Python scipy.optimize 模块,root() 实例源码


项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        model = self.model
        S, Theta, G = self.S, self.Theta, self.G
        Uc, Un = model.Uc, model.Un

        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack([Theta * Uc(c, n) + Un(c, n), Theta * n - c - G])

        res = root(res, 0.5 * np.ones(2 * S))

        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')

        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]

        # Multiplier on the resource constraint
        self.XiFB = Uc(self.cFB, self.nFB)
        self.zFB = np.hstack([self.cFB, self.nFB, self.XiFB])
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time0_allocation(self, B_, s_0):
        Finds the optimal allocation given initial government debt B_ and state s_0
        model, pi, Theta, G, beta = self.model, self.pi, self.Theta, self.G, self.beta
        Uc, Ucc, Un, Unn = model.Uc, model.Ucc, model.Un, model.Unn

        # First order conditions of planner's problem
        def FOC(z):
            mu, c, n, Xi = z
            xprime = self.time1_allocation(mu)[2]
            return np.hstack([Uc(c, n) * (c - B_) + Un(c, n) * n + beta * pi[s_0] @ xprime,
                              Uc(c, n) - mu * (Ucc(c, n) *
                                               (c - B_) + Uc(c, n)) - Xi,
                              Un(c, n) - mu * (Unn(c, n) * n +
                                               Un(c, n)) + Theta[s_0] * Xi,
                              (Theta * n - c - G)[s_0]])

        # Find root
        res = root(FOC, np.array(
            [0, self.cFB[s_0], self.nFB[s_0], self.XiFB[s_0]]))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find time 0 LS allocation.')

        return res.x
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        Para = self.Para
        S,Theta,Uc,Un,G = self.S,self.Theta,Para.Uc,Para.Un,self.G

        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack(
            [Theta*Uc(c,n)+Un(c,n), Theta*n - c - G]
        res = root(res,0.5*np.ones(2*S))

        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')

        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]
        self.XiFB = Uc(self.cFB,self.nFB) #multiplier on the resource constraint.
        self.zFB = np.hstack([self.cFB,self.nFB,self.XiFB])
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        model = self.model
        S, Theta, Uc, Un, G = self.S, self.Theta, model.Uc, model.Un, self.G

        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack(
                [Theta * Uc(c, n) + Un(c, n), Theta * n - c - G]
        res = root(res, 0.5 * np.ones(2 * S))

        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')

        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]
        # multiplier on the resource constraint.
        self.XiFB = Uc(self.cFB, self.nFB)
        self.zFB = np.hstack([self.cFB, self.nFB, self.XiFB])
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time0_allocation(self,B_,s_0):
        Finds the optimal allocation given initial government debt B_ and state s_0
        Para,Pi,Theta,G,beta = self.Para,self.Pi,self.Theta,self.G,self.beta
        Uc,Ucc,Un,Unn = Para.Uc,Para.Ucc,Para.Un,Para.Unn

        #first order conditions of planner's problem
        def FOC(z):
            mu,c,n,Xi = z
            xprime = self.time1_allocation(mu)[2]
            return np.hstack([
            Uc(c,n)*(c-B_) + Un(c,n)*n + beta*Pi[s_0].dot(xprime),
            Uc(c,n) - mu*(Ucc(c,n)*(c-B_) + Uc(c,n)) - Xi,
            Un(c,n) - mu*(Unn(c,n)*n+Un(c,n)) + Theta[s_0]*Xi,   
            (Theta*n - c - G)[s_0]

        #find root
        res = root(FOC,np.array([0.,self.cFB[s_0],self.nFB[s_0],self.XiFB[s_0]]))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find time 0 LS allocation.')

        return res.x
项目:OpenGoddard    作者:istellartech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _nodes_LGL_old(self, n):
        """Return Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto nodes.
        Gauss-Lobatto nodes are roots of P'_{n-1}(x) and -1, 1.
        x0 = np.zeros(0)
        for i in range(2, n):
            xi = (1-3.0*(n-2)/8.0/(n-1)**3)*np.cos((4.0*i-3)/(4.0*(n-1)+1)*np.pi)
            x0 = np.append(x0, xi)
        x0 = np.sort(x0)

        roots = np.zeros(0)
        for x in x0:
            optResult = optimize.root(self._LegendreDerivative, x, args=(n-1,))
            roots = np.append(roots, optResult.x)
        nodes = np.hstack((-1, roots, 1))
        return nodes
项目:neural-decoder    作者:Krastanov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stat_estimator(samples, cutoff=200, confidence=0.99):
    '''Max Likelihood Estimator for censored exponential distribution.

