Python scipy.optimize 模块,linprog() 实例源码


项目:PySAT    作者:USGS-Astrogeology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mario_helper(bands, s, poly_order, opts, callback):
    # Build the polynomial basis over the bands.
    P = hermvander(bands, poly_order - 1)
    f = P.sum(axis=0)

    if HAS_CVXOPT:
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = opts['disp']
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = opts['maxiter']
        solvers.options['abstol'] = opts['tol']
        solvers.options['reltol'] = opts['tol']
        solvers.options['feastol'] = 1e-100  # For some reason this helps.
            res = solvers.lp(cvx_matrix(f), cvx_matrix(-P), cvx_matrix(-s))
        except ValueError as e:
            # This can be thrown when poly_order is too large for the data size.
            res = {'status': e.message, 'x': None}
        return res, P

    res = linprog(f, A_ub=-P, b_ub=-s, bounds=(-np.inf, np.inf), options=opts,
    res = {'status': res.message, 'x': res.x if res.success else None}
    return res, P
项目:CombinatorialAuctions    作者:clu8    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def additive_valuation_approximation(all_bids, i):
    All bidders are either unit-demand or not. For non-unit-demand bidders,
    performs linear programming to minimize estimated v_ij for each item j
    given Av = b, where each A(r, :) indicates items in bundle and b(r)
    indicates corresponding bid. Then adds all estimated bids for all
    bundles in power set of union of bundles bidder i submitted a bid for. 
    all_items = list(set.union(*(set.union(*(items for items, bid in bids)) for bids in all_bids)))
    item_to_idx = {item: i for i, item in enumerate(all_items)}

    def gen_approximate_bids(bids):
        v_bounds = (0, None)
        A = np.array([[-1 if item in items else 0 for item in all_items] for items, bid in bids])
        b = np.array([-bid for items, bid in bids])
        v = linprog(np.ones(len(all_items)), A_ub=A, b_ub=b, bounds=v_bounds)['x']

        def approximate_bid(items):
            return sum(v[item_to_idx[item]] for item in items)

        bidder_items = set.union(*(items for items, bid in bids))
        return [(set(subset), approximate_bid(subset)) for subset in powerset(bidder_items)]

    return [bids if is_unit_demand(bids) else gen_approximate_bids(bids) for bids in all_bids]
项目:interleaving    作者:mpkato    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _compute_probabilities(self, lists, rankings):
        Solve the optimization problem in
        (Multileaved Comparisons for Fast Online Evaluation, CIKM'14)

        lists: lists of document IDs
        rankings: a list of Ranking instances

        Return a list of probabilities for input rankings
        # probability constraints
        A_p_sum = np.array([1]*len(rankings))
        # unbiasedness constraints
        ub_cons = self._unbiasedness_constraints(lists, rankings)
        # sensitivity
        sensitivity = self._sensitivity(lists, rankings)

        # constraints
        A_eq = np.vstack((A_p_sum, ub_cons))
        b_eq = np.array([1.0] + [0.0]*ub_cons.shape[0])

        # solving the optimization problem
        res = linprog(sensitivity, # objective function
            A_eq=A_eq, b_eq=b_eq, # constraints
            bounds=[(0, 1)]*len(rankings) # 0 <= p <= 1
        return res.success, res.x,
项目:Nashpy    作者:drvinceknight    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_feasible_point(halfspaces):
    Use linear programming to find a point inside the halfspaces (needed to
    define it).

    Code taken from scipy documentation:


        halfspaces: a matrix representation of halfspaces


        numpy array
    norm_vector = np.reshape(np.linalg.norm(halfspaces[:, :-1], axis=1),
                             (halfspaces.shape[0], 1))
    c = np.zeros((halfspaces.shape[1],))
    c[-1] = -1
    A = np.hstack((halfspaces[:, :-1], norm_vector))
    b = - halfspaces[:, -1:]
    res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b)
    return res.x[:-1]
项目:DryVR    作者:qibolun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def k_gamma_calc(A,b,c):

    # use scipy.optimize.linprog
    from scipy.optimize import linprog
    k_bounds = (0, None)    # k >= 1, i.e. log(k) >= 0
    gamma_bounds = (None, None)
    res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, bounds=(k_bounds, gamma_bounds))
    k = exp(res.x[0])
    gamma = res.x[1]

    # use glpk

    lp = glpk.LPX() = 'logk_gamma'
    lp.obj.maximize = False             # set this as a minimization problem
    lp.rows.add(len(A))                 # append rows to this instance
    for i in range(len(b)):
        lp.rows[i].bounds = None, b[i]  # set bound: entry <= b[i]
    lp.cols.add(2)                      # append two columns for k and gamma to this instance
    lp.cols[0].name = 'logk'
    lp.cols[0].bounds = 0.01, 10.0     # k >= 1, i.e. log(k) >= 0
    lp.cols[1].name = 'gamma'
    lp.cols[1].bounds = None, None      # no constraints for gamma
    lp.obj[:] = c                       # set objective coefficients
    lp.matrix = np.ravel(A)             # set constraint matrix; convert A to 1-d array
    lp.simplex()                        # solve this LP with the simplex method
    k = exp(lp.cols[0].primal)
    gamma = lp.cols[1].primal

    return k, gamma

#Main part
# start = time.time()

# dim = 1     # dimension index of the variable we want to calculate coefficients for
项目:bareon-allocator    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(self):
        """Solves linear program.

        :return: solution vector
        lp_solution = linprog(
            A_eq=self.linear_program.equality_constraint_matrix or None,
            b_eq=self.linear_program.equality_constraint_vector or None,
            A_ub=self._make_upper_constraint_matrix() or None,
            b_ub=self._make_upper_constraint_vector() or None,
            options={"disp": False})


        # Naive implementation of getting integer result
        # from a linear programming algorithm, MIP
        # (mixed integer programming) should be considered
        # instead, but it may have a lot of problems (solution
        # of such equations is NP-hard in some cases),
        # for our practical purposes it's enough to round
        # the number down, in this case we may get `n` megabytes
        # unallocated, where n is len(spaces) * len(disks)
        solution_vector = utils.round_vector_down(lp_solution.x)

        return solution_vector
项目:aether    作者:kosticlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_LP(num_types,names,prices,procs,gbRAM,freestorage,max_cost_in_previous_time_window,account_limits,min_cores,min_ram,min_free_storage,max_cost_hour,ram_per_job,procs_per_job,aws_instances):
    c = prices
    A_i = [procs,gbRAM,freestorage]
    b_i = [min_cores,min_ram,min_free_storage]
    A = map(lambda x: map(lambda y:y*-1,x),A_i)
    b = map(lambda z: z*-1,b_i)
    for i in range(0,num_types):
        append_a = [0] * num_types
        append_a[i] = 1
        add_a = append_a+append_a
    A_limits = []
    b_limits = []
    for i in range(0,num_types):
        a_arr = [0]*num_types
        a_arr[i] = 1
        new_a = a_arr+a_arr
    cost = 0
    status = 4
    while status != 0:
        A_t = A
        b_t = b
        if cost > max_cost_hour:
        bounds_input = map(lambda x: (0,x),account_limits)
        lp_output = linprog(c,A_ub=A_t,b_ub=b_t,bounds=tuple(bounds_input))
        #lp_output = linprog(c,A_ub=A_t,b_ub=b_t,bounds=tuple(bounds_input),options={"bland": True})
        if status == 0:
    lp_output_n = linprog(c,A_ub=A,b_ub=b,bounds=tuple(bounds_input),options={"bland": True})
    return lp_output,lp_output_n