fwd <= eeBdry:
            eePrem = -D*BSFwd(False,Fwd,K,Vol,T) + K - Fwd
            eePrem = A1 * pow(Fwd/eeBdry,q1)
        raise ValueError, 'option type can only be call or put'

    return eePrem
项目:pyktrader2    作者:harveywwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __strikes_and_weights(self, opt, swaption, strike, period):
        if isinstance(swaption, BlackLognormalModel):  # lognormal model
            strike_at_maxvega = swaption.forward * np.exp(swaption.stdev ** 2 / 2)  # at which max vega occurs
            lower_bound = 1e-10  # rate must be positive
        else:  # normal model
            strike_at_maxvega = swaption.forward  # at which max vega occurs
            lower_bound = -1e2  # rate can be negative
        cutoff_vega = swaption.vega(strike_at_maxvega) / 100.0  # cutoff at vega that is 100 times smaller

        find_strike = lambda k: swaption.vega(k) - cutoff_vega
        if opt == self.Option.Cap:
            cutoff_rate = solver(find_strike, strike_at_maxvega, 1e2)  # to high end
        else:  # == self.Option.Floor
            cutoff_rate = solver(find_strike, lower_bound, strike_at_maxvega)  # to low end

        def curves(t, h):  # bumped by h, new curve with (t, T, h)
            def bump(curve):
                def newcurve(T):  # T can be float or Numpy.Array
                    return curve(T) * np.exp(-h * self.__b(t, T))  # curve(t) = 1.0

                return DiscountCurve.from_fn(t, newcurve)

            return bump(self.proj), bump(self.disc)

        def rate_to_h(swaprate):
            def find_h(h):
                newproj, newdisc = curves(period.fixdate.t, h)
                return swaption.underlier.pleg_parrate(newproj, newdisc) - swaprate

            try:  # clamped to avoid double precision overflow
                return solver(find_h, -self.__shift_clamp, self.__shift_clamp)
            except ValueError:
                return self.__shift_clamp  # only positive h causes trouble

        h_stt = rate_to_h(strike)
        h_end = rate_to_h(cutoff_rate)  # clamped if too large

        n = self.nswpns
        H = np.linspace(h_stt, h_end, n + 1)
        K = np.zeros_like(H)
        G = np.zeros_like(H)
        for i, h in enumerate(H):
            newproj, newdisc = curves(period.fixdate.t, h)
            K[i] = swaption.underlier.pleg_parrate(newproj, newdisc)
            G[i] = period.accr_cov * newdisc(period.paydate.t) / swaption.underlier.pleg.get_annuity(newdisc)
        GK = G * (K - K[0])  # [g * (k - K[0]) for g, k in zip(G, K)]

        W = np.zeros(n)
        for i in range(1, n):
            W[i - 1] = (GK[i] - W[:i].dot(K[i] - K[:i])) / (K[i] - K[i - 1])
        return K[:-1], W  # swaption at K[n] is not used
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scaleIW(self, x, method='brentq'):
        if self.verbose:
            print 'Scaling input weights...'


        scale = self.iwScale

        maxIter = 100
        accuracy = 1e-4

        method = method.lower()

        def stdErr(m):
            act = self.eval(x)
            err = np.abs(np.std(act)-scale)
            if self.verbose:
                print 'scale, mult: ', (np.std(act), m)
            return err

        def stdRoot(m):
            act = self.eval(x)
            err = np.std(act) - scale
            if self.verbose:
                print 'scale, mult: ', (np.std(act), m)
            return err

        if method == 'rprop':
            miniRProp(0.75, errFunc=stdErr,
                      maxIter=maxIter, accuracy=accuracy)

        elif method == 'brentq':
            m, r = spopt.brentq(stdRoot, 1.0e-5, 10.0, xtol=accuracy, full_output=True)
            if self.verbose:
                print 'brentq iterations: %d' % r.iterations

        elif method == 'simplex':
            r = spopt.minimize(stdErr, scale, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=accuracy,
                    options={'maxiter': 100})
            m = r.x

            raise Exception('Invalid scaleIW method %s.' % method)