    See "Estimation of Parameters of Truncated or Censored Exponential Distributions",
    Walter L. Deemer and David F. Votaw'''
    samples = samples.astype(float)
    n = (samples<cutoff).sum()
    N = len(samples)
    estimate = n/samples.sum()
    y_conf = stats.norm.ppf((1+confidence)/2)
    y = lambda c: N**0.5*(estimate/c-1)*(1-np.exp(-c*cutoff))**0.5
    low  = optimize.root(lambda c: y(c)-y_conf, estimate)
    high = optimize.root(lambda c: y(c)+y_conf, estimate)
    if not (low.success and high.success):
        raise RuntimeError('Could not find confidence interval for the given samples!')
    return np.array([1/estimate, 1/high.x, 1/low.x])
项目:scikit-discovery    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inv_cdf_dlf(p, A, m1, a1, m2, a2, start=-26, end=-15):

    Inverse Cumulative Schechter function. Second LF is set to be 2*A of first LF.

    @param p: probability
    @param A: Scale factor
    @param m1: Knee of distribution 1
    @param a1: Faint-end turnover of first lf
    @param m2: Knee of distribution 2
    @param a2: Faint-end turnover of second lf
    @param start: Brightest magnitude
    @param end: Faintest possible magnitude

    @return Magnitude associated with cdf probability p
    def get_root(p):
        return root(lambda x: cdf_dlf(x,A,m1,a1,m2,a2,start)-p, (start + end)/2).x[0]

    if np.isscalar(p):
        return get_root(p)
        return np.fromiter(map(get_root,p),np.float,count=len(p))
项目:OpenLaval    作者:istellartech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Mistar(self):
        """ get (Mi*)_max that is maximum inlet velocity ratio for supersonic starting"""

        Mistar0 = 1.5

        def func(Mistar):
            a = self.get_Q()/(1-self.get_C())
            b = Mistar**(2*self.gamma/(self.gamma -1)) * ((1-((self.gamma - 1)/(self.gamma + 1))*Mistar**2)/(Mistar**2 - ((self.gamma -1)/(self.gamma + 1))))**(1/(self.gamma -1))

            return b - a

        sol = optimize.root(func,Mistar0)

        Mistar_max = sol.x[0]

        return Mistar_max
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_all_stabilities(self, l0=np.array([1.0, 1.0]), isFullOutput=False):
        funcs = self.get_stability_functions()
        l = []
        for f in funcs:
            l_full = optimize.root(f, l0, tol=1e-14, method='lm')

        if isFullOutput:
            return l
            l_num = []
            for el in l:
                l_tmp = el.x[0] + 1j * el.x[1]
            l_num = np.array(l_num)
            return l_num
项目:qmeq    作者:gedaskir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_matrix_free(self):
        """Finds the stationary state using matrix free methods like broyden, krylov, etc."""
        solmethod = self.funcp.solmethod
        phi0_init = self.funcp.phi0_init
        if phi0_init is None:
            self.funcp.print_warning(0, "WARNING: For mfreeq=True no phi0_init is specified. "+
                                        "Using phi0_init[0]=1.0 as a default. "+
                                        "This warning will not be shown again.")
            phi0_init = self.set_phi0_init()
        solmethod = solmethod if solmethod != 'n' else 'krylov'
            self.sol0 = optimize.root(self.generate_vec, phi0_init, args=(self), method=solmethod)
            self.phi0 = self.sol0.x
            self.success = self.sol0.success
        except Exception as exept:
            self.phi0 = 0*phi0_init
            self.success = False
        self.funcp.solmethod = solmethod
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateLocation(self,r0):

        lb = np.r_[-6.,-6.,-5.]
        ub = np.r_[6.,6.,-0.1]
        # Sol = op.minimize(self.computeMisfit,r0,method='Powell',options={'xtol':1e-5})
        Sol = op.root(self.computeVecFcn,r0,method='lm',options={'xtol':1e-5})

        r0 = Sol.x

        return r0,Sol

#       DEFINE TEMTADSproblem class
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateLocation(self,r0):

        # Sol = op.minimize(self.computeMisfit,r0,method='dogleg')
        Sol = op.root(self.computeVecFcn,r0,method='lm',options={'xtol':1e-5})

        r0 = Sol.x

        return r0,Sol

#       DEFINE MPVproblem class
项目:em_examples    作者:geoscixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateLocation(self,r0):

