C语言strlen函数实例 C语言自定义输入输出函数 C语言strcat函数实例 C语言strlen函数实例 /* test_fit.c -- try the string-shrinking function */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* contains string function prototypes */ void fit(char *, unsigned int); int main(void) { char mesg[] = "Things should be as simple as possible," " but not simpler."; puts(mesg); fit(mesg,38); puts(mesg); puts("Let's look at some more of the string."); puts(mesg + 39); return 0; } void fit(char *string, unsigned int size) { if (strlen(string) > size) string[size] = '\0'; } C语言自定义输入输出函数 C语言strcat函数实例