项目:PyFrac    作者:GeoEnergyLab-EPFL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TipAsymInversion(w, frac, matProp, simParmtrs, dt=None, Kprime_k=None):
    Evaluate distance from the front using tip assymptotics of the given regime, given the fracture width in the ribbon
        w (ndarray-float):                      fracture width
        frac (Fracture object):                 current fracture object
        matProp (MaterialProperties object):    Material properties
        simParmtrs (SimulationParameters object): Simulation parameters
        dt (float):                             time step
        Kprime_k (ndarray-float):               Kprime for current iteration of toughness loop. if not given, the Kprime
                                                from the given material properties object will be used.
        ndarray-float:                          distance (unsigned) from the front to the ribbon cells.

    if not Kprime_k == None:
        Kprime = Kprime_k
        Kprime = matProp.Kprime[frac.EltRibbon]

    if simParmtrs.tipAsymptote == 'U':
        ResFunc = TipAsym_Universal_zero_Res
    # ResFunc = TipAsym_Universal_delt_Res
    elif simParmtrs.tipAsymptote == 'Kt':
        return 0  # todo: to be implementd
    elif simParmtrs.tipAsymptote == 'M':
        ResFunc = TipAsym_viscStor_Res
    elif simParmtrs.tipAsymptote == 'Mt':
        ResFunc = TipAsym_viscLeakOff_Res
    elif simParmtrs.tipAsymptote == 'MK':
        ResFunc = TipAsym_MKTransition_Res
    elif simParmtrs.tipAsymptote == 'K':
        return w[frac.EltRibbon] ** 2 * (matProp.Eprime / Kprime) ** 2

    (moving, a, b) = FindBracket_dist(w, frac.EltRibbon, Kprime, matProp.Eprime, frac.muPrime, matProp.Cprime,
                                      frac.sgndDist, dt, ResFunc)
    dist = -frac.sgndDist[frac.EltRibbon]
    for i in range(0, len(moving)):
        # todo: need to use the properties class
        TipAsmptargs = (w[frac.EltRibbon[moving[i]]], Kprime[moving[i]], matProp.Eprime,
                        frac.muPrime[frac.EltRibbon[moving[i]]], matProp.Cprime[frac.EltRibbon[moving[i]]],
                        -frac.sgndDist[frac.EltRibbon[moving[i]]], dt)
            dist[moving[i]] = brentq(ResFunc, a[i], b[i], TipAsmptargs)
        except RuntimeError:
            dist[moving[i]] = np.nan

    return dist

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coleman_operator(c, cp):
    The approximate Coleman operator.

    Iteration with this operator corresponds to time iteration on the Euler
    equation.  Computes and returns the updated consumption policy
    c.  The array c is replaced with a function cf that implements
    univariate linear interpolation over the asset grid for each
    possible value of z.

    c : array_like(float)
        A NumPy array of dim len(cp.asset_grid) times len(cp.z_vals)
    cp : ConsumerProblem
        An instance of ConsumerProblem that stores primitives

        The updated policy, where updating is by the Coleman

    # === simplify names, set up arrays === #
    R, ?, ?, du, b = cp.R, cp.?, cp.?, cp.du, cp.b
    asset_grid, z_vals = cp.asset_grid, cp.z_vals
    z_size = len(z_vals)
    ? = R * ?
    vals = np.empty(z_size)

    # === linear interpolation to get consumption function === #
    def cf(a):
        The call cf(a) returns an array containing the values c(a,
        z) for each z in z_vals.  For each such z, the value c(a, z)
        is constructed by univariate linear approximation over asset
        space, based on the values in the array c
        for i in range(z_size):
            vals[i] = np.interp(a, asset_grid, c[:, i])
        return vals

    # === solve for root to get Kc === #
    Kc = np.empty(c.shape)
    for i_a, a in enumerate(asset_grid):
        for i_z, z in enumerate(z_vals):
            def h(t):
                expectation = * a + z - t)), ?[i_z, :])
                return du(t) - max(? * expectation, du(R * a + z + b))
            Kc[i_a, i_z] = brentq(h, 1e-8, R * a + z + b)

    return Kc
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coleman_operator(g, grid, ?, u_prime, f, f_prime, shocks, Kg=None):
    The approximate Coleman operator, which takes an existing guess g of the
    optimal consumption policy and computes and returns the updated function
    Kg on the grid points.  An array to store the new set of values Kg is
    optionally supplied (to avoid having to allocate new arrays at each
    iteration).  If supplied, any existing data in Kg will be overwritten.

