Python scipy.optimize 模块,nnls() 实例源码


项目:ernest    作者:amplab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self):
    print "Fitting a model with ", len(self.training_data), " points"
    labels = np.array([row[2] for row in self.training_data])
    data_points = np.array([self._get_features(row) for row in self.training_data])
    self.model = nnls(data_points, labels)
    # TODO: Add a debug logging mode ?
    # print "Residual norm ", self.model[1]
    # print "Model ", self.model[0]
    # Calculate training error
    training_errors = []
    for p in self.training_data:
      predicted = self.predict(p[0], p[1])
      training_errors.append(predicted / p[2])

    print "Average training error %f%%" % ((np.mean(training_errors) - 1.0)*100.0 )
    return self.model[0]
项目:AND4NMF    作者:PrincetonML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decoding(self):
        D = self.A_true.shape[1]
        num_doc = self.Y.shape[1]
        Z = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((D, num_doc)))
        A = np.asarray(self.A.copy())
        Y = np.asarray(self.Y.copy())
        for i in range(num_doc):
            Yi = np.array(Y[:, i]).flatten()
            t, bla = nnls(A, Yi)
            Z[:, i] = np.asmatrix(t).transpose()
        Z = np.asmatrix(Z)
        return Z
项目:AND4NMF    作者:PrincetonML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decoding(self):
        D = self.A_true.shape[1]
        num_doc = self.Y.shape[1]
        Z = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((D, num_doc)))
        for i in range(num_doc):
            Yi = np.array(self.Y[:, i].copy()).flatten()
            A = np.asarray(self.A.copy())
            t, bla = nnls(A, Yi)
            Z[:, i] = np.asmatrix(t).transpose()
        Z = np.asmatrix(Z)
        return Z
项目:AND4NMF    作者:PrincetonML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decoding(self):
        D = self.A_true.shape[1]
        num_doc = self.Y.shape[1]
        Z = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((D, num_doc)))
        for i in range(num_doc):
            Yi = np.array(self.Y[:, i].copy()).flatten()
            A = np.asarray(self.A.copy())
            t, bla = nnls(A, Yi)
            Z[:, i] = np.asmatrix(t).transpose()
        Z = np.asmatrix(Z)
        return Z
项目:AND4NMF    作者:PrincetonML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decoding(self):
        D = self.A_true.shape[1]
        num_doc = self.Y.shape[1]
        Z = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((D, num_doc)))

        for i in range(num_doc):
            Yi = np.array(self.Y[:, i].copy()).flatten()
            A = np.asarray(self.A.copy())
            t, bla = nnls(A, Yi)
            Z[:, i] = np.asmatrix(t).transpose()

        Z = np.asmatrix(Z)
        return Z
项目:Lyssandra    作者:ektormak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nn_omp(X, D, n_nonzero_coefs=None, tol=None):
    """ The Non Negative OMP algorithm of
        'On the Uniqueness of Nonnegative Sparse Solutions to Underdetermined Systems of Equations'"""

    n_samples = X.shape[1]
    n_atoms = D.shape[1]
    Z = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_samples))
    _norm = np.sum(D ** 2, axis=0)
    for i in range(n_samples):

        x = X[:, i]
        r = x
        z = np.zeros(n_atoms)
        Dx = np.array([]).astype(int)
        j = 0
        if n_nonzero_coefs is not None:
            tol = 1e-20

            def cont_criterion():
                not_reached_sparsity = j < n_nonzero_coefs
                return (not_reached_sparsity and norm(r) > tol)
            cont_criterion = lambda: norm(r) > tol

        while (cont_criterion()):
            a =, r)
            a[a < 0] = 0
            e = (norm(r) ** 2) - (a ** 2) / _norm
            k = np.argmin(e)
            Dx = np.append(Dx, k)

            z_est = nnls(D[:, Dx], x)[0]
            r = x -[:, Dx], z_est)
            j += 1

        if j != 0:
            z[Dx] = z_est
        Z[:, i] = z
    return Z
项目:pysptools    作者:ctherien    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def NNLS(M, U):
    NNLS performs non-negative constrained least squares of each pixel
    in M using the endmember signatures of U.  Non-negative constrained least
    squares with the abundance nonnegative constraint (ANC).
    Utilizes the method of Bro.

        M: `numpy array`
            2D data matrix (N x p).

        U: `numpy array`
            2D matrix of endmembers (q x p).