        # Sol = op.minimize(self.computeMisfit,r0,method='dogleg')
        Sol = op.root(self.computeVecFcn,r0,method='lm',options={'xtol':1e-5})

        r0 = Sol.x

        return r0,Sol
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time1_allocation(self, mu):
        Computes optimal allocation for time t\geq 1 for a given \mu
        model = self.model
        S, Theta, G = self.S, self.Theta, self.G
        Uc, Ucc, Un, Unn = model.Uc, model.Ucc, model.Un, model.Unn

        def FOC(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:2 * S]
            Xi = z[2 * S:]
            return np.hstack([Uc(c, n) - mu * (Ucc(c, n) * c + Uc(c, n)) - Xi,          # FOC of c
                              Un(c, n) - mu * (Unn(c, n) * n + Un(c, n)) + \
                              Theta * Xi,  # FOC of n
                              Theta * n - c - G])

        # Find the root of the first order condition
        res = root(FOC, self.zFB)
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find LS allocation.')
        z = res.x
        c, n, Xi = z[:S], z[S:2 * S], z[2 * S:]

        # Compute x
        I = Uc(c, n) * c + Un(c, n) * n
        x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta * self.pi, I)

        return c, n, x, Xi
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time1_allocation(self,mu):
        Computes optimal allocation for time t\geq 1 for a given \mu
        Para = self.Para
        S,Theta,G,Uc,Ucc,Un,Unn = self.S,self.Theta,self.G,Para.Uc,Para.Ucc,Para.Un,Para.Unn
        def FOC(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:2*S]
            Xi = z[2*S:]
            return np.hstack([
            Uc(c,n) - mu*(Ucc(c,n)*c+Uc(c,n)) -Xi, #foc c
            Un(c,n) - mu*(Unn(c,n)*n+Un(c,n)) + Theta*Xi, #foc n
            Theta*n - c - G #resource constraint

        #find the root of the FOC
        res = root(FOC,self.zFB)
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find LS allocation.')
        z = res.x
        c,n,Xi = z[:S],z[S:2*S],z[2*S:]

        #now compute x
        I  = Uc(c,n)*c +  Un(c,n)*n
        x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta*self.Pi, I )

        return c,n,x,Xi
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        Para = self.Para
        S,Theta,Uc,Un,G = self.S,self.Theta,Para.Uc,Para.Un,self.G

        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack(
            [Theta*Uc(c,n)+Un(c,n), Theta*n - c - G]
        res = root(res,0.5*np.ones(2*S))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')

        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]
        IFB = Uc(self.cFB,self.nFB)*self.cFB + Un(self.cFB,self.nFB)*self.nFB

        self.xFB = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta*self.Pi, IFB)

        self.zFB = {}
        for s in range(S):
            self.zFB[s] = np.hstack([self.cFB[s],self.nFB[s],self.xFB])
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time1_allocation(self, mu):
        Computes optimal allocation for time t\geq 1 for a given \mu
        model = self.model
        S, Theta, G, Uc, Ucc, Un, Unn = self.S, self.Theta, self.G, model.Uc, model.Ucc, model.Un, model.Unn

        def FOC(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:2 * S]
            Xi = z[2 * S:]
            return np.hstack([
                Uc(c, n) - mu * (Ucc(c, n) * c + Uc(c, n)) - Xi,  # foc c
                Un(c, n) - mu * (Unn(c, n) * n + Un(c, n)) + Theta * Xi,  # foc n
                Theta * n - c - G  # resource constraint

        # find the root of the FOC
        res = root(FOC, self.zFB)
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find LS allocation.')
        z = res.x
        c, n, Xi = z[:S], z[S:2 * S], z[2 * S:]

        # now compute x
        I = Uc(c, n) * c + Un(c, n) * n
        x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta * self.pi, I)

        return c, n, x, Xi
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time0_allocation(self, B_, s_0):
        Finds the optimal allocation given initial government debt B_ and state s_0
        model, pi, Theta, G, beta = self.model, self.pi, self.Theta, self.G, self.beta
        Uc, Ucc, Un, Unn = model.Uc, model.Ucc, model.Un, model.Unn

        # first order conditions of planner's problem
        def FOC(z):
            mu, c, n, Xi = z
            xprime = self.time1_allocation(mu)[2]
            return np.hstack([
                Uc(c, n) * (c - B_) + Un(c, n) *
                n + beta * pi[s_0].dot(xprime),
                Uc(c, n) - mu * (Ucc(c, n) * (c - B_) + Uc(c, n)) - Xi,
                Un(c, n) - mu * (Unn(c, n) * n + Un(c, n)) + Theta[s_0] * Xi,
                (Theta * n - c - G)[s_0]

        # find root
        res = root(FOC, np.array(
            [0., self.cFB[s_0], self.nFB[s_0], self.XiFB[s_0]]))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find time 0 LS allocation.')

        return res.x
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        Para = self.Para
        S,Theta,Uc,Un,G = self.S,self.Theta,Para.Uc,Para.Un,self.G