    g : array_like(float, ndim=1)
        The value of the input policy function on grid points
    grid : array_like(float, ndim=1)
        The set of grid points
    ? : scalar
        The discount factor
    u_prime : function
        The derivative u'(c) of the utility function
    f : function
        The production function f(k)
    f_prime : function
        The derivative f'(k)
    shocks : numpy array
        An array of draws from the shock, for Monte Carlo integration (to
        compute expectations).
    Kg : array_like(float, ndim=1) optional (default=None)
        Array to write output values to

    # === Apply linear interpolation to g === #
    g_func = lambda x: np.interp(x, grid, g)

    # == Initialize Kg if necessary == #
    if Kg is None:
        Kg = np.empty_like(g)

    # == solve for updated consumption value
    for i, y in enumerate(grid):
        def h(c):
            vals = u_prime(g_func(f(y - c) * shocks)) * f_prime(y - c) * shocks
            return u_prime(c) - ? * np.mean(vals)
        c_star = brentq(h, 1e-10, y - 1e-10)
        Kg[i] = c_star

    return Kg
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_steady_state(self, a, b, method='brentq', **kwargs):
        Compute the equilibrium value of capital stock (per unit
        effective labor).

        a : float
            One end of the bracketing interval [a,b].
        b : float
            The other end of the bracketing interval [a,b]
        method : str (default=`brentq`)
            Method to use when computing the steady state. Supported
            methods are `bisect`, `brenth`, `brentq`, `ridder`. See
            `scipy.optimize` for more details (including references).
        kwargs : optional
            Additional keyword arguments. Keyword arguments are method
            specific see `scipy.optimize` for details.

        x0 : float
            Zero of `f` between `a` and `b`.
        r : RootResults (present if ``full_output = True``)
            Object containing information about the convergence. In
            particular, ``r.converged`` is True if the routine

        if method == 'bisect':
            result = optimize.bisect(self.evaluate_k_dot, a, b, **kwargs)
        elif method == 'brenth':
            result = optimize.brenth(self.evaluate_k_dot, a, b, **kwargs)
        elif method == 'brentq':
            result = optimize.brentq(self.evaluate_k_dot, a, b, **kwargs)
        elif method == 'ridder':
            result = optimize.ridder(self.evaluate_k_dot, a, b, **kwargs)
            mesg = ("Method must be one of : 'bisect', 'brenth', 'brentq', " +
                    "or 'ridder'.")
            raise ValueError(mesg)

        return result
项目:facenet    作者:davidsandberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(args):

    with tf.Graph().as_default():

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing
            pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs))

            # Get the paths for the corresponding images
            paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs, args.lfw_file_ext)

            # Load the model

            # Get input and output tensors
            images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
            embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0")
            phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0")

            #image_size = images_placeholder.get_shape()[1]  # For some reason this doesn't work for frozen graphs
            image_size = args.image_size
            embedding_size = embeddings.get_shape()[1]

            # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings
            print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images')
            batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size
            nrof_images = len(paths)
            nrof_batches = int(math.ceil(1.0*nrof_images / batch_size))
            emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size))
            for i in range(nrof_batches):
                start_index = i*batch_size
                end_index = min((i+1)*batch_size, nrof_images)
                paths_batch = paths[start_index:end_index]
                images = facenet.load_data(paths_batch, False, False, image_size)
                feed_dict = { images_placeholder:images, phase_train_placeholder:False }
                emb_array[start_index:end_index,:] =, feed_dict=feed_dict)

            tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(emb_array, 
                actual_issame, nrof_folds=args.lfw_nrof_folds)

            print('Accuracy: %1.3f+-%1.3f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)))
            print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far))

            auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc)
            eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
            print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer)
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega(self, k=1, ns=1000):
        # Get parameters
        tau = self.sys.g.tau
        kc = self.sys.g.k
        w = self.sys.pll.w

        # Determine min and max values for coupling sum function
        h_min = self.sys.g.func.min()
        h_max = self.sys.g.func.max()
        c_bar = self.sys.g.get_single_site_coupling(k)
        c_bar_sum = np.sum(c_bar)       # should be 1 for normalized coupling
        h_sum_min = c_bar_sum * h_min
        h_sum_max = c_bar_sum * h_max

