Java插值搜索 Java线性搜索 Java迭代二元搜索 Java插值搜索 package search; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * * Interpolation search algorithm implementation * * Worst-case performance O(n) * Best-case performance O(1) * Average performance O(log(log(n))) if the elements are uniformly distributed if not O(n) * Worst-case space complexity O(1) * */ class InterpolationSearch { /** * @param array is a sorted array * @param key is a value what shoulb be found in the array * @return an index if the array contains the key unless -1 */ public int find(int array[], int key) { // Find indexes of two corners int start = 0, end = (array.length - 1); // Since array is sorted, an element present // in array must be in range defined by corner while (start <= end && key >= array[start] && key <= array[end]) { // Probing the position with keeping // uniform distribution in mind. int pos = start + (((end-start) / (array[end]-array[start]))*(key - array[start])); // Condition of target found if (array[pos] == key) return pos; // If key is larger, key is in upper part if (array[pos] < key) start = pos + 1; // If key is smaller, x is in lower part else end = pos - 1; } return -1; } // Driver method public static void main(String[] args) { Random r = new Random(); int size = 100; int maxElement = 100000; int[] integers = IntStream.generate(() -> r.nextInt(maxElement)).limit(size).sorted().toArray(); //the element that should be found Integer shouldBeFound = integers[r.nextInt(size - 1)]; InterpolationSearch search = new InterpolationSearch(); int atIndex = search.find(integers, shouldBeFound); System.out.println(String.format("Should be found: %d. Found %d at index %d. An array length %d" , shouldBeFound, integers[atIndex], atIndex, size)); int toCheck = Arrays.binarySearch(integers, shouldBeFound); System.out.println(format("Found by system method at an index: %d. Is equal: %b", toCheck, toCheck == atIndex)); } } Java线性搜索 Java迭代二元搜索