        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack(
            [Theta*Uc(c,n)+Un(c,n), Theta*n - c - G]            
        res = root(res,0.5*np.ones(2*S))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')

        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]
        IFB = Uc(self.cFB,self.nFB)*self.cFB + Un(self.cFB,self.nFB)*self.nFB

        self.xFB = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta*self.Pi, IFB)

        self.zFB = {}
        for s in range(S):
            self.zFB[s] = np.hstack([self.cFB[s],self.nFB[s],self.Pi[s].dot(self.xFB),0.])
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time1_allocation(self,mu):
        Computes optimal allocation for time t\geq 1 for a given \mu
        Para = self.Para
        S,Theta,G,Uc,Ucc,Un,Unn = self.S,self.Theta,self.G,Para.Uc,Para.Ucc,Para.Un,Para.Unn
        def FOC(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:2*S]
            Xi = z[2*S:]
            return np.hstack([            
            Uc(c,n) - mu*(Ucc(c,n)*c+Uc(c,n)) -Xi, #foc c
            Un(c,n) - mu*(Unn(c,n)*n+Un(c,n)) + Theta*Xi, #foc n
            Theta*n - c - G #resource constraint

        #find the root of the FOC
        res = root(FOC,self.zFB)
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find LS allocation.')
        z = res.x
        c,n,Xi = z[:S],z[S:2*S],z[2*S:]

        #now compute x
        I  = Uc(c,n)*c +  Un(c,n)*n
        x = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta*self.Pi, I )

        return c,n,x,Xi
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_first_best(self):
        Find the first best allocation
        Para = self.Para
        S,Theta,Uc,Un,G = self.S,self.Theta,Para.Uc,Para.Un,self.G

        def res(z):
            c = z[:S]
            n = z[S:]
            return np.hstack(
            [Theta*Uc(c,n)+Un(c,n), Theta*n - c - G]            
        res = root(res,0.5*np.ones(2*S))
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception('Could not find first best')

        self.cFB = res.x[:S]
        self.nFB = res.x[S:]
        IFB = Uc(self.cFB,self.nFB)*self.cFB + Un(self.cFB,self.nFB)*self.nFB

        self.xFB = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(S) - self.beta*self.Pi, IFB)

        self.zFB = {}
        for s in range(S):
            self.zFB[s] = np.hstack([self.cFB[s],self.nFB[s],self.xFB])
项目:HYDROS    作者:dtold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_Ive_array(kperp,nb,Tpar_Tperp):
    global ive_arr
    ive_arr = np.empty((2*nb+2),dtype=np.float64)

    for j in js:
        ive_arr[j] = ive(j_shift[j],b)

#Generate plasma dispersion function array -- this has to be done any time omega or kpar
#changes, i.e. also when the root finder moves
项目:HYDROS    作者:dtold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DR(*arg):
    return dispersion_relation_analytical(*arg)

#dispersion relation evaluation used by the root finding routine
项目:HYDROS    作者:dtold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DR_RF(x):
        #For very negative imaginary parts, sometimes NaNs in the plasma dispersion function
        #occur. We just return 0,0 for gamma<-20, stopping the root solver. If all goes well,
        #the outer routines should discover the discontinuity of that solution and try again 
        #at a different point, hopefully circumventing this problem.
        if x[1]<-20:
            return [1e9,1e9]
        return [out.real,out.imag]
项目:HYDROS    作者:dtold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DR_point(params,x):
        return abs(DR(omega,beta,tau,Tpar_Tperp,kperp,kpar,gam,eta,nb,theta,k))

#Runs the root finder from a given start value and returns the result
项目:scikit-discovery    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inverse_nfw_cumulative(self, p):
        inverse of radial nfw cumulative distribution

        @param p: Probability
        @return float: Radius corresponding to probability p 
        R0 = self.__R0

        def get_root(p):
            return root(lambda z: self.nfw_cumulative(z) - p,R0/2).x[0]
        if np.isscalar(p):
            return np.fromiter(map(get_root,p),np.float, count=len(p))
项目:OpenLaval    作者:istellartech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mach_from_prandtle_meyer(self, v1):
        mach0 = 1.0

        def func(mach, v1):
            return self.get_Pr(mach) - v1

        sol = optimize.root(func, mach0, args=(v1))
        mach = sol.x[0]
        return mach
项目:OG-JRC    作者:OpenRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_n_s(cvec, w, sigma, chi_n_vec, l_tilde, b, upsilon):
    n_args = (cvec, w, sigma, chi_n_vec, l_tilde, b, upsilon)
    n_guess = 0.5 * l_tilde * np.ones_like(cvec)
    results_n = opt.root(get_n_errors, n_guess, args=(n_args),
    nvec = results_n.x