        # Determine search interval for s
        s_min = kc * tau * h_sum_min + w * tau
        s_max = kc * tau * h_sum_max + w * tau
        s_min = s_min - 2  # add safety margin
        s_max = s_max + 2
        if s_min < 0:
            s_min = 0.0   # exclude negative frequencies
        s = np.linspace(s_min, s_max, ns)

        # Setup coupling sum function
        h_sum = lambda x: self.get_coupling_sum(x / tau, k=k)

        # Setup implicit equation for s
        f = lambda x: kc * tau * h_sum(x) + w * tau - x

        # Find sign changes as you go along curve
        # Assumes that there are no double sign changes between two values of s
        # A finer sampling interval can be achieved by increasing ns
        i_root = get_sign_changes(f(s))
        if len(i_root) > 0:
            omega = []
            for i in range(len(i_root)):
                # Numerically solve the implicit equation for omega
                s_tmp = optimize.brentq(f, s[i_root[i]], s[i_root[i] + 1])
                omega.append(w + kc * h_sum(s_tmp))
            return omega
            raise Exception('No global synchronization frequency found.')
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_omega(self, k=1, ns=1000):
        # Get parameters
        tau = self.sys.g.tau
        kc = self.sys.g.k
        w = self.sys.pll.w

        # Determine min and max values for coupling sum function
        h_min = self.sys.g.func.min()
        h_max = self.sys.g.func.max()
        c_bar = self.sys.g.get_single_site_coupling(k)
        c_bar_sum = np.sum(c_bar)                                               # should be 1 for normalized coupling
        h_sum_min = c_bar_sum * h_min
        h_sum_max = c_bar_sum * h_max

        # Determine search interval for s
        s_min = kc * tau * h_sum_min + w * tau
        s_max = kc * tau * h_sum_max + w * tau
        s_min = s_min - 2  # add safety margin
        s_max = s_max + 2
        if s_min < 0:
            s_min = 0.0   # exclude negative frequencies
        s = np.linspace(s_min, s_max, ns)

        # Setup coupling sum function
        if tau != 0:
            h_sum = lambda x: self.get_coupling_sum(x / tau, k=k)
            h_sum = lambda x: self.get_coupling_sum(0, k=k)

        # Setup implicit equation for s
        f = lambda x: kc * tau * h_sum(x) + w * tau - x

        # Find sign changes as you go along curve
        # Assumes that there are no double sign changes between two values of s
        # A finer sampling interval can be achieved by increasing ns
        i_root = get_sign_changes(f(s))
        if len(i_root) > 0:
            omega = []
            for i in range(len(i_root)):
                # Numerically solve the implicit equation for omega
                s_tmp = optimize.brentq(f, s[i_root[i]], s[i_root[i] + 1])
                omega.append(w + kc * h_sum(s_tmp))
            return omega
            raise Exception('No global synchronization frequency found.')
项目:py_vollib    作者:vollib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def implied_volatility(price, S, K, t, r, flag):
    """Calculate the Black-Scholes implied volatility.

    :param price: the Black-Scholes option price
    :type price: float
    :param S: underlying asset price
    :type S: float
    :param K: strike price
    :type K: float
    :param t: time to expiration in years
    :type t: float
    :param r: risk-free interest rate
    :type r: float
    :param flag: 'c' or 'p' for call or put.
    :type flag: str

    >>> S = 100
    >>> K = 100
    >>> sigma = .2
    >>> r = .01
    >>> flag = 'c'
    >>> t = .5

    >>> price = black_scholes(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)
    >>> iv = implied_volatility(price, S, K, t, r, flag)

    >>> expected_price = 5.87602423383
    >>> expected_iv = 0.2

    >>> abs(expected_price - price) < 0.00001
    >>> abs(expected_iv - iv) < 0.01

    >>> sigma = 0.3
    >>> S, K, t, r, flag = 100.0, 1000.0, 0.5, 0.05, 'p'
    >>> price = black_scholes(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)
    >>> print (price)
    >>> iv = implied_volatility(price, S, K, t, r, flag)

    >>> print (round(iv, 1))

    f = lambda sigma: price - black_scholes(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)

    return brentq(