    Returns: `numpy array`
        An abundance maps (N x q).

        Bro R., de Jong S., Journal of Chemometrics, 1997, 11, 393-401.
    import scipy.optimize as opt

    N, p1 = M.shape
    q, p2 = U.shape

    X = np.zeros((N, q), dtype=np.float32)
    MtM =, U.T)
    for n1 in range(N):
        # opt.nnls() return a tuple, the first element is the result
        X[n1] = opt.nnls(MtM,, M[n1]))[0]
    return X
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _train(self, method='nnl1reg',  lam_drop=1.0, lam_pot = 0.5, lam_avi = 3.0, **kwargs):
        determine the model parameters -- lam_drop, lam_pot, lam_avi are
        the regularization parameters.
        self.lam_pot = lam_pot
        self.lam_avi = lam_avi
        self.lam_drop = lam_drop
        if len(self.train_titers)==0:
            print('no titers to train')
            self.model_params = np.zeros(self.genetic_params+len(self.sera)+len(self.test_strains))
            if method=='l1reg':  # l1 regularized fit, no constraint on sign of effect
                self.model_params = self.fit_l1reg()
            elif method=='nnls':  # non-negative least square, not regularized
                self.model_params = self.fit_nnls()
            elif method=='nnl2reg': # non-negative L2 norm regularized fit
                self.model_params = self.fit_nnl2reg()
            elif method=='nnl1reg':  # non-negative fit, branch terms L1 regularized, avidity terms L2 regularized
                self.model_params = self.fit_nnl1reg()

            print('rms deviation on training set=',np.sqrt(self.fit_func()))

        # extract and save the potencies and virus effects. The genetic parameters
        # are subclass specific and need to be process by the subclass
        self.serum_potency = {serum:self.model_params[self.genetic_params+ii]
                              for ii, serum in enumerate(self.sera)}
        self.virus_effect = {strain:self.model_params[self.genetic_params+len(self.sera)+ii]
                             for ii, strain in enumerate(self.test_strains)}
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_nnls(self):
        from scipy.optimize import nnls
        return nnls(self.design_matrix, self.titer_dist)[0]
项目:channel-pruning    作者:yihui-he    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nnls(A, B):
    def func(b):
        return optimize.nnls(A, b)[0]
    return np.array(map(func, B))
项目:Echobase    作者:akhambhati    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_nnlsm():
    print '\nTesting nnls routines ...'
    m = 100
    n = 10
    k = 200
    rep = 5

    for r in xrange(0, rep):
        A = np.random.rand(m, n)
        X_org = np.random.rand(n, k)
        X_org[np.random.rand(n, k) < 0.5] = 0
        B =
        # B = np.random.rand(m,k)
        # A = np.random.rand(m,n/2)
        # A = np.concatenate((A,A),axis=1)
        # A = A + np.random.rand(m,n)*0.01
        # B = np.random.rand(m,k)

        import time
        start = time.time()
        C1, info = nnlsm_blockpivot(A, B)
        elapsed2 = time.time() - start
        rel_norm2 = nla.norm(C1 - X_org) / nla.norm(X_org)
        print 'nnlsm_blockpivot:    ', 'OK  ' if info[0] else 'Fail',\
            'elapsed:{0:.4f} error:{1:.4e}'.format(elapsed2, rel_norm2)

        start = time.time()
        C2, info = nnlsm_activeset(A, B)
        num_backup = 0
        elapsed1 = time.time() - start
        rel_norm1 = nla.norm(C2 - X_org) / nla.norm(X_org)
        print 'nnlsm_activeset:     ', 'OK  ' if info[0] else 'Fail',\
            'elapsed:{0:.4f} error:{1:.4e}'.format(elapsed1, rel_norm1)

        import scipy.optimize as opt
        start = time.time()
        C3 = np.zeros([n, k])
        for i in xrange(0, k):
            res = opt.nnls(A, B[:, i])
            C3[:, i] = res[0]
        elapsed3 = time.time() - start
        rel_norm3 = nla.norm(C3 - X_org) / nla.norm(X_org)
        print 'scipy.optimize.nnls: ', 'OK  ',\
            'elapsed:{0:.4f} error:{1:.4e}'.format(elapsed3, rel_norm3)

        if num_backup > 0:
        if rel_norm1 > 10e-5 or rel_norm2 > 10e-5 or rel_norm3 > 10e-5:
        print ''