    return nvec
项目:OG-JRC    作者:OpenRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_n_s(cvec, w, sigma, chi_n_vec, l_tilde, b, upsilon, evec):
    n_args = (cvec, w, sigma, chi_n_vec, l_tilde, b, upsilon, evec)
    n_guess = 0.5 * l_tilde * np.ones_like(cvec)
    results_n = opt.root(get_n_errors, n_guess, args=(n_args),
    nvec = results_n.x

    return nvec
项目:OG-JRC    作者:OpenRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_n_s(n_args):
    (cvec, bvec, r, w, mtrxparams, factor, sigma, chi_n_vec, l_tilde,
        b_ellip, upsilon) = n_args
    n_guess = 0.5 * l_tilde * np.ones_like(cvec)
    results_n = opt.root(get_n_errors, n_guess, args=(n_args),
    nvec = results_n.x

    return nvec
项目:OG-JRC    作者:OpenRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cnbvecs(c1, args):
    bvec = (S,) vector, b_2, b3,...b_{S+1}
    (r, w, X, factor, beta, sigma, chi_n_vec, l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon,
        S, etrparams, mtrxparams, mtryparams) = args
    cvec = np.zeros(S)
    cvec[0] = c1
    nvec = np.zeros(S)
    bvec = np.zeros(S)

    n1_args = (c1, 0.0, r, w, mtrxparams, factor, sigma, chi_n_vec[0],
               l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon)
    n1 = get_n_s(n1_args)
    nvec[0] = n1
    bs_args = (r, w, X, factor, etrparams)
    b2 = get_savings(c1, n1, 0.0, bs_args)
    bvec[0] = b2
    for s in range(1, S):
        cs_init = cvec[s - 1]
        ns_init = nvec[s - 1]
        cn_init = np.array([cs_init, ns_init])
        c_sm1 = cvec[s - 1]
        b_s = bvec[s - 1]
        chi_n_s = chi_n_vec[s]
        cn_args = (c_sm1, b_s, r, w, factor, beta, sigma, chi_n_s,
                   l_tilde, b_ellip, upsilon, mtrxparams, mtryparams)
        results_cn = opt.root(get_cn, cn_init, args=(cn_args))
        c_s, n_s = results_cn.x
        cvec[s] = c_s
        nvec[s] = n_s
        b_s = bvec[s - 1]
        b_sp1 = get_savings(c_s, n_s, b_s, bs_args)
        bvec[s] = b_sp1

    return cvec, nvec, bvec
项目:OG-JRC    作者:OpenRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_n_s(cvec, w, sigma, chi_n_vec, l_tilde, b, upsilon):
    n_args = (cvec, w, sigma, chi_n_vec, l_tilde, b, upsilon)
    n_guess = 0.5 * l_tilde * np.ones_like(cvec)
    results_n = opt.root(get_n_errors, n_guess, args=(n_args),
    nvec = results_n.x

    return nvec
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stability(self, l0=np.array([1.0, 1.0])):
        funcs = self.get_stability_functions()
        l = []
        for f in funcs:
            l_full = optimize.root(f, l0, tol=1e-14)
            l_num = l_full.x[0] + 1j * l_full.x[1]
        l = np.array(l)
        i_max = np.argmax(np.real(l))
        return np.real(l[i_max]), np.imag(l[i_max])
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stability2(w, k, h, wc, tau, omega, topology, twist_number):
    d = topology.get_couling_derivate_matrix(h, twist_number, omega * tau)
    em, vm = np.linalg.eig(d)
    b = 1.0 / wc
    d_sum = np.sum(d[0, :])   # assumes that the sum of each row is the same for all rows
    lambda_zeta = []
    for i_eigen in range(len(em)):
        zeta = em[i_eigen]
        print('\n\nzeta:', zeta, '\n\n')
        def func(l):
            alpha = np.real(zeta)
            beta  = np.imag(zeta)
            x = np.zeros(2)
            x[0] = l[0] + b * l[0]**2 - b * l[1]**2 + k * d_sum - k * alpha * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.cos(l[1] * tau) - k * beta * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.sin(l[1] * tau)
            x[1] = l[1] + 2 * b * l[0] * l[1] + k * alpha * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.sin(l[1] * tau) - k * beta * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.cos(l[1] * tau)
            return x

        l_opt = optimize.root(func, np.array([0.1, 0.1]), tol=1e-14)
        l_tmp = l_opt.x[0] + 1j * l_opt.x[1]

        # Ignore solution for the eigenvector (a, a, a, ...)
        if np.max(np.abs(np.diff(vm[:, i_eigen]))) >= 1e-9:

    lambda_zeta = np.array(lambda_zeta)
    return lambda_zeta[np.argmax(np.real(lambda_zeta))]
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stability(self, l0=np.array([1.0, 1.0])):
        funcs = self.get_stability_functions()
        l = []
        for f in funcs:
            l_full = optimize.root(f, l0, tol=1e-14)
            l_num = l_full.x[0] + 1j * l_full.x[1]
        l = np.array(l)
        i_max = np.argmax(np.real(l))
        return l[i_max]
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stability(self, l0=np.array([1.0, 1.0])):
        funcs = self.get_stability_functions()
        l = []
        for f in funcs:
            l_full = optimize.root(f, l0, tol=1e-14)
            l_num = l_full.x[0] + 1j * l_full.x[1]
        l = np.array(l)
        i_max = np.argmax(np.real(l))
        return l[i_max]
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stability(self, l0=np.array([1.0, 1.0])):
        funcs = self.get_stability_functions()
        l = []
        for f in funcs:
            l_full = optimize.root(f, l0, tol=1e-14)
            l_num = l_full.x[0] + 1j * l_full.x[1]
        l = np.array(l)
        i_max = np.argmax(np.real(l))
        return np.real(l[i_max]), np.imag(l[i_max])
项目:OpenCool    作者:arkharin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(self, circuit, initial_conditions, **kwargs):
        ndarray_initial_conditions = np.array(initial_conditions)
        self._solution = root(self._get_equations_error, ndarray_initial_conditions, args=circuit)
        return circuit
项目:pythermophy    作者:j-jith    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_reduced_volume(self, Tr, pr, fluid, **kwargs):
        Returns the reduced volume :math:`v_r`.

        This is done by solving the following nonlinear equation:

        .. math::

            \\frac{p_r v_r}{T_r} = 1 + \\frac{B(T_r)}{v_r} + \\frac{C(T_r)}{v_r^2}
            + \\frac{D(T_r)}{v_r^5} + \\frac{c_4}{T_r^3 v_r^2}
            (\\beta + \\frac{\gamma}{v_r^2}) \exp(-\\frac{\gamma}{v_r^2})

        :param Tr: reduced temperature (:math:`T_r = T/T_c`)
        :type Tr: float
        :param pr: reduced pressure (:math:`p_r = p/p_c`)
        :type pr: float
        :param fluid: specifies if the fluid is *simple* or *reference*
        :type fluid: str
        :keyword init_vol: (optional kwarg) initial guess for reduced volume to be used in the
            nonlinear solver
        :type init_vol: float

        :return: reduced volume
        :rtype: float
        if fluid=='reference':
            i = 1
        elif fluid=='simple':
            i = 0
            return None

        B = self.get_B(Tr, fluid)
        C = self.get_C(Tr, fluid)
        D = self.get_D(Tr, fluid)

        def objfun(x):
            return -pr*x/Tr + 1 + B/x + C/x**2 + D/x**5 + self.c4[i]/Tr**3/x**2 * (self.beta[i] + self.gamma[i]/x**2) * exp(-self.gamma[i]/x**2)

        # initial gues for nonlinear solver
        if 'init_vol' in kwargs:
            init_vol = kwargs['init_vol']
            init_vol = Tr/pr
            #if pr<1:
            #    init_vol = 10.
            #    init_vol = 0.1
            #if Tr/pr > 1:
            #    init_vol = 10.
            #    init_vol = Tr/pr

        #vol, info, ier, mesg = fsolve(objfun, init_vol)
        result = spo.root(objfun, init_vol, method='lm')

        if len(result.x) == 1:
            return result.x[0]
            return result.x
项目:HYDROS    作者:dtold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DR_Solve(params,start):

        if solt.get('success')==False:
            x, infodict, ier, mesg = fsolve(DR_RF, x0=start,maxfev=0,
                            full_output=1,xtol=1e-6, epsfcn=1e-6)
            x = solt.get('x')
        if ier:
            print('Converged after', nfev, 'iterations',file=outfile)
            print('\n RESULT:',(x[0],x[1]),'\n',file=outfile)
            print('DR residual:', residual,file=outfile)
            if abs(residual)>1e-8: 
                print('WARNING: Large residual, root may not be properly converged!',file=outfile)
                return None, None, None, None, 0,residual
            omega_z = x[0]+1j*x[1]
            compeigvec=None #for complex components
            u, v = eig(mat)
            move=abs(x[0]-start[0])+abs(x[1]-start[1]) #will be 0 if it doesn't move

        # Get the eigenvectors.
            print('Smallest eigenvalue',eps,file=outfile)
            for i in range(3):
                if abs(u[i]) < eps and eps < 1e-4:
                    #print ("Smallest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector:",file=outfile)
                    #print (abs(u[i]),file=outfile)
                    for j in range(3):
            return x[0],x[1],By,dn,1,residual
            return None, None, None, None, 0,-1
项目:OpenLaval    作者:istellartech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transition_arc(self, Rstar0, vmin, vmax, angle, delta_v):
        """ lower transition arc function
            Rstar0 (float) : initial R*
            vmin (float) : small v(Prandtle-Meyer angle) [deg]
            vmax (float) : large v(Prandtle-Meyer angle) [deg]
            angle (float) : rotate angle from Y* to y* [deg]
            delta_v (float) : interval Prandtle-Meyer angle  [deg]
        kmin = 1
        kmax = int((vmax - vmin)/delta_v) + 1
        k = np.arange(kmin, kmax)

        xstar_l = np.zeros(k.size)
        ystar_l = np.zeros(k.size)
        xstar_l[-1] = 0
        ystar_l[-1] = Rstar0
        func_Rstar = 2 * np.radians(vmax) - np.pi / 2 * (np.sqrt((self.gamma + 1) / (self.gamma - 1)) - 1) - np.radians(2 * (k - 1) * delta_v)

        def func(Rstar, func_Rstar_i):
            return 2 * self.chara_line(Rstar) - func_Rstar_i

        Rstar = np.zeros(func_Rstar.size)
        for (i, f_Rstar) in enumerate(func_Rstar):
            sol = optimize.root(func, Rstar0, args=(f_Rstar))
            Rstar[i] = sol.x[0]

        fai_k = np.radians(vmax - vmin - (k - 1) * delta_v)
        xstar_k = - Rstar * np.sin(fai_k)
        ystar_k = Rstar * np.cos(fai_k)
        myu_k = - np.arcsin(np.sqrt(((self.gamma + 1) / 2) * Rstar**2 - (self.gamma - 1) / 2))

        m_k =[]
        for (i, j) in enumerate(k[:-1]):
            m_k += [np.tan((fai_k[i] + fai_k[j])/2 + (myu_k[i] + myu_k[j])/2)]
        mbar_k = np.tan(fai_k[1:])

        Xstar_l, Ystar_l = self.rotate(xstar_l[-1], ystar_l[-1], angle)
        x, y = [Xstar_l], [Ystar_l]
        xprev = 0
        for i in range(kmax - kmin - 2, 0, -1):
            a = ystar_l[i+1] - mbar_k[i] * xstar_l[i+1]
            b = ystar_k[i] - m_k[i] * xstar_k[i]
            c = m_k[i] - mbar_k[i]
            xstar_l[i] =  (a - b) / c
            ystar_l[i] = (m_k[i]*a -mbar_k[i]*b)/c
            if (angle > 0):
                xtemp = xstar_l[i]
                assert xtemp < xprev, "initial vu or vl must be changed"
                xtemp = - xstar_l[i]
                assert xtemp > xprev, "initial vu or v0 must be changed"

            Xstar_l, Ystar_l = self.rotate(xtemp, ystar_l[i], angle)

            x += [(Xstar_l)]
            y += [(Ystar_l)]

            xprev = xtemp
        return x, y
项目:OpenLaval    作者:istellartech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_leading_edge(self, delta=8, offset=0.1):
        """ if you don't want to make the end small angle, adjust the end by
        change the angle and the offset
            delta (float) : Increment of edge angle
            offset (float) : offset ratio by G*(shift) from row lower-surface
        t = self.shift * offset

        x1 = self.upper_convex_in_x_end
        y1 = self.upper_convex_in_y_end
        x2 = self.lower_concave_in_x_end
        y2 = self.lower_concave_in_y_end

        def func1(x):
            func1 = np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_in)) * x + y1 - np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_in)) * x1 - t
            func2 = np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_in + delta)) * x + y2 - np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_in + delta)) * x2 + self.shift
            return func1 - func2

        x = optimize.root(func1,-1)
        y = np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_in + delta)) * x.x[0] + y2 - np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_in + delta)) * x2 + self.shift

        self.upper_straight_in_x = [x1, x.x[0]]
        self.upper_straight_in_y = [y1, y]
        self.edge_straight_in_x = [x2,x.x[0]]
        self.edge_straight_in_y = [y2 + self.shift + t,y]

        x1 = self.upper_convex_out_x_end
        y1 = self.upper_convex_out_y_end
        x2 = self.lower_concave_out_x_end
        y2 = self.lower_concave_out_y_end

        def func2(x):
            func1 = np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_out)) * x + y1 - np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_out)) * x1 - t
            func2 = np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_out - delta)) * x + y2 - np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_out - delta)) * x2 + self.shift
            return func1 - func2

        x = optimize.root(func2,1)
        y = np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_out - delta)) * x.x[0] + y2 - np.tan(np.deg2rad(self.beta_out - delta)) * x2 + self.shift

        self.upper_straight_out_x = [x1, x.x[0]]
        self.upper_straight_out_y = [y1, y]
        self.edge_straight_out_x = [x2,x.x[0]]
        self.edge_straight_out_y = [y2 + self.shift + t,y]

        self.shift = self.shift + t
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stability(n, w, k, h, m, tau, omega, wc):
    # Dependent parameters
    b = 1.0 / wc
    dhdt = h.get_derivative()
    phi_m = (2 * np.pi * m) / n

    # Compute stability for root-based frequencies
    alpha_plus = k * dhdt(-omega * tau - phi_m)
    alpha_minus = k * dhdt(-omega * tau + phi_m)

    e_mat = np.zeros((n, n))
    e_mat[0, -1] = alpha_plus
    e_mat[0, 1] = alpha_minus
    for ik in range(1, n - 1):
        e_mat[ik, ik - 1] = alpha_plus
        e_mat[ik, ik + 1] = alpha_minus
    e_mat[-1, 0] = alpha_minus
    e_mat[-1, -2] = alpha_plus
    em, vm = np.linalg.eig(e_mat)

    lambda_nu = []
    for inu in range(len(em)):
        nu = em[inu]
        #print 'tau = %.3f: %.6f + 1j * %.6f' % (tau, np.real(nu), np.imag(nu))
        def func(l):
            mu = np.real(nu)
            gamma = np.imag(nu)
            x = np.zeros(2)
            x[0] = b * l[0]**2 - b * l[1]**2 + l[0] + 0.5 * (alpha_plus + alpha_minus) - 0.5 * mu * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.cos(l[1] * tau) - 0.5 * gamma * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.sin(l[1] * tau)
            x[1] = 2 * b * l[0] * l[1] + l[1] + 0.5 * mu * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.sin(l[1] * tau) - 0.5 * gamma * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.cos(l[1] * tau)
            return x

        l_opt = optimize.root(func, np.array([1.0, 1.0]), tol=1e-15)
        l_tmp = l_opt.x[0] + 1j * l_opt.x[1]
        if np.max(np.abs(np.diff(vm[:, inu]))) >= 1e-9:

    lambda_nu = np.array(lambda_nu)
    return lambda_nu[np.argmax(np.real(lambda_nu))]

# ##############################################################################
项目:delayCoupledDPLLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stability(n, w, k, h, m, tau, omega, wc):
    # Dependent parameters
    b = 1.0 / wc
    dhdt = h.get_derivative()
    phi_m = (2 * np.pi * m) / n

    # Compute stability for root-based frequencies
    alpha_plus = k * dhdt(-omega * tau - phi_m)
    alpha_minus = k * dhdt(-omega * tau + phi_m)

    e_mat = np.zeros((n, n))
    e_mat[0, -1] = alpha_plus
    e_mat[0, 1] = alpha_minus
    for ik in range(1, n - 1):
        e_mat[ik, ik - 1] = alpha_plus
        e_mat[ik, ik + 1] = alpha_minus
    e_mat[-1, 0] = alpha_minus
    e_mat[-1, -2] = alpha_plus
    em, vm = np.linalg.eig(e_mat)

    lambda_nu = []
    for inu in range(len(em)):
        nu = em[inu]
        #print 'tau = %.3f: %.6f + 1j * %.6f' % (tau, np.real(nu), np.imag(nu))
        def func(l):
            mu = np.real(nu)
            gamma = np.imag(nu)
            x = np.zeros(2)
            x[0] = b * l[0]**2 - b * l[1]**2 + l[0] + 0.5 * (alpha_plus + alpha_minus) - 0.5 * mu * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.cos(l[1] * tau) - 0.5 * gamma * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.sin(l[1] * tau)
            x[1] = 2 * b * l[0] * l[1] + l[1] + 0.5 * mu * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.sin(l[1] * tau) - 0.5 * gamma * np.exp(-l[0] * tau) * np.cos(l[1] * tau)
            return x

        l_opt = optimize.root(func, np.array([1.0, 1.0]), tol=1e-15)
        l_tmp = l_opt.x[0] + 1j * l_opt.x[1]
        if np.max(np.abs(np.diff(vm[:, inu]))) >= 1e-9:

    lambda_nu = np.array(lambda_nu)
    return lambda_nu[np.argmax(np.real(lambda_nu))]

# ##############################################################################
# 1. Define triangle wave
# ##############